Perth Holiday - Any Suggestions/Advice/Tips?


If you are gng there for 1 wk, you can check the weather forcast from the website I stated. It gives 1 wk forcast. If it states 20plus degree, it's around aircon temp. And if it says sunny, light wind, normally its not that cold. But for strong wind, or little sun, showers expected, it's colder even for the same temp.

It also depends whether you are gng out in the day time or evening. Evening will tend to have stronger wind and drop in temp. So if you wanna wear your nice jacket, that's the chance. :p And if you are at shopping mall, normally it's not that cold.

I can manage with just a polar fleece over a tee in winter in day time, and prefer something warmer from evening. My hb can walk around with just his polo shirt in daytime and a windbreaker from evening.

Also, if you are gng towards end of June, it will be colder as compared to beginning of June.

For clothes, dun have to bring too many. You will find that most of the time, you are in your polar fleece/ jacket, and no one can see what you are wearing. For the cold wear, about 2 pieces will be sufficient. 1 for cold, 1 for very cold.

If you intend to go somewhere posh at night. I suggest bringing a thick shawl. Else your nice dress no one can see.


noted your advice. thanks!

will be joining the whale-watching cruise. have you been to this type of cruise? so excited. hopefully can catch the sight of whales!
Hi Mummies

Planning to go to Perth after bonus. Actually between Margaret River and Swan Valley, which one is better? Margaret River has a chocolate factory there rite??
hello pooh, are you planning to go F&E? Can share itinerary? I also planning but dun know how to plan. Can share? tks very much.
nope not sold. they only have S26. Wyeth products and karihome products. very limited

petrol payment, we normally pay by cash
margaret river is better. more things.
swan's bit small though.
ya there's chok factory in margaret river. it takes more than 3 hours drive
hi mngo

any recommendations for accomodation in margaret river? will be going with dh and two toddlers, really really worried that we can't find child friendly accomdation during the Oct. period

did you self drive the last time you were there? which company did you rent the car from? what about car seats?

thanks for your advise

need advice here. should i bring 2 x 400gm or 3 x 400gm milk power for a 8-day trip? although my toddler is eating adult food now, she still have at least 3 feeds/day. i'm now starting to pack for my family of 4 but seems to be having a lot to pack!!
i did not go to margaret river. cos journey was just too far. all accom shld be quite child frenly in OZ.

yea we self drive. tats the easiest way to get ard WA. We rented from Eurocar. Car seat also rent from them.

for FM, i am the KS kind . i bring more than expected. just in case!

We also didnt go to margaret river as it's really far.

There is also a "Magaret River chocolate factory" in Swan Valley. The Margaret River one may be bigger but the Swan Valley one is not too bad either. Free chocolate tasting, and chocolate making process viewing.

And along the way, you can drop by Caversham Wildlife Park. (


I'm also the ks type. I brought more than expected.

Try to fully used up the 7kg carry on luggage. Then you can have more space for check in. For us, we packed our clothes as carry on, and luggage space for other things.
hi shmum

yup, you need to declare all the food stuff you bring in. Just make sure that it's an unopened can of milk powder and they will just do a scan of your luggage again. They are quite ok with that.

hi hba6721
for a 6 day trip to WA, I brought along a tin of unopened 900g of FM. My boy also takes 3 feeds of 220ml a day. But during the trip he took more as he wasn't eating as much solid. Gotten alittle too picky with food. And when we came back, the tin was still slightly less than half. For him, a 900g tin will last about 1 and a half weeks.
does anybody know of any fruit orchard open for fruit picking now? wanted to go strawberry fields but just called them and was told public picking is only available in sep.
it depends on where u staying.
i booked through their website. got them from
Me just came back from Perth 2 days ago. For the milk powder, have to join the "things to declare" Q, however, later the officer came and ask us what we brought, so we told them only milk powder and medications. In the end, they said just join the normal Q to let them scan can liao.

We went Swan Valley to stay at the Riverretreat for 3 nites. Really enjoyed our stay there. My gal just simply love the farm and garden. I have been to Perth a few times and also agree no need to Margaret River as Swan Valley is quite similar too.

The town near Swan Valley called "Midland" has a very big shopping mall where they housed 5 major department stores and supermarkets
hi tomatoes,

i will be gg to perth on wed night. do you check in your gal's medication or put inside your handcarry bag? also do we need to itemise the medication in the declaration card?

btw, how is the weather now?
Hi hba

I checked in my gal's medication. Do note that liquids cannot be more than 100ml during boarding.. But I acted blurr for my gal's drinking water and they let me pass through.

