Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

Hi Serene,
Wow... you boy is so big liao, time flies.
Thanks for the childcare info. I called these 2 centres and they do not do childcare service. I think I would prefer childcare for whole day or half day so that he would learn more things there like social skill.

Hi Afcai,
True lah, CL on social visit pass is not supposed to work but heard that some ladies still engage them coz cheaper and the risk of being caught is very low ... but I personally do not encourage illegal things coz if caught ... jalak..
About the chicken, I also heard that some old ppl said don't eat fish during confinement coz we will have the fishy smell down there for the rest of our lives. Hee.. I always don't believe the old tale, I took one chicken a day for 45 days and eat fish daily too to boost my milk supply ... for my previous 3 pregnancy... well, now nothing happened to me ya. As for bathe, I didn't touch water for the 1st week except washing my hands and bottom. Actually, during my 1st confinement I didn't believe and bathe after discharged from hospital, then caught a cold and fever ... so I believe that when our body is weak, try to avoid bathing else we will prone to catch the cold.

Hi Sandy,
What voucher... where to grab .... ??

Thanks for the info

We are going to spend the weekend in Beauford Sentosa... so hopefully, it is not going to be rained out! Will not be checking the computer but I am sure I would have to read & read when I get home!
Hi Celtricia...he has recovered liao so I didn't get it for I m letting him drink Cod Liver Oil with it really good...? Will boost immunity?
Hi afcai,

Ya, me taking Chinese medicine now. Visited the Ying Chuan Chinese Medical Hall located at Jurong East St. 21.

So you went to the Carrefour Warehouse Sale? Any milk powder on offer?
No FM at the sale!!! Still remember me?

i slow how many you manage to fish :p

I got the disc
Hi didn't grab this time kekeke....cos left another year and my gal gal will change formulae dun want to buy too many...
Hi Sandy, glad to hear he recovered.. not too sure if it boost immunity.. but heard frm cousin's MIL its also a form a vit c.. but shldn't b taken everyday..
is it true cannot eat dang gui during preggie? heard that Dang gui eat during confinement only when your menses clear if not will cause more bleeding which happen to my frenz's colleague and she ended in the hospital due to excessive bleeding as she took dang gui in the first week after delivered. heard from my frenz that her EYS physician advised her not to take "dang gui" during pregnancy cos she mentioned something like it will affect the placenta. No doubt "dang gui" can "bu xue" but she said not suitable to take during pregnancy

<font color="#00FFFF">Chris</font>
hmm..shorten yr nickname liao? but many cl lady are not PR too.

fish is gd esp if one is bf after delivery. so it is a must to eat. I confine a lot of threadfin daily during my dinner time.

same same, only time to touch water during CL period is to wash hands, brush teeth and bottom.

<font color="#00FFFF">Sandy</font>
why dun u grab? oic....why want to change fm?? tot yr gar still got 2 yr more to go. my gar will change fm only end of next yr. I still got abt 15x 900g tins + 1 small tin left plus 4 more small tins coming in (redempt fr website).

anyway, the person selling very ex $2 per voucher. pai seh, me not supporting yr Cashew Nuts cos none of my family member are nuts fan. hmm u post in the BP thread need to pay the fee or not?

drink cod liver oil with orange will introdu phelgm leh. that's what my mum said. so I was forced to drink the white one, yuck, so fishy smell. after that, consume the tablets when I grew older.

<font color="#00FFFF">Mary</font>
no lah, not me who went to carrefour warehse, no fm powder as stated in the post. think meow went for it.

<font color="#00FFFF">Meow</font>
hmm..pai seh what disc??

hey, sandy not grabbing voucher we can have some chances liao. anyway, i also got a pm fr a mummies asking me interested in the voucher or not. so I just ask her for her a/c since the price still reasonable. gal gal will be 2 early next year so dun want to keep too much stock liao...still got hm...loss count kekeke...I didn't give him alot just small teaspoon...initially was the while cod liver oil but he dun like aft a while so thought orange,, he might like n got orange Vit c ma...can boost his the cashew nuts but mummies commented good for pregnant n breastfeeding mummies...Ya...BP fee need to pay..:)
Ya loh, has shorten my nick name : )
As for Dong Gui, it is a no-no during pregnancy and during confinement. I saw from medical book that we shall not take any chinese herbs during pregnancy and during confinement dang gui will reduce breast milk. Don't take the risk ya ...
<font color="#00FFFF">Sandy, </font>
oic. I think mine will only last till end of the yr. so will be stocking up more before no2 arrive cos men hor won't bother to look for promotion or discount one. so got to stock up but not this mth.

