Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Good morning mummies,
It's TGIF!!! Soooo happy... hope everyone have a good weekends ahead!

Enjoy ur HK trip & show us more pics when u come back ok?

Welcome to our thread. Of course u r more welcome to join in the chat. Do share with us more & show us ur bb/child pic.

Ashlyn is soooo cute & sweetie gal.. I wanna bao bao her tmr.

I thot u forget abt me liao didn't reply my post earlier nearly wan to cry heehee... just kidding.
Ya will be gg to Dylan's bday tmr hope i won't be lat cos pt maid coming early morning. Yes my hb will be coming with us. YES i'm very kiasu signed up foto-U package liao heehee..
One more time again...have a great trip...Enjoy shopping & Eating! Share with me about your good buys and recommended food hunts when you buy yah.

Welcome Welcome to the thread...you got how many kids? How old are they? Can intro more about yourself?

Your gal has got really tempting looking cheeks for pinching! See you & Ashlyn tomolo.

Err...I'll likely be late as mentioned earlier...BUT you must wait for me to come over hor!
U sala liao Ashlyn is Grace's bb gal lei. Jessica's gal is Shannon lah heehee...
Why wait for u? U miss me huh? haha... U dun come too late hor.
Grace / Jessica
Alamak.....thousand apologies....me blur blur today!!!!!!!!

Y alor...miss U...If my boy coorperative...will sure come earlier...cross my figners. :p
I miss chatting with u but i miss ur boy more haha... Dun worry i'm sure ur boy will be guai guai tmr. Can't wait to see u all tmr..
Hi SpringDance,

ha! ha! u mixed up with my girl, Shannon n Grace's Ashlyn...would love to c u in person as didnt meet u previously.

Hi Irene,

No lah...how can i forget u, eh? Wait u "pish pish" me ah! ha! ha!
spring irene jesicca
thks! today packing, tomolo our flight is 8am! Have to be at airport 6am, so have to wake randal at 5am! goodness! u all enjoy dylan's birthday party, dun miss me too much ah, hahahah

hi welcome to join our thread, pls drop by to post more often ya.

ash realy cute and natural poser hor. aiyah miss her and miss hugging her.
Hi mummies

I moving to block 95, but moving again after 2 years cause they going to tear down already .. So meanwhile we hope to get our own flat by 2 years time ..
hey ur baby real cute! i like the second picture, she is so chubby.. i like chubby kids. my boy, now 17mths old, is not so chubby anymore. He used to be chubier when he was smaller.
im a sahm too, maybe when u move over, we can have a tea date! there are also a couple of sahm on the thread, like jessica, elaine, just to name a few.
springdance..heeehee nevermind lah.

esther, ya too bad u go HKG tomorrow, otherwise can let u carry carry. she not so fat liao..last time more huggable.

irene, see u ya...

hi blissful,
Welcome =)
Esther esther
Enjoy your trip tommorow, eat all the yummy dim sum, and dun forget to check out H and M , they have really nice and cheap baby clothings
and adult ones too. it is at queens road central---but there always traffic jam, so try avoid peak hours ya.

mummies....hehe, i am so excited about tommorow

so see you all there at 2pm. remember your socks ah! i scared the place is hard to find---just in case, look for toys r us/ mothercare, or burgerking, then take escalator up and you can see planet fitness, then walk straight---and you can see gymboree
there is an information counter near tangs just in case
but they will tell you that gymboree is at harbourfront---makes it more confusing, hiya, just follow my directions

oh yes, parking can be a headache--wARNING..

and dun forget your cameras! really excited to meet the mummies i haven met before too.
Good morning mummies,
So envy Esther shld hv reach HK liao...

I can't wait to bao bao Ashlyn see u later.

mummies going to Dylna's 1st bday can actually park at HF near lobby D at 3 level just go up the stairs & u'll see gymboree liao very easy. I brought jerald there once for trial lesson.

Can't wait to see ur handsome boy Dylan. See ya

thks for the fabulous time we had this afternn at gymbo. hope dylan enjoyed himself too. really enjyed laughg along together with all the bbs/ toddlers.


nice meetg u! thks for ur wet wipes when my girl had her hand in cream =P

grace/ irene

nice spiffy lookg carriers


ur shannon is a doll! no chance to hug hug her. nvm, got nxt tm .


thks for the chat


nice meeting u again!
Mummies mummies...
Mink, Springdance, Irene, Jessica, Grace, Nana,and Mummy 2.Thanks soooooooo much for cominG!

Really hoped that the lil ones enjoyed themselves at the party, really great to meet up with those i have met before, really cool you came! I am sooo happy. But paiseh, i think i aint a very good host cause din manage to talk to each and everyone of you. I realised some of you din even managed to eat the cake! Ooops!!!

