Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Hi syrian, we r good, edd in Aug :)
Glad u have settled in well w Dr Que, no matter what, just press on and look forward.
Hope u recover well soon and get the green light to go for next cycle. Still w prof at NUH?

Hi bb_hc, yes, another Tri to go.
I am seeing Dr Su Lin Lin at NUH, recommended by Pantieileen and I read some good reviews abt her. Quite a cool lady, v reassuring.
How abt u? How have u been?
This thread has been quiet, wonder how many sisters have graduated :)
Just started wk13. Last week did my Oscar. The strange thing is NUH don't do immediate review. Bad news will call and good news, will see in clinic during next appt. Think Dr Su don't have any Sat clinic. Did you take up the package? How often you get to see doc? Is it anytime you want?
Wow... Time flies :)
Based on my record, I saw Prof the same day of my OSCAR, the next day they will call up abt the blood test outcome and inform whether low/high risk. Then in my following review, w Dr Su the first time, she will run through the report. I suppose if they dun call u in early, it is good news, so dun worry :)
Yeah, I think DrSu has no sat clinic, I usually see her on Thur/Fri, even w that, i usually waited for 45min to 1hr. Have u been discharged from Prof already?
Hi syrian, we r good, edd in Aug :)
Glad u have settled in well w Dr Que, no matter what, just press on and look forward.
Hope u recover well soon and get the green light to go for next cycle. Still w prof at NUH?
Hi hopemiracle, wow tats so fast! Soon u will have bb in ur arms. Great to noe both of u doing well. U stil seeing dr que?

Am doing next round wif dr loh. Twice wif prof & failed so i change gynae. Hoping to change my luck next round. Yup have to keep on staying positive.

I want to sell Brand New Clearblue Fertility Monitor + Test Sticks + Ovulation Test Sticks.

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Please email to [email protected] if you are interested.
Hi hopemiracle, wow tats so fast! Soon u will have bb in ur arms. Great to noe both of u doing well. U stil seeing dr que?

Am doing next round wif dr loh. Twice wif prof & failed so i change gynae. Hoping to change my luck next round. Yup have to keep on staying positive.

Hi Syrian,
I am due to see him for my last an tai med. He said after 7th mth, cannot take anymore,currently in my week 25 going 26.

So when do you plan to cycle? Hope ur body is picking up from all the acu and med :)
Hi hopemiracle, not bad tat dr que takes care of u both til 7th mth. i thought once passed 1st trimester, no need to see him again.

I plan to cycle jul or aug. Am not free in june. High chance aug. Jul might be away. I hope my body improving too. Doing acu & herbs not cheap. Seeing him 2-3x a week.
Wow... Time flies :)
Based on my record, I saw Prof the same day of my OSCAR, the next day they will call up abt the blood test outcome and inform whether low/high risk. Then in my following review, w Dr Su the first time, she will run through the report. I suppose if they dun call u in early, it is good news, so dun worry :)
Yeah, I think DrSu has no sat clinic, I usually see her on Thur/Fri, even w that, i usually waited for 45min to 1hr. Have u been discharged from Prof already?
Not with Prof. Still thinking whether to go pte gynae or not. Will probably decide after the Oscar review.
For me, I am comfy w NUH system already, and if I want pte hosp, was considering only Mt A which is quite out of the way from my place. After much deliberation, decided to stay in NUH.
Hopemiracle, hope u don't mind, did you take up the antenatal package by NUH? Do u get to scan everytime? How often did you visit the gynae?
Hi sisters here ,
I have appointment with Prof tomorrow and want to start fresh cycle ASAP . Anyone who is under Prof currently , care to share the experiences with prof ?
Hi sisters here ,
I have appointment with Prof tomorrow and want to start fresh cycle ASAP . Anyone who is under Prof currently , care to share the experiences with prof ?

