Pasir Ris - lobangs

Nuah, oh dear, hope C is feeling better. So today skip school?

Jshoppers' sale only on certain items at end of season. So I usually dun wait, just whack whenever got new items on e webby :p

newmummy, ya lor, today 1st day. Going to get ready in a while. Class starts at 9, hehehe


just brought her to doc this on leave today......doc said monitor till wednesday and see how....viral infection loh...sigh sigh...just now see doc no this morning already changed uniform liao then her head so hot....

how's the kids doing in school?

the jshopper t-shirts not nice leh....only like the leggings from jshopper...

yesterday hb said how come C's t-shirt and shorts like hot pants liao and the top so small...kekeke...bcos she growing mah...kekekek....

so need to buy bigger clothes for her...kekeke

since u pro in shopping...can check with there any doodle with color instead of black "ink" only? i saw in amazon...fisher price bt not sure if that's the one leh....spore sell boh?
Tomy brand.

actually not very fun de.
each colors are restricted to e designated part nia.
tomy brand doodle...
yah, the colors restricted to the designated part cos need to form the "mickey picture".
my boy sometimes still doodle on it tho... cos he suka mickey mah... muahahahah
tomy brand doodle...
yah, the colors restricted to the designated part cos need to form the "mickey picture".
my boy sometimes still doodle on it tho... cos he suka mickey mah... muahahahah
Surprisingly no tears
they were not seated together & were very reserved initially. Teacher made sure to pay more attention to them & asked them to sit beside her during activities. When I returned to fetch them, they were enjoying themselves le. But very short session nia. Play with other toddlers from diff classes while waiting for everyone to arrive. Proper lesson starts only @ 9.30. Then 1 activity till 10.15, followed by 15 min break. Then another activity till 11.15. At least now can make more friends, wait till they more used to it, sure show their patterns, maybe their classmates will be scared of C then! Har har har
Har har har, coaxed them to sleep & I fell asleep too. Woke up middle of the night & couldn't doze off

just sent them to school. Now going to make my escape, kekeke
pinkie, u also got alternate nick ah? kekekeke

maybe deliberate bah, so they wun stick to each other. just now i just ushered them to the room and ran away! E kept looking back to see where i was so i told him i need to talk to the teacher and ran off. heng din cry :p
I think its deliberate because my twins cousin also go same school but different class because the teacher say is put into same class tend to stick together and couldn't make friends or mingle around kept following each other.
your Umi shoes lai le. the helmet not yet, arrived at vpost USA le but not matched yet. vpost quite kuku these days, keep missing out on multiple parcels from same merchant... tsk tsk tsk

mommies, FYI, going fwd, vpost has increased it's base charge to SGD13.40 and now have also imposed fuel surcharge (gasp!!!) the fuel surcharge is 13% of the parcel's weight. siao liao....

nuah/mbb, meaning the amazon, OTC, gymboree & KS kena the above charges... bleh..........

better stop spreeing for a while liao

great that the kids enjoy school

I will wait for most items to arrive 1st b4 i go over to collect lah...kekekek? the material quite good leh not those thick type...kekekeke


the tomy brand no good huh? then save $$ dun buy liao...let her cont to use her old doodle ;)

btw how much i owe u for the polo huh
hee... cos i post in free threads to exchange for stuff, in case post salah den kena bann den i die lor... kekeke

yah, the fuel surcharge is oredi built into the $8.60/kg liao

the mickey one not say no good, but maybe more suitable for younger tods lor... plus it's smaller. maybe u can check it out first...

eh, almost forgot abt the polo$$; will pm you.
btw the polo fits C nicely? i silly bot 3T so end up veri big, mayb need to wait for 1 yr... faint
got got, received le. pai seh, last 2 days on leave but needed to do work from home oso, so no time to load the orders yet... think will have to wait till next wed at least. *faint* got major event early next week so this week need to do last min preparations, now like siao char bo. dun even have time to drink water
buy the Fisher Price de.

u have lobang for Birkenstock (sp?)?
i saw a pair of sandals for kiddo berry nice but $89 le.

let me know if u organsing any spree hor as i miss out the GAP/ON as C has been sick and was on leaves....

i need to order short sleeves t-shirts for C...jshoppers no short sleeves leh

Today came back office also siao char bo with meetings and clearing work
birkies ah? no lobang leh. so long haven't bot any! i bot my last few pairs from taipei where they have birkie stores all over. very cheap only, ard SGD80 per pair. for kiddies sizes i bot from BKK, the fake ones lah, when they were so popular a few years back. now BKK selling only fake crocs, har har har.

if u want other brands/designs for kiddies shoes, u tell me, i go BKK can bio for you. this time round, i'm going to stock up on the foam sandals from Puma again, very very comfy
i heard there's a site to order but min 8pairs i think... i try to find out more

btw, i thinking of getting a p/t helper for a couple of hours a week... rem u told me abt urs, can pm me the details?
not joining spree coz not sure of the size le.
maybe i but fake onces.....juz need it for her Berries class nia.

go BKK again? nice nice.
u sure gonna shop till u drop

sms u later...
yeah, every year must go to BKK to satisfy my shopping urge, har har har!

anyone wants to get anything, just buzz me. esp for shoes, cheap cheap & comfy
gap extra 20% off sale but no free shipping promo...

i think y phone siao siao last nite, u got sms me? can resend? tks~~
solli, forgot to reply abt the FP doodle.
yup...tats e one. i tink it;s more fun for C's age.