But thanks so much for the pressies, and gonna post photos up in the blog and facebook hopefully by tommorow-----I AM DEAD BEAt, this dylan slept only surprising for an hour after the party, then i shaved his head cause he has a bout of heat rashhen feed ah then shower blah blah.... only now then get to rest=)

Mummy 2---i wish Dylan was already as old as your kids! It really is neat to see them joining in despite being a lil older.=)

Jessica-- sooo sorry i made shannen cry.hehe but i think she is gonna be used to it once you expose her more. next time i go play gym, jio you ok?=) cant wait to see your pics too!and must add, you look really great today!

Grace , did you manage to take the pic of jerald sayanging my dress anot? heheh i found it really innocent and sweet:p

Irene, thanks for coming=) so you gonna plan one for jerald too?

Nana, Ryan's bye bye is really cool hor. hehe. hope he enjoyed himself,=) if only randal's here, i think he will be happy with the playmate!

Springdance, glad jonas warmed up in the end. great to meet you, hopefully more to come!

Mink,i think your gal is really amicable! She takes to everyone and all the games so well=) Great to meet you finally ya!

Golly golly germaine. you ok? we missed you! Jessica was asking about you and cat. Is everything alright?

esther! you having a great time in hk anot? cant wait to hear about your trip soon....
nice to meet you too =) yap our carriers look great.

thanks for having us...didnt manage to catch up with you. and i must have missed telling u that golly cant make it cos her hubb food poisoning..me blur liao forget to say...everything just happened too quicky. and sad that cannot take group picture heehee cos it was feeding time for ash.

and hor, no i didnt manage to take jerald sayang yr dress leh, everytime i want to take, he move to the man beside..haahaa...so only we get to see the innocent move.

btw, i just reach home at 10pm from vivo..haahaa went jalan jalan and eat dinner.. now super tired.

Elaine: I peeped through the window of gymboree this afternoon after my movie n lunch and on the way to Harbourfront carpark. I saw u heee! So bz walking around. Glad u and dylan enjoyed urself.

mummy2: hee glad u saw me by the window. Hope to meet up soon.

Grace: Ur girl so sweet and yes she is not so chubby as b4 now still looking good!
Hope to meet up soon, no chance to chat much.

Bought my son n hubby to my firm movie screening at GV Vivo in the morning..watched The Narnia..Prince Capsium. Very nice show! And i'm glad jovan sit through (on my lap n hubby's) the movie!! Hee..next time can bring him to more movies those cartoon type. =P
mummies here ..

You all are so friendly ..

I don't really join form thread as i realise sometimes mummies is comparing with each other.

And sometimes if u are always active and very close with one of the famous mummies, u are lucky.

If u are not, u are doom as they won't care about u so much ..

I hope this time i found the right thread!
Hi Elaine,

Tks for yr compliment...hee hee! u too look great, pretty mama. Ha! secretly took u a solo pic. as find u attractive ma! shhhhh...dont tell my HB else he thinks i'm a...(choi!). Taken quite a nos of shot of Dylan, U n yr HB together. Will sent it to yr email for yr pleasure viewing. No lah...my girl, aiyoh, cranky today...sometimes her mood change v. fast n maybe today too many people n music loud...stress lor. She cried very "chiam" right? Hainzzz.....wish she like other babies more active n enjoy her play.

Hi Irene,

Wow....envy yr boy enjoy himself much n active crawler. My girl....everyone present there can vouch my girl is a crybaby ah! Should i be concerned abt her social skill???

Hi Grace,

Yr girl dress pretty cute today with her doll eye.

Hi Mink,

Nice meeting up with u n yr girl!

Hi SpringDance,

Aiyo...we miss again saying hi to each other leh! Sorry...didnt say hi to u as my girl cry n cry n didn't know who u r till much later in the room.
Hi Bliss,

Know what u mean by some mummies comparing with each other...u will feel stress or more worried if yr bb didn't catch up with other babies development, right? Hey! This thread is different as our babies are of different age so can't compare la! ha! ha! Sometimes can get advise from other mummies who kids are older now as they are more experience. Hey! we can meet up as yr plc quite near to mine. Bt Merah Central nothing much to shop....wanna meet at IKEA or Anchorpoint one of these days?? Sometimes met Esther also a SAHM at IKEA or Anchorpoint. U let me know ya? Here....we can chit chat anything la. Once again....welcome welcome!
Nice meeting u but didn't get much chance to chat with u. Hopefully can meet up another day. Yeah i love my carrier soooo much until i even bought a same diaper to match it heehee...

