Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

@bubblesun79 and @Tulipsrainbow



请问老师如果亲人 往生,在往生的49天能念什么经回向 is the best for the deceased?
简单的念 “南摩阿弥陀佛“可以吗?
会念经的人可以念 《佛说阿弥陀经》, 《心经》,《大悲咒》?
念经前,除了不吃荤,有没有什么禁忌?例如:生理期不能念经, 晚上不能念经,等?
请问老师如果亲人 往生,在往生的49天能念什么经回向 is the best for the deceased?
简单的念 “南摩阿弥陀佛“可以吗?
会念经的人可以念 《佛说阿弥陀经》, 《心经》,《大悲咒》?
念经前,除了不吃荤,有没有什么禁忌?例如:生理期不能念经, 晚上不能念经,等?

Hello apple,
老师有提过不能回响,况且经文不能乱碰。I have attached a similar post for your reference. Hope this helps :)


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Hi Rubilite,

Thanks for the reply.

I read in the earlier pages that someone 念经 for a deceased for 49 days and 老师 mentioned ok.
Hi Ladies, I will be returning eggs to Zhu sheng niang niang at shuang Lin shi Kim keat tml noon, interested ladies can feel free to go pray and collect some eggs and may all be blessed with babies soon.
老师, i will like to ask how can we calculate a couple 八字 to know how many kids the couple will have and how many girl or boy?

Hello vivian1985,
Are you asking teacher to help you calculate or? If it's to ask teacher to help calculate, teacher don't calculate anymore.
i check if he can teach me or tell me how to calculate?


you can check ZWDS free reading on line under children palace.

It is 70-80% accurate not 100%.Try for fun and as a guide only. Don't try it if
you can't take bad news. By doing good deeds etc will also alter one's destiny so this is for reference only.


you can check ZWDS free reading on line under children palace.

It is 70-80% accurate not 100%.Try for fun and as a guide only. Don't try it if
you can't take bad news. By doing good deeds etc will also alter one's destiny so this is for reference only.


How do i actually read and understand what it mean for the result?

I do not know how reliable the websites are but I treat it as a entertainment purposes. Have fun trying out but not over superstition.
Just goggle and you will be able to find a few of them.
知道not accurate还share? 那种是骗人娱乐的website.

世界上除了medical scanning(B超扫描)之外,另一种就是民俗方法断定。

说一说古代鉴定生男生女的方法。朝廷御医才有这个办法断定生男生女。御医是宫廷皇上大臣御用的大夫(医生)。他们一旦说错,要抄家斩首,不是开玩笑的。所以,御医有非常准确的医学常识,问诊、把脉、观相等等,得到的结论是super accurate.

另外,朝廷的钦天监(Professor中的professor in geology, astrology and meteorology)也是重要的职位。他们没神通,但是却能观星探象,就能知道未来的事。判断能力准确无比!Able to have a boy or girl or pregnant with a boy or girl, they will be able to tell right away.


Are you asking teacher to help you calculate or? If it's to ask teacher to help calculate, teacher don't calculate anymore.

Members usually read the lastest post. They forgotten or neglect reading the past postings.
请问老师如果亲人 往生,在往生的49天能念什么经回向 is the best for the deceased?
还“回向”?looks like you didn't read my past postings.

Use the forum search engine. Else if, click here.

请问老师如果亲人 往生,在往生的49天能念什么经回向 is the best for the deceased?
简单的念 “南摩阿弥陀佛“可以吗?
会念经的人可以念 《佛说阿弥陀经》, 《心经》,《大悲咒》?
念经前,除了不吃荤,有没有什么禁忌?例如:生理期不能念经, 晚上不能念经,等?


《阿弥陀经》, 《心经》,又《大悲咒》,吓死人了。自己就不要来。搞不好,念之后,自己一大堆病跑出来。一般人没吃素,突然念佛没power没感应的。念的经completely打折扣了!
This Friday is 注生娘娘 date, anyone know where can we pray?
And what to bring/buy along to pray?

