Pregnant but with urine infection

I'm pregnant and baby is only 6 weeks. Just found from my doc that i have urien infection and doc give me Antibiotic and other medicine. But i can't in take any food and keep vomiting. Doc mention, urien infection will cause danger to my baby....due to vomiting i can't take medicine at all....

Any mummy encounter this before? any advice for me....I'm so worry...
hey dear, i tin u should try to at least down the medicine, i had this also. so its better to clear it asap. i have this before i got preg, and i dint inform my doc. and when i was 10 weeks den i remembered. so she prescribe some med for me, still waitin for the next check up for the result of the urine test.
hi mummies, if you keep getting urine infection I would recommend that you drink lots of water, don't hold ur urine for too long and keep clean...

Another natural supplement that you can take is cranberry supplements. It is said to prevent urinary tract infection. If you have it already, taking cranberry supplements would not help.