Hi Babylover,

Hope ur appt went well w Prof.
My previous encounter w Prof was good. Basically I started IVF w an open mind. I believe ur initial stage now is go for all the necessary blood test. All the best to u!
Hi Babylover,

Hope ur appt went well w Prof.
My previous encounter w Prof was good. Basically I started IVF w an open mind. I believe ur initial stage now is go for all the necessary blood test. All the best to u!
Hi Hope,
Yes . I need to go through pre IVF testing and my cycle will be 2 months later :( . So long huh ? I have cysts on my left side . new thing and need to study more . Thanks for reply.
Hi Babylover, yeah, cannot rush through de. Need to attend a seminar by him too, so u can have a better understanding. meanwhile, take some time to tiao ur body so that u can be more on form for it :)
Hi Babylover, yeah, cannot rush through de. Need to attend a seminar by him too, so u can have a better understanding. meanwhile, take some time to tiao ur body so that u can be more on form for it :)
Hi Hope,
Did you go to TCM last time when u tiao ur body for procedure ? how many weeks are you in now . I went to Dr Zuo one time for acupunture but her powder is a bit difficult to take :( will go back again after AF comes. I'm taking folic acid and omega 3 fatty acid also . already bought royal jelly .Any advice ?
Hi Babylover, not sure if u have read my previous posts. I was seeing Dr Zou for my fresh cycle. i went to her about 1-2 mths before my procedure to tiao. I failed my fresh then I switched to Dr Que for my FET, then had a chemical preg. Thereafter, Dr Que encouraged me to try natural and then by God's grace, I strike natural, now 27weeks. I guess I am quite fortunate and Dr Que was able to help to improve my body condition.

During my cycling time,for supplements, I took Blackmore Conceive well and folic acid. I also try to take egg white during my actual cycle. I only heard abt immunocal in my frozen cycle, so i took that too while preparing my body for natural FET. I didnt try the rest like royal jelly. I took Dr Zou med for a week only as I was having gastric discomfort and some prior experience w EYS sinseh, so basically I did only acu. Even after I switched to Dr Que, I only did acu. Only started taking med when I decided to try natural and I had the assurrance from Dr Que that the med will not disrupt my cycle since I have been ovulating well monthly.
Hi Babylover, not sure if u have read my previous posts. I was seeing Dr Zou for my fresh cycle. i went to her about 1-2 mths before my procedure to tiao. I failed my fresh then I switched to Dr Que for my FET, then had a chemical preg. Thereafter, Dr Que encouraged me to try natural and then by God's grace, I strike natural, now 27weeks. I guess I am quite fortunate and Dr Que was able to help to improve my body condition.

During my cycling time,for supplements, I took Blackmore Conceive well and folic acid. I also try to take egg white during my actual cycle. I only heard abt immunocal in my frozen cycle, so i took that too while preparing my body for natural FET. I didnt try the rest like royal jelly. I took Dr Zou med for a week only as I was having gastric discomfort and some prior experience w EYS sinseh, so basically I did only acu. Even after I switched to Dr Que, I only did acu. Only started taking med when I decided to try natural and I had the assurrance from Dr Que that the med will not disrupt my cycle since I have been ovulating well monthly.
Hi Hope,
Oh! you also felt gastric discomfort ? Me too . I though I'm the one who is having this problem . I stop taking her powder now . you are indeed lucky to strike naturally . My case is not that simple . MY hubby is under pressure .Even though his test result is ok but sometimes we have difficulties for bd :(.
I rem hearing that the herb that causes the gastric is one that Is suppose to warm the womb. Just go for acu if u feel more comfy.
I understand it is stressful.... Jia you Jia you!
Hi All, I have Blackmore Conceive Well Gold for sale. 3 boxes ( 3 months supply) expires March 2015. Totally brand new, seal intact. I've personally used and found it helped me regulate my period when I take it everyday. Selling it because I've changed my vitamins after being able to conceive. Do let me know if you might be interested and how much you are willing to pay. Thank you!
Hi HopeMiracle30

I went back to Dr Que yesterday. Gey Kiang never listen to him just do 2weeks confinement, i listen to the confinement nanny and did 1month confinement so i overbu my body and constipated. My skin was glowing super good, no need make up in the first 2weeks then piak after the nanny left, pimples started popping up and i constipated. Because i breastfeed, my baby also constipated. So basically to tell if my baby would poop today or not, my mil just ask me if i got pangsai feeling or not, then don't need to waste time and sing the pooping song.

Remember to wear socks. I gain so much weight 22kg! until my feet hurts when i get up from sitting down or lying down. My fingers are still swollen from all the water retention. Can't believe i behave like my grandmother, using a mallet to pound the sole of my feet and stretching my fingers every now and then.

