Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye


I am fulltime working mummy, and even have to work on sat half day.

Most probably will choose ELFA bcos they open until 7.30pm, i cannot make it if have to pick up on 7pm.

how about any caregiver near you? You sure can reach the centre by 7:30pm? Even for me to reach CCK will be 7pm the earliest wor
currently my daughter is taking care by nanny, and i found that this nanny is quite good to my daughter also. But still have to send to CC for her to learn more thing, right? Nanny hse only give her eat & sleep. Not much chance for my daughter to learn.
Hi mummies
My father-in-law passed away today. :-(

I have 2 unopened packs of huggies L size pull-up pants to let go at $12 per pack. Any takers?

Pauling - my boy is coming to 19 mths and he is also taken care of by a nanny. I also pondered a lot on whether to send him to cc, esp when I see how much his peers who are at cc have learnt and how independent they are. But I finally decided to delay sending him to cc and try to find him those 2-3hrs playschool instead. (I'm still looking because my area has a lot of cc but very few preschools.) reasons: he can learn to be independent later; he can still learn something from the playschool but can eat and nap at his own timings; the most important one - I rather send him to cc when he can talk.
you can put her in playgroup ah. Those 2-3hrs kind like what ak mention. Can get the nanny to fetch her aft school too. Even now playgroup they also wont learn much also. When my kids were 18mths i send them to weekends classes at kindermusik. Parents get to be in with them and get them familiar with the classroom enviroment as well as bonding with his peers. Then after a term i remove him and send him to playgroup after then

sorry to hear about that. You take care.

the mamypoko is clearing at $13 a pack. Erm i think its cheap. I guess those getting M size one also $13 bah since the machine jus scan the item for that price. Too bad, left 3 packs M and 1 S only. I bought 4 packs. Should be able to last me 4 months
<font color="#7E2217">ak,
agreed with that "the most important
one - I rather send him to cc when he can talk."

For me, I only send my boy to school when he is 4 yr old cos my side no N1 class for PCF.

currently, he is confine at hm only.
<font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="119911">o</font><font color="0000ff">r</font><font color="808080">n</font><font color="ff6000">i</font><font color="aa00aa">n</font><font color="0077aa">g</font> <font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="119911">u</font><font color="808080">m</font><font color="aa00aa">m</font><font color="ff6000">i</font><font color="0000ff">e</font><font color="0077aa">s</font>

<font color="808080">Ak</font>
My condolences to u and family. Take care.
afternoon, whole family sick with throat dry and fever.


My condolences to u and family. Take care.

Ahhh couldnt find a phonics class for dec holidays that is not exp... C.C. dont have
Anybody sending kids to Sparks Development Centre at blk 668 CCK crescent? Is this the only playgroup centre at CCK crescent? Any comments abt this ctr?
My nanny ok to pick up my daughter if i enroll my daughter to this playgroup...
So i'm considering to enroll her next yr.
Re: phonics class
Dun have meh? U try YT CC. but it's a Monday evening class starting 20 Dec, cos I oso looking ard.
YT CC have and it is the cheapest but bu sun lu. I have to change like 4 bus to reach there + walking..

think i am waiting for 1Jan in his PAP $35 only for 10 lessons, once a week.
<font color="#41A317">MaggieHeng,
bb cc have the phonics and reading class lah...saw the big signboard at its entrance....yr side bb east dun have meh?

hmm...YT CC need to change 4 buses meh...tot u take bus straight to interchange n fr there take mrt and then it's just a 10mins walking distance.

there's another 1 at 685C startots but i think most of their slots taken up already....u can still call them to ask
<font color="0077aa">very busy these few time to log in to reply but have been updating myself with the posts though...</font>

<font color="ff6000">joo,

why you didn't help to finish the meiji biscuits since your kids can't take? don't tell me you also cannot eat? or forget hehe...</font>

<font color="aa00aa">suika,

these kind of warehouse sales always super crowded &amp; sometimes the snacks very close expiry date maybe that's why they clearing cheap cheap...

wow! your list of mall shows is super long! so free go compile all ah? hehe...</font>

<font color="0000ff">ak,

sorry i'm a bit slow in sending my condolences to you but better late than never right? hehe...=P</font>
<font color="ff0000">Come to King's for the coolest ice cream deals in town this weekend!


Where: 51 Quality Road Jurong (S)618813

When: 3 - 5 December 2010 (Fri - Sun)

Time: 11am - 6pm (Fri &amp; Sat) 11am - 4pm (Sun)

Dry ice provided to last 1 hour.

Cash/Visa/Mastercard accepted.

King's Cool Club Members Privileges:

* FREE King's Potong (All Durian) multipack with min. $15 purchase in a single receipt! (one-time redemption per member only).

* One chance with every $30 purchase to win great prizes in our members' draw.

