TOA PAYOH mummies

hi sheryl,
welcome to join us.
am putting up @ lor. 2 blk 121, how abt u? my gal is 30mths old, initially am looking at jessin too but they dun provide snacks perhaps its only for 2hrs bah. u can chk out my post earilier wif few recommendations.

I just registered my boy to LNT at Bugis. They are having 44% discount of the term fee which is quite reasonable price. However i prefer GUG.Maybe i will change to GUG after one term or i will put him at TPY after i move. Maybe can see you there too

By the way any comments on wesley cc at lor 5 ? And is it very troublesome to walk from lor 8 to lor 5 ? I am nt familiar with tpy road yet
welcome to the thread. i'm a sahm staying at central, i've a 28mo gal. sorry but i dun have any recommendations cos my gal still stays at home. next yr then she'll attend pre-nursery at PCF blk 157.
hey dor, we are neighhours!
perhaps had bump into u in the lift b4. ya, will chk out ur earlier post.

i'm just checking out mindchamp which is at tpy hub. waiting for them to get back to me.

i'm ok that there is no snack since it's just 2 hrs.
hi char, have u oredi book ur gal into PCF? i'm just starting to look out for these ard tpy. cos my gal has been with her grandma who doesn't stay in tpy. now we have changed plan and moving her back.
jus pm u. wow finally find someone staying same blk yippy!
u mean the ocbc promo for LNT? u may wanna find out if its possible to transfer ur son to tpy when r u moving over?
since u are a sahm what do u do at home with your girl ? i already run out of ideas what to do with my son. he is going through T2 now and giving me lots of headache.

Dor, is the NPD promo they are having. but only at bugis. Currently i'm staying at redhill so going bugis is still okay. if my son likes LNT i will transfer him to tpy after i move

Anyway anyone have FB ?
hi all mummy,

I've just moved to Lor 5 and going to have a bb boy in Oct. First time mum so feels lost and excited at the same time...=)
AL, so am I! Ya, which blk?

So good to see more mummies joining the thread

BabyRainbowz, it's rather easy walking from Lor 8 to 5. Need to cut thru blks 1-4 area, that'll lead you to Lor 7 walk a bit further up you'll see blk 47/Lor 6 and just behind blk 47 is where Wesley CC is. I've seen Wesley, quite big, airy and bright. Waiting list though.

me too!!which floor are u??hehe.. how old are ur kids?mabe can meet up!!hahaha..

bbrainbow, tpy is very near.. walkable to ALL lorongs.. hehe.. imagine i've walked from lor 8 - central to lor 1 etc.. only 1/2hr nia.. coz gt lots of shortcuts!!hehehe..
thanks.. ya if got costume category, i shud be the winner but nonetheless, we had fun.. hehe
oh u mention blk 97 pcf got for smaller children 1, like 18 mths??
Eunice, so you putting your boy in ascension or mindchamps? What bad news about mindchamps? Thks for keeping me in the loop for plays.

Precious, so you signed up for aerobics? Are you going for any of those plays? Thot we can arrange to have our kids go together since their age so close.
babyrainbowz, wesley cc has a website, can go see. it is quite popular and have long wait list. I think its the only CC at around lor 8 and 5 and 7 area...

dolphingal, wah.. so coincidence.... maybe you have already seen me. Forgive me ah, if I ever given you black face before. Very stressful life lah, always rushing to send my girl to and fro school......., as you know, i got no luck with maid, so I 'm the maid at home....

If you see a siao siao , black face mother, always scolding her 2 girls, one behaving like monkey, another dressed in peichun uniform. always rushing, you know that is me......heh kids, 3 and coming 7 lor. NOw, P1 girl having CA exams....sweat . like I taking exams....
wow tat's gd promo.

