TOA PAYOH mummies

Dor, we gg HK in early Mar. F&E also at Ashley Svs Apartment in Tsim Sha tsui & 1 nite in Disney.. Really look forward to it as I've not taken a flight since I got pregnant.. Whenever I use the leash, I keep reminding Ryan that if he tries to run to anywhere, he will fall and hurt himself. So, he automatic will follow closely to me..

Hi gals, how's everyone? I'm finally back to join the thread. Been settling down at work and kids at school. Looks like things are finally moving along the way.

STylo, you have so many tops to sell ah? Like the striped polo. You mean your gals can't wear 4T? Hmmm...then my gal won't fit either? Hey ur gal sick ah? My gal said ur gals din't go to sch today.
Hello Mummies .. I'm selling away 2 harness ( the goldbug bear's backpack harness and the sesame street wrist strap) These 2 are brand new ... bought for my twins last years but they refused to let me strapped. Till now, though its open but never brought it to street.

If keen, pm me
GP feedback : YS Teo clinic at Blk 177 Toa Payoh Central. He is young and friendly doc. As he has 2 young kids, so he is quite good with kids. And, his dosage for children is quite accurate as compared to some GP in Toa Payoh (don't want to mention which ones) i've seen who are not familiar with children's dosage and almost overdosed my kids.
i have one to recommend.. Dr Teo (female) from lor 4 along the same stretch as meili n tim's restaurant.. clinic name is CAMRY medical clinic.. this doc is very nice n humble.. she is also very detailed.. her explaination is very detail for kiddo.. so if dun mind.. can see her too.. her price is also reasonable.. =)
Same as Dor, CK Tan is our family doctor.

Just visited her today.
Charged $25 for 1 bottle of flu medicine and 1 bottle of cough mixture in big bottles for my gal.

Mine was more ex, at $45, of course with more medications.
JTS: once when i was at the children's clinic, becos the PD was on leave hence a boy's grandmother who brought her grandson to YS Teo came back to children's clinic with a bottle of antibiotics to show the clinic asst if that is what the PD would give. the clinic asst affirmed but noticed that the dosage given by dr teo was higher than what the PD would give and assured the grandma that she should trust dr teo's consultation.
You went back to work?

Thank you for the recommendations of GPs.
I went to see Dr Jeremy Tan at Faith Clinic, Lor 8.
Quite a good GP after all. He has 2 kids. His price is quite reasonable. Most important, it is very convenient for me to travel there
Hi Mummies can I confirm that CK Tan clinic is recommended?? and also YS Teo?? I'm kinda confused after reading..heee

The last time the lady doc at Camry was not around, it was a male doc who prescribed me the med, the cough and phlegm tablets didn't help, my cough didn't go away, neither did the phlegm disappear... sigh.. I was sick for like 2 weeks, not sure if it's just my body immune system did not build up fast.

Yeah, my side is pretty good... there is also a BASC near to Ang Mo...
Ang Mo is kinda amazing as it stocks almost everything! Except my boy's Gain for 6 years old... keke.
Imagine they even hv Florida's Natural orange, Ben & Jerry's..
And prices are cheaper than NTUC..
Who is looking after your kids?

Yeah, they started coughing... then T1 had fever, then recovered, now T2 has fever, hopefully she'll be ok. Boy also coughing, so we thot let them all stay home today.
It difficult to isolate them since they like to play with one another...
So cute that your gal knows they are not around...

Clothes - for a long time, they hv been wearing 5T.. the 4T may fit them but is like fitting cut so wl not last long.
I still hv new pants in 2T, 3T, 2 pairs in 5T (too short for them)!
But most of the 5T pants are too long, so hv to alter first..
JTS on cough mixture:

Maybe coz im a first time mum, i din know that we cant give cough mixture to children below 2 or even below age of 6. My PD shared with us there are recent case of baby died after the parent give cough mixture.. so do be very careful on giving medicine to children. My gal had cough/cold/fever in dec but our PD din give any medicine to her and she recovered on her own. sometimes, it is not a bad idea for them to recover on their own? mayb it will build up their immune system.
I always do that. Maybe that explains why their immune system is very strong. Thank God for that blessing.
Btw, my PD is the one who does not recommended supplements/vitamins too, unless it is necessary.

