Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye


Some said that pull-up may be suitable for toddlers under going toilet training but up to individual wan lah...
For yr info, the M sz is meant for 6kg-12kg. have 3kids now? My boy very lazy one...he rather wet his trousers and up to go toilet so I got to carry him to the toilet...
there's a format for the table...need to insert the characters then can appear out
( <table border=1><tr><td>X</TD><TD>O</TD><TD>X </TD></TR><TR><TD> O</TD><TD>X </TD></TR><TR><TD> O</TD><TD></TD><TD>X</td></tr></table> )
Hi Joo,
Thanks for the info. My bb now is 11Kg
But she still do not want porriage and cereal. So daily just feed her on milk
Luckily she is plump ( got her dad gene ) so we won't be so worry.

Hi Sandy,
Yes, currently got 3 kids and next Apr will add one more ... gg to faint liao.
<font color="aa00aa">Meow</font>
the bag either dirty, zip spolit, missing button, velco spoilt etc....sad that carebear one is a trolley sch bag but left 2 of them are dirty.

<font color="aa00aa">Sandy</font>
hmmm....pamper active and comfort much smaller also. my mum like pet pet diaper so she will be the one who use it on my gar.

<font color="aa00aa">Joo</font>

<font color="aa00aa">sneezy mom</font>
have not gone bugis kuan yin temple to see cos no time y'day. will go next mth if I still can't find, gd wor....for u, u prefer gar...I hope mine will be boy boy. will know next mth if bb co-operate.

as for Anmum sachet, I can collect fr u since I'm meeting joo. do u know dumex sachet?
Sorry to keep you and your bb gal waiting....galgal how old ah? You didn't start to introduce when they're about 6mths old? As for the formatting, you see here

so waht you wanna buy? Tell me soon before she go liao ah.

i went down today for a while. Bought 2 water guns and a yoyo at $1 each. Also help my colleague's wife bought 1 little pony toy. Saw the playdoh sushi that my gal is keen, but only left box, content dunno go where liao.
Oh yeah also bought 2 box of Thonas briefs for my son too...yesterday sold out today so many stocks there
Hi mummies,

I sneak in again. Hahaha!!

So much to catch up til I very lost.

Meow, ur HB same birthday as me ar. wah!! He's the 8th person I know that share same birthday.

Toy fair... where is it ar? What does the fair has?

Meow... ur frd going kidzloft? Can help me ask her to buy something for me?
Hi Meow,
Thanks for the sample.'s my first time seen the pull-up type. Normally just see the packaging and I didn't buy any for my kids to try.
My gal is 1 year old on this 27th. I started her on cereal when she was 6th mth but she only tooks 2 spoons the most and the her mouth will zip up. But we still try to feed her daily. Then at 7mth I tried porriage but worst coz only manage one spoon and she didn't want anymore. I've tried many different testure and flavour but to no avail
The food that she likes is cheese &amp; bread. I can manage to feed her half slide of the sandwich.

I'm thinking to go to kidzloft if I have time in the weekend. Is it everything 50% off including the stroller and etc? What is worth buying? Any mummies would like to tumpang me to buy stuffs?
Thanks Kris! keep me inform....

afcai: when's ur EDD? i've got extra Anmum chocolate milk sample pkts....u want some?

Any 1 wan some of the sample pkts? Don't think i can finish them coz not taking in milk too well till now
Hi Meow / Chris...

I only know I need to buy the protector pad...what else is worth buying huh? Nvr been there hor sua gu mummy...
Hi Suika,
I love to have some milk sample packs if you have more to spare. Thanks. Where are you staying?

Hi Sandy,
What is protector pad ? Is it mattress protector ?
Hi Sandy,
Is it for single bed? Normally S'pore matress protector version does not have waterproof. I will sms you the price if I go there during weekend ya.
Oh....I was told they sell with the waterproof version...I dun think is single bed size....more like a cot size...but I only need to cover a portion of my boy's bed to toilet train him at nite hehe...
Hi Sandy,
You are right. I just went in the website and saw the waterproof pad with only can cover a portion. But is stated "sold-out" !?
Last time, I search KP, Metro and Ausino for the waterproof mattress protector but cannot find any. At the end, my sis from UK sent me a couple and I'm gratefull to her coz all my kids mattress are protected now
toy fair at United Sq organise by toy'rus...they clearing toys lor. Me going on sat lor.

JTS: Gain IQ/similac promo with abbott(for members)
For babies born in the following months &amp; year,
March 08, July 07 &amp; Oct 06 they're able to enjoy the promo of purchase 2 tins of Similac ® Follow On (900g) at the Abbott E-store and you'll receive an additional tin of Similac ® Follow On (900g) absolutely FREE! (Limited to redemption of 1 tin per member)
Hi Meow,

R u the kind soul who sold me Nan 3 n give me the nan satchel? stays ard cck blk 209 (or something cant rememeber) U mention u need the disc voucher for abott milk, can let me know if its gain IQ or similac? let me know which 1 will let u haf if when i got from Abott. : >

Can't remember to teach at Kent Ridge Tutor who taught my girl. Overall very happy with the course and my girl's progress. My girl is in P1 now.
Found my Pediasue $3 voucher, expiring on 31 Dec 08. Maybe i pass to afcai as it's more conv for you two to meet up as compared with meeting up with me?

