SingaporeMotherhood | Parenting
March 2016
5 Super Mums in Singapore share their Parenting Tips this IWD!

It’s International Women’s Day today! Take a break, grab a cuppa, sit back, relax, and tap into the mummy wisdom of these five Singaporean super mums.
Ding Zhen Xin, 34, is a homeschooling mum and a social entrepreneur. She co-founded Preschool Market, a social enterprise that supports early childhood practitioners, children, and parents through meaningful projects. Zhen Xin is mum to Mattias Hoon, 6, and Mark Hoon, 3.
Successful mum motto: I think that a successful mum is one who helps their children navigate the complexities of the changing world and builds a strong relationship with them through life, from baby to adulthood.
Best mum advice ever received: Be a mother that your child will be proud of. It is so different from what everyone is pursuing – to have a child to do them proud. It reminds me daily that I am my child’s role model, and for him to trust in me and for me to guide him effectively, he should be proud of me as his mother.
Parenting tip for other mums: Spend more time with your child. In a child’s dictionary, love is spelt T-I-M-E. They grow up too fast asnd if we don’t invest our time in them now, they will probably be too busy for us in the future.
What would you celebrate about women in Singapore? I would celebrate stay-at-home mums for their contribution to society in taking care of the home. It is so important that we give our children a sense of belonging and security in their formative years. This will help them in the future.
Elizabeth Wu, 35, is the co-founder and Education Director at Trehaus, Singapore’s only co-working space that offers in-house child-minding facilities. Elizabeth is mother to Ben, 7, Becks, 6, and Nat, 4.
Successful mum motto: To me, a successful mum is a mother who is at peace with whatever decisions she’s chosen to make for her career, whether it’s choosing to be a stay-home mom, a working mum, or an entrepreneur, and at the same time present and involved in parenting her children.
Best mum advice ever received: ‘This too shall pass’. It’s something my mum friends and I say to encourage ourselves when the going gets tough; it’s also a reminder to ourselves to seize the magical moments in motherhood.
Parenting tip for other mums: Remember that motherhood is for the long haul, so soldier on and you’ll find your groove.
What would you celebrate about women in Singapore?Increasingly, many mothers are making huge sacrifices for their children, from parent volunteering and staying home, to starting a business and educating themselves about parenthood. I salute women who have chosen to put their little ones before themselves, and I think every one of us should be given uninterrupted time to relax and unwind on this day – all by ourselves!”
Katherine Sng, 38, is the founder of, an online magazine for cosmopolitan mums who live an empowered life with their little ones. Katherine is mum to Evan, 4.
Successful mum motto: To me, a successful mum is one can juggle work and family with ease, who is able to take good care of the family (husband, children and herself), and able to create quality family time despite having a full-time job. Raising good children and keeping the family together makes a mum successful.
Best mum advice ever received: I received lots of advice from my mother, sisters, and friends when I had Evan. The best was from my friend Theresa who told me to keep calm and give lots of hugs and kisses to my son when he is throwing a tantrum. This method helped him to calm down and make sense of what I was trying to tell him.
Parenting tip for other mums: Take good care of yourself so that you can better care for your children. Write down or note down whatever you need to remember in a carry-around notebook or in your phone. Spend as much time with your family time as possible but remember to maintain some (sanity) and time for yourself!
Julie Chiang, 37, is the public relations director of Asia PR Werkz, an all-female company. Julie is mother to Dylan, 4, Daphne, 3, and Drew, 7 months.
Successful mum motto: A successful mother is someone who finds the balance in her life, both at work and at play. She is successful when she takes things in her own stride. Missed that first swimming class because of work? No worries – go for the next one. Missed baby’s first step? It’s okay. There will be many other firsts. As mums and in particular, working mums, we tend to put too much pressure on ourselves and that’s not healthy for our children, husband and other family members.
Best mum advice ever received: “Do what you think is right.” Many people around you are happy to share advice but they forget they are not leading your life. They forget that every situation and every child is different. It’s good to listen, but choose what works best for you.
Parenting tip for other mums: Learn to accept help. Understand that you cannot do it all. Not being able to put the kids to bed does not mean you have failed. If your parents, in-laws or close friends want to lend you a hand, say thank you and accept it. Take two to three hours an evening, now and then, to enjoy a meal with your partner without worrying about the kids.
What would you celebrate about women in Singapore? Women are fortunate in Singapore. There are so many things we can celebrate. The freedom to walk on the streets safely at night, the freedom to go to school to get an education, and the freedom to be in the workforce. On IWD, I choose to celebrate the freedom women have in Singapore. And I would do it over a glass of wine with my female friends.
Yvon Bock, 36, is the founder and managing director of Hegen Pte Ltd, which launched the world’s first stackable baby bottle without a screw neck. She has four children – Russell, 12, Brandon, 10, Lucas, 8, and Kimberly, 6.
Successful mum motto: As long as we understand what we do and do it with passion, that is all that matters. Success is relative and is defined by yourself.
Best mum advice ever received: I was once told that children should adapt to our lifestyle and not vice-versa.
Parenting tip for other mums: Always remember that you are not just a mother but also a wife. Do not neglect your spouse after the baby arrives. Don’t beat yourself up for things that do not go according to plan. Nobody is perfect. Just do the best that you can and cherish the moments you have with your loved ones. Anyone in a mother’s position understands that it is never easy to juggle multiple roles and responsibilities. You don’t need to prove to anyone that it is easy.
What would you celebrate about women in Singapore? I think Singaporean mothers are very capable and have the amazing ability to multi-task. Whether they are stay-at-home moms or full time working moms, they will never neglect the well-being of their family and children. For IWD, let’s recognise the achievements and importance of women at home, work and in our society.
Do you agree with these super mums? What’s your favourite parenting tip, what advice would you give to other mums and mums-to-be, and what would you celebrate about women in Singapore this International Women’s Day? Tell us in the comments below!
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