SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

CL, I always call home and ask him to try do his homework and anything don't know, I will come back and teach. But he always says homework a little difficult, needs my help. Now worst, my new maid is a young, energetic girl. He keep asking her to play with him. Good thing is, he calls me lesser at work. Bad thing is, he only wants to play and my maid cannot do her work!

ssm, yes, CL's girl and my boy are in P1 this year.
No problem... will wait for your layout for MR#5.

hee hee, Dorcas and I noticed that the trend here is everyone will do up the layouts by the last week prior to the dateline. LOL!

P1 woes
hmmmmm, sounds like quite headache yah? I think once in a while should let the teachers scold them to "wake them" up... doesn't feel good for them to be scolded but it helps to make them more vigilant...if not they might think scholl is "play play" nia...
Aren't they given a school diary to note down their homework?? I remembered having that in school.
My boy also in P1 this year. Talking about homework, yesterday I just screamed at him *guilty* cos he forgot to do his Maths homework which was given to him last Friday!! *faint* Just becos I didnt check his bag on Friday and he just conveniently forgot about it!
My boy has a school diary and he actually wrote all his homework down. But but he didnt refer to it! So, it sorta defeat the purpose!
ya the diary is one reminder. ha ha her teacher even send us email. So I will tell my sil. She will like huh you never see my diary but how you know. ha ha
Annissa, maybe since last yr I told you my son going P1, so you got the wrong idea? :D

hahaha... seems like all the P1 kids are having the same problem? My son school also got a diary, but I realised that he never writes. They have a communication file which he will stuff all his worksheet in it. So what I do is to check his communication file daily for homework. There are also times that he will not hand in his completed homework for days. And he will tell me that he din see anyone giving the teacher, so he also never give.

My son got this problem. Every morning I walk him to school and he will take a very very slow stroll to reach the school canteen and hang around the canteen when he is suppose to go up to the school hall and do silent reading. And not that he hang there to talk to friends or play, he just stay around by himself, see this and that, swing here and there, then will very slowly proceed to school hall. I don't think he is anti-social and I suspect he doesn't like to go up the hall cause must be quiet and do your own reading type. Any suggestion to deal with this?
my gal's school hor, everyone goes direct to the hall and they realli silent during that reading time. No chit chat at all even though no teacher around to supervise leh

Encourage him to read and tell you the story when you come home
So it is now OUR job to remind them? But I don't want to pamper him in this way. I want him to be accountable, else he will always rely on ME to check for him.

wow, got email somemore!

Does he like to read in the first place?
I try, but since young, he doesn't like to read. Sometime ago, the school brought them to see the show 'Alice'. And he said was very interesting. So I bot him a ladybird reader version of Alice in wonderland for him but he's not reading. I even bring him to popular to let him choose a book to read and say, 1 short story a time, but he totally din touch the book although he choose the book! Sigh... wonder you told me no homework & I said it was contrary to what I know of Nanyang Pr....

oh dear...these Pr1 woes....sounds very real...
Jchew - same for my P2 child, all kids supposed to proceed straight to hall for silent reading (but quite hard to enforce, so many students in the hall - many students still chat and vy noisy, so depends on discipline master) .... maybe you let him select books he like to bring for silent time ? or start some rewards for him, finish one book redeeem how many stickers etc
actually it is realli no homework. The work is only those they cannot finish in class.

Because dun think the stress starts in P1. For my gal she has her cousin to play with. So she is more concern about no time to play

my gal was influenced by her best fren and she is now into enid blyton books.
hmmm, does your boy have a problem with reading? As in he takes a while to read certain words then the norm? Maybe that could be why he doesn't like reading?
Ya mamachan point out something good. Last time my gal hates to read Chinese books because many words she dunno she skip so dun understand what it is all about.

What is his interest ? Cars , get books on cars, Robot, get books on robot. Then from there let him know what it is thru reading he can find out more
Mamachan and CL, he has no problem in reading. I think he is just plain lazy as he has no interest in reading and he prefers activities than sitting down to do things quietly. From young, he has short attention span. And he is one that Chinese says "buttock got pins" type, cannot sit still one lor. Maybe I should adopt CL suggestions and get books on Cars or topics that he likes. Thanks.
hey ladies, so nice to read all the posts on your kids P1 etc.. for once we are just mummies and not scrappers. haha.
mummies.. your kids are sobig liao.. i'm just starting to source for a playchool for mine.. kekeke.. am a bit half-hearted, dunno whether to start her now or not..
A&A, it's really up to you.

Mummies, anyone heard of Bukit Panjang Methodist Church Kindergarten? Any comments about the school?
my nephew from that kindy. Quite good as per my sil and it seems quite academic based. But ha ha some mummies I know got put off by the toilet and I think they went Arise
hee cousins went to Bt. Panjang Methodist Church Kindy...but that was like 20 years ago! So no comments from... but I think should be alright? Since they have so many years experience in running the kindy
CL, what happen to the toilet?

Aileen, Where is Arise? Any website info? Trying to search for a school for my girl next yr. Don't want too far cause she needs to take school bus.

hhahaha... Mamachan, 20 years ago!
I think the toilet a but run down or dirty I not sure. I want to confirm with my sil but ha ha she just went out sending my gal for enrichment class
I manage to find website for Arise. I like the environment leh. But it's kind of far.

CL, you help me to get feedback from your sil hor. I went to their website but nothing on kindergarten. So if can, pls find out more info for me. Thanks.

Aileen, how much is the fees and did your boy took school bus then? Why only for 2 term?
Hua_jing, Autumn,
Remember previously I helped you all ordered some peachy cheap stuff with Felicia. She sending me email so wondering if you would like to pay her directly if you have other orders with her.

3 American Crafts minimarks rubons from peachycheap 04.03.09

2 sets - Hua_jing and Autumn

each is S$14.55 per set.

5 MME Rubons from Peachycheap 24.02.09
I ordered 2 and one for Autumn
So each is $12.70

Please let me know how you would like to proceed. Please pm me your email address so I can reply to Felicia and copy you
off topic a bit, I'm helping Punggol mummies order book from we need another RM400 in order to get 20% off. we already qualified for 70% off shipping.

Do let me know if you need any book from the supplier.

Target to close by tomorrow evening.
HJ....cuttlebug is pretty heavy.

I need to join Pelangi but but cannot remember what I need to buy liao!!!!

Sophia....subbmitted very very late. Hope you'll accept my entry.
I got another question. If I want to cover the chipboard shapes or alpha with pp, what do you use to cut out those small parts? For eg. the small circle in a flower, or the small space in the alpha B? I have a craft knife but it is not so slim enough.

JChew......I'm getting the "little Grammar Book I" and the work book. I only know this.

I used fiskars finger tip craft knife to do it. If really small area, I'll file it.