No need to itemised your things on the declaration card.

Weather can be quite cold at nite and early morning when there were no sun. Coldest during my trip was 10degreeC. Actually the temp was manageable. The coldness only sets in when wind was blowing.

During the day is quite all rite when the sun is scorching hot. I would advise bring sun block if can. Hope you enjoy your coming trip
hi tomatoes,

did u let yr kids wear thermal wear or just long sleeves and a jacket? i m planning to go next week but still waiting for hb leh
Hi Sunkids

I let her wear thermal at nite. I kiasu, scared she catch a chill. Now is winter time, you may need to let your child wear thermal if temp too low. Btw, bring a windbreaker for your child if have.
hi Sunkid,

I just back from perth last week, I did not let my son wear Thermal Wear. Let him wear a singlet and then his pajamas.

For the day same singlet, long sleeve, bring a jacket out then for leg is legging and pant/jean.

Cos thk most of the hotel got heater so still not so cold during the night.

I got no problem for bring water and medicine for my boy they dun even bother to check just ask issit for my boy I say yes then let me pass liao. But my boy only 18 mth nia.
hi tomoatoes

i'm also heading to perth with my 9mth gal next mth. since we can bring unopen FM, what about rice cereal? as i'm there for only 5 days, so i dont think i'll be cooking porridge for her.
No prob for rice cereals since it's baby product. Australian custom clearance is now v. fast & relaxed, unlike last year where they really do stringent checks. As long as u hv a baby/child with u, they will let u pass so dun worry. But u still need to declare ur food items ya..
hello mommies

are you aware of any good deal for airtickets?

I plan to visit Perth anytime from now to end August or early September

wanted to book airtickets but can't seems to find any promotion. when should I look out for the promo?

also, is it cheaper to do free & easy, self drive?
because I felt that car rental is quite high cost too. on our previous trip to Darwin, we rented a car and it was 100% more expensive than accomodation

thanks for sharing :eek:)

thanks for your useful info. its my main concern as my gal is only 8mths, now on semi solid food. too bad my trip is very short (5 days), otherwise would check out all those interesting places u recommend in the earlier thread. but will definitely go back there again lah.


i'm goin there early next mth. got my tickets fr SQ (2 to go), abt $1500 for 2 adults. actually tickets are cheap but its the fuel charges that are expensive. i'm doing F & E but cant share much on car rental as i wont be driving coz my trip is rather short. will probably take a train to fremantle & roam around the city area.
Re: Car Rental

You all may want to check out Bayswater Car Rental. Their rates are very much better and the locals there like to get from them.
Replied u under Australia thread

No prob. Ya.. u will definiltey go back again coz Western Australia is a big place with many things to see & do.. so not possible to take everything into 1 trip. Also, it'll be more enjoyable for ur gal when she's older cos she can't appreciate anything now. But it will be a gd family getaway..
i got my tix last perth trip in march from SQ. is 2 to go. 400 sgd per tix (excluding airfare). airfare was abt 300 or so.

i just came back from perth. it's abit hot during the day when the sun is out. in fact we got sunburned. totally enjoyed our trip especially the forest stay where we get to see galaxy of stars. i've never seen so many stars in my life. i strongly recommend ferguson farmstay near bunbury (actually not very near). its situated high in the uphill of grassland and we can see the city of bunbury from afar. all the kids totally enjoyed the farm activities. we have a group of 18 pax and its so coincidence that another 2 families who stayed there were also singaporeans. another highlight is we were all able to see lots of humpback whales and dolphins during our whale watching cruise; worth the trip.
Hi hba6721
Envious dat u had a gd trip. M surprised it's hot. I din go to Perth. Went to HK instead to accomodate my parents. I still keep your itenerary for future ref
dear mummies,

i neeed some advices from you all
we have booked tickets and ready to go in late August! Can i ask some questions?

1. Food - My son is having solid food now, since he is 2year old, but i am not sure if apartment *like mont clare* has the facilities to cook a proper meal? Eg. Got wok/pot/cookery like scoop/spoon or basic ingredients like oil/soy sauce? Or do i need to buy near supermarket? I need to prepare his meal as i think he will not be used to angmoh food or fish and least dinner is a must...

2. Swan Valley- is it easy to drive from perth city to this place? it looks good with places to visit? is one day enough or 2 days to revisit?

