Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

weishy, congrats on yr new baby!

leeds, my son will be starting on 17 Aug.

cry_baby, we went to Arts Kidz yesterday for uniform fitting...and yes they gave my son violin...seems they do encourage kids to learn to play...i havent heard any of the kids playing yet...but we observe yesterday some having art class, some having music class - but music class we saw was singing and the teacher playing piano. seems fun the kids are very attentive, i dont know how they do it =) if y're really keen can i recommend you? think they give discount when recommended ;p

cloubhappy, i agree with you...before we signed up our son in Arts Kidz we look around for child care centres and pre-schools...some very dull. but in Arts Kidz seems kids are happy and teachers are lively as well.

have not seen yr baby b4. post some pic, if u can lei.
hee.. muz b cute like randall, tat's y u wan another 1.

MumBebes & Cloubhappy
Thanks for e info!
i guess i will try to set aside a day next week to go down n see.

I went to GUG at suntec b4 for a trial n i didnt like it. 1 teacher actually asked mi to bring my gal out as she said she was disrupting the class. so needless to say, i wont consider there.
Hi cry baby and lincray

My gal used to be at the united sq branch.

Hi crybaby

They are really unprofessional and really speak of how poorly trained and unqualified teachers they have in handling children. totally unacceptable.
thinking of switching my son to betheda kindergarten cos currently he only attends half day child care and doesnt need the full day childcare service leh. But the rate i am paying now is for full day childcare service.
the kindy is much cheaper for the same number of hours, and about the same curriculum
hi crybaby, my son's picture.

can show me how ur dau looks like now? have not seen her for a long long time
Ladies:hee tks tks ya very hairy hor lucas :p me ate alot of beef kakakkakak,almost every other day :p.....

Birth story:nt interesting one cos i c sec mah :p

went in at 6am....

one thing about Mt A.....i hv to "standby" outside the theatre 30mins b4 surgery...with other non preggy patients...scary le......
not like MT E ready just push into theatre liao :p

Bb lucas came out in 8 mins :p ( heard some gynae 2hours in the theatre le!!!!!!! scary)

BTW:ARTS KIDZ is for wat age onwards har?seems like a good school
Hi Weishy,

Arts kidz is for kids above 18 months old.

Hi all mummies whose kids are drinking Gain IQ..

Giant selling it at $48.90..
Can stock up if u wan.
i am not too sure about the place of origin though. Should be alright i guess...
cloudhappy:eek:ic tks tks....my hubby went to hv alook and tot the cleanliness there is satisfactory only....any comments????

can share wats their daily routine too ???tks alot
Hi Weishy

I find the cleanliness and the general environment pleasant to me personally.

Which aspect of the school that your hubby find not really clean or good? Maybe you can share with us?

If I recall correctly, I think your gal is currently with MMI Bukit Merah? That was one of my shortlisted school when I do my searching few months ago. How is your gal adapting in MMI? Would be great to hear your experience.

You can find the school timetable in the website under tab “contact us” for the different respective age groups.
hi ester,
thanks, yes very much in my 20 weeks of pregnancy now....reached the half-way mark already. Going for my detail scan this Fri but at the last check-up, gynae couldn't confirm but said that it could be another boy.

Luis is also 3 yrs old liao but only weigh 13.5kg. Seems difficult for him to gain weight.

My boy is also in Apple Tree this year. By the way, Apple Tree does not serve food. Hope your son enjoys AppleTree next year!

I also sends my boy to TCM whenever he has cough, etc. I send him to the one at TB Plaza - Eu Yan Sang Clinic. The TCM physician is Qi yi shi. She is really good and I can say that my boy's immunity is much better since he had a very serious lung infection in Feb this year. If interested, you can try it out.
Hey luvbabe11, how old is your boy? Apple Tree does not serve food? Not even "apples"? kekeke... Don't the kids have snack breaks?

I heard the Eu Yan Seng Clinic is pretty costly. Where is it exactly? Since it is close to where i live, i don't mind trying it out if it is good.

nana-kuchi, thank you for your updated list of the mummies in our thread! That must be a lot of work... Really appreciate it
lincray, my boy has just turned 3 last month and born in 2006. However, he started at Apple Tree since Jan this year. Nope, Apple Tree does not serve food and no snacks break, not even apples, hehe! Teacher gave them an apple when they learnt the letter 'a' though!

For 1st timer in the EYS clinic, slightly more expensive but subsequent times, I paid about $31+ for each visit. Most importantly, it must work and the meds is effective and not hurting the little child's body.
Thanks luvbabe11, where is EYS clinic exactly or is it at the store itself? Too bad i don't have the privilege card...

I gave my boy the Si Sen Powder and Ba Bao San but they don't seem to have any effect on him.
cloubhappy:humm dunno le cos he said i wont like it ........personally id idnt go there so i cannot judge too :p

MMI we sawp to sparkletots which is just below my block...easier for me n esp my helper...no need to take the feeder bus to bt merah.

