Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

或者,妈妈很宠爱儿子,却忽略了爸爸的感受,导致爸爸吃醋了。 不知道,你有没有察觉这些啊?




曾经有个整身tattoo仔,从RTC释放出来时候,依然跟他父母的感情不好,也曾经屡次动手打他的爸爸!老师彻底给tattoo kiia洗脑两年 - 乖乖念经吃长素,教他念经。从爱吃chicken chop-减少到吃nasi lemak-fish cake-然后肉边菜,后来慢慢吃素。想不到真的癞蛤蟆吃到天鹅肉了, 娶了很好的老婆会捏他耳朵的。他终于学乖了,昔日的老虎变成小猫似的。跟家人的感情好了很多,一家五口时不时去马来西亚玩。看到了没?从自己做起啊!要是这个tattoo仔继续吸白粉,迟早被去捉去hang了。


全Singapore就只有这个forum board讲深入因果。You can't find a second local forum talked about this. You have to be confident and proud that you are reading a real source from me (老师),绝对不是听阿狗阿猫乱说,放100个心好了。你可以跟你的朋友分享,invite them come to this forum. Read from page 1 onwards.

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Hi All,

We will be returning 50 red eggs to Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Shi temple on 27 September 14 (Saturday) at 2pm.
U r most welcome to come and collect the red eggs.

Address : 184E Jalan Toa Payoh Singapore 319941

Tel: (65) 6259 6924

Baby Dust to all. :):)
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Sorry I very mountain turtle, may I ask, when we collect the red eggs, do we take a pair? And wife eat both? Or hubby eat one, wife eat one?

Just now I went to the TPY temple. 1st time there and I notice there are two 注生娘娘。the centre one and another one by the LHS side. If I wan to buy fruits/ flowers there, where do I place them? In front of which ZSNN?

Sorry I very mountain turtle, may I ask, when we collect the red eggs, do we take a pair? And wife eat both? Or hubby eat one, wife eat one?

Just now I went to the TPY temple. 1st time there and I notice there are two 注生娘娘。the centre one and another one by the LHS side. If I wan to buy fruits/ flowers there, where do I place them? In front of which ZSNN?


Hi babyjuan,

U take 2 eggs, 1 for urself and 1 for ur hubby. U put all ur offering in front of the zsnn who is carrying a baby. The statues is at the left side of the temple, where u can see a few individual god statue.

Hope it help. All the best..
Hi All,

We will be returning 50 red eggs to Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Shi temple on 27 September 14 (Saturday) at 2pm.
U r most welcome to come and collect the red eggs.

Address : 184E Jalan Toa Payoh Singapore 319941

Tel: (65) 6259 6924

Baby Dust to all. :):)
thanks! i will be there~~
Hi babyjuan,

U take 2 eggs, 1 for urself and 1 for ur hubby. U put all ur offering in front of the zsnn who is carrying a baby. The statues is at the left side of the temple, where u can see a few individual god statue.

Hope it help. All the best..

Thanks for sharing the info! :) :)
Hi All,

We will be returning 50 red eggs to Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Shi temple on 27 September 14 (Saturday) at 2pm.
U r most welcome to come and collect the red eggs.

Address : 184E Jalan Toa Payoh Singapore 319941

Tel: (65) 6259 6924

Baby Dust to all. :):)

Hi everyone, this is a reminder that we will be returning the red eggs to Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Shi temple tomorrow 27 Sept 14 at 2pm.
Cheers! :)
Hi Toblerone 老师,
can help me and my husband see bazi? can pm me thanks
got one zhiweidoushu master calculate our bazi using zhiweidoushu, he said my husband dont have 儿子命 and mine 子女宫 blank no star. currently we have a daughter.
Hi Toblerone 老师,
can help me and my husband see bazi? can pm me thanks
got one zhiweidoushu master calculate our bazi using zhiweidoushu, he said my husband dont have 儿子命 and mine 子女宫 blank no star. currently we have a daughter.

Toblerone don't come after me if I am wrong ah... 大人有大 量ok. gingin I rem Toblerone saying that be doesn't help people to see 儿女命anymore
Hi Toblerone Master,

Is it possible to consult you on auspicious date for my 2nd time csect? Hope to hear from you.
Hi All,

We will be returning 50 red eggs to Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Shi temple on 27 September 14 (Saturday) at 2pm.
U r most welcome to come and collect the red eggs.

Address : 184E Jalan Toa Payoh Singapore 319941

Tel: (65) 6259 6924

Baby Dust to all. :):)

Hi @nana2014, I took the eggs! Thank you and hope to have good news soon :)


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Venue No.: 1 - 崇义庙/半港天后宫 (@ Sengkang; Bakau LRT station)
View map: http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_41632/travel_site_90505/
Remark: 面向崇义堂,右侧就是天后宫(正神:妈祖/天后娘娘)。天后娘娘的右边即是“注生娘娘”。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/ChongYi

Venue No.: 2 - 都城隍庙 (@ Tanjong Pagar)</font>
Map: http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_8910/travel_site_3693/
Remark: 进入城隍庙第一道大门(铁门不算),左侧有供奉一些专署的神明位置 - 包公神台、注生娘娘神台、清水祖师神台。得拜主神城隍爷先,然后再拜注生娘娘。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/TPChengHuang

Venue No.: 3 - 韭菜芭城隍庙 Lorong Koo Chye Sheng Hong Temple (@ Paya Lebar/MacPherson)
Map: http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_7773/travel_site_53514/
Remark: 进入城隍大殿的最右边神台,供奉地母、注生娘娘、 观音、 天后。
后排左起:观音佛祖、注生娘娘、地母之尊。窍门得拜主神城隍爷先。求子愿望可跪在注生娘娘面前。尽管放心,没有人会朝笑。自己觉得不舒服拜阴神的话,无需勉强自己。其他众阴神不拜没有关系的。In the past, devotees are able to walk in right infront to altar. After renovation, 神台隔远多了。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/PLChengHuang

