Wish to Know SAHM in Woodlands Area

Hi, I started being a SAHM since Oct08. It will be 2 years by end of this mth. I have 2 boys aged 10 & 8 and a girl 3 years old.
It must be v sweet to have twins ya... Do u have any helpers? which part of Woodlands do u stay?
Hi! MummyV, I don't have any helper right now. I quit my job because my maid(3 years with us)suddenly want to go back. I don't trust any new maid yet. What makes you to be SAHM? Do you have any helper? Initially, I really don't used to the housework coz have been good life with maid. Now, gradually get used to my time table. I am from 892A.
Hi XianXin, my maid w me for 8 years went homeleave without coming back...and I was so sick of my job for 12 years during that time, so quit lor. I was quite blue initially having body aches...trying v hard to switch my lifestyle, it was more tiring staying at home than gg work! Now... I do enjoy looking after my kids, get to know their likes and dislikes and they enjoy my accompany too! Oh, I hv a maid now, I cant handle 3 without any helper leh... there are loads and loads of incomplete housework and still hv to handle my kids' homework. Never trust maids, even how gd they are! I am from 419.
Hi! MummyV, my situation is very much like you leh. For the last 3 years, have left my twins with the maid as the maid is quite responsible & honest. Since she suddenly wanted to go back & I was also very tired with my job for 7.5 years. So, I also quite loh. Ya, physically more tired taking care of 2 girls than going to work :p. I really lost my control when they are fighting & disobedient. Hands injured here & there due to housework, foot start to cracked. Still thinking whether I can 'tahan'. I never plan to get any maid due to our financial budget. I also do like to spend time with my girls but I find myself 'no value' as no income for myself.
Hi XianXin, wat will u do when u lost ur control? Me, always shout at them when they provoke me ...sometimes really hate myself...but juz cant control. Now I notice that my gal also tends to raise her voice when she is angry or frustrated. My hubby juz complained that she is v fierce...juz like the mummy..haiz...I get agitated easily when staying at home. Will u? Though 'no value' as no income, in fact we are investing valuable time with our kids. It is worthwhile, isn't it wonderful to hv the mummy around to take care of their daily chores..remember they only hv one childhood and it is short, when they are gone they are!
Your gals attend nursey classes right? Which school? So u can have some time to relax when they are not at home.
Hi! MummyV. Me too...will shout at them when they don't want to follow my instructions. Initially, I will persuade them, talk to them softly but I find it not effective, they are stubborn at this age. Then i will threaten them like if you don't want to brush your teeth, your teeth will spoil then i will bring you to dentist etc. If still can not work then will bring out my cane, in the end, they cry & i angry. Sigh....My gals now also learn the way i shout at them. My gals attend Nursery in Evangel Kindergarthen. 3 hrs in the morning. The 3 hrs is used for doing housework 7 prepare lunch. Not much time for relax :p
Hi any mummies here know any nanny -chinese available. I in need of one by next year Jan so that i can go back after maternity? pls pm me thanks,
staying ard woodlands 888 plaza
Hi, it has been a long while nvr visit this thread le! Have been busy preparing for my sons' SA exam lately. V stress! Will be busy till 2/11.

Chua - Welcome to this thread! How many kids do you have? Are you taking care of them alone?

LORain, so far dun know any nanny around but if have will let u know ya.

Jan - Welcome to this thread! How old are your kids? Are they manageable? Any helpers to assist you?

Can PM me your email addresses so I can add you to my Windows Live Messenger and we can chat there ya.
Hi MummyV,

Thanks! Me too busy with exams fever...

My gals are 9 & 6. Boy is 17mths.
All are very active and yes, i do have a helper.
Hi yellowcutebaby,

Welcome to this thread!

I stay near Fuchun cc but every Saturday will send my boys to woodlands cc for creative writing class.

You must be very busy after work still have to look after your 3 boys ya. How do u cope?
Dear mummies,
Just started my life as SAHM last year Oct. Great to see this post.
I stay opposite of Woodlands 888.
Hope can have more chats here.
Hi XianXin,
I have 2 boys. Just like MummyV, initially very hard to switch working lifestyle to be full time mother. Now still try to get use of it. Haha....
Hi Ladies.