I'm still undecided if i should try natural or use my remaining 10embryos at NUH end of this year. Well, not trying to get the silly golden jubilee present from the govt but i'm getting a second maid (it's so chaotic without the confinement nanny) and my maid cannot cope with 3floors, endless laundry, 3dogs and my mil who constantly yells for her help. So i want to quickly finish popping babies and make use of my existing infrastructure at home.
hi all, newbie here. TTC for 2 years plus, and decided to embark on IVF journey with Prof Wong after one failed SO-IUI. I just confirmed my IVF stim to start in June, so getting really nervous as its my first time. And I understand from the nurse that Prof Wong will be on leave during the OR and ET and so this add on to my nervousness ( since i went NUH purely for Prof Wong). Sigh, I was following the thread and I read there are some things that I can eat to enhance my eggs (egg whites?) and things to eat after the ET (avocado?). Any more advice?

I am also going for TCM acupuncture and taking herbal med at the same time, when should I stop taking? Sigh, so many thousands questions in my mind. Hopefully all the effort will bear fruit. Thanks for reading!
hi sisters here, can any sisters pls tell me the total IVF cost under Prof Wong at NUH and Dr Loh at TMC? Cos I am comparing these two doctors.
I am 41 year old so no more Gov co funding.... Previously I had a fail cycle which was under Dr Tan HH at KKH. The cost at KKH is affordable.
Thank you :)
hi sisters here, can any sisters pls tell me the total IVF cost under Prof Wong at NUH and Dr Loh at TMC? Cos I am comparing these two doctors.
I am 41 year old so no more Gov co funding.... Previously I had a fail cycle which was under Dr Tan HH at KKH. The cost at KKH is affordable.
Thank you :)

Cost at TMC depends on your dosage. Can range from 12k to 16k.
Hi Pantieileen,

I also have confinement, in fact I engage the auntie for 2 mths cos I will be on my own until my mum pops over when my nephew goes to sch. I will try not to bu too much since my body cannot really take it....

I am still puttin on weight, swim a little but not sure if it will help, I accept the fate of weight gain, just hope to lose it all, or at least 80-90% after delivery. I hope I will not exceed 18kg but I think v hard.

Enjoy the rest of ur maternity leave!

Hi lingsan, my NUH bill was 11-12k during my fresh cycle. It really depends on the dosage of med and also the med Prof gives u. All the best in ur cycle!
@lingsan My bill at NUH was about $10K plus. Yup. It really depends on the medication dosage given to you. But that excludes the embryo freezing about $600+.
My 13k did not include freezing. I think my eyes widened when the lady at the counter told me the bill for the freezing. $963! Per year! Wow......
Hi everybody, i'm back after a super long hiatus. @hopemiracle30 wow 27 weeks!! How time flies! I hope everyone is "cycling" well. I just did my med FET and it was a BFN. I really felt good this time round, felt more relaxed and zen, could even hold my pee for extra 20 mins after the transfer, unlike my first fresh cycle. However, at 5dp5dt, i started to notice streaks on my panty liner. I thought it was just spotting, but the thin streaks kept continuing even after i changed my panty liner several times. I could only get through to CHR the next day and Prof just told me to continue with my crinone but increased it to 2x per day. Initially i was still hopeful because i didnt think it was my menses bcos it was too early and the flow was less than my usual menses. But by day 9pd5t, i started to feel less hopeful because the bleeding didnt stop and i found a reading that said it could be menses but the progesterone prevents it from becoming a full flow. I did a hpt the morning before mybeta snd the line it was bfn. As sad as i was, strangely i felt okay, maybe because maybe i'm starting to feel numb.

I suppose my cycling has never been very smooth, i dunno whether you remember, during my first fresh, my vjj was itchy because apparently it was caused by the pink pills as this time round no problem with crinone gel. This second cycle, med FET, i had bleeding. Sigh...

Now my no-pay leave is ending soon looks like i have to out trying for another cycle on hold. My hubby also told me to rest my body, try naturally and prepare ourselves to look at adoption. My work also wont allow me to see Dr Que as often, only on weekends. In fact my hubby wants me to "rest" my body completely, ie not even acupuncture and taking the herbs. He is starting to doubt the effectiveness of acupuncture. As for me i still want to try acu..but im afraid the herbs will cause an adverse effect on me. The last time i took Dr Que's herbs, i didnt ovulate which was why i had to go for med FET. Sure it could be a number of reasons why i didnt ovulate, but i usually ovulate monthly, albeit a longer cycle (32-34 days) and the only thing i did different that month was i went for yoga often and i took the herbs. Nonetheless, i still believe acu could help me.