Venue No.: 4
- 莲山双林寺/双林城隍庙 (@ Toa Payoh/Kim Keat)
Map: http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_5069/travel_site_40334/
Remark: 双林城隍庙坐落于莲山双林寺范围之内。双林城隍庙内有两尊注生娘娘。祖神城隍爷的右边便是注生娘娘,而另一尊注生娘娘是有抱小孩。多数前去向注生娘娘求子的,是有抱小孩的那尊神像。另外提醒,莲山双林寺(观音殿、天王殿等属于‘阳庙’),城隍庙(则是‘阴庙’)。本人不建议去了‘阴庙’再去‘阳庙’或者,去了‘阳庙’再去‘阴庙’。外面也是一样。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/SLChengHuang

Venue No.: 5
- 玉皇殿 (@ Havelock)
Map: http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_3056/travel_site_12560/
Remark: 主神乃玉皇大帝,不拜不行。可向玉皇大帝表明你的来历以及此行的目的。玉皇大帝的左手边,有道门可以进入后殿。进入后殿便可看到注生娘娘了以及‘七娘嫲’(福建话)。可以买花献给注生娘娘,无须把花拿回。要买什么花都可以。若有供水果,拜完之后拿回去吃。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/YuHuang

Venue No.: 6 - 东岳庙 (@ Kg Bahru)
Map: http://www.streetdirectory.com/sg/tang-gan-beo/6-bukit-purmei-099866/8874_5747.html
Remark: 主神乃东岳大帝。主神左边即是注生娘娘。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/DongYueTemple
Hi Joylon,







送子观音是不是也是求子的?我偶尔会到 Bt.Batok 竹林寺拜拜 :D


想到TCM调理增加受孕机会。。可有好介绍?我听说Bishan TCM Ning 不错!

Dont know why i have polpys again..after i removed 2yrs ago..and seems no medicine can remove polpys and fibroids aparts from Surgery :(

Or Is there 神明to pray for health? 是拜观音? I go Si ma lu 观音庙at least once a month.


老师想了一个temporary的办法,稍微方便让大家联系老师。于是,set up了WeChat communication channel.

Now, here is the procedure to add:

Step 1: Make sure you have WeChat app installed in your smartphone.
Step 2: Be sure you are using WeChat version 5.3.1
Here is how you check - Go to 'Setting' - 'About'.

Get ready to scan. Return to the main menu and do it from step 3.
Step 3: For iphone user - There are should be four tabs 'Chats', 'Contact', 'Discover' and 'Me'.
  • Select 'Discover' - 'Scan QR Code'.
  • Alternatively, you may hit the '+' sign on the main menu, then, select 'Scan QR Code'.
Step 3: For android phone user - There are three tabs 'Chats', 'Discover, and 'Contacts'.
  • Select 'Discover' - 'Scan QR Code' .
  • Alternatively, you may hit the '+' sign on the main menu, then, select 'Scan QR Code'.
You will be prompted to align the QR Code within the frame to scan. Simply aim with your scanner from your mobile phone at my QR Code on the screen (the picture below). And thats' it! It will auto scan. After adding, let me know who you are (your ID or name).

- QR Code disabled -​

  1. General queries should be ok. 老师不搞服务。一律谢绝算命、怀孕、看生儿育女、解签疑问。
  2. I am not in WeChat not 24/7. 有空就回复。
  3. This WeChat communication ideal is a trial run. So, it may be temporary.
  4. Most importantly, if there are any queries in the thread, anybody is welcome to help and relay/direct it to me. 还有,必须代替老师回复。大家受益。Nonetheless, if you have came across somebody who has made similar queries, and you think you can answer based on the past postings, please help. Unsure的话,可以向老师询问。

QR code 不见了。不能加了吗?
1) I got married with my husband (july 2014) bc of baby (pregnant in April 2014). In the beginning, we are suppose to be married last year dec but we had a huge quarrel and we ended up cancelling the marriage. Many ppl advise me to leave cz we been quarreling big and small.. my husband is a really petty man as in if u offend him he will get angry w u for a long long time.. but I feel he is still a gd husband material and stick to him despite all...
Now the thing is my sister (born in same year, not twins) also hot married in the same year Jun 2014 and we both attended each other wedding. Hers was a grand one while mine was a simple one with no guo da li and all... does it affect me or husband or baby?

2) now the worst part is I have working problem all along and I took the pregnancy to give myself a break from work but at the same time my husband was retrenched and our flat is coming with renovation everything expenses coming..he has difficulty finding a job due to his limitations from his previous job (he worked more than 10 years in almost same capacity in same co) may I know is it bc of baby he has pretty low luck recently? As such I would like to choose an auspicious date for my baby, will u rec?

Really hope u can help me..
I have read all the post from page 1 to 148 and appreciated ur reads and ability to clear some of the mummies problems.. hope u can help me..
Many many thx...
1) I got married with my husband (july 2014) bc of baby (pregnant in April 2014). In the beginning, we are suppose to be married last year dec but we had a huge quarrel and we ended up cancelling the marriage. Many ppl advise me to leave cz we been quarreling big and small.. my husband is a really petty man as in if u offend him he will get angry w u for a long long time.. but I feel he is still a gd husband material and stick to him despite all...
Now the thing is my sister (born in same year, not twins) also hot married in the same year Jun 2014 and we both attended each other wedding. Hers was a grand one while mine was a simple one with no guo da li and all... does it affect me or husband or baby?
恩爱的时候,海枯石烂,什么都不管。每次等到老公有外遇的时候,才来求神拜佛到处问。男人handsome没有用,太过有钱也没有用。Wedding ceremony big or not不是问题。老师看过,bping-bping-pbiang-pbiang的grand wedding. 结果,有麻烦出问题。Let's aside cast for the time being.