U really a very sweet & hot mama lei me see liao so envy... Still thinking hard whether to plan for a big or just a small party among own family. No plans yet really headache.

Did u managed to take pics of jerald with Ashlyn? Both of them so cute staring at one another.

I know wat u mean but dun worry our thread is very healthy & we dun compare here & there. Do join us our chat whenever u can.

Ya lor jerald crawl non stop always keep me busy & tired every weekends. I wonder will he be hyper later on but see he can eat & sleep well i suppose everything is fine.
Shannon is really a cute bb maybe she seldom get in touch with other ppl & kids so she's scared & cried. Most impt is ur bb is healthy & slowly will pick up everything it's just a matter of time only.
Thanks all the pics it's all so nice & clear till can see my boy drool all over his romper haha...
Ashlyn look so cute in the bumbo waiting patiently for her food, if for jerald i think he can't wait & sit guai guai like her.
She really slim down compare to the last time i saw her. My hb just weigh jerald today & he's 10kg liao no wonder my arms getting more tired nowadays heehee...
Hihi mummies,

ooh my, how all your babies have grown! Nice to see all the cute pics of the babies!

So esther
u r in HK finally? Happy shopping!

ur party looks great! Hope dylan had a wonderful time!

woah, ur boy is alomost as heavy as my girl! She's 10.8kg now

hihi all,
me is just so happy today cos I managed to catch up with my close frens at my girl's birthday tea party today. Was just a simple family get-together but I'm really so happy about it all that I couldn't get to sleep so I decided to get online and share my joy with everybody! As u can prob tell from this post, I'm a bit delirious now... Tee hee hee...
Here's some pics from Isabelle's teas party with Piglet and frens cos she loves Piglet!

The Piglet and friends cake

The cheery cake table


Table centrepiece from recycled glass bottle

And here's Isabelle chilling out at the pool towards the end of her party!

So yep, this has been a really HAPPY day for me, err... i mean us!
hi mummies,
wah...so many cute babies to see... post more leh...
my PC KO today....sigh!! think i cant log on for awhile liao...sian...

thanks for inviting us to the bd party!! is fabulous... hehehe... u so slim yo.... young & pretty & hot mama!! dylan so handsome as always!!

no lar...cant hear shannon crying as the music too loud liao...no worries... my boy also didnt join in much...only the "kick ball" session, he very on....but he grabbed the ball and threw instead of kicked...hahaha..
hey, thanks for helping me to take a family picture... can email me the picture then i can post in my blog after my PC is repaired.... boo hoo hoo... PC spoilt liao..i going to become mountain turtle... now i using hubby's laptop... but during wkday no access as he wld leave it in office..

i wld email u the picture of my boy & ur gal in due course....
can u email me the picture with ryan inside?? thanks hor..

grace, irene
ur baby carriers super nice lor... u all bought from a bp one rite? i got the diaper tote & handy sack in that design... but i didnt know got carrier leh... hmmm...can hold till how many kg??

mink, mummy2
nice meeting u all, but no real chance to chit chat...next time ok?

finally managed to chat with u abit this time... hey, u managed to bring ur boy out all alone mah... great job!! as u got used to it, it wld be easier liao... so u managed to go ur fren's bb full mth in the end? ur jonas very cute & charming, liked to play with the balloon...
hope he liked the yellow balloon... is really super big hor... ended up the balloon kept blocking my view when my boy holding it while i carried him in the carrier... :s
so long nvr see u liao.... meet up with us soon leh!!
glad u so happy with ur gal mini party...the pictures look great and ur gal soooo pretty hor... like mummy! hehee..

i didnt see u leh... boo hoo hoo... but i arrived late at the party...
hey, i still waiting for the pictures taken when we went pete's place... become giraffe liao...hahaha... remember to email when u got the time ok?? the ones u posted i saved liao, the one with esther & randal & ryan & me cannot post, else our identities wld be exposed!! haha... so u email ok? xie xie..
hi blissful,
WELCOME here... all the mummies here very friendly one...feel free to join in the chat... are you FTWM or SAHM?
Can join us in our gatherings next time, ok??
can i use ur picture of dylan & the bd cake to put in my boy's blog? cos i realised i didnt take any picture!! my boy clinging onto me that time...

see, my boy also clingy and doesnt want to join in at times one... and hor, worse, he is boy & he is older than ur gal... so u no need worry too much.. think i shld be the one worrying..

do jio me when got ad hoc SAHM gathering hor...

oh, forgot to add just now, ur top on sat very glam leh... hot mama huh... like going disco...hehehe..

ehh...ok...i better go zzz liao...
one shot post so many msgs... hahaha.. to make up for the time when i cant be online...sobs....
hi hi mummies

not sure if some of u gals will remember mi.. was MIA for awhile cos of work. tiring.. gonna do some fire fighting again tis week.

need to de-stress alittle n look at forum.

how's everyone? I c u guys had fun at e birthday party!
hee.. Shannon looked so sexy in her outfit.
hee... Jerald n Ash looked like they will b a pair of "qing mei zu mah" ahahaha so cute... ooh.. n i think e cardigan on Ash is very sweet... did u get fr Gap or Zara?