So now, im wondering, if i change to Dr Zou at Bukit Merah which is nearer for me, is she able to speak English? How much does she charge? I think i have spent close to $800 per month with Dr Que ($90x4 for herbs and acu per mth, $48x2 per week for additional acu) i'm really a little dry financially considering i am on no pay leave and for this failed FET, we had to cough up cash because we have used up all our medisave claims. So thats another reason why we are taking a break. Prolly try another FET in sept as we still have 3 frozen embbies.

@lingsan i think for fresh mine is about 13k and that did not include freezing i think. This latest FET cost me about $3500. But up to date, i think we have spent close to $70k on ttc-ing in the time span of 6 years which included surgery costs due to endo and infections...and Prof Wong is our 3rd doctor. So thats why if things really dont work out within this year, we might go for adoption. However, we will still not stop ttc-ing (naturally and ivf in the future) for our own..sorry for ranting on and on...
hi all, newbie here. TTC for 2 years plus, and decided to embark on IVF journey with Prof Wong after one failed SO-IUI. I just confirmed my IVF stim to start in June, so getting really nervous as its my first time. And I understand from the nurse that Prof Wong will be on leave during the OR and ET and so this add on to my nervousness ( since i went NUH purely for Prof Wong). Sigh, I was following the thread and I read there are some things that I can eat to enhance my eggs (egg whites?) and things to eat after the ET (avocado?). Any more advice?

I am also going for TCM acupuncture and taking herbal med at the same time, when should I stop taking? Sigh, so many thousands questions in my mind. Hopefully all the effort will bear fruit. Thanks for reading!
Hi Xiaomyang ,
when did u start seeing Prof , he will be on leave in june ? I'm also under prof care . but going through necessary test and haven't fixed the date for cycle . Did u do IUI with him also ?
Hi everybody, i'm back after a super long hiatus. @hopemiracle30 wow 27 weeks!! How time flies! I hope everyone is "cycling" well. I just did my med FET and it was a BFN. I really felt good this time round, felt more relaxed and zen, could even hold my pee for extra 20 mins after the transfer, unlike my first fresh cycle. However, at 5dp5dt, i started to notice streaks on my panty liner. I thought it was just spotting, but the thin streaks kept continuing even after i changed my panty liner several times. I could only get through to CHR the next day and Prof just told me to continue with my crinone but increased it to 2x per day. Initially i was still hopeful because i didnt think it was my menses bcos it was too early and the flow was less than my usual menses. But by day 9pd5t, i started to feel less hopeful because the bleeding didnt stop and i found a reading that said it could be menses but the progesterone prevents it from becoming a full flow. I did a hpt the morning before mybeta snd the line it was bfn. As sad as i was, strangely i felt okay, maybe because maybe i'm starting to feel numb.

I suppose my cycling has never been very smooth, i dunno whether you remember, during my first fresh, my vjj was itchy because apparently it was caused by the pink pills as this time round no problem with crinone gel. This second cycle, med FET, i had bleeding. Sigh...

Now my no-pay leave is ending soon looks like i have to out trying for another cycle on hold. My hubby also told me to rest my body, try naturally and prepare ourselves to look at adoption. My work also wont allow me to see Dr Que as often, only on weekends. In fact my hubby wants me to "rest" my body completely, ie not even acupuncture and taking the herbs. He is starting to doubt the effectiveness of acupuncture. As for me i still want to try acu..but im afraid the herbs will cause an adverse effect on me. The last time i took Dr Que's herbs, i didnt ovulate which was why i had to go for med FET. Sure it could be a number of reasons why i didnt ovulate, but i usually ovulate monthly, albeit a longer cycle (32-34 days) and the only thing i did different that month was i went for yoga often and i took the herbs. Nonetheless, i still believe acu could help me.

So now, im wondering, if i change to Dr Zou at Bukit Merah which is nearer for me, is she able to speak English? How much does she charge? I think i have spent close to $800 per month with Dr Que ($90x4 for herbs and acu per mth, $48x2 per week for additional acu) i'm really a little dry financially considering i am on no pay leave and for this failed FET, we had to cough up cash because we have used up all our medisave claims. So thats another reason why we are taking a break. Prolly try another FET in sept as we still have 3 frozen embbies.