is it gd for pregnnt n bf mummies. oic. but still dun like nuts.:p

<font color="#00FFFF">Chris</font>
is it, I consume lot of it during CL. dunno is it bec of I consume twice black chicken with lots of different herbs during jul and aug. my mum insisted that i needed to 'pu'. already told her better not to 'pu' during first trimster but.....ok, will take note. luckily, I consume lot of fish and red dates longan drink to balance out or else my bm will be reduce by dang gui.

thks for the advice.
i thought you asking who got elmo potty time, i have.

i did take a little bit of dang gui leh...cos must cook with black chicken mah...bit bit can lah, not too many

you so good got pp PM me, me no have leh
Oh well....

unusual you dun wanna stock

Agree with u ... i was also amazed when I didn't see Sandy 'pop out' when so many mummies giving out the Gain IQ voucher ... lol

My son is born in June.

Same, during 1st week Confinement, my mum also says cannot eat too much pu, but mid mth onwards can eat more. Ya my boy quite chubby, every mth when he go polyclinic for jab, his weight is always the 90 percentile range but i think he's not too big nor too small, medium size but bah bah nice to hug. Now that he's 2 yrs 3 mths old, he's 14kg. Ya he's quite fair, me and hub not really very fair. Maybe like me when i'm baby. He resembles me more.

Did you check out mcys website for childcare in cck area? Appletree is not childcare.

Thanks! He had got big round eyes but his nose flat leh...
Aiyo....mummies dun like that la...keke...too much stock wait need to clear like xiao....then CNY coming wait house fullof bb stuff hb face black black again kekeke....of course if got people give will still grab la kekeke but dun want to buy liao kekeke...unless very cheap kekeke....

Any mummies got Chinese tea set can borrow? Need it for next week Mid Autumn celebration in Company..
OIC i thought you jus wanna do it for that short moment with family mah. If you wanna demo then hmm...cant help you. Go buy and claim from company can?
Hi Serene,
Thanks for the suggestion of mcys. There is a list of childcare centres located at CCK. This saturday must ask hubby to go about to visit those centres.
Hi Sandy,
Besides cashew nuts, are there any other nuts like almond &amp; macademia ??
Hi the meantime only cashew nuts.... my friend is gg to Poland next week... I m asking her to liaise with a supplier there to see got any good lobang kekeke...will then organise if got other nuts ;-)
Haha...then tell them you use your wedding one can?
Hee...maybe my dad got...gotta ask but maybe i'm wrong cos they came back from China months back forget what they buy liao
dun pin hopes ah...might not have also could be my imagination.

Anyone got gain IQ kid voucher to give away? I dun think i wan gain IQ voucher...still have many many tins.
i post the table of price of gain got anything to contribute? I still short of carrefour and CS

i ever consider Kinderland and NTUC before. End up didnt go for it cos my gal fell down from their playground twice in kinderland when i was checking with the adminstrator. Pain wor...fell back and hit head, no carpet lor. But i like their toilet but dun like the way of bathing of kids. Teacher jus get all kids to go to toilet then get them to strip and slowly one by one bath. Their programme ok lah not bad classroom is aircon but virus will be contain within or to other classroom lah. NTUC is more open concept, then child might be disturb from other class children also. If possible...CC is the last resort hor. Then best to bring child go see see if they like the environment or not. There's 1 CC with infant care i dislike. Its at blk 213/8 that region. The place very dark like no sunlight shine in. Teachers are all indians even go in the place got the smell. Me dun like at all. Not i bias on other races cos i have indian friends too. Jus that you go you know the feeling liao. Happy hunting for 1!
Sheryl taking gain Kid already since quite some months back. Think she drink abt 3 tins or so and from cup lor. I dun wan to give her bottle already unless its morning cos blur blur mah.
change lah else my pocket siong leh. Once i think enough for her to take gain kid, i will switch to grow lor. Eh why only the 2 of us chat chat ah? I know sylvia is ban toucher her laptop. Afcai leh? Resting huh? is my lunch time ma....later got to attend mtg again so will disappear again kekeke... dun dare to go in nei....hasn't been travelling since my boy is born till now..more than 3 year liao boo hoo.....
why? Yr HB drive SUV ah? Me jus go lor since HB old car so no one target lah. Meaning to say you didn't make passport for them lah
ahh...i know why you didn't grab vouchers already. Cos you jus bought some from May. I lost her number
Wanna tell her promo of pediasure also cannot
very strange....