首先,娶嫁最重要的是三个环节(in sequence):



外面择日服务收费是公道,少过一百 and I not suprise the fee is less than $50. 跟你熟的,也不一定收费。自己觉得这钱不舍得出(吝啬),包个几块钱,找个会看通书的老阿嫲/老阿pek选。至少,以后不会headache. 其实,真正会择日的大师,才不看通书,通书对他们来说是supplementary and optional reader digest。

Younger generation of Singaporeans bo-chaap all these traditional/customary methods! bo hiew! Don't think, don't care and don't believe. They must be thinking lots of money, better don't trust and don't seek advice. Everything is in our control.... blah blah blah.

老师在美国参加ang-moh的婚宴,会自己暗中偷算。新郎进行宣誓on that perticular date and time, 冲新郎非常凶。20日之后,急性胃溃疡, hospitalised. Insurance paid for medical expenses. 还有一个NWA空姐结婚。她年龄有点大,不过看起来很年轻。女方必须负责所有的婚礼,老师提议,提早一个星期。早已经算好了,可是ang-moh不接受。婚礼过后空姐就kenna stroke and she lost her job. 天意啊...老师已经开口了,对方不信没办法。

还有一次,有关ang-moh要做kitchen stove. 老师建议在指定的日子做修造(demolishing the entire kitchen stove),万交待要他请半天假看动工,可是他没听进去。真的是stubborn,五黄飞会力士,却去修造。后果麻烦的要死。

话说回来,事情过来就不要去想了。你读了这个帖子,就有这方面的知识了。民俗学(择日、风水)不是每个人能接受或者理解,不懂的人会认为迷信。遇到super well educated ones, 老师会随缘。Anyway, 事情做了,不要往回头了。
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2) now the worst part is I have working problem all along and I took the pregnancy to give myself a break from work but at the same time my husband was retrenched and our flat is coming with renovation everything expenses coming..he has difficulty finding a job due to his limitations from his previous job (he worked more than 10 years in almost same capacity in same co) may I know is it bc of baby he has pretty low luck recently? As such I would like to choose an auspicious date for my baby, will u rec?


择日生产 - date selection for c-sect 是给孩子造命。有难度的。

每个的八字命盘不同。命运跟着命盘走,就是说八字怎么样,人生命运就会怎么样。为什么命相师能说得那么准,都是有根据。一个人漂亮不漂亮、一个人工作顺不顺利、一个人富不富有、丈夫有没有女人、有没有桃花、脾气坏不坏、有没有经常发生意外、有没有经常开刀等等,这些都可以算得出。功夫练到家的师父,铁齿断金准得不得了。有道德的命理师,不大要讲。讲得太真,会害人睡不着觉。即使命理师讲得再准,也还不是这样。 没抄手不道德的命理师,有钱什么都讲,这种撑不了多久的。

有些人说,生产要最好的,让孩子以后做Prime Minister/总统的命,岂不是很容易。此言差矣。要是父母、祖先没有那份福报善业,硬给孩子择出Prime Minister/总统的命,出世后百分百有麻烦。家里没钱又缺德事做尽,上天不可能会安排孩子出世长大后当另一个Li Ka Shing or Breaktalk King George Quek.

老师给人义务择日,每10对夫妇,就有2对成功,其余7对不成功的理由很多 -

不满足:不喜欢在2-3am give birth, suka-suka选时辰。


I have read all the post from page 1 to 148 and appreciated ur reads and ability to clear some of the mummies problems.. hope u can help me..Many many thx...
老师能解答的,尽量就是。你有心读很好。Frequently asked questions can be found.
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Saw your reply to some post today..hope to receive your reply also..感恩!

你提到新加坡拜注生生娘娘不一定要换花,想请问什么是换花?I try to search from other forum..but cant find the ans..






送子观音是不是也是求子的?我偶尔会到 Bt.Batok 竹林寺拜拜 :D


想到TCM调理增加受孕机会。。可有好介绍?我听说Bishan TCM Ning 不错!

Dont know why i have polpys again..after i removed 2yrs ago..and seems no medicine can remove polpys and fibroids aparts from Surgery :(

Or Is there 神明to pray for health? 是拜观音? I go Si ma lu 观音庙at least once a month.

Dear 老师, 我之前有post message to choose timing for 2nd c-sect... 因为我的gynae choose his time to deliver at 8am Then will have no extra cost so will like to know If the time is good... If not I have to pay more $$ to doctor. 不求子大富大贵, 只要好好的就好。

还有要问的是您有个经是给胎的。。but cannot find in the forum....
老师,谢谢您的回复 :) 感恩。不求大富大贵,只愿给孩子有个幸福美满温心的家。希望孩子长大快乐健康有个还算顺的人生。
where can i get the 《药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经》? I am currently 5 months, hope to 念给未出世的孩子... is it too late?

I've mentioned it on a post dated 'Monday, April 15, 2013 - 7:49 pm' click here 新加坡拜注生娘娘不需要换花。

For your case, 你想要到四马路观音堂求子换花。这个方式嘛,我倒没听说过。


There are two issues,希望你明白。
1. 准你换花,并不代表准包生孩子的意思。
2. 众仙菩萨得到请求,能帮的有定限。

七色花 we can buy from any florist? If we go to any temple to pray 注生娘娘 and if was given 胜杯’准换花..will there be a possibility no red or white flowers in vase at temple?

