Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

Afcai: Think u r right ... tink today i m abit blur ... i type Anmum in the yahoo search and then route to MeadJohnson webpage. Wake up midnite and 3am this morning and cannot really sleep bk. Toss and turn ... now v tired and sleepy. U coming to CL this Wed???
Think can pass you ... confirm again on Wed morning hor =)

Suika: Pai seh hor ...


I got an opened pack of XXL Huggies Dry (Blue) boy is toilet trained I want to exchange to Pet Pet XL for my gal..let me know..thank you
<font color="aa00aa">Joo</font>
this wed not coming to CL. only fri. tml, I will be gg for my antental checkup and then straight away go visit my gar.

or else can we meet next wed instead.

<font color="aa00aa">Sandy</font>
oh, my detail scan will only be next mth scan tml. last time, I scan a few times then can see the gender cos my no#1 dun want to
co-operate, always close legs or backside face or just place her legs or hand to cover.

yr gar so fast wear Pet Pet XL size leh??? wow, how long do u train yr boy for toilet train?

<font color="aa00aa">Suika</font>
i dun have any specific gynae cos I am a susidy KKH patient. what's abt u?
boys will be slower than gal me not panic
<font color="aa00aa">Meow</font>,
let natural take it course loh.

<font color="aa00aa">Joo</font>,
errr...this fri, I remember I'm off and need to go facial so will be reach earlier. maybe meet next week better.ok, won't be logging in tml cos gg for my checkup.
Hi Afcai....yup...she is wearing XL liao for Pet Pet cos I find this brand..cutting smaller than other premium brand...

Not fully toilet trained yet la....some days successful some days not but I want to let go this cos abit small for him...
Hi Joo,
Yes, I would love to have the original flavor of the milk powder. I don't mind to share it with sneezy_mom if you can spare yours with us

Hi Meow,
I can meet you at CCK mrt stn any weekday after 7pm coz I just live opp the bus interchange entrance.
Hi Chris,

U here liao =)
I hv 4 satchets here which I don't mind giving it to u or sneezy_mom ... hmm ... the tricky thing is how to pass it to both of u ar???
I reach JE mrt stn at 5.50pm and CL mrt stn at 6pm ...
Yesterday I went for training from 9to5. Ah.. missed all these posts...
Very tiring and vomitted coz the toilet is so "fragant", yes all the perfume smell that I cannot tahan ... even the mask cannot mask out the smell.
Argh... today has the training session again .. think must go around to look out for another toilet. Luckily this is a 2 days course. So dry ...................
MS? very terrible sia....can't imagine how i went thru all that few mths back....puke like hell man....hahaha
sandy: ya....MS means bb inside healthy that's y homos change so MS depending on how u sees it
hi Chris,
I think vitamin B6 will help for the MS. I still hav >10 tablet (1 tablet everyday)...PM me, if u need it.
Hello Mommies,

I have here a $2 discount voucher for Enfagrow A+ (valid til 28Dec08) and would like to change for Pediasure Complete discount voucher.

Let me know if you have. Thx =)
HI Mummies,

Congratilations to the preggies!!!
Any 1 needing baby blanket &amp; pacifiers?
I've got BN without packaging to give..

Your nepis pull ups still available? Got loose pcs to spare?
I will PM u my contact so can liase how to collect from you. Most likely tomorrow or weekend since i'm off tomolo

Re: Toyrus sale
Coming friday also got another sale if anyone is keen to go.

Are u the one that I hv to give up dealing with u on the Enfapro coz yr hb is either too early at the mrt stn or yrself reaching abt 7pm?
Paiseh hor ... trying not to reach home too late ar.
I'm staying in Bt panjang.
Yes all BN, washed but not used..
Blanket is blue. terry material. Pooh, piget &amp; NUK pacifiers.. See if afcai wants any.. If not then you can have all

You want any pacifiers? Suitable for 0-6mths.

I'll like to have a few pcs of pull ups to try... How much you selling?
I still have 1 &amp; 1/2 of nepia diapers so won't want them yet hehe...

Hey!!! Yes, i'm the one.. You still Keen??? Lol... Enfagrow lah not enfapro but i haven't get it yet..
The pull ups i have are brand new not open wor, can't let you try a few pieces wor. If drypantz i still have open one. Me wanna clear the pack at $14 a pack. No cut out of seal lor. Where as the diaper got cut out seal but paste with paper already


I've samples of drypantz.. Thanks...
On 2nd thought.. will you be keen to exchange with non baby items? if yes then i'll give you the link to view... I bought some much things during my pregnany w/o thinking... Ang i ended up a SAHM.. No chance to use all that
sneak in...

<font color="aa00aa">sandy</font>,
no leh, I find that pet pet cutting is bigger than huggies and NTUC.oic...sometimes got accidental in weeing on floor is it?

<font color="aa00aa">Joo</font>,
snnezy mom live just a stone throw away fr me. so i can collect fr her.