You mind if I pass you the Pediasure voucher for Joo, perhaps I drop it in your mailbox later or u want me to slide through beneath your door if your mailbox is closed?

you can pass the Dumex sachets to someone else as I had tried most brands and still prefer Anmum org flavor. tks for offer.
Hi Weewee,
yeah that's me
I PM you ok

you not muslim why need to deco your place? Or you wan to make the real rice?
<font color="0077aa">goodview mummies</font>,
there's notice board at lift landing stating that our gombak cc is organising a bb contest but hor, the contest is for bb who is fr 6-24mth (divided into 3 category grp). sad that tough my gar is a dec bb but hor, she only different by few days late then cannot join into this contest. contest date is on 21/12(sun) at 8am at blk 388a. closing date for registration is on 10/12/08.

but of cos, will go there to KPO that day.....

<font color="0077aa">Meow</font>,
today, got lot of ppls or not?? wow, buying toys again, tot u got lot of toys liao.....

<font color="0077aa">suika</font>,
my EDD date is 28/3/09. what's abt u>> yeah, where's u live?

<font color="0077aa">Sneezy mom</font>,
of cos, dun mind. what time u reach hm today? I can collect fr u or else can collectfr u over the weekend. just sms me. I will be hm after 0630pm. no lah, my mailbox is always open for junk mail. haa use those junk mail blank paper to let my gar draw on it if not, she will draw on wall, floor, pants etc,.... as for those pamplet, will collect a junk then sell to recycle ppls every first of sun.
hi all...

since long time i log on.. been for SAHM for last few days, boi sick... haiz...
hows are u ladies?

meow... u very into toys ah... lucky kids.
i don spend much on toys de...
I;m actually on MC today &amp; at home now as suddenly developed hives this morning and also my cough and flu; doc says it could prob occur either be due to my flu infection or hormonal change during pregnancy; my this pregnancy also isn't that smooth as I have been on and off sick for past 2 months.

I can drop by yr block later &amp; drop into yr mail box when i go pick up my son at my in law place in evening after my husb returns from work. Will SMS u after I'm done.
today no pp lah. cos its close. They rest to prepare for tomolo. Yeah got lots but i find worth value then get lor. If not then dun buy le.

me will budget lor...wont buy toys if it cost $50 and above. Like those Thomas sets that are $100 is out of my question to get them. I jus wanna get some gifts for children's birthday and christmas present for my niece lor
Hi Akohle,
Thanks !

Hi Suika,
Is there any chance that you will pass by CCK mrt/Lot1 in the evening? Else, pls PM me your hp &amp; address so that I can drop by Yew Tee during weekend to collect from you. Thanks !

Hi Sneezy mom,
Heard your detail scan shows is a girl, right? Congrats ! Dream comes true.
afcai &amp; suika,
I've got 2 NUK (1 red, 1 green, slited teats) &amp; 2 disney ( 1 pooh, 1 piglet, without caps).
Pls take your pick ladies

But who's going to have the blanket?

Meow &amp; sandy,
Thanks, Me looking for loose pcs 1st to try hehe..


Will it be too much trouble for you?
I wanna buy HIPP Organic ruskits..

Hi there!!
Did the cds ok?

Thanks for your vote!!

Mine not preggy stuffs.. Lots of perfume, BBW, body lotion items... Toys huh?? How old is your bb? Musical cloth books ok?
Tks! Yeah both my husb &amp; I really hope for a girl as we have enough of 1 boy already!

Whis is HIPP organic ruskits &amp; where or which shop do I go &amp; buy in Suntec &amp; how many packs u want? Also, how to meet up with you after I buy? I can only buy it next Mon if it's of no urgent as we have a company outside event tmr from noon time onwards and won't be able to drop by at Suntec. Ok with you?
Hi Afcai,
Can i join the baby contest at Gombak cc if i stay at cck?

Meow, will pass u the GainIQkid voucher ok.: >

Btw, Someone out there,please help.Need to send my gal to a good pre nursery school.Any to recommend? I thinking of Appletree at Blk 273 CCK Any comments?
Kris...this protector that I am looking is not put below the bed on top so that we dun have to keep on changing the bed sheet if he accidently pee :).

weewee....kekeke...afew mummies ask liao boy is at Blk300+ feedback...good cos alot of interaction and he is learning they are leaning 'U' and he can said u is for umbrella kekeke...
Yes you can join the contest. You jus need to register at Gombak CC only. Cos mummies all around SG will enter this contest. There's only a person to access the performance of BB to judge
if afcai's not going for the blanket i'll take....

I normally will reach CCK mrt around 6.15pm after work....if that's ok with u, i no mind dropping dwn there instead
Pregnant mummy updates :

<table border=1><tr><td>Mum</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Hosp</TD><TD>Gynea </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chris</TD><TD></TD><TD>26Apr</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Adrian </TD></TR><TR><TD>Afcai</TD><TD></TD><TD>28Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Biji</TD><TD></TD><TD>20Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sneezymom</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Suika</td></tr></table>

Hey mummies,
Pls fill in the details in this table.

Hi Meow,
Hee...80% successfull to create the table. Thanks for your help
thks sandy n meow for ur reply, me seldom come to this thread la, hope to join u guys more often. Ermm, Blk 300+ is a bit far, think Blk 273 the best for me but its ok Since its belong to Appletree group shd be gd as well. : >

Hi Everyone,

I'm relatively new to this thread - am located in BB. I recalled some time back that someone mentioned in this thread about ordering very tasty eclairs in bulk. Can anyone let me know how much and how to go about buying some - I'm planning Christmas and children's party. Thks very much.