Hello Vivian1985,
Copied from page 1 the list provided by teacher. I am not sure about the praying part, maybe you can call and ask. Hope this helps :)


Venue No.: 1 - 崇义庙/半港天后宫 (@ Sengkang; Bakau LRT station)
View map:http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_41632/travel_site_90505/
Remark: 面向崇义堂,右侧就是天后宫(正神:妈祖/天后娘娘)。天后娘娘的右边即是“注生娘娘”。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/ChongYi

Venue No.: 2 - 都城隍庙 (@ Tanjong Pagar)
Remark: 进入城隍庙第一道大门(铁门不算),左侧有供奉一些专署的神明位置 - 包公神台、注生娘娘神台、清水祖师神台。得拜主神城隍爷先,然后再拜注生娘娘。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/TPChengHuang

Venue No.: 3 - 韭菜芭城隍庙 Lorong Koo Chye Sheng Hong Temple (@ Paya Lebar/MacPherson)
Remark: 进入城隍大殿的最右边神台,供奉地母、注生娘娘、 观音、 天后。
后排左起:观音佛祖、注生娘娘、地母之尊。窍门得拜主神城隍爷先。求子愿望可跪在注生娘娘面前。尽管放心,没有人会朝笑。自己觉得不舒服拜阴神的话,无需勉强自己。其他众阴神不拜没有关系的。In the past, devotees are able to walk in right infront to altar. After renovation, 神台隔远多了。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/PLChengHuang

Venue No.: 4
- 莲山双林寺/双林城隍庙 (@ Toa Payoh/Kim Keat)
Remark: 双林城隍庙坐落于莲山双林寺范围之内。双林城隍庙内有两尊注生娘娘。祖神城隍爷的右边便是注生娘娘,而另一尊注生娘娘是有抱小孩。多数前去向注生娘娘求子的,是有抱小孩的那尊神像。另外提醒,莲山双林寺(观音殿、天王殿等属于‘阳庙’),城隍庙(则是‘阴庙’)。本人不建议去了‘阴庙’再去‘阳庙’或者,去了‘阳庙’再去‘阴庙’。外面也是一样。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/SLChengHuang

Venue No.: 5
- 玉皇殿 (@ Havelock)
Remark: 主神乃玉皇大帝,不拜不行。可向玉皇大帝表明你的来历以及此行的目的。玉皇大帝的左手边,有道门可以进入后殿。进入后殿便可看到注生娘娘了以及‘七娘嫲’(福建话)。可以买花献给注生娘娘,无须把花拿回。要买什么花都可以。若有供水果,拜完之后拿回去吃。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/YuHuang

Venue No.: 6 - 东岳庙 (@ Kg Bahru)
Map: http://www.streetdirectory.com/sg/tang-gan-beo/6-bukit-purmei-099866/8874_5747.html
Remark: 主神乃东岳大帝。主神左边即是注生娘娘。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/DongYueTemple

I'm returning some red eggs to Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Temple this afternoon, 10 May 2015. Do go down after lunch time to collect some if you wish to :)
Can someone help me to find laoshi as he did not reply my pm... Really nd to find him as I nd to know what type of chant sld I chant for my little one who jus left me. As I rem reading from his previous msg before that we cannot anyhow chant so I really nd him to advise me.

Thank you.
If i take 2 eggs from zsnn, can i eat both the eggs instead of hubby take 1 and i take1? Sometimes my hubby need to travel for work and may not be in Singapore. Thank you in advance for your advice. :)
Can someone help me to find laoshi as he did not reply my pm... Really nd to find him as I nd to know what type of chant sld I chant for my little one who jus left me. As I rem reading from his previous msg before that we cannot anyhow chant so I really nd him to advise me.

Thank you.

Hello Oekmer,
念经的前题是吃素。农历七月居士林,光明山等各大佛堂会有超度法会。你可以去报名办超度。这页里有一些关于超度的贴。可以用搜索器来搜索。Hope this helps.
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My friend is having suicide thought.... not sure is there any way to help her... I have tried saying whatever I can but she is depressed
Hello cpteo,
其实这时候告诉她因果未必能帮她。谁在心情消沉时喜欢听道理? 多陪陪朋友让她诉苦,发泄完了或许就好了。她肯说是好事,那些不说的才怕。自己钻不出就真的会做傻事。我的同事就是静静的,没人知道他有忧郁症。一天就这样跳楼走了。非常年轻。

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Depressed people need professional help, not talk talk can resolve. Sometimes need medication to recover.

TE="cpteo, post: 7955552, member: 65144"]My friend is having suicide thought.... not sure is there any way to help her... I have tried saying whatever I can but she is depressed[/QUOTE]
My friend is having suicide thought.... not sure is there any way to help her... I have tried saying whatever I can but she is depressed

I will be returning 100 eggs. Going in the morning about 8 plus instead of in the afternoon.

Thanks babe! I was always slow in catching the returned eggs and finally I have chance this time round lol.
Any idea what should I do in return? How many egg should I take and what to do with the egg?

TIA <3
