Mummies staying at Fernvale

MERRY XMAS to all & family.
The party was good though Reyden was quite cranky.
Hope to see the other mummies as well if there's anymore party. Thanks to Fi for her place.

hope your hubby didn't take it to heart. We were only joking about Reyden seeing him. hehe. He was just plain cranky that day.

MERRY XMAS to all & family.
The party was good though Reyden was quite cranky.
Hope to see the other mummies as well if there's anymore party. Thanks to Fi for her place.

hope your hubby didn't take it to heart. We were only joking about Reyden seeing him. hehe. He was just plain cranky that day.
MERRY XMAS to all & family!!
The party was good though Reyden was quite cranky. Hope to see the other mummies as well if there's anymore party. Thanks to Fi for her place.

hope your hubby didn't take it to heart. We were only joking about Reyden seeing him. hehe. He was just plain cranky that day.
hi Irin & Fi,

I happen to browse the toyr'us site and found this .. my memory din fail me afterall. haha

@ $79.95
Hello Mummies,

Wah.. quiet day today... no postings.

Everyone must be very busy.

I've just my grilles installed today... so sad... coz I've nvr liked grilles... but no choice. Spent the whole afternoon cleaning up the mess somemore. :p
hi doreamon,

No lar. we were talking about this when we are at Fi's hse the other day, as i remembered it is selling @ $70 plus @ toyrus which they used to sell @ $100 plus. Thus if mummies keen to buy can go there take a look.

Grills .. hmm .. i suppose to fixed that too becoz Faith is also big liao. But then comtemplating to do it now becoz we really feel like moving hse. So scare later fix liao waste $$ ..

By the way .. u fixed all the windows? How much did u spent on this ? Are you using the contractor that amanda recommended?
hi crayonmum n veron,
i oso had my grilles fixed finally...dun like it as well as if we in "prison"...
I used the contractor dat Apple recommended, the lady was v nice, anyone interestd wl recommend her as well...

Hi all mummies,
Juz found a great place to bring kiddo to play...
Wonder u mummies bn to Jacob Ballas Children Garden?? Its a v nice place !!! Its near to Botanical Garden , former NIE, nw its NUS Campus, i tink...
This Playground oni allows adult with kids under 12yrs old to enter..And it has those kinda fountains like Bugis Junction...So, be prepared 2 get ur bb all wet!! heehee...And they also hv Sand playground, and oso crossing the stream by walkg n balancing on the log...and many many fun things..Chk it out, mummies who had nvr bn there!!

Chk tis link for more info :

I fixed grilles for my living rm (6 panels of windows), and 3 bedroom ( 2 panels each room). My kitchen, toilets and one of my MBR had grilles already. I got it from Pang Giap, which is Amanda's contact. They quoted me $680.. for bronze colour aluminium which is more ex than Amanda's... asked him if best price.. they say yes leh...

Then he quoted my fren's 4 room at 407B.. living rm and 3 bedroom.. came up to slightly more than $1k... coz theirs have to be powder-coated becoz of the colour of the windows which is like greyish white... so more ex.. my fren din do wif them ... coz he thinks they r ex.

I lazy to arrange for another quotation.. so I just decided to do wif them lor...

But pang giap service is good and fast lah.


yah lor... like prison! and somemore my mum came today and said it's very nice wat!?
hi crayonmum,
i had my living rm + 3 bedrms fixed + Kitchen = $680 (initially it was quoted $700+, bt cos the kitchen grilles was dented whn deliverd, so hb complained, and she gave discount!! hehe..)
And its silver color solid (nt hollow) aluminium..
Nw i find it so incnvnt for me, esp whn i nd to hang clothes out!! sigh..

Hi Fi,
u r most welcome...

hope ur kiddos wl enjoy themselves there!!
Bt r'mbr to prepare extra clothg for them...
Wow.. carmen.. ur grilles is cheap leh! Mine is hollow one somemore...

Can PM me ur grilles contact so that I can pass to my fren? Thks!
Oh Mummies.. saw on news few days ago that a big sports store in canada has taken off Nalgene bottles off their stores becoz polycarbornate bottles (bottles wif '7' underneath) leak BPA, a cancer-causing chemical. Then I surfed around to chk whether baby bottles are affected coz they are also polycarbonate. To my horror, they r...and Avent is one of the brands! I have 11 Avent bottles..

Was too tired to bookmark all the pages last nite.. but the pharmacy at Camden Medical Ctr is having some trade-in promo ...

Also read that AVA said that the leaked BPA amounts in baby bottles do not pose a health hazard to babies... hmm.. but that also means that the chemical is indeed present... which is scary...

Just to share...
fi- ya i know, i rcv their e-mail too.. but ah i already bought the stuff that i wanted ... bought bout 5 items some more kwang kwang kwang ... upset upset upset..
Morning mummies!! Last day of 2007 today... Makes me nostalgic.... Ever thought if u cud have done some things differently in some parts of ur life??.... Anyways, heres my verry best wishes to everyone for the year ahead..... May 2008 be bring.g u prosperity and happiness and most importantly love amongst frends n family... Happy new year people!!! I have realised, thruout my 1yr spamming in this forum, i have gained a treasurebox of friendship... Thx mummies for being here...... Aiyoh!!! So drama!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehehehehehehe.... Cheers and have a great one!!!!!!!!!!
Fi / Irin,

Looks like the toy is no longer selling @ $79.95 liao .. i saw the website increase price liao leh ..

Today is the last day of 2007 .. and I am glad that I get to know Fernvale mummies during the last quarter of the year.