if you're still looking for kids' podiatrists, there's an article in URBAN (ST supplement) today which quotes several podiatrists. Article is on advisability of youngsters wearing heels.
i've been to both ck tan and ys teo and to me both are recommendable.

thnx for sharing. i guess we have to folo what the doc prescribe to our kids. in my experience with my gal, she started taking medicine at 1.5mo and at that time no choice becos she had bronchiolitis and from there she fell sick every mth until she was about 1yr+. if dun give med think her condition will advance to more serious and fatal illness like pneumonia.
are, thanks for the otah..

see lah.. my girl forever wanting milk, cant even shop with ease just now, was at NTUC buying grocery.
stylobb, one goes to my mom, the other to mil for now...dunno if mil can last, if not gotta extend him to childcare. Sianz...looks like mine not like urs can do work with the kids.

I also find it curious how come my gal will say that..heehee...sometimes ask her who are her frens she also won't say her frens names.

Ur gals look like abt same size as mine. How come they wear so big size?
ivy... hope u like the otah. we did. think we will stick to them now. wah, ger ger went out for 1st shopping trip? :p

kin... just to share on flat foot. i've always hv prob finding comfy shoes. somehow, i juz dun feel comfy and my foot hurts even more aft preggie. i often get cramps in the arch for no reason. one day, i went to buy shoes, the sales person mentioned i hv flat foot, so asked me to buy flat foot shoes. then juz so happen i walk past those sole makers/podiatrists a few days later and decided to test on their machine. turns out i am not flat foot lor. but i hv high arch instead. over the years, in order to compensate my poor balance due to the high arch, i've "trained" my foot to turn inwards, tats why the 1st sales guy mistaken i hv a flat foot. but the custom made soles are v ex, $200 a pair, and i'm not working, so wun be able to wear most of the time (the guy ask me to wear shoe at hm... err), so din do. but when i go for aerobics, i put in a sole insert for high arch and it is much better liao. so do seek 2nd opinions and get your ger's feet treated fast. else like me, so old already, i doubt i can retrain my feet also, so dun bother lor. juz spend the $ on foot reflex. hehehe...

re cough mixture. i understand there are two kinds of cough mixture, 1 tat will dissolve the phlegm, the other is to make u cough more so can cough out the phlegm. my ger and i cant take the 2nd type, we will cough until wheeze, which is worse, cos can become bronchitis. so do take note to see which is more suitable for your child.

re doctors... mummies, do u hv the opening hours for the doctors you go to? am looking for a standby doc for sats/suns/24hours. my family goes to dr diana @ blk 94. very nice doc, but she only opens 9-12noon everyday. med seems cheap too. if she is closed, then i will go to dr chan or camry. the guy doc @ camry is dr teo's husband. but i find camry always v packed cos they serve as company docs too.
hey ladies, have anyone of you switch your kid's ccc? I am thinking of switching Junior to another centre but am worried about his attachment to the ccc since he's been with the same centre since an infant.

Is there any so-call "the best time to switch is..."?
Seems like people are falling sick around..

Son is now down with cough and very very bad phelgm. Sigh...Fever too. To think CNY is this week..

My PD prescribed cough mixtures even though they are under 2 that time.
Stimes even among the docs, they give different opinions.
The thing I find re GPs is some don't really check thoroughly, they may dismiss it as just a cough and just give cough mixture, but if I bring them to my PD, she can tell it's a throat infection, or chest infection.

T2's condition worsens at night, with fever.
Keeping them at home today.

They have hardly worn 4T... now they def. wear 5T...maybe cos they are Jan kids??? Not sure.. I just get what fits them.

All my close friends' kids are sick!!

I hv been up the past 3 nights liao... siong.

