Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Mooncake gathering</font></font>

girls, no problem, i can book my function room for a mooncake gathering like last year. wah time flies, it was only last year that we gathered for mooncake, now its another year again!
u all suggest a date, and i'll go see whether the rooms are availiable. But the earlier book, the higher chances of getting the room.

Hi Miorei,

Tks for yr confirmation on Arts Kidz programme which i guess right. Hmmmm....seems like no school are for both good - meaning academic &amp; creative learning. If yes, think super x liao!

Hi Bless,

aiya! always miss to meet Nonoelle &amp; pretty desiree. Hmmmm....just like mummy tall &amp; pretty! Miss Beauty-to-be wor!

Hi Nonoelle,

How r u? Hope to meet u at Mooncake gathering.

Hi Ester,

I don know which date...so got mummies here to help to set a date?
hi Jessica
I m still thinkin whether to sign up for artz kids too.

hi MLB
when's yr gal starting her class?
in fact i juz dropped by today to take a look at e place..
e lady everything also say can handle.. i m abit skeptical if she really mean it.
e place looks nice n airy.
but i m wondering how's e hygiene factor n how's e teachers?
any comments fr mummies who have already started class there?
ya lor. for sure v ex 1. :p

Saturday is better for us but will try and make it for other days too. Thanks for organising.

should be Dec or Jan. TBC based on my work schedule. :p
mooncake festival!!! yummy yummy!

thanks for offering yr place again esther. do you think 3 oct is still available cos its the actual day. im off on that day n if u hot mummies are meeting then count me in!

hi lincray, it was nice to meet u n lincoln! such a coincidence to think we were both suffering to travel to work place back then!

jessica, i was hoping to catch up w u that day but waited n waited u never show up!! shannon muz be a big n adorable girl now!

hope to see u all at the mooncake festival if esther manages to book the venue. if not maybe we can do it at any of the mummies' house. my house is fine too though may be a bit out of the way. telok blangah. so u guys decide n keep me informed!
I'm keen on the mooncake festival gathering too depending on the time.

Post photo of your princess here lei...I'm sure she's beautiful like you!

Re: ArtsKidz
Went to find out more about the fees for this school...registration fee alone and not refundable is $250...quite high lei.
i juz went over to ArtsKidz in e afternoon to sign up for my gal.
she b starting on 5 Oct.

i guess i still choose there cos its near to my place.
n we really like e activities.
during my visit there, i noticed e kids were also well behaved.
i hope my gal will b influenced and start to behave well.

e current sept promo is foc for:
1. the violin
2. the uniform (2 sets)
3. the yoga mat
4. the apron
the foc stuff comes up to around $200.

a few of my frens said convenience is impt when it comes to pre-sch. so i guess tis artskidz is also rather convenient, i can walk over fr home. n my MIL does not mind going down to pick her, although she stays at bukit purmei.
Hi Ester,

I'm fine on 3rd Oct (Sat) too! Think last time starts at 7pm, so not sure if convenient for all mummies here.

Hi Nonoelle,

Hee! paiseh...let u wait n wait. Hope to c u this mooncake gathering. Ya, post yr girl pic here leh. I can imagine she will be the tallest among the kiddos here!

Hi Crybaby, Springdance,

Hmmm...then Artskidz not for me as not really near..have to take bus, not walking distance. Been headache whether to sent my girl for pre-school next yr or till 3 yrs old. Wanted only walking distance school but can't find an ideal 1.
Hi Jessica

Can understand e headache u having.
cos i was also pondering for awhile on whether to send my gal or not. our initial idea was to send when she's 3 -4yrs old.
However, we felt that she really is not doing anything much at home. In addition, she is getting abit bad temper. So hopefully going to sch will help discipline her and she can also learn things in an enjoyable manner. Mi n my hubby r really not capable of teaching her. Most of e time i also work late, leaving little time for me to teach her.

Mayb if u can still handle, u can wait til u find a gd sch or wait til yr gal is bigger b4 sending her to sch
Hi crybaby,

I've exact sentiments as you. U see I'm not working now and HB said might be too young for her to attend school and wait till she turn 3. I initally wanted to go back to work when she turn 3yrs but now...aiyoh..dilema! Now she has grown and is fun to play with now though exhausted my energy at the end of day. I read somewhere that the best teacher is still the parents! Since i'm not working, i can teach her, only that worry is her social skills.
hi girls
suddenly remembered that on 3 oct, my maid will not be around, as she is on home leave, so i will be unable to host the gathering at my place. Cos i will be busy alone taking care of 2 kids, so a bit difficult to org a gathering here. any other mummies can host the gathering? nonoelle?

can we go to ur place instead? telok blagah isn't far, since we all stay around this area.
hi im going off now so will just post a quick msg. my place is fine. u guys decide wat time im free whole day. probably can decide on theme and food too.

will only be back on wed and respond to ur. see ya!
crybaby &amp; jessica,

i share the same sentiments as u &amp; jessica. it's hard for me as i am a FTWM single mum so that leaves me v little time to teach my gal despite me making efforts to bring her to enrichment class once a week.

i might start my gal in the same wk as ur gal or 1 wk later. might be able to see u at school then.
Jessica / Crybaby
I also didn't mention that Arts Kidz is not convenient for us too.. got to take a bus, drop off at the main road and then walk inside...but I do think that their activities on the timetable looks interesting.
how about this? 3 oct, sat, 6.30pm, nonoelle's place
Pls list down ur name if you are able to come