If our 神台no vase?

Tuliprainbow, teacher don't see anymore.

Cpteo, that 经文 is call 保胎经. Only teacher has it, it's not posted in this forum and you cannot get it outside as it's a combination of 经。Hope this helps
Hi where got Zhu Sheng Niang Niang Temple?


Venue No.: 1 - 崇义庙/半港天后宫 (@ Sengkang; Bakau LRT station)
View map: http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_41632/travel_site_90505/
Remark: 面向崇义堂,右侧就是天后宫(正神:妈祖/天后娘娘)。天后娘娘的右边即是“注生娘娘”。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/ChongYi

Venue No.: 2 - 都城隍庙 (@ Tanjong Pagar)</font>
Map: http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_8910/travel_site_3693/
Remark: 进入城隍庙第一道大门(铁门不算),左侧有供奉一些专署的神明位置 - 包公神台、注生娘娘神台、清水祖师神台。得拜主神城隍爷先,然后再拜注生娘娘。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/TPChengHuang

Venue No.: 3 - 韭菜芭城隍庙 Lorong Koo Chye Sheng Hong Temple (@ Paya Lebar/MacPherson)
Map: http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_7773/travel_site_53514/
Remark: 进入城隍大殿的最右边神台,供奉地母、注生娘娘、 观音、 天后。
后排左起:观音佛祖、注生娘娘、地母之尊。窍门得拜主神城隍爷先。求子愿望可跪在注生娘娘面前。尽管放心,没有人会朝笑。自己觉得不舒服拜阴神的话,无需勉强自己。其他众阴神不拜没有关系的。In the past, devotees are able to walk in right infront to altar. After renovation, 神台隔远多了。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/PLChengHuang

Venue No.: 4
- 莲山双林寺/双林城隍庙 (@ Toa Payoh/Kim Keat)
Map: http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_5069/travel_site_40334/
Remark: 双林城隍庙坐落于莲山双林寺范围之内。双林城隍庙内有两尊注生娘娘。祖神城隍爷的右边便是注生娘娘,而另一尊注生娘娘是有抱小孩。多数前去向注生娘娘求子的,是有抱小孩的那尊神像。另外提醒,莲山双林寺(观音殿、天王殿等属于‘阳庙’),城隍庙(则是‘阴庙’)。本人不建议去了‘阴庙’再去‘阳庙’或者,去了‘阳庙’再去‘阴庙’。外面也是一样。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/SLChengHuang

Venue No.: 5
- 玉皇殿 (@ Havelock)
Map: http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_3056/travel_site_12560/
Remark: 主神乃玉皇大帝,不拜不行。可向玉皇大帝表明你的来历以及此行的目的。玉皇大帝的左手边,有道门可以进入后殿。进入后殿便可看到注生娘娘了以及‘七娘嫲’(福建话)。可以买花献给注生娘娘,无须把花拿回。要买什么花都可以。若有供水果,拜完之后拿回去吃。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/YuHuang

Venue No.: 6 - 东岳庙 (@ Kg Bahru)
Map: http://www.streetdirectory.com/sg/tang-gan-beo/6-bukit-purmei-099866/8874_5747.html
Remark: 主神乃东岳大帝。主神左边即是注生娘娘。
Photo album:http://bit.ly/DongYueTemple
Hi Toblerone laoshi, I would like to check with you on whether there is any 补救 if I never 安床 properly durung wedding? I married young and didnt 安床 properly and dismissed my mother's warnings to not touch the bed before wedding. In fact, i slept on wedding bed before marriahe. When we move to new house, we never an chuang. Now that im trying for a baby and I have great difficulty, I wonder if it was because I nv 安床? Any ways to salvage it?
Hi 老师,

Have read thru the previous post ..have 疑问 and require the expertise of 老师 help. Hope you able to reply when you are free to this extremely long msg.

Celebrate birthday
1) So it will be better don't celebrate bday at all? For elderly and ourselves? My mum always feel that one shldnt celebrating bday shd be 清清

2) U said to celebrate English bday..and celebrate only their 农历 if person no longer around. My mum will cook sumptous meal to pray during ancestor 忌日。So will also need to pray on ancestors 农历生日?

3)My mum will cook our ancestor some of their favourite food to pray,chicken pork dishes etc. But it might be quite tough for her to buy and cook and clean the kitchen as she is getting older. U tink are we able to change to buying some fruits and 斋菜? Will the ancestors blame us?"Pua Bei" and ask for approval?

4) If giving bday present or ang pow to eldery or niece and nephews,is this consider as celebrating bday?

5) Actually can we eat 满月,喜饼。。


1)If we pay and ask the temple to 放生 instead of we personally be at the exact 现场,is it same 布施效果?

2)Is there a minimum quantity to 放? And to 放 fishes and crabs will be more gong de right?

3) 放生 is better to be for person who are vegetarian? Bcos My 大伯母 say cannot anyhow 放生,You are encouraging pp to catch the fishes or birds and then u let them free again? And also she say if we 放生鱼,以后就不可以吃鱼。放生鸟,以后就不可以吃鸟蛋。放生螃蟹,以后就不可以吃螃蟹。是真的吗?
We are not vegan. but we do eat 素during 1,15th lunar month and guan yin 诞。 For me previously, i only probably eat 素 1,15 and b4 I go pray temple to pray guan yin. but now i decide to have more days of 素 like during some breakfast and lunch..while dinner might be 荤。Yesterday i ate lunch 素,my sis in law ask me if is a special day that why i eat 素. It will be quite diffcult to eat 素 when pp ard you are not vegan.

4) I just learned from my mum few yrs back my da ge throw away the 2 金龙鱼inside the dustin bin:eek::mad::(. will this affect his children? can we do anything for him? Anyway he dont have any 信仰now.