I'm not aware of 24 hrs gp...last time, there was one at Central but I think no more.
Most GPs are on half-days on Sat, and Sun.
There is one I saw at Blk 79 that closes at 2pm on Sat...near the food court.

There is one at my side... it says Sun "9 to 12.30pm, 8 to 10pm.
It's the end of the Blk 85, Familycare Clinic.
I think the doc lives upstairs...keke.

Unfort. my kids still don't know how to cough up phlegm..
I had the same problem with my girl. I started out with Avent silicone teats but my girl found that too hard I think compared to the nipple. So friend recommended NUK (latex teat). Latex is much softer than silicone and the Nuk teat has a whole at one side (which is the "up" side) so that sucking is easier. If you are using Avent bottles, you can find Avent sized NUK teats at Robinsons (other stores tend to sell the 'normal' sized one only). Try the size 1 for newborns. Is good enough.

I'm interested in reading any responses to Samantha's question as well. Also thinking of changing my girl's ccc.
the mid age lady at dr. chan's clinic is a replacement. ya notice dr. queck @ ck tan clinic charges cheaper too.
i pick-up bahasa coz used to have malay kawan-kwan but now most of them lost touch liao and so does my bahasa.

heard disney htl is nice. almost everything is printed wif characters, makes one wanna bring back for souvenir hee!
are, yes 1st shopping trip that is longer haha. Usually is go to that place, buy and go.

Sunny, thanks will take a look. She manage to drink from bottle when she bit sleepy.. so we might try again, if not then change liao..
Is he very attached to any particular teacher in his current cc? I have no problem to change school for my daughter, as she does not attach to any teacher. I feel pre-preparation is very important, it does help her to prepare for the new changes.

How about Y S Teo @ Blk 177 TPY Central? His clinic opens on weekends from 1pm to 10pm.
Thanks, Precious. He is not very "attached" to anyone. But I think he likes the whole package - the environment, his friends (many of whom are like him, started as infant with this ccc, in a way you can say his friends have been with him for the whole life), the teachers (very low turnover).

How old was your girl when you change school for her?
hey dor...u mean repalcement as dr serene no longer there or?coz this few days i always saw dr quek go to clinic le as just happend always met her at mrt there..
Oh,ur bahasa still quite good...:p
i meant dr. chan's clinic relief dr. is a lady.
this a.m. my nanny brout my gal to a fren's house and met ur nanny n son. both enjoyed playing together. my nanny said ur son very cute ah...aiyor i wanna take a look too. btw, hope your son is coping well wif this new nanny.
are, a lady from the shoe shop says dlat feet is inherited. My brother had flat foot, but I'll find a good doc to go to..

Cough mixtures:
Usu there are expectorants(Cough out phlgem), muccolytic ones(dissolve phlgem), and one that will lessen the coughing frequency...

GPs tend to give medication too readily. Actually children below 2 or even 3 should see the PD,s coz there are just too many virus and symptoms that r common.

Now, there are the traditional sch of medication like, the dark brown expectorant(dont know the name), mucosolvent, and the herbal kind -sinupret(dissolve) and prospan(lessen cough frequency).

My PD once said if yur child coughs more than 5-8 times badly per hr, cough is quite bad.
Ventolin :eek:ral or inhaled can reduce the coughing fits.
Prenisolone/walasolone : are cortesteriods given if your child has bronchitis/broncholitis which is also similar to the Flixotide/ serentide(inhaled)form.however, if your doc gives the oral cortesteriod, must take because it helps to cut down the inflammation in the airways so that it won't develop to pneumonia.