Welcome to this thread and Congrats! This thread covers lots of topics fm confinement, maid, presch, kinddy, food, etc. u may tk your time to browse thru and get good info. However, if u nd any recommendation and advice jus list out the mummies here r pretty informative and spontaneous.

pcf blk 97 nt sure watz the age grp for their newly form playgrp thou u can call up n chk.
i registered her in may and just few days ago they called me to make payment for registration fees.

i'm not a good person to refer to as to wat activities i do with my gal. hee hee....i'm terrible at this. i usually let her doodle or play with her toys or watch her kids progs. in fact just lately i've been browsing the net for info on crafts to do with toddlers but i've yet to start with her cos have to get a few art materials first.

woah u steady leh, walked from lor 8 to 1. i'm very very bad with directions and will probably get lost thru the shortcuts. haha! i must see main road, landmarks then will know where i am...jia lat!

welcome to the thread. i rembr when i was in your situation, also feel the same but once u pop, all your maternal instincts will come in place. anything unsure can ask the experienced mums here.
hello! me also staying in TPY. Didnt realise it's so happening here

RIght now, looking for a childcare centre for my SIL's kid. Other wesley, any recommendation?
thanks i called. next yr enrolment is for 2007 babies. now i very dilemma. i wanna go back work next yr but i dunna chelsia to be with helper all day. so looking for playgroup nearby walking distances so my helper can walk her there.
not many options for my case right?

i tot of GUG (helper take mrt with chelsia) but she will still be with chelsia during the lesson OR shaws pre nursery, that will involve school bus add on to cost also..

any1 can advise?

any1 has this kind of 1st birthday girl highchair kit to let go? used b4 i dun mind.

it comes together with floor mat, banner and bib, no bib nevermind for me. PM me k?

kin, i went to wesley cc over my place here .. also on waiting list. currently i'm deciding if i should put him in wesley or babies by the park. Not sure if is convenient at babies by the park.
Prefer walking distance so don't have to squeeze on bus in the morning and evening.
<font color="ff0000">babe</font>
I'm planning to bring her to watch "The Jungle Book" in mid of Nov. Ytdy brought her to movie, and she had enjoyed another cartoon show "UP"
I signed up the Cardio Sculpt at TPY Central, starting on 23 Sept, every Wed at 7pm.
perhaps not many options ard tpy area. and yes gug gotta hv a care giver accompany your gal thru out the lesson, hence back to square one.
u can try jessin undstd is quite popular. i visited blk 97 pcf env. nt bad quite condusive u can pay them a visit.

C is going to catch Hi-5 this coming sept. tix very ex but is her 1st show we'll invest a little and test water....hee!
How's ur little boy and Sha? Hope she's having fun with her little bro.
That's what I realised about Toa Payoh too when I moved here about a year ago, that all the lorongs are interlinked and I can easily walk from one to another. Such convenience! And of course I was so excited that I explored every market at every lorong!

Kin, we should arrange for playdates since kids about the same age. Janice and Pooh also have kids this age.

Thanks, yes, my plan to go back to work will have to be postponed liao, probably for another 2 years till my second kid reaches 2 years old at least. So sad cos I just started a course to prepare myself to go back to workforce :-(

Din understand what you mean by bad news on mindchamps. I have deferred my enrolment for my kid to Ascension till year 2011. This is to help him settle in with the changes like moving house and another sibling along the way. So I will stay with Liz for another year.
how long is your course? dun get too stress up wif assignments....its not a waste afterall u wont part fm the knowledge u gain. wru moving to?
Thanks for informing, lucky for us not affected. however notice they have this new promo buy 3 tix get 1 free which is not up when we bout the tix sigh...

My course is very short - only 3 months. The exams are next year, testing competency. I am wondering whether I should go for it. True, though I won't waste from the knowledge gained but financial industry moves fast and it will be a different picture when I plan to go back to work.

Looking around for a place at Toa Payoh but it's getting more and more ex :-(

I must complain! Went to gug for a trial today. Such a bad experience..

1st of all, I was greeted by 2 rude receptionists. I had United Square Mall vouchers so I asked them Do they take vouchers but they snapped me off by saying, "NO, WE ONLY TAKE CASH NETS OR CHEQUE!"
So I asked again, Can you pls check as this is the mall's voucher. Same answer "NO, WE ONLY TAKE CASH NETS OR CHEQUE!"
Ok Nvm, so I paid by cash and they gave me a sticker "Chelsia Chan Room 1" and left me standing there at the counter after I paid. Obviously since I was gg for trial, I do not know where the rooms are. Unlike receptionists at Gymboree and Kindermusik, they dun leave u alone just like tat.. No service no hospitality..

SO I made my way to Rm 1. I was greeted by 2 malays so I thought they are the assistants to take temperature.. But to my greatest horror, these 2 singlish-speaking malays are the teachers at the $50 GUG trial..
I mean to me $50 is quite ex, if i'm paying $50 for ppl to speak singlish to my bb then I think I speak better singlish..
Lesson supposed to start at 4pm but until 4.15pm then they start.. According to them, it's their play toys time which I accept.