Hello Kitty

I have the complete set of Hello Kitty bought from Macdonalds many many years ago, is Hello kitty in pair 夫妻档in diff wedding costumes. I tot of display in a glass cabinet when i move to my new flat next yr. But after reading 老师解说,老师should i give away since can only kept in boxes and not able to display out? I am also thking of to sell away and make use of some of the money and donate a portion to temple. Which is better?


1) Can 老师 advice me what shd i do when i ist step into my new BTO flat. I koe buy pineapple. And must choose a 吉利日子.Can we see fm the chinese calendar or must ask the feng shui master to choose for us? Nw i stay with my parents. i believe we will need to 安床 again?

2 拜观音菩萨,should we buy 莲花或者菊花?Normally i buy 一朵菊花和点三支香。

3) 拜注神娘娘 - I called two temples on the flower,but diff ans: 七色花但不要白色(碎花,拜完可拿回家沐浴)。 另一间庙说五色花,什么颜色都可以包括白色,一朵朵或碎花可以。So I will like to ask 老师shd i follow the ans from ist or 2nd temple? 七色花means seven stalks of flower? And any type of flower right?

4) When we go temple and pray and 算不算做善事?

5) Butter cheese and milk ,are these considered as 素?If we buy 素stall selling eggs,which means using the same cooking utensils cook eggs,do we consider eating 素?

6) 烧还债金有用吗?

7) If we go bangkok 施棺,u mean we dont need to paste the names on the coffin? We just burn the receipt in front of 神明?If we go bangkok,we will go this temple and donate,tink is THB500. Then we will glue onplace they ask us to do. But dont tink that is a real coffin. So if this is ok? In singapore seerms no temple have 施棺.

8) Rember1 of the post 老师 mentioned must greet all 神明 one by one. If we do not koe the correct name to 称呼,can we say 众神明菩萨佛祖ok?

9) 粽子 before or during 端午节,if 粽子are made by my mother,can we give to my sisters,brother? Or shd they 意思意思给钱?我家婆也有包会给我娘家一些,我也该意思意思给钱?Like exchange dumplings during festivals. sometime if my frds go malacca,i will ask them ask them buy back some nonya dumplings for me,and I will give some to my sisters brothers and Mother in law hse,that means i am wrong all this while :(so next time,if i want to give my MIL,can I 意思意思collecct from my husband if I were to give them dumplings.but my husband side not Pantang type.

Sorry this is really very long post with qs,老师. Look forward to 老师reply.

Hi 老师,

Have read thru the previous post ..have 疑问 and require the expertise of 老师 help. Hope you able to reply when you are free to this extremely long msg.

Celebrate birthday
1) So it will be better don't celebrate bday at all? For elderly and ourselves? My mum always feel that one shldnt celebrating bday shd be 清清

2) U said to celebrate English bday..and celebrate only their 农历 if person no longer around. My mum will cook sumptous meal to pray during ancestor 忌日。So will also need to pray on ancestors 农历生日?

3)My mum will cook our ancestor some of their favourite food to pray,chicken pork dishes etc. But it might be quite tough for her to buy and cook and clean the kitchen as she is getting older. U tink are we able to change to buying some fruits and 斋菜? Will the ancestors blame us?"Pua Bei" and ask for approval?

4) If giving bday present or ang pow to eldery or niece and nephews,is this consider as celebrating bday?

5) Actually can we eat 满月,喜饼。。


1)If we pay and ask the temple to 放生 instead of we personally be at the exact 现场,is it same 布施效果?

2)Is there a minimum quantity to 放? And to 放 fishes and crabs will be more gong de right?

3) 放生 is better to be for person who are vegetarian? Bcos My 大伯母 say cannot anyhow 放生,You are encouraging pp to catch the fishes or birds and then u let them free again? And also she say if we 放生鱼,以后就不可以吃鱼。放生鸟,以后就不可以吃鸟蛋。放生螃蟹,以后就不可以吃螃蟹。是真的吗?
We are not vegan. but we do eat 素during 1,15th lunar month and guan yin 诞。 For me previously, i only probably eat 素 1,15 and b4 I go pray temple to pray guan yin. but now i decide to have more days of 素 like during some breakfast and lunch..while dinner might be 荤。Yesterday i ate lunch 素,my sis in law ask me if is a special day that why i eat 素. It will be quite diffcult to eat 素 when pp ard you are not vegan.

4) I just learned from my mum few yrs back my da ge throw away the 2 金龙鱼inside the dustin bin:eek::mad::(. will this affect his children? can we do anything for him? Anyway he dont have any 信仰now.

Hello Kitty

I have the complete set of Hello Kitty bought from Macdonalds many many years ago, is Hello kitty in pair 夫妻档in diff wedding costumes. I tot of display in a glass cabinet when i move to my new flat next yr. But after reading 老师解说,老师should i give away since can only kept in boxes and not able to display out? I am also thking of to sell away and make use of some of the money and donate a portion to temple. Which is better?


1) Can 老师 advice me what shd i do when i ist step into my new BTO flat. I koe buy pineapple. And must choose a 吉利日子.Can we see fm the chinese calendar or must ask the feng shui master to choose for us? Nw i stay with my parents. i believe we will need to 安床 again?

2 拜观音菩萨,should we buy 莲花或者菊花?Normally i buy 一朵菊花和点三支香。

3) 拜注神娘娘 - I called two temples on the flower,but diff ans: 七色花但不要白色(碎花,拜完可拿回家沐浴)。 另一间庙说五色花,什么颜色都可以包括白色,一朵朵或碎花可以。So I will like to ask 老师shd i follow the ans from ist or 2nd temple? 七色花means seven stalks of flower? And any type of flower right?

