New mommy here, Having slight pain


New Member
Hi. New mum to be here, I'm currently 11 weeks and I'm experiencing mild cramps near my pelvic area. I'm also vomitting severely until my throat aches already. I also feel nauseous almost the whole day. Does anyone experience these same feelings?
Hello kimmyLove, yes I experienced this during my first child. The cramps went on till baby popped, and it just gets worse. It the cramps become really painful and unbearable, then I would suggest calling your gynae to get some pills (although pills are not advised). I also took pills for vomiting. Did your gynae prescribe those?
It's normal to have slight pain. However if u do see any spotting with the pain then call your gynea immediately. Also if the pain persists for more than an hour and/or gets unbearable then go A&E

Otherwise this is all Normal and will stay that way for awhile.
