SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

kaimom: Can forward to my email pls?? I haven't got anything.

MichL: *sigh* The chinese saying goes "never listen to the more experienced.. etc etc"

Natalia....KCK's price has gone up. I bought mine at S$39.90, I saw at Popular S$79.90!!! Not sure if they've priced it wrongly.

I would recommend KCK as more POWER air = faster. kekeke
CL: The chandelier in your shadow box, did you really cut it to slot in the photo? Wow!

Ann: The 26m dot glue tape you mentioned previously, is that available at popular? Or have to get from the LSS?
Yes 2as
I cut out a bit to slot in the picture. I bought 2 piece of the pp was intending to do like paper tole to layer then ha ha yday i think think gave up on cutting.

I oso will take only Burst dun think got energy to go for house. can I have the schedule too ? [email protected]

Which day are you going for ?

Sigh it must be signing up for 2 classes cannot be buddy system like fren fren pair up in some class. Ha ha so if someone not attending burst we can pair up
Kaimom, CL, Ann: Where did you see the class samples? Are the same samples available at PM? The 2-for-1 class promo is also extended to PM classes or just Laines'?
class for laines you see at laines. Class for PM is for PM so no overlapping. They are different entity operating separating only thing is you can use laines card there only
nice shadow box. i also want to get le.. but i dun have enough to qualify for discounts so i dun think i want to spend so much! I like your chandelier too.

JTS, another shadow box i did for myself. still inspired by the Bling class.. but this one has a lot less bling. haha..

and some xmas candy canes i prepared for my son's school party.
kaimon, it is okay, I got the schedule.

CL&3As, forwarded the class schedule to your emails.

CL, how does the 2-for-1 work ? only for classes at Laines ? the $35off voucher expired today!

Autum, nice cluster of embellishments in your LO and the candy canes are so cute and cherry!
Thanks got the mail. The $35 anyway is only for Dec classes not applicable for Jan 2010 classes. The 2 in 1 means you need to sign up 2 DS class at laines and get 50% off , must pay by Dec 09.

yes yes very nice layering. I bought another shadow box today to change shadow box for my sis so that she have 2 of the same frame. I only buy 1 shadow box, the rest contributed by Cheng's sister and Cheng to make up to 4 items.
I should have asked u to help me get the shadow box. how much is it anyway, after the discount? for 12x12 size right?
the one i got the depth of the shadow box is low at $34.90 and I got the last piece at laines. There is another one which Jaz use for her Jan shadow box is 39.90. Yes it is 12 x 12

you know my chow pattern. I prefer layout class. But will pop by your thread to check out the album class
Enjoyed my Global Class with Laines but very tiring. Completed 2 layouts last night but still pondering on the last layout title so that will have to wait. Familiar family pics again but this time this one goes into my album. Love the second layout and learnt new technique with glimmer mist and embossing powder. But messy so ha ha doubt will use it at home. The first layout is oso a good use for our scrap.


CL, cute face is cute !
Confirmed with Laines $35coupon can be used for 2010Jan class if pay up by coupon expiry date.

It's Christmas Eve ! Wishing all SB friends here <font color="ff0000">Merry Christmas</font> !
Chicken Little,
Nice shadow box
The layouts from global class very nice also

I like your shadow box also... You are so good at altered stuff
CL - you really fast, thanks for lending me the distress ink in class yesterday. I have not complete any of the LO, enjoyed the class but I am really slow, cannot catch up with the class.

Think I really must invest on distress ink, will get one to try out.

Me too, wishing all Blessed Christmas with Joy and Happiness !
Aimini....that's the WONDER of going to class with people you know. No need to paiseh, we'll help/share with one another. Whoever is faster will help the slower one. Distressed ink pad, advisable to get Vintage Photo for dark brown and Antique linen or Tea Dye for lighter tone of brown. Funky color, you may try Broken China, Worn Lipstock, Peeled Paint, Mustard Seed:;PRODID=prd28860

Annissa - Thanks for letting me take over your slot for the class, and really enjoy myself and learned something new. You are right, must go with friends, if I were to go alone, I sure be very lost. Also thanks for the tips on distressed ink.
Will get dark brown and one other colour to try out when someone organise Joann spree later.

Autum &amp; CL - Both your shadow box really done up nicely, dun know why mine really sucks, must be my colour combi not right. Must scraplift from SB friends here.
really busy with work n family.
Got a lot of thing wanna say,
teach me how to do ur post it. Nice job
nice lo.
I got no time doing fund transfer to u. Can I do it when I back

I leaving early tomorow morning, not even pack yet
wish u all merry x'mas n happy new yr
Jojo: Ok..