<font color="aa00aa">Meow</font>,
u tempt me to go toyrus y'day wor....went there ard 12pm+. saw lot of ppls like ma siam grab whatever thing they want, like no need $$.the bag $5-$10 are all got default. will be gg to popular bookshop to see if there is. y'day, saw bag near my mum's plc (selling children shoes plus somesch bag) but was in rush so did not ask price. saw one QOO design cost $7.90. DUNNO MINNI mouse one cost how much cos BHG selling for $29.90 (b4 discount of 20%). did u buy anything at toyrus??

hmm..tot yr hse is wonderland got so many toys.... y'day at the shop near my mum 's hse, I also saw toy stroller cost $6.90. think will be buying it this fri.

ask u when yr boy arrive, did u buy any gift for yr gar? ppls said must buy.

checkup show my weight decrease. y'day in fact, the night b4, vomit what i ate. this is the sec time I vomit. y'day and today dun dare to eat much only eat porriage still ok. if other food will sure vomit.y'day, gynae gave me so much medicine- 2mth of obimin, lactose(something like that for constipation, wante dto give 3 bo9ttle but I reject at pharmacy dunno if i WILL BE ALLEGIC OR NOT) and 60 tablets of duphaston. wow, if not susidy will need to pay a after susidy, pay $20.xx for medicine only. so far, bb heart when using droppler sound ok but only fade sound, maybe still small to detect. just that, now no appetite...

so pissed off, today, ppls mc again....

<font color="aa00aa">Kris</font>,
is no one take, then I will take one pacifier.thks. but hor, last time, I bought one for my gar at medicine hall (anyway, she dun want it), there did not stated the size....did not know pacifier also got range of size.

I'm new to this thread, read that some mummies asking about Kent Ridge Tutors next to Lot 1. My girl attended the phonics class when she was in K2, she finished the whole course in eight months, she is about to read by herself after that.
Hi Joo,
I think I have a Pediasure voucher somewhere but need to go home &amp; check. Don't mind exchanging with your Enfagrow voucher if still available. if not avail, I cn still give it to you FOC provided I can find it.

Also, for the Anmum sachet, think I'll give it a pass as the timing u reach those stations is too early for me as I can only reach there around 625pm, unless you'll still be in CLE on Sunday evening as I only go back to my mom's place then? Or else, you can give all to Chris; it's fine with me.

What do you wish to buy from Suntec? I can drop by there during lunch time as my work place is quite near there, provided it's sth that's not too heavy to carry.

You got your bag from Bugis yesterday? Me also went to Mt. Alvernia Hosp for my detailed scan yesterday &amp; most likely it will be a girl unless the "little stick" is hidden somewhere!

Excluding afcai, I also can't recall who's preggie now. So to those mummies who are now, any of you want that Similac mum voucher that I got from Abbott? Let me know.
Hi Kris....mine is oso BN loose pcs nei...

Hi la...he wun pee on the boy hor...when he is awake, he can control his bladder but when he is asleep not too sure why...he will just pee too sure abt NTUC but compare Huggies and Pet Pet... I find that both cutting abt the same...
Afcai: Sure, then I will pass all the Anmum (choc flvr) to you. And 2 satchets (original to Sneezy mum). The other 2 will pass to Chris (via Sandy)

Kris: Both my boys not on Enfagrow lah. Elder boy on Pediasure Vanilla and younger boy on Enfapro and Gain IQ.

Sneezy mum: No worries lah, I will pass yours to Afcai. I will keep the Enfagrow discount voucher for you. Thanks for swopping with me the Pediasure =)

Btw, who are using size M for Drypers Drypants. I hv 2 here. Let me know anyone wants it coz it comes FOC with the Motherhd magazine ... and i don't want to open it to let my younger boy to try since he was wearing sz L for Huggies Dry diapers. Don't want to waste it. many mths are you many mummies here are pregnant huh?? the stick can't hide la kekek..
Hi Joo,
Can I have your M size Drypants ? I've never let my kids tried it before. Maybe can try in on my younger one. Thanks.

Hi Sandy,
My boy has been toilet trained since 2 years old that he will go to toilet to pee. However,now he is 4+ but during night time he still wet the bed occationally. Luckily I have the mattress protector on his bed. But my elder gal has no problem coz by 3 years old she already didn't wake up to pee when asleep.
hi akohle,
Thanks for responding on the Kent Ridge
Tutors at Lot1. Who was the tutor that taught your gal? Do you satisfy with the course &amp; your gal progress ?
I just created a table to show the pregnant mummies and the EDD and etc so that we can fill up the details and put it on this thread but I unable to upload it here as table. Only can upload as file. Anyone knows the way ?
Hi Joo,
Yeap, the younger one is now one year old and wearing M size diaper. Is the drypants can only be used when we toilet train them ?

by the time you reach there i'm still around should be in queue at the payment. My batt flat, think you can't locate me either. Wow default you still can spot ah? What default is that? Obvious? Me saw a princess bottle early morning, when i finish taking the toys, the bottle gone liao.
Me ah bought Dora playdoh for my gal and a couple to thomas for my boy lor. Wanted to get a vanity set for my gal but too heavy and big cos hor that time i wanna get some cosmetic my gal ah so vain...see me try out those colours she also put on herself. Then last week i go guardian, she jus go to those sample of eyeshadow and paint her cheeks leh....

Wow that's a lot of medicine leh....must take all ah? Yes i got buy a gift for my gal when my boy was born. Bought a storybook about being big sister and another tool toy since she dun have any. She's happy her new brother buy that for her