I'm a sahm staying near 888 plz. My only son is 4+.

Wud like to have advice to potty train my son at night. He drinks a bottle of milk 240ml before sleeping and sometimes quite alot of water before bedtime.
Welcome Trina and mamanbaobao.
Mamanbaobao, my son is 4 yrs old too and still wearing diaper at night. My friend told me that if wanted to have potty train at night, must bring him to toilet on and off during midnight which I found this is hard for me. So, still look for better and easier way.
Hi all, I am staying in Woodlands expecting my baby #1. The only thing is I am working. Not sure eligible to join this thread or not. :p
Hi Ms Lala - welcome welcome all are welcome! In fact, I have gone back to work full time this mth.... but will still visit this thread if I have the time.

Mamanbaobao/Peiti - My gal 4Y nvr wears diaper since she was 3Y. We used to bring her to toilet b4 she went to bed. Then every morning, when she did not wet her diaper, we will praise her and tell her she will not put on diaper anymore...for the 1st few times she did wet her bed...we insist no diaper and gradually she is potty trained and nvr pee throughout the nite. In fact, when she starts school, she will also be influenced by her peers as the teacher will be bringing them to toilet and they will be coming bk telling u they dun want to wear diaper to school and also this will be a gd time to tell her not to wear at nite too!
My boy didn't wear diaper in the daytime, but when go sleep, we will wear for him.
Even remember that one time we forgot to put on the diaper, when aware, already get wet, so have to change bed sheet, change pyjamas which will awake him.
But I will try as what mummyV did. Really thanks to mummyV.
Good Morning mummies

Ms_Lala, welcome ^_^ I'm oso new to this thread.

peiti - yes i hv the same prob. day time incld nap potty trained. night time seems so much a hassle. I dunno know how to manage the constant change of pjs and mattress covers if they wet few times throughout the nite.

MummyV - how u manage to clean the mattress if wet so she can continue to sleep after each wetting?

I bot this waterproof thing to layer over the mattress but found it is quite thick and hot to sleep and we dun sleep with aircon. My boy v ley chey type and he din like it so refused to let me lay it over his mattress.
Hi all

I'm currently out of job and considering to get a job or stay at home to look after my 2 gals aged 3 & 4. they are attending childcare currently and my mum babysits them. But currently my grandma who is suffering senile needs my mum to take care of her too. i'm in a deliemma right now. i don't wish to tired my mum out but due to financial constrain.
Need advise.
Hi Michelle, mayb u can consider putting both kids in a childcare centre whole day n u get a job. So ur mum need not babysit them. If I am nt wrong, working mums have subsidy for putting kids in childcare centre.

Alternatively, get a nanny around ur area to look after ur 2 kids but not sure hw cost-effective it will be.

Or else, get a part-time job n put ur kids in childcare centre for a few hrs. Then u can take care of them after tat.

Hope this helps.
Hi Michelle, I dun have any admin job to recommend at the moment. Mayb u can try jobstreet/newspapers to see if any avail postings.
Hi michelle, welcome to this thread

I think ms_lala gave very good suggestions. Maybe u can also look at online postings by employment agencies or job assistance services by Northwest CDC? Hope u can find a suitable job soon.
Morning Mommies,

Nice to see this thread for woodlanders =)

I'm a full-time working mummy and got two gals both aged at 6 and 7. We are staying nearby vista point.

Hi to all woodlands mummies,
Long time didn't post here, how is everyone :)
was looking for temp maid to help out for 2 months recently, any good recommendation?
Hi....I'm back. heehee anyone bakes here? need some guidance. my princess birthday is around the corner and I hope to bake one myself. anyone can help?
Hi all mommies... is this thread still active? Anyway, i'm a SAHM (from Woodlands) and was wondering whether anyone would like to have a get together for playdate for our babies? I have a baby boy born in Feb 2012 (6 mths old now).