Sparkletots compared to MMI is actaully much cleaner bt.....whenever my girls comes back from school....she's always abit messy and diaper super full ;( guess cant hv the best of both worlds
teachers there were good n patient .just tat i hv to top up with enrichment classes for her on sat/sun.....
lincray:i hv the card le!!!!! no need to bring the card i think i can sms my name and ic number la ????? u sms me if u need la
hi esther

yr baby so cute in the float!!
hee.. i think he looks like yr hubby.

hmm.. i think i might try to c e apple tree too so as to make a comparison between the schs. my hubby had already went to check out Arts Kidz. he quite like it, but we were wondering if e extra $$ is worth.

ooh.. my gal's pic
i cant seem to size it properly to put up.
will do that once i can

my belated congrats to ur newborn.

cry_baby & cloubhappy:

my gal at 20months also babbles but dun speak v well like in a few words together. yet she understands us well when we speak to her. i think diff kids develop at a diff pace. PD also nvr say that my gal's got any issue with speech. still monitoring. then again she can babble to familiar songs so i guess i just have to be patient.
I used to give my boy si shen powder too to increase his appetite. It sort of help a little. Now, I started to give me Vit C in the form of gummy to increase his immunity. This time round, he again eats little due to his teething.... Sigh!
Hi all,
Just to share that my bday month is Sep and being a EYS privilege card member, I will have 20% storewide disc. If anyone wants to buy anything, let me know. Just pm me or call/sms me.
hi cloubhappy,

just saw ur post that you are starting your son early.
i may start my gal earlier but sept is too rush for me to take leave. am targetting Oct/Nov. do keep us posted. hope ur son will have a great time!
luvbabe:promo finished liao .......

MLB:tks tks,hv been having difficulty to burp him....so his tummy got wind now....bloated!!!!! any other remedies other than detinox/oil massage?????

Kwong:u can try GUG or zoophonics?( both less than $30 per lesson)
weishy, You can try anti-colic wind drop/gripe water that can be bought from supermkts or pharmacies. I find the Wood's brand gripe water quite good. Gave it to my elder boy as he was a colicky baby.
luvbabe:the EYS one loooooo i went vivo EYS last sat/sun no more promo liao le

lincray:me bought the gripe water no much use......then dentinox better.....at least can fart it out

MLB:me using telon oil ...already massage 2 to 3 times daily liao le
Ladies using ANGEL wipes from steven ...now offering 2 bundles @ $8.90.contct him by tonight la.delivery will be tml or mon.
Hi All,
Like to check if anyone has enrol you kid in Nanyang Children Skool located at Telok Blangah Drive.

Like to hear some reviews abt the school. Alternatively, can someone recommend me a school for playgroup (2-4hrs) for 20mth old baby?

i just bought angel wipes from JL at $5.50 for 1 bundle leh! (1 bundle = 3 big packets of 80 wipes each)
are we talking abt the same bundle here?
if yes, so wasted, i oredi bought 2 bundles at JL!!!
Ester / weishy, is angel wipes good? I have been using either pigeon / huggies / j&j bec i find them thick, soft and moist although more expensive. Are angel wipes similar to these brands?
Hi Kareen,
I did not register my boy for any CC. He is currently attending Apple Tree Play Group. From next year onwards, he will attend the Nursery classes at Blk 6 PAP Kim Tian Place. Actually with my 2nd one coming in end Dec, am seriously still considering putting him at CC. I have also recently shortlisted to hire a maid to help out with household chores.

lincray, same like you, I also use either pigeon, J&J and huggies nia....
i love angel wipes ! its alcohol free, unscented, anti-bacterial, hypo-alergenic. its price is almost half the price ( or less than half the price) of J&J / pigeon etc. I personally think the thickness is quite thick , similar to pigeon.
but its up to ur indiv preference la. I am not the kind who would pay a lot for premium wet wipes, hehe.. as long as its good quality, not irritating to baby's skin, is good enuf for me.

hey maybe u can buy a small pack, and try it out, then u will know whether its suitable for u. But so far, all those mummies i know who r using angel wipes, have no issues with this brand.
oh urs is a dec baby too, same as randal! but hor, dec babies are always the youngest in most classes, nursery, kindy, right up to pri/sec.
but its Ok la, when u do ur confinement in dec, weather not so hot.. hehe
hey maybe urs might be a xmas baby!
Ester, I did consider that he may be the youngest in most classes (up to sec) but think should be ok, right?...I could also have chosen to deliver in Jan but that would mean the other way round then.... Have not chosen the date yet as I will opt for elective c-sect. Once the date is selected, will let you all know.
Ester & Luvbabe11,

my gal also dec bb but she acts like the "big sister" in class. haha.

then again, December is a gd month to do confinement. ;)
i bought my angel wipes from john little, during the sale last week. robinsons having sales this weekend, but im not too sure whether they sell it.
hey there is also a tel number posted by weishy: ANGEL wipes from steven ...now offering 2 bundles @ $8.90. maybe can ask weishy the telephone number of this guy
hi girls,
bless and me are meeting this sunday at tiong bahru plaza for breakfast. She will also show me the pp pants that she is doing for her BP. ANy keen mummies can join us ya!
we most prob go mcdonalds for breakfast at 10am, hope to see u all there too.