Please bring along your King's Cool Club Card to enjoy the above privileges!

All items while stocks last!

Please PM me for flyer.</font>
If you wan to freese, then my freezer no space but the rest still ok.

i still half a tub of wine ice-cream in my freezer. I dun really like ice-cream
<font color="ff6000">meow,

i just bought 2 pints of ice cream from udders last night hehe...bailey's &amp; mao shan durian! my freezer still got 2 pints of haagen daaz cookies &amp; cream =P</font>

<font color="119911">i know i a bit kiasu to be asking this Qn but maybe not since my boy will be K1 next year. any reviews or feedback about de la salle primary school?</font>
AK... my condolences to you.... can't log in on Fri.. sigh.. on and off can go in..

Weekend bz with kids.. now they are having their nap.. so sneak in for a while
my friend told my De La salle not that good. In fact 2 friends told me that. Well i never consider that school too
afcai paiseh today then reply. bb east side no dont have. maybe west side bah. for me super troublesome take bus go interchange to take mrt. I from the mosque take bus there change 3 more bus to reach the back of C.C. when got 2 kids so naughty nowadays,, Its a wonder I can still stand their nonsenses,..
so quiet today...

let me spiced up abit...kena stomach flu for a week and now experience bad service from gmarket...pissed!
<font color="0000ff">meow,

offline? can no problem!! but where are you?! *looking high &amp; low*</font>

<font color="ff6000">lup,

lucky you recover in time else cannot enjoy your holiday!

what did you experience at gmarket?</font>
yah lor...lucky recover now...otherwise wasted...

i bought a carrier for the trip. It's cheaper than anywhere else but their delivery take damn long time lor... so from their website, it mentioned that if its delivery status is "Ship Estimated", customer can opt for cancel of i try to cancel and get refund but the website doesn't move when i click conitnue....

i emailed them and mentioned my problem lor (can't wait and want to cancel)...and you know what they reply me?

"I think if you cannot wait for the maximum delivery period you should not have order"

Piss or not???
<font color="0000ff">santarina is here again! anyone keen?</font>

<font color="aa00aa">item 1: knitted brown white long design sleeves top.

Length: 61 cm

Width: 49 cm

Sleeves: 47 cm</font>


<font color="aa00aa">item 2: cold wear brown long sleeves top.

Length: 62 cm

Width: 49 cm

Sleeves: 51 cm</font>


<font color="aa00aa">item 3: hand croquet pink white stripes long sleeves top.

Length: 55 cm

Width: 39 cm

Sleeves: 33 cm</font>


<font color="aa00aa">item 4: hand croquet pink vest top.

Length: 48 cm

Width: 36 cm</font>


<font color="aa00aa">item 5: hand knitted mid length sleeves pink white stripes top.

Length: 55 cm

Width: 35 cm

Sleeves: 21 cm</font>


<font color="aa00aa">item 6: hand knitted pink white stripes vest top.

Length: 43 cm

Width: 34 cm</font>


<font color="aa00aa">item 7: Giordano beige top size S.

Length: 46 cm

Width: 33 cm</font>


<font color="aa00aa">item 8: black waist pouch</font>

Hi Mummies..

today totally block by my IT.. can't go in.. sian..

Think won't be able to come in as often le..

HF.. if no taker on the waist puch.. can I have it?

Anyone is a member of world of sport? Need to buy something..
why so many pink ones?? A is not gal wor.

you wan some shoes for your gal? I've got some to pass down if you dun mind
<font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="ff6000">ö</font><font color="119911">r</font><font color="0000ff">n</font><font color="0077aa">ï</font><font color="aa00aa">n</font><font color="808080">g</font> <font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="0000ff">ü</font><font color="808080">m</font><font color="0077aa">m</font><font color="aa00aa">ï</font><font color="119911">e</font><font color="aa00aa">s</font>

<font color="0077aa">Happyfeet</font>
I don't quite like alot of biscuits and imagine if you see yr kid used to eat it every other day for a period (but of course, in moderation lah) ... so now, they can't take too much biscuits (in fact, cannnot now) so i brought them to office and share with my peers ... lol
morning mummies!

how to insist?? They said the item is in SG post office now...

this carrier with all the added cost still cheaper than anywhere else...only this carrier lor...other items i find it ex too...
<font color="0000ff">meow,

Actually the knitted pink top is for kids or XS size like me. MIL knit A LOT for grand kids in states so these are the 'left overs' in a way but brand new though. You want for your gal? You go measure.</font>

<font color="ff6000">Joo,

Haha...I get what you mean. Sometimes I also stock up for my boy but he eat until scared so end up I eat or I stop buying so he finish it after which I've learnt not to stock up anymore...</font>

<font color="119911">lup,

In that case then 'bo pian' lo but look on the bright side, at least you've got your carrier =)</font>