Cheers to the Friendship and wishing all beautiful mummies and babies .. Opps .. not forgetting all the handsome daddies a HAPPY 2008 ahead!
Fi-so sentimental huh

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 everybody, time flies
bu zhi bu jue we have been yakking in this forum since don't know when??

Its been sometime since I met some mummies her during the starbucks-turned-mac gathering, hopefully the next round I can join and if possible to meet new mummies here too!

Irin-I remember ur bbs bday very near my bb one right?? I am going by lunar calendar, how abt u? me and HB was thinking between a chalet or home celebration but in the end decided on home celebration, a big one hopefully
thus need to get into action liao!
hi hi mummies in fernvale and compassvale...


Yes it has been a fruitful year for me and my family with the additional member in july i.e. Aqeel..
@ the same time it has been really nice geting to know all the mummies in this fernvale thread.. thanx to Doreamon whom I've not met in person...She's the one who started out this thread..

To all of the mummies babies twins kids and daddies...

may you have the most joyous moments ushering 2008 later tonite and great health and wealth to all... cheers...


HAPPY 2008 to all Fernvale, Compassvale, Anchorvale, Rivervale mummies!!! Hahaha!

I booked chalet at NSRCC liao. Wanted to do it at Aranda or Aloha but both were already fully booked for the dates I want so ended up with NSRCC. I also go by lunar calendar cos MIL & mum say don't want celebrate after their lunar birthday. So now we are celebrating 1 week after CNY.
Ian just had his 1st BD on sat.. but no big celebration.. just family gathering at my parents'. hee.

Happy New Yr to all mummies! It has been great knowing u gals!!
hi all mummies,
juz to chk, anybody keen to hv Safety Gate??
Hv a fren workg in childcare, they r clearg their safety gates..its stl in gd workg condition...m nt sure the brand n size yet as i wana c if any1 keen b4 i pic up fr her..
Pls PM/ email me : [email protected]
if u r keen...
Irin-NSRCC is where and the area big enuf? sorry if I sound 'white eat'. hehe coz might be booking a chalet after further discussion with inlaws+HB but from what you say, seems hard to book now liao hor.

crayonmum-hey HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO IAN, hehehe he got many presents??
Thks Enne! no leh.. not many presents coz no party.. only dinner wif parents and some close relatives so all give ang pows.. hee.
crayonmum-angbaos better hor more practical, too many toys or gift sets also no use, I still got some from my boy 1st mth, don't know what to do with them. hehehe hopefully his 1st bday more angbaos!
Happy Belated Birthday Boy Ian !

Ya me too also think that ang bao more practical so that can bank in for them. Toys we really got too many liao .. hahaha mummies keep buying and buying ..

Carmen .. I've PM u on the safety gates .. hear from u again ..
Thks mummies!

I think Ian prefers presents.. hahaha.. coz like veron said.. usually we will save up the ang pow money in the bank.
hi veron,
yup, hv replied u...

wl chk w my fren the dtls and get bac to u soonest!!

Sigh, tis eveng came hme was shocked to c my hall floor tiles all popped up!!!!! Gosh!!!
nw i evn hv prob steppg into my kitchen...the moment i steppd on the popped tiles, i cn hear "crackg" sound dat seemd to tell me "more to come".....

juz prayed dat HDB b able to get it done b4 cny !!
oh my goodness, carmen!

luckily no one was at home when the tiles popped up...

actually wat's the reason for the tiles popping up? seems like lotsa fernvale flats kenna leh.... is it just fernvale or is it a common prob in all flats? i dun feel very safe staying at my own home after hearing so many tiles popping incident..
wow carmen then how to stay in the hse with 2 kids now? walking ard at home with shoe now?

HDB will compensate the repairing and allowing u to stay else where when they repair? So far the HDB officer came to take a look?

read the link information seems like alot of places are facing such problems too.


cannot call HDB and like demand them to work on the tiles ASAP? Adults are fine, what worry most is kids, they might tot it is funny and play with the popping tiles and get hurt.
Happy belated birthday to Ian!!!

National Safra Resort Country Club is somewhere near Tanah Merah. The bungalows are big, double storey & 2 bedrooms. Got dining area & kitchen too. Here's the website.
Most dates are taken up but if there might be some dates which are still available.

Maybe all the flats affected are from 1 same contractor who did the shoddy workmanship... and seems like all the flats that have popped out tiles are built ard the same time.. i.e. around 5 yrs old now.

I'm just wondering whether bigger tiles popped easier becoz they have less gaps in between individual tiles for expansion and contraction? Understand that the flats at 406-407 have bigger tiles than my cluster. Any civil engineering trained mummies here to advise?


The bungalows are very nice.. I stayed once when they just opened many yrs ago.. my relatives booked... very spacious... can fit at least 2-3 familes.

It's actually at the end of east coast park near to the airport is i'm not wrong.
hi crayonmum n veron,
The HDB lady juz came tis morng...took pix n nw awaitg for their guy to come over to remove those popped tiles and lay over cardboard so dat we cn walk arnd w/o hvng 2 worri...wl hv to wait n c whn is our turn to get all tiles hacked n chnged!! Apparently there r alot of such cases as we cn c fr the link givn by wont noe whn is ours gonna be fixed....
hopefully wl b b4 cny!!!!

Irin-that's a great help!! but I scared don't have the available dates I want coz I think mine shd be either same or near the day that you want too, will ask HB to check out first. thx hor.

crayonmum-thx for the feedback, sounds great, hopefully if I really wanted to book, hope got the date I want but from what Irin say, seems bleak.