Aimini: Distress paints are really nice to play with.. Get the in diff colors!
Erm... You'll want to try glimmer mist too.. Wahahha!!!

CL: Your LOs are nice. The flower in the first global LO is cut from paper in class? Must have spent a lot of time.
Dear all scrapper friends

no need to teach one lah. Just buy the dispensar and see what embellishment you have just mix and match then customised with the name ?

aimini only tried a bit of glimmer mist in class but that one on black cardstock cannot realli see the effect. So go for the next Burst class sure can see.

Yes the flowers are cut from the pps. Very very time consuming ha ha. I have too many flowers and ha ha i cut exchange with Cheng for leaves. That is the most tedious part. The rest all quite ok.

long time no see you here. Thanks ha ha this boy is cheeky and tough to tame. See his face already know who is my biggest headache.

dear all
thanks for your comments for the layouts but credit realli goes to Sharon who design them. That is why I am a big fan of her classes.

Jan class - Burst at Laines

I going for 27 Jan 2-5. Any one else ?
Merry Xmas to all and enjoy scrapping during this festive season.

Finally thot of the title and this is my last layout for DS Global class.

hello ladies,

nice meeting you too. and your 2 little girls

I like the first LO. Think i will scraplift that. haha.. but the flowers, don't think i can cut that out.. will die! maybe i just put prima flowers la. :p hey, i just noticed that this LO, the colour combi used seems to be similar to the colour combi i used for my shadow box. wahahah..

it takes a while to play with colours.. u can try to look at magazines (just any type of magazines). and then look at the advertisements.. then u see all the colour combi on that page, and u can try too use that kind of colour combi. That is what we learnt in one of the online classes.. to help us to find inspiration from everyday magazines/advertisements.. have fun!
u are here! woah.. the last LO looks so different! the waves are nice.. so the global class, which are the countries for each of the LO representing?
ha ha i finished the layout and went to hibernate liao since I have been sleeping late so I slept thru Xmas eve.

For Sharon's layout, first one is old days photos locally but I felt if you have a photo in the wedding kua or the peranakan kebaya it is oso nice. For me I have not scrap the family photo for myself and I felt the colour combi can blend in so I juz use my family pics.

Oh ya anyone can get kids kebaya ? I want to get for my gal. hee hee.

Not sure which country she used. For me my boy's cute face is taken in perth at the lighthouse. So I journal that down.

The last wave layout for Sharon she used her redang pics as it is about her boy wanting to snorkel. I used my son's pics in club med. So I did use it for travel in the last 2 pics.
<font color="ff0000">Laines 2-for-1 class offer</font>

Anyone wants to attend BAG on 30Jan10?
We can share the 2-for-1 promotion(must be 2 different classes)
I am attending another class and booked both classes already.
Need to make payment by 31Dec09.
Gals, just went to MWL. Got pre-renovation sale. Storewide 20% discount, selected items 30-60% off and selected papers 20pc for $10. Good selection of paper!
MichL, so tempting, unfortunately Jan I've started sch alr and will not be free to take class anymore =(

JTS the Christmas gifts I made this year, super limited edition notebooks:


Made from G45, MM, FP, DCWV, Basic Grey, Cosmo Crickets old Christmas collections, hamblys' and LOTS AND LOTS of AC cardstocks!!
Agree the pps at MWL are worth buying at 50 cents each piece.. Too bad I just used the 40% voucher at Laines to buy pps! :p

Ming: Nice notebook. I see that you zuttered it up. Actually I never got round to try your zutter.. My friend just bought at MWL at 20% off..
YUP YUP, I greedy, grabbed 20pc of of PP for $10!!!

CL.....pass you 1 cross-words PP when we meet. You know the cloud PP, kekeke.

3As.....I was thinking, I shall come back later since someone is at that rack, didnt expect to be you!!!!
3As, I just broke out my Zutter for this project! I completely forgot about lending it to you!
It was really hard to get the hang of it at first and I spoilt a few books =( Do you still want to zutter your mini album, better you let me do it for you, cos initially takes a LOT of practice to get the punching and binding right.
Ann: I was so surprised (and a bit shocked) to have you appear right in front of my eyes when we just finished smsing! I mean, this has never happened to me before! Hahah.. Nice meeting you and thanks for your tips. I ordered extra refill as they are all sold out.

Ming: Oh no.. Hope the damage wasn't too bad. I have forgotten abt zutting up that album. Have already moved on from there. No prob now cos I can borrow it from my church friend. Very convenient.

Ming: Oh yes, I came across some really giantic bingind rings at popular Bras Basar. I believe they can fit your 3" thick albums. And if that's still not big enough, you know those binding strings with a small metallic clasp at both ends for you to slot it into the punched hole? You could have seen your students using them. THose strings could be long enough too.