3. Frementle - same here, is it easy to drive? one day is enough to cover? or we need to drive there 2 days?

4. Driving - is it easy to drive to Perth from Airport on arrival to find my apartment? And how tough is it to find swan valley and go to frementle? As my lao gong is the only we hesitate on the driving part. But looks like no choice right? And its his first driving experience in perth...

Thanks so much in advance for your help!
hi janey
1) food - the one i stayed at mt lawley provide oil and salt i think! the rest - we buy

2) swan valley - yea... easy to drive.

3) femantle - one day is enough

4) driving - i had a GPS! else i will miss the tokin highway.
hi mngo!

thank u so much! so its easy to drive to Frementle also? Btw, did the car you rent comes with GPS? I am still thinking where and when should we book the car? Did you collect at airport?

bad more rooms available on mont clare apartment during the period i book
Now i need to find again.

Dear mummies,
Any verdict on Aarons suite? Or Mount Bay WaterS? Since i am getting a car to drive around, i need carpark on site..and close to supermarket to buy my groceries to cook for son :p
what we did was , we parked our car at Eshed, and walk to fremantle.
the car does not come with GPS. we brought the device from singapore. i booked with europcar.
collect at airport.

do u want to book this apt?

i booked from them. is 5-10 mins from city.

it comes with a garage. and close (7 mins drive) to CENTRO - galleria

1. Mont Clare is a self-contained apartment so is equipped with all kitchen amenities for ur cooking needs.. so no worries. But since there's no more vacancies, u might wanna consider Gateway Suites Perth @ Victoria Ave (used to be called Aaron All Suites previously). It's also v. good. Great location, spacious & well-equipped. To find out more.. juz refer here:

2. Swan Valley is only abt 25mins drive from Perth city, v. near. There're quite a few attractions & places u can visit when u're there. U can refer to the above link to find out more.. juz read further down.

3. Fremantle is abt 45-50 mins drive away from Perth city, also not far. A visit to Cicerello's for their famous fish & chips is a must! Their prawns & lobsters are v. fresh too! U can also poy by the Fremantle Markets & E-shed markets to get some souvenirs back. For more info, just refer to the same link above. Likewise, juz read further down.

Generally, the roads in Oz are very easy to navigate & follow so no issues with driving. Just lookup the detailed road map provided by car rental company & u're on ur way to ur destination.. it's tt simple! There's no need for GPS

Oh yes, do chkout for thier online interactive road map. U can use it to plan out ur routes b4 ur trip so u know which road & highway to take.. saves a lot of time! U'll also be more familiar with the roads when u're there. It's v. useful. I used it to plan ut my routes b4 my trip too last year.

Hope it helps!
i tot we dun need GPS. so we did not turn it on.
by the time, i knew i hv to go on highway, i already miss it!

we went to a church in willeton , people's house at yokine and innerloo. we need that device. else - for non tourisy place. we will be lost.
we drove up north to clarkson. where we need the device. i am a map IDIOT.

else.... i think u r right. no nid GPS.
Hi janey,
I just came back from perth not long also. Brought my 2 year old toddler there. We stayed in mont clare apartments which was pretty self contained with all cooking utensils. But for things like cooking ingredients from oil to sauces, u need to bring there yourself. Initially i fear about the food restrictions there but as long as u declare at the customs, u r usually safe to go through.

as for apartments, with a kid, it's better to get a place with carpark otherwise it can be a bit troublesome to bring things up n down. as for car rental, i booked mine with bayswater car rentals. cheapest in town i would say. but no gps.

hi hi hi! I am so so so happy to hear from everyone! thank god...i really blur like sotong type, seriously need some good "experience" mummies who travel to perth before! :p

hi LV,
my son is also coming to 2yr old soon! This trip is for his birthday
Also mummy need to venture out after staying at home for so long...haha..Well, i really kind of upset when mont clare say.."no more rooms", so i am checking out alternatives.
Can i ask, you mean my soysauce, cooking oil can be go through? Even though its half used already? or in smaller bottle type unopened type? I plan to cook simple porridge, steam fish and brocoli, so its really good to know i can bring some "raw" ingredient. I wonder if i can smuggle rice over? hahahah.. in smaller ziplock bag?

hi mngo,
I will visit the link you gave above, thanks!!!!!! Actually...i am not the one driving lor..its my he must be confident of the road.

hi claerwen,
thank you for all the tips! Can i ask a very silly question? for Gateway Suites Perth, do they have carpark?? Because parking would be headache if the apartment does not have one...Btw, is this apartment close to any groceries or supermarket whereby i can buy fresh groceries to cook? And bread etc...