4) When we go temple and pray and 算不算做善事?

5) Butter cheese and milk ,are these considered as 素?If we buy 素stall selling eggs,which means using the same cooking utensils cook eggs,do we consider eating 素?

6) 烧还债金有用吗?

7) If we go bangkok 施棺,u mean we dont need to paste the names on the coffin? We just burn the receipt in front of 神明?If we go bangkok,we will go this temple and donate,tink is THB500. Then we will glue onplace they ask us to do. But dont tink that is a real coffin. So if this is ok? In singapore seerms no temple have 施棺.

8) Rember1 of the post 老师 mentioned must greet all 神明 one by one. If we do not koe the correct name to 称呼,can we say 众神明菩萨佛祖ok?

9) 粽子 before or during 端午节,if 粽子are made by my mother,can we give to my sisters,brother? Or shd they 意思意思给钱?我家婆也有包会给我娘家一些,我也该意思意思给钱?Like exchange dumplings during festivals. sometime if my frds go malacca,i will ask them ask them buy back some nonya dumplings for me,and I will give some to my sisters brothers and Mother in law hse,that means i am wrong all this while :(so next time,if i want to give my MIL,can I 意思意思collecct from my husband if I were to give them dumplings.but my husband side not Pantang type.

Sorry this is really very long post with qs,老师. Look forward to 老师reply.


Hey tulipsrainbow, what is it about the hello kitty? Is there any concern about keeping the toys?
Celebrate birthday
1) So it will be better don't celebrate bday at all? For elderly and ourselves? My mum always feel that one shldnt celebrating bday shd be 清清

2) U said to celebrate English bday..and celebrate only their 农历 if person no longer around. My mum will cook sumptous meal to pray during ancestor 忌日。So will also need to pray on ancestors 农历生日?

3)My mum will cook our ancestor some of their favourite food to pray,chicken pork dishes etc. But it might be quite tough for her to buy and cook and clean the kitchen as she is getting older. U tink are we able to change to buying some fruits and 斋菜? Will the ancestors blame us?"Pua Bei" and ask for approval?

4) If giving bday present or ang pow to eldery or niece and nephews,is this consider as celebrating bday?

5) Actually can we eat 满月,喜饼。。
1) So it will be better don't celebrate bday at all? For elderly and ourselves? My mum always feel that one shldnt celebrating bday shd be 清清
Reply: 是的。要celebrate也可以!买cake不吹蜡烛是行的。或者,请朋友去吃一顿。Mentioned this before. Search for past posting.

2) U said to celebrate English bday..and celebrate only their 农历 if person no longer around.
Reply: 是的,庆祝阳历。Ang-moh birthday. 当时,老人哪会看English calendar, 为了方便才看农历。农历嘛!农夫日历呀!农夫看节气收割稻田的。

2) My mum will cook sumptous meal to pray during ancestor 忌日。So will also need to pray on ancestors 农历生日?
Reply: 祖先祭日可以拜祭的。祖先生日不重要。人死之后,三个日子会回来 - 祭日、清明、中元。

3)My mum will cook our ancestor some of their favourite food to pray,chicken pork dishes etc. But it might be quite tough for her to buy and cook and clean the kitchen as she is getting older. U tink are we able to change to buying some fruits and 斋菜? Will the ancestors blame us?"Pua Bei" and ask for approval?
Reply: 可以供素的。没有问题。完全不用抛杯(pao bei)。 咖啡店的斋料买几盒就行了。祖先享用了之后就离开。有摆放椅子桌子就千万别碰。

4) If giving bday present or ang pow to eldery or niece and nephews,is this consider as celebrating bday?
Reply: 别人生日,给红包没有问题。

5) Actually can we eat 满月,喜饼。。
Reply: 没有忌红事是可以吃。很多人不知道,自己也得避红事。Mentioned this before. Search for past posting.
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1)If we pay and ask the temple to 放生 instead of we personally be at the exact 现场,is it same 布施效果?

2)Is there a minimum quantity to 放? And to 放 fishes and crabs will be more gong de right?

3) 放生 is better to be for person who are vegetarian? Bcos My 大伯母 say cannot anyhow 放生,You are encouraging pp to catch the fishes or birds and then u let them free again? And also she say if we 放生鱼,以后就不可以吃鱼。放生鸟,以后就不可以吃鸟蛋。放生螃蟹,以后就不可以吃螃蟹。是真的吗?
We are not vegan. but we do eat 素during 1,15th lunar month and guan yin 诞。 For me previously, i only probably eat 素 1,15 and b4 I go pray temple to pray guan yin. but now i decide to have more days of 素 like during some breakfast and lunch..while dinner might be 荤。Yesterday i ate lunch 素,my sis in law ask me if is a special day that why i eat 素. It will be quite diffcult to eat 素 when pp ard you are not vegan.

4) I just learned from my mum few yrs back my da ge throw away the 2 金龙鱼inside the dustin bin:eek::mad::(. will this affect his children? can we do anything for him? Anyway he dont have any 信仰now.
1)If we pay and ask the temple to 放生 instead of we personally be at the exact 现场,is it same 布施效果?
Reply: 完全不一样。付钱交由寺庙代放,那么三布施你少了两施。完全不圆满。放生最好是亲自来。老师写了放生的大纲和含义。Mentioned before, use search engine. 放生奥妙无穷,档灾、化劫、延寿... 死不了的。



2)Is there a minimum quantity to 放? And to 放 fishes and crabs will be more gong de right?
Reply: 放越多效果越好,数目越大越惊人。你这边放,回家吃鱼肉、又造口业,求什么都不灵了。嘴巴讲是非、闲话、骂人,念的经求什么都大打折扣了。所以,放生还要有内德。