From my own experience w my girls, bronchitis can come overnight. Usu my girls can have phlegmy cough for 2-3 days w fever, then suddenly, the 4th or 5th day, the cough becomes really really bad. By then, bronchitis have set in ie, they are wheezing. Some kids so bad, I saw in the hospital that the nurse must stick the tube down the throat to suck out the phlegm.
Actually, nvr wait to that stage. Just some sharing.
my gal is also down with cough now.. she had MMR vaccine 2 weeks ago, then had fever for a day last week. Then on saturday, all of the sudden, she has cough.. dun tik it is related to the vaccine rite?

anyway, where can we buy toddlers shoes besides kiddy palace? Any shop selling nice shoes to recommend?
Bug is here so take care everyone, incl adults. WIth CNY round the corner (ie indulgence in more heaty stuff), really must keep a watch out. And another thing to keep a lookout for, HFMD. It may be on the rise again - my friend's CCC in Clementi had 8 cases in one shot!
Hi Precious

thanks! mayb will dropby tomorrow.

agreed with jfoo, me oso having sore throat now despite im nt eating any cny stuff yet!
Hi dor..sorry i didnt erad properly...:p
oh,dr.chan clinic still got replacement4 tat lady?now i saw is another guy dr le..?doenst matter,not visit them is the best la..hehe...

oh really?ur nanny saw my nanny bring him go outside?at wer?today is his 1st day with this aunty...he cry le..coz not use to the environment lo...but the nanny can tell still vy patient lo..:p
Hi mummies .. been so busy lately. I guess virus are swarming around esp in this hot weather. My kids also sick, ever since they started in the ccc on 15 Jan. Running nose, cough and phlegm non stop. No medications seems to work, and tomorrow I will have no choice but to bring them down to see Dr Heng.

Last Sat, I brought them to see the Yu Ren Sen, hoping that the chinese medicine can help them. Guess what ... one boy vomits non stop after the first dose of the chinese medicine ! Till today, though persisent vomitting stopped, he still feel nausea. Haiz ... I really don't know whats wrong with him ...and he look so skinny now (heartache) !! REally regretted to start him with the chinese medicine.

GP thread : Agree .. GP is not as detailed as PD. Dosage given also not as accurate as PD.
u can try goldhill sq @ novena. Isetan also has quite a wide range of nice shoes for tods. i usually goes to orchard area convenient for me.

good tat the new nanny is shows patient. she's quite smart noeing is your son 1st day wif her brout him out for a walk to distract him hee!
hey dor, she has no choice she said..haha..coz my boy cry cry le...she tried alot of matter still cant she heard me say he like go walk walk, so let him go out lo...
actually he still new to the environment lo..even he refuse let aunty hug hug him...headache..

but aunty got 2 daughter,he like to play with them le..hehe...

your post really scare me. Yesterday we brought son to Aglow. Dr ong requested son to be on the neubuliser, coz we told him the night before, he was like wheezing. Said it may lead to bronchitis, scarly thought.

last night, I was so terrified. There was a few second where my son was like into a fit while crying and coughing like he was gasping for air. Think in terms of phelgm get sucked. So so terrified. Didnt sleep whole night also. dead tired.
i agree mummies..
me too is dwn w son as tink cny is round e corner...n i havent feast on cny goodies at all...(

everyone better take care...
Janice, oh dear, so who's been hit so badly? As for whether CCC kids get sick more often than kindergarten ones, I think so, to a certain extent, cos CCC one is exposed to whatever germs there may be for longer hours and esp in an enclosed air-conditioned area. Kindy is only for those few hours and some are not air conditioned, air flow better. But then, all really boils down to the immune system of the kid.

I'm off to Penang tomorrow early morning. Have to leave the house before 6am. Kiddos too. Hope my lil' boy won't be grouchy and moody when I wake him up...Hubby said to let them wear their travel clothes to sleep, or wear PJs to the airport, haha!
hv a pleasant trip!
good idea to put on their travel clothes (comfy type, no frills) to sleep safe time and trouble to change them the nxt morning.

so sorry my post scared you. But we must nvr take bronchitis lightly. How old is yr son. If he is on neb, his coughing fits shld reduce. Dr Ong is a gd doc. Just make sure yr son takes the neb properly. It dosent matter if he is crying or screaming, but he must breathe in the medication from the neb machine untill it finishes. It is suppose to lesson the coughing and choking as it opens the air passage ways up.also let yr boy sleep on his side, so the phlegm wont choke him as badly.. yah, and I also nvr sleep when my girl gets bronchitis/or croup.....