Isabelle...i finally c how yr gal (e real isabelle) looks like. hee... pretty like e mummy. how r u getting on in yr pregnancy? now shld b 2nd trim rite? I think when we first met at e cheeze cafe at great world, could not even c yr tummy.

Blissful dim
hi... r u fr Dec thread? were u under e nick mel? cos yr baby's photo looks juz like hers.
cry baby,
of course i remember u!! u so slim liao that time we met for the gwc gathering... and ur gal hor not cry baby, very guai instead..hehe..
how's work so far?? dun be too stressed ok... join us for gatherings next time to destress...
post some pictures of ur gal when got time... she must have grown alot liao...
Gd mrng all mummies

Elaine, tks for inviting us to Dylan's birthday party. We all hv a great time there especially the kids. They really enjoyed themselves very much
Hope Dylan has enjoyed himself too. I can imagine how tired u r after the event....

Nice meeting all mummies and the babies. Don't really hv much time to chit chat with u all, hope to catch up with u gals again soon....
Thanks for inviting us to Dylan’s party….it’s really nice you! A pity Jonas is slow to warm up…by then he is OK, the activities were over and time for cake cutting.

By the way, You have the Group photo of the babies & mummies ready? Can email to me please? As I was all alone and lugging a lot of stuff…never take a single picture at the party. :p

Oh…you are the mummy with the very professional looking camera rite? I noticed you and Shannon but had no idea who you were…Hiazzzz…such a pity we missed chatting in person although we “know” each other for quite some time.

Yupz….so glad to chat more with you this time! Your is sooo chubby! What do you feed him? I always think that Jonas is too slim liao as compared to the babies I see…he’s the kind dun like to eat and dun like to drink milk…signzzz

Yes…I have finally successfully to bring my boy out alone for the 1st time! And it was not easy coz I had to lug two big pressies and run to 2 locations! One pressie was for Dylan and the other for my friend’s boy whom I went for the celebration after Dylan’s party.

I LOVE piglet too…..is the Piglet on the cake edible? So cute….can bear to eat it if it’s edible. Where did you order the cake from? Taste good?

Great to see your boy & gal after hearing you talk about them during dinner the other time. They are such a beautiful pair! Mummy must be soo proud of them.

We are all mummies…same ranking….no such thing as more famous and less popular….so no worries yah! When you free, drop by anytime to chat.

cn ask, whr u get ash's hairband frm? its pretty!


v pretty cake n set up! whr is ur cake frm?
grace, can see that u really make an effort to doll Ashlyn up. me is a "bo chap" mummy, never make an effort to do that on my girl. no hairband or clip on her 'cos she likes to pull them down so now just let her be a messy girl, very bad mummy right??? Anyway, she looks very tomboy too
like her kor kor lor.....

mink, yr girl birthday just over so now u r thinking for her 2nd birthday party???
ya, she slim down liao. ever since that horrible bronchitis. And when she started infant care, she comes down with running nose very often. now she is more or less immune to it already. hope she gets fatter again. Jerald really ba ba...solid i like.

go ahead and take the pics for your blogs.

cardi is from mothercare. cannot find from zara and gap. gap sale but the sizes very small only.

hairband is from BP here.. she has a bp going on. mischa lil secrets. go check out.

i tot attend birthday party mah so dress her up nicely..heehee..but seems like i overdress liao hehe. so far she is ok with the hairband. have been putting for her when she is little so she is used to it. your 2 kids are big already..so nice. me still struggling.

didnt get to talk to u again..i also one man show on sat, so very busy. me and irene were like trying to eat and carry bb and feed them..haahaa
Ya my boy put on weight since he started on semi solid & my mum say he'll look at them & drool when thy eat.
Hey, ur gal really look like u lei so sweet & pretty too
I love ur gal's bday theme.

I also got a handy sack use it as a diaper bag same design as my carrier. Me very vain hor haha... Hmm... i heard can carry bb at least 20kg.

Of course we remb u lah. Long time no chat with u liao. How's everything? Post ur gal pic. I think we shld organise another gathering soon for chit chat & see all the bb & kids.