在新加坡放鱼蟹最好了!鱼蟹给人吃,免它一死。建议不要放麻雀、蟋蟀,因为没人吃,而且效果没那么好(click here)。

3) 放生 is better to be for person who are vegetarian? Bcos My 大伯母 say cannot anyhow 放生,You are encouraging pp to catch the fishes or birds and then u let them free again?
Reply: 没放生的人才会这样说。你买你的,他捉是他家的事。再说,他也不一定钓/捉的到。老师给你担保,捕鱼捉虾迟早出事(click here),等到出事之后,都不知道什么原因。

And also she say if we 放生鱼,以后就不可以吃鱼。放生鸟,以后就不可以吃鸟蛋。放生螃蟹,以后就不可以吃螃蟹。是真的吗?
Reply: 你放生是慈悲心。你要消业消劫就不要贪图口欲。你今日放鱼,晚上吃fish-&-chips,等于白做嘛。你求菩萨的时候说你有放生,实际上后面吃烘鱼。这个就是‘骗神’了。今日放生100条,马上见效果不可能。还要拖上一段时间。

We are not vegan. but we do eat 素during 1,15th lunar month and guan yin 诞。 For me previously, i only probably eat 素 1,15 and b4 I go pray temple to pray guan yin. but now i decide to have more days of 素 like during some breakfast and lunch..while dinner might be 荤。Yesterday i ate lunch 素,my sis in law ask me if is a special day that why i eat 素. It will be quite diffcult to eat 素 when pp ard you are not vegan.
Reply: 初一、十五吃素,总好肉食主意,无肉不欢。吃素不能逼自己,随缘呀!你跟没吃素的人混在一起,当然吃东西的时候会觉得怪怪。给人笑也是正常。等到有一天,你习惯了,你就不觉得什么了。很多人也是有这样的经验。

4) I just learned from my mum few yrs back my da ge throw away the 2 金龙鱼inside the dustin bin:eek::mad::(. will this affect his children? can we do anything for him? Anyway he dont have any 信仰now.
Reply: 老师不敢讲。养死了丢了,没有办法。

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Hello Kitty

I have the complete set of Hello Kitty bought from Macdonalds many many years ago, is Hello kitty in pair 夫妻档in diff wedding costumes. I tot of display in a glass cabinet when i move to my new flat next yr. But after reading 老师解说,老师should i give away since can only kept in boxes and not able to display out? I am also thking of to sell away and make use of some of the money and donate a portion to temple. Which is better?

1) Can 老师 advice me what shd i do when i ist step into my new BTO flat. I koe buy pineapple. And must choose a 吉利日子.Can we see fm the chinese calendar or must ask the feng shui master to choose for us? Nw i stay with my parents. i believe we will need to 安床 again?

2 拜观音菩萨,should we buy 莲花或者菊花?Normally i buy 一朵菊花和点三支香。

3) 拜注神娘娘 - I called two temples on the flower,but diff ans: 七色花但不要白色(碎花,拜完可拿回家沐浴)。 另一间庙说五色花,什么颜色都可以包括白色,一朵朵或碎花可以。So I will like to ask 老师shd i follow the ans from ist or 2nd temple? 七色花means seven stalks of flower? And any type of flower right?

4) When we go temple and pray and 算不算做善事?

5) Butter cheese and milk ,are these considered as 素?If we buy 素stall selling eggs,which means using the same cooking utensils cook eggs,do we consider eating 素?

6) 烧还债金有用吗?

7) If we go bangkok 施棺,u mean we dont need to paste the names on the coffin? We just burn the receipt in front of 神明?If we go bangkok,we will go this temple and donate,tink is THB500. Then we will glue onplace they ask us to do. But dont tink that is a real coffin. So if this is ok? In singapore seerms no temple have 施棺.

8) Rember1 of the post 老师 mentioned must greet all 神明 one by one. If we do not koe the correct name to 称呼,can we say 众神明菩萨佛祖ok?

9) 粽子 before or during 端午节,if 粽子are made by my mother,can we give to my sisters,brother? Or shd they 意思意思给钱?我家婆也有包会给我娘家一些,我也该意思意思给钱?Like exchange dumplings during festivals. sometime if my frds go malacca,i will ask them ask them buy back some nonya dumplings for me,and I will give some to my sisters brothers and Mother in law hse,that means i am wrong all this while :(so next time,if i want to give my MIL,can I 意思意思collecct from my husband if I were to give them dumplings.but my husband side not Pantang type.

Sorry this is really very long post with qs,老师. Look forward to 老师reply.

1) Can 老师 advice me what shd i do when i ist step into my new BTO flat. I koe buy pineapple.
Reply: 是谁教的?还是看电视的?呵呵...

And must choose a 吉利日子.Can we see fm the chinese calendar or must ask the feng shui master to choose for us? Nw i stay with my parents. i believe we will need to 安床 again?
Reply: 搬家前,可以挑个日子。兴家旺气!花点钱找人选日子。很多新加坡人不信,也很吝啬的。讲到钱,每个怕到要死怕花钱,个个都要foc。


2 拜观音菩萨,should we buy 莲花或者菊花?Normally i buy 一朵菊花和点三支香。
Reply: 都可以!

3) 拜注神娘娘 - I called two temples on the flower,but diff ans: 七色花但不要白色(碎花,拜完可拿回家沐浴)。 另一间庙说五色花,什么颜色都可以包括白色,一朵朵或碎花可以。So I will like to ask 老师shd i follow the ans from ist or 2nd temple? 七色花means seven stalks of flower? And any type of flower right?
Reply: The biggest problem here is, nobody bother to read the past postings in full. 七色花是碎花,是沐浴的!七色花跟拜注生娘娘撤不上关系。七色花的用途,老师不讲。Please search the forum. 有些庙是有得供碎花,实际上买束花供便可。

一间说‘七色’另一件说‘五色’,按理来说,是根据庙的做法。比方说,在美国杀了人,判刑后是关起来罢了。要你在新加坡杀了人是死刑。你尝试跟Dr Tony Tan complain说,美国没死刑,为什么新加坡High Court要判我死刑呀?!