Mooncake gathering
3 oct, sat, 6.30pm, nonoelle's place
1)nonoelle n desiree
2)esther n randal (bring tea and drinks)
how about this? 3 oct, sat, 6.30pm, nonoelle's place
Pls list down ur name if you are able to come

Mooncake gathering
3 oct, sat, 6.30pm, nonoelle's place
1)nonoelle n desiree
2)esther n randal (bring tea and drinks)
3)luvbabe n luis (can offer to buy mooncake, like last yr)
hi esther n luvbabe,

if ur dun mind, can we change it to 2 oct fri instead? cos my BIL just informed me that we have a family gathering at his house on 3rd n he has booked a big buffet.. sorry abt it!
Hi Crybaby,

Great to have another mummy with Arts Kidz.

how old is ur gal? Wonder if would be in the same class as my gal..

Really good offer for sept sign up!

So far my gal is enjoying school. She has been singing new songs when she came back from school. She is excited about her violin and yesterday, she show me a yoga pose that she learnt in the school in the morning. I feel so glad.

My gal is bilingual but i think her mandarin speaking ability in term of voca seem to have expanded after she started school. Her spoken eng seem to have more varities of expression too. She previously attended GUG and know abt phonic sounds but i have stopped revising with her for a while. Over the weekend, i saw her making the sound as she read the letter. I asked her yesterday and she said teachers taught her. I am also surprised that she is able to make the sound when i ask her randomly. She was not able to previously.

This is the current observation so far. I guess i need at least another 6 months before i can assess whether the school is doing well. But i always believe that parents play a big part too. I do reading and some other activities such as puzzles etc with her everyday as much as i can.

In term of hygience, i know that the kids will line up to go toilet for wee wee/wash hands before meal. I only have one comment abt this area, i.e. the kids do not seem to ask to go wash their hands immediately after back from outdoor play session. You may wish to observe on the 1st and 2nd day when your gal starts school .
friday evening a bit difficult for me cos my maid on home leave n i am alone with 2 kids and my hubby doesnt come home so early. so i cannot possibly bring 2 kids out.
hmm then wat other suggestion? or u all go ahead first, if my hubby is able to come home early, then we bring our kids to join u all
Weekday evenings are not good for me as i end work late and baby knocks out by 8.30pm usually. How about 4 Oct (Sun) late afternoon? Does it matter if we celebrate mid-autumn 1 day late? Otherwise very sad that i have to give this gathering a miss...
Hi ladies been a whole since i post liao...been super busy with 2 n maid went for hoilday.....like mad house :p

how's everyone
sun i have to be at the airport at 5am...

how bout if sat we meet earlier say 2 or 3pm? jessica can u make it? then lincray can meet us before she go back n doll up nice nice for wedding dinner. at the most i dim all the lights n draw all the curtains in my house to make it dark dark haha!

or not then ur can meet on sun if most of the mummies can make it! i will join ur in the next gathering no problem.

where is bless huh?

i'm glad that ur gal is enjoying school v much. am starting my gal in mid oct so will keep u posted. btw ur gal is doing full day or half day? i signed up too early hence didnt get to enjoy the freebies for sept registration. :p


maybe our gals will be in the same class.
nonoelle, you're so cute leh... what an idea to draw the curtains - must make sure they are black-out curtains too leh, else the lantern light will not be bright ;)

Anyway, thanks for the thought. Unfortunately, i have a Hari Raya open house to attend on Sat afternoon too. So 3 Oct is absolutely out for me

So how, looks like the midautumn weekend is tough for everyone. Shall we then have a belated celebration/gathering instead on the following week?
Yeah, since the mid autumn weekend seems to be busy for all.... suggest we can have the gathering a week after...doesn't matter.

Ester, hope your maid comes back by then!
my agent told me 9/10 maids who go back for holidays never come back to sg although they claim they want to come back..
so i shall see how it goes. my maid claims that she wanna come back, but i m just keeping my fingers crossed. well, if she comes back, good.. but is she doesn't , i also don't mind getting a new maid to replace her.
so will update u all again. i bought her a 2 way flight, and she is supposed to come back on 7 october.
I would really love to join the gathering too...but only available on weekends.

Since cannot meet up before MAF, shall we meet up somewhere instead? You girls keen to bring your kids to the newly opened POLLIWOGS, perhaps on 10 Oct afternoon? Been wanting to bring my boy there...
SpringDance, I just brought Luis to Polliwogs last Sat and he had lotsa of fun... My girlfriend celebrated her daughter's 3 yr old bday there. I don't mind bringing Luis there another time coz he really sweat it out and enjoyed it thoroughly!
Actually, 10 Oct is my wedding anniversary... Can we move the date to another week later, i.e. 17 Oct, please?

I have checked with Polliwogs, the pricing for 3 yr old and above for weekend is $18 for 90mins worth of play at the indoor arena.
Hello Luvbabe
Heheh..wedding anniversary on 10/10..so what's your plans that day?

I suppose 17 Oct (deepavali) is fine for us to go Polliwogs..my boy below 3yr old, any idea how much?
Actually, no plans yet coz... recently, feeling very stressed at work... Yesterday, felt tremors in office building and thot it was me, feeling giddy...
Spring, miorei, ester, are you ladies ok with 17 Oct, say 11am? Thot it would be better if we go in the morning.... coz 1pm is almost nap time for Luis already...