No worries u try to feed Ashlyn more semi solid i'm sure she'll slowly balloon heehee...

Frankly speaking i prefer jerald to be slimmer a bit like tat time when he's teething. His features nicer & sharper too. Now his face more round & thighs bigger liao & i carry him till my arms very tired.



u nt bo chup la. its nt easy to run aft 2 kids lei
Find out more abt pretty cakes so tht cn keep a ref. nxt tm got any birthdays cn consider =P
where did u get the piglet cake from. its really cute. haahaa me just breathing in all the ideas so that i can find one for Ash's birthday...ya i know still long time away...but this mummy prefer to plan ahead.

no problem..hehe
Hihi nana,
yep it's indeed been a long time! So is your boy still giving 'lectures' to those around him or he can speak more fluently now? Hee hee so cute

yes yes i do rem u. U were struggling with baby bjorn then, but I suppose u must have gotten the hang of it by now! U r so small size and slim though ur baby was only 3 mths old then!
Me is getting along very well, now am 6 and a half mths. Quite excited!

spring, mink n grace,
uhmm... actually the cake was baked by me... cos I felt ripped off when i realised I had to pay $90 for a bengawan solo cake just bcos it had a picture of piglet on it (Disney copyright). And it's not even tierred, just plain white cream with piglet drawn on it... But thanks for the compliments anyway, cos I've never actually tried to ice a cake in my life, or done a tierred cake before, though I do like to bake... But i must say the cake looks nicer than it tastes =p Hee...

So cute! Isabelle never really drooled at the sight of food but I've seen many babies who do. They're so adorable!!!
Hee hee I like the theme too, and I'm glad she likes Piglet cos I personally prefer piglet and Eeyore to Pooh!
Dear Mummies..

Really glad you really enjoyed the party and had a good time chatting , it is the first time i am doing such thing and of course happy that you guys had a great time!=) i have only been to a couple of gatherings so far, but i think i must not be lazy and catch up more often!

thousand apologies for the slow posting of photos on my blog, i have not even gotten my arse to sit down to write that entry. hehe pardon the language.i dunno y, but my neck is pretty much strained and it is so painful that i can hardly turn it. been sticking salonpas every night! so when you say i am young---it is a total irony, cause this mummy aches like mad every night. sigh.i think it is the ergonomics of me at the laptop or the way i sleep, either way, need to see gp to get a referral soon.

but! i have the photos at my facebook cause the uploading is so much faster=)

hope the link works! go right ahead and use as many pics as you like=)

ok i gotta go rest that neck now=(

i wished she is that gd gal... she was crying badly juz now again as usual.. i m still having prob getting her to sleep. we either have to yo yo her or i latch her til she fall asleep. but as she gets bigger, its getting harder to yo yo her cos she's heavy!!
n of cos, when e time comes for mi to stop BF, i wont b able to latch her to sleep.
sigh.. i think i need to come up with new strategy to get her to sleep.

n i muz tell u gals how she cried so badly at the ajisen ramen last nite when mi n hubby was having dinner there. my hubby carried her out of e rest hoping i can then eat in peace. but it was so loud that i can hear fr inside ajisen. so paiseh...

think spore babies cannot b praised!!

yr ash was sick??
hmm.. m wondering to get e cardigan thing. but my gal seem to b hot n sweat most of e time lei.. wonder worth or not to buy. Had wanted to get one fr gap.. so sweet looking!!
n i muz agree with Mink, u really doll up yr gal!! i m abit paiseh to say i not so hardworking.


yesh!! we shld meet up n catch up!

hee.. i had bought my gal a swimsuit n brought her to swim at e safra club. quite cute. mayb shld post up e pic when i upload my pics fr e camera.

i kinda more familiar with e carrier now as compared to 3 mths ago. hahah..
have u thought of e name for yr new gal?
hello ppl,

hows everyone? seems like everyone is having a good time!

the babies all look so grown up now! oh! we should be calling them lil boys and gals! not babies anymore...

isabelle - you baked that cake! wow.... it looks soooo good! I am impressed

wheres bless? nonoelle must be busy with her travelling schedules.

esther tell us about your trip when back!

ok, till we chat again....keep the mails flowing...

Wow... u r really good to bake such a nice & beatiful cake for ur gal. Well done!!

R u feeling better today? U shld seek help from GP soon since u r still young. I tried to view the link u download but i can't seem to see it & it say "The page you requested can not be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page."

How r u? Long time didn't see u post liao. I thot i would see in last Sat. Didn't manage to see nonoelle downstairs liao i supposed she's busy travelling everynow & then.