另外补充:在本地,多数拜注神娘娘没有换花。在其他地方(在马来西亚),一些拜注神娘娘庙是有换花。Singapore庙宇的负责人gorng-gorng blur-blur,要是你问他们‘换花’他们未必知道。

4) When we go temple and pray and 算不算做善事?
Reply: No.

5) Butter cheese and milk ,are these considered as 素?If we buy 素stall selling eggs,which means using the same cooking utensils cook eggs,do we consider eating 素?
Reply: 新加坡的鸡蛋是农场,无受精蛋没生命。现在的和尚也有吃鸡蛋!So common! There is vegetarian thread in this forum, use the search engine.

Cheese要小心了!除了rennet cheese, 其他的cheese可以吃。 Example, subway vegan sandwich cannot be eaten and that is animal cheese. Nowadays, lots of bakers and chefs blur blur type, they themselves can't differentiate the cheese.

6) 烧还债金有用吗?
Reply: 不可能。没有那么便宜的事,烧了就能还债。老师可以肯定是,你买了是在帮店主还债。因为,你真正花钱给店主享受富裕生活。

7) If we go bangkok 施棺,u mean we dont need to paste the names on the coffin? We just burn the receipt in front of 神明?
Reply: 没错。这个是普遍的做法。

If we go bangkok,we will go this temple and donate,tink is THB500. Then we will glue onplace they ask us to do. But dont tink that is a real coffin. So if this is ok? In singapore seerms no temple have 施棺.
Reply: 你都说了,not a real coffin. 你可以不粘或不留名字的。

新加坡没有施棺。全新加坡的施棺给郑海船拿走了。在新加坡,你有钱也没得施棺。Mentioned this before, use search engine.



8) Rember1 of the post 老师 mentioned must greet all 神明 one by one. If we do not koe the correct name to 称呼,can we say 众神明菩萨佛祖ok?

9) 粽子 before or during 端午节,if 粽子are made by my mother,can we give to my sisters,brother?
Reply: 可以。

Or shd they 意思意思给钱?我家婆也有包会给我娘家一些,我也该意思意思给钱?
Reply: 不用给钱。你要给也可以。

Like exchange dumplings during festivals. sometime if my frds go malacca,i will ask them ask them buy back some nonya dumplings for me,and I will give some to my sisters brothers and Mother in law hse,that means i am wrong all this while :(
Reply: 传统上严格来讲,是不该送粽子。

如果,你没开口问,虽对方也没说要吃。Traditionally this is incorrect. Only the older people know. Nowadays, nobody cares.

so next time,if i want to give my MIL,can I 意思意思collecct from my husband if I were to give them dumplings.but my husband side not Pantang type.
Reply: 早期的人,家里办丧事是不可以包粽子。老师问你,家里若办丧事,哪里还可以去人家家拜年啊?家里若办丧事,过了100日哪里还办嫁娶喜事啊?同样的,包粽子是喜庆,家里死了人,哪可以包粽子啊?

要是对方家里死了人,给对方送粽子是‘隔孝’,100% no problem! 老一辈的人会明白的。
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Hi Toblerone laoshi, I would like to check with you on whether there is any 补救 if I never 安床 properly durung wedding? I married young and didnt 安床 properly and dismissed my mother's warnings to not touch the bed before wedding. In fact, i slept on wedding bed before marriahe. When we move to new house, we never an chuang. Now that im trying for a baby and I have great difficulty, I wonder if it was because I nv 安床? Any ways to salvage it?
夫妻幸福生活,跟床有关。女主人在家的地位和家人健康(其次)得看灶炉(kitchen stove)。


Posted this in the 7th month thread quite some time ago. Am reposting here since you are posting to this thread more. Apologies in advance for going off topic.

"Came across your posts while searching for some information in this forum and have learnt a lot. Now I'm trying to have 老师vegetarian meals where possible (半天斋), next step is to go full vegetarian on 初一十五.

I just got married to my husband a few months ago, whose parents have passed away when he was young, and were buried. He hadn't been paying respects to his parents for a long time (more than ten years) as he couldn't remember where the grave was (he don't have the official documents either, it's a long story) and there was a very high possibility that the grave might have been exhumed following NEA guidelines.

My mum suggested installing an ancestral tablet of his parents in one of the temples so that we can pay respects and give them a "proper" home. We are in the midst of looking for a suitable place. Are there anything that we should keep a lookout for when deciding on the final placement, e.g. the location of the tablet in the shrine, timing?

In the meantime, for this 7th month we have paid for a place for his parents at 居士林 for their 七月地藏孝亲报恩法会 and have paid our respects.

Understand you are busy, hope to receive a reply when you are available. Thank you in advance."
1. Here goes, I lost 1 child cos of immature thinking aka abortion due to family reason as well, however now tat I'm married with 1 boy. I would like to have another gal.
2. My boy is born on 22 August 13 via c sect, I remember one of the post u mention tat this date is not good for c sect so how can I help my boy?
As this date is given by another fengshui si fu who oso help with my boy name and our hse Feng shui. Just wondering is everything alright, cos this master is recommended n I'm getting worried if the person who recommended the master would do harm to my family a not cos things seem to be not as smooth as before.

Hi laoshi, what should I takr note for kitcheb stove? Thank you