What that made me most angry was, they allow a running nose child to come in. The caregiver of the child said its allergy but my bb ever got infected by a supposed allergy kid. So I told the malay teacher, I am not going to be in this class. So she ask me go counter to change timing.

At the counter, back to the 2 rude receptionists. They insisted allergy is not contagious.. Yes its not. But I dunna to risk the 2nd time cos 1st time my bb kena from a supposingly allergy kid..
So I reschduled..

Totally disapointed with GUG.. No standard teachers..
orangeymum - sounds like u shd feedback to the management, and also check out on whether there are other slots which are not conducted by those 2 teachers you'd mentioned. i'm surprised that GUG had singlish speaking teachers which is totally unacceptable.

for me i've nt received any replies from my enquiries from mindchamp. anyone here been to their playgroup (NOT CC).
HI orangeymum

can totally understand your frustration! I went to GUG to enquire and I stood like few mins infront of the counter, trying to see if there were any information, leaflets like class, time and fee. Found 1 myself and asked the very bo chap malay receptionist some qns. It is basically a Q &amp; A. I ask what, she ans what.

I'l say, go to Julia Gabriels instead. The teachers there are very friendly and for the 2 terms that my girl was there, I didnt hear them speaking a single singlish. The receptionist are nice too and they have a little library that you can borrow books to read for your child.

Oh some1 second my views.. I know JG would definitely be of better quality. But yet to check out the prices.. Dolphingal told me trial is abt $40. I will go trial with her 1st. How often are ur lessons at JG? ONCE / TWICE / THRICE a week?
hey mummies... just a quik news :

pardon the screaming but i'm so surprised when the docs discharged her yesterday. had the best sleep in two weeks with three of us in the same room finally. rachael is very happy to see all her "frens" (aka toys) too. thanx for all the encouragement and prayers for the past 2 weeks. its been tough so am very glad its over. just hope that rachael will recover well soon...
wat an encounter fm GUG, i mus admit the receptionists hv attitude prob too. however, wat am concern r the trs. Mostly GUG employed malay &amp; indian trs. however am surprised tat some of them spk singlish omg. perhaps the standard has dropped?
to my unstdg JG only tks in 3yrs and abv but if they do tk in 3yrs n below do let me noe as I intend to enroll my gal in their speech and drama class. thanks!
Hi orangeymum

I enrolled my girl at JG once a week, sat afternoon for their bilingual class. Price was about $500+ if I rem correctly. it is a 2hr class and includes snack time.

There is a 15mins free play time too, while waiting for late comers. Every 15mins there's change of activities. Go try the trial then decide.

JG got this baby program that dolphingal had jio me to the trial ($39.95) perhaps u can call and ask. ryes also send her bb there, i suppose its a below 3yrs bb right, ryes?

u got through it! way to go, u r a great mum.. with God's grace, rachel is home..

I enrolled my girl when she was 18 mths. Didnt enrol her to any other playgroup when she was a baby, so I dont know how the baby program is like leh.

My girl's teacher is Shafina. Assistant is Carol. They are very nice and friendly.

Hang in there Are...
Hi to all new mummies here .. great welcome !
I'm also a SAHM with 3 kids ranging from 6 to 2yrs.

Hi ARE, I'm so happy for you. Can I visit your little Rachel one of this day ?

Hi Eunice, congrats .., little Josh is going to have a sibling :D Is your boy now on daily session with Liz ? I'm going to put them on daily basis, hopefully Liz agrees with it. So far so good, though Jayden is getting naughtier in the class, and now started to show his true colours ... and teachers complains are going to increase hahaha ..

Hi orangemum, understand your frustrations. GUG's service standard is not very good and teachers in certain class are quite lousy indeed. I'm now stuck in the afternoon session with 2 malay teachers whom I find the quality is lousy n boring. Another 1 more month to go and I will be out of the school .. I agree JG is a better choice.

Hi Jfoo, lets arrange for another playdate with the kids. Quite nice for all the kids to be of the same age. Eunice, join us too .. the 4 boys can play together.

Hi mummies who are looking at Mindchamps PRESCHOOL

Just saw yesterday that if you are a Toys R Us member, there's S$200 off the registration fee for the mindchamps preschool.

TRS membership is 'free' with min $50 purchase.