@lingsan i think for fresh mine is about 13k and that did not include freezing i think. This latest FET cost me about $3500. But up to date, i think we have spent close to $70k on ttc-ing in the time span of 6 years which included surgery costs due to endo and infections...and Prof Wong is our 3rd doctor. So thats why if things really dont work out within this year, we might go for adoption. However, we will still not stop ttc-ing (naturally and ivf in the future) for our own..sorry for ranting on and on...
Hi Sorry to hear about ur story . Do u mean Dr Zou from AMK ? my first visit to her is about 80$ including acup and powder herbs for 7 days . Take a good rest and come back .
Anyone just complete FET? Is there a government co funding? I remember there is but I haven't received the reimbursement yet.
Hi Xiaomyang ,
when did u start seeing Prof , he will be on leave in june ? I'm also under prof care . but going through necessary test and haven't fixed the date for cycle . Did u do IUI with him also ?
Hi babylover,

Prof wong is away 1-4july.... I did so-iui once at TMC. Then I switched to prof wong in May and then he recommended me to try ivf straightaway so I'm now going to start in June.

Once your test results are out, prof wong can advise you on next steps. If he recommend ivf, then u need to book a date for counseling and then you can book your ivf appt on the day of counseling. Hope this helps !
@Peanut_2.0 , sorry to hear about your failed cycle. Yes, if it's time to take a break, then it's time to take a break. *hugz* I also told myself that I was willing to try 3 fresh cycle. If they all fail, I would probably proceed to adoption. I am thankful that I bfp on first cycle, feeling really blessed in the good hands of Prof Wong and his nurses, Elizabeth Grace (Embryologist) and her team etc. A lot of prayers were said (by myself, hubby, families, relatives, boss etc) to Jesus, to ZSNN, to Indian god, Mother Mary, Buddha. At the end of the day, I somehow believe in divine intervention. :)
Dear All, I am new to this thread. However, I am very curious of Prof Wong, thought of looking for him for IVF. Do you all have long waiting time?
Hi Peanut, sorry to hear about your recent cycle. Glad u manage to take it more positively this round. Do take a break and reset ur body. This journey requires perseverance and patience. I hope after the break, you will come back stronger. Take sometime to pray and ask God for direction. I wish you all well. *hugs*
Hi babylover,

Prof wong is away 1-4july.... I did so-iui once at TMC. Then I switched to prof wong in May and then he recommended me to try ivf straightaway so I'm now going to start in June.

Once your test results are out, prof wong can advise you on next steps. If he recommend ivf, then u need to book a date for counseling and then you can book your ivf appt on the day of counseling. Hope this helps !
Thanks xiamoyang,
I also went to see him in May but he told me that I can do my cycle earliest in AUG , :( , I'm now doing necessary test that he recommend .
Thanks xiamoyang,
I also went to see him in May but he told me that I can do my cycle earliest in AUG , :( , I'm now doing necessary test that he recommend .
Hi babylover,

I think I got my June slot cos there happen to be a cancellation. And I happen to first visit him on day 2 of my cycle so I took the blood test straight away.

Anyway you could take the extra two months as additional time to build up your health. Did you try Tcm? It has improved my PCO condition and my latest blood test with NUH shows I do not have PCO anymore. And for all you know, you may strike within these two months! Don't stop trying! :)

Babydust to us!
Hi babylover,

I think I got my June slot cos there happen to be a cancellation. And I happen to first visit him on day 2 of my cycle so I took the blood test straight away.

Anyway you could take the extra two months as additional time to build up your health. Did you try Tcm? It has improved my PCO condition and my latest blood test with NUH shows I do not have PCO anymore. And for all you know, you may strike within these two months! Don't stop trying! :)

Babydust to us!
Hi xiaomyang

U mean pcos is it? I'm amazed that TCM can cure pcos completely. How frequent did u go to acupuncture? and did u take the herbs as well?

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So now, im wondering, if i change to Dr Zou at Bukit Merah which is nearer for me, is she able to speak English? How much does she charge? I think i have spent close to $800 per month with Dr Que ($90x4 for herbs and acu per mth, $48x2 per week for additional acu) i'm really a little dry financially considering i am on no pay leave and for this failed FET, we had to cough up cash because we have used up all our medisave claims. So thats another reason why we are taking a break. Prolly try another FET in sept as we still have 3 frozen embbies.
Dear Peanut..
Do u mean Dr Zhu from Huamei acu, b.Merah? She was recommended to me by PC Wong. I apologise for my previous post that stated she can speak English, that was before I met her. Personally she is okay and a very soft person. I'm quite comfortable with her. She don't speak English fluently so they provide a translator during my first consultation. However she do understand simple english. Each session of acu is $40. One time consultation fee is another $40.

Hope this help :)
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