dun if you know ensurelife got twin pack at SNS leh

Anyone dun wan SNS sept stamps i dun mind too hor

Tks for the greetings.... suppose to slp.. coz baby sleepin . &amp; i am banned fm laptop during confinement. hahaha....

so......... :p

my CL........ I think I will create a new thread later on that CL. Must beware....

me ok lah... just trying to get figure out alot of different cries. But I got a new one, &amp; dis one is VERY GOOD N PRO. Good at taking care of me, baby n cooks very delicious food. &amp; then very wide knowledge on baby n confinement food. Learnt alot fm her.

THis is like a sky................ n ...... a pool of shit. Oops! but I reali dunno hw to describe the previous one. sorry ar...

Anyway, the pantyliner.. I use daily coz reduce wash the stains, so I will keep note where having sales b4 pregnancy.


btw....... welcome the new mummies!!

&amp; btw...... anyone have the other contact no for collecting huggies tent? I been trying to call between my hectic schedule... like no one pick up leh. hw cme............ they on protest?

Pls pm me if u hv the 'update' contact details. tks.

ok...... I got to sign off. will write the CL story soon. CL checking on me liao. COz I supposed to be ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......

Hi Meow,
Thanks for sharing your experience on the 2 childcare centres. I'll look out for those 'danger' sight.

Hi other mummies who kids are drinking Gain IQ. My son is also taking Gain IQ and we always get our supply from JB. A tin (1.8Kg) is about $6 cheaper than S'pore. If any mummy would like to buy the JB one, I can help to buy extra tin when I buy mine. Just sms to me ya .. 82336226.

Hi Sylvia,
Congrats on your new born. Glad that you current CL is good. Just an advice ya, don't eat too tasty food during your confinement. I mean if the food added salt, we will having difficulty to get rid of the water retention that accumulated after giving birth. If the food added sugar, we will put on calories in our body... Just an experience to share where I ate so tasty food during my 1st confinement that I've put on 8Kg and unable to get rid of them until now. But on my 2nd and 3rd confinement, I eat the food with its natural flavor after reading the healthy tips from some motherhood books, i returned to my pre-pregnancy figure afer the 2nd mth. Hee...
You're welcome, hope you can find one ideal one. Btw, I've registered Grace House Kindergarten for my boy next year today. Also, I've visted St Joseph Childcare/Kindergarten at upp bt timah (near Bt Panjang) this afternoon. Their environment is very good, however the fee for childcare is not cheap, $800/mth less subsidy $300, we pay $500/mth.
today, my hubby work so we did not bring bck my gar. later, ask hubby to bring bck her. that's why I had time to go online. :p

<font color="#6AFB92">Meow</font>
miss me huh...y'day went facial in the morning and to my mum's plc loh so did not go online.

can lend me to......

most of the time, my mum cook the dang gui with black chicken leh. my mil will place some inside soup or with steam fish. for me, when I cooked chicken soup, will throw 2-3 pieces into the soup.

hmm..saw ppls selling gain iq kids voucher, didn't grab??

thks for the infor on ensure life. that time, when giant is having promotion, I bought 2 big tins and also 1 small tin with the voucher u pass to me. so this still ta han think for 2-4 mth.

re:sept sns. think will have 2 of them by next wks blar. if u want, I can pass to u the 2nd or third wk of sept only.

<font color="#6AFB92">Joo</font>
that's why I finally had a chance to grab the voucher to stock up end of the yr only cos next yr won't have time to look for this kind of lobang.

<font color="#6AFB92">serene</font>
my gar' weight either 50% or 75% only. tough she ate a lot but on the other hand, she also run and 'exercise' a lot cos her bum never sit still.

when I compare my gar's bb photos with mine, they are duplicates.

<font color="#6AFB92">sandy</font>
yr other col dun have the tea set?? very seldom ppls got tea set one. only tea set is those used for marriage. u ask yr boss can use the tea set for marriage one or not??

ai-yo, like that u also know huh....may release to me. I finally get some voucher this yr....

<font color="#6AFB92">sylvia</font>
hmm...u so fast can get new cl in such a short time?

for me, I will use disposable panties during my cl mth cos avoid washing stains loh. jus tuse and throw. I saw the wastson pantryliner selling buy 2 get 1 free at causeway pt. will go west mall later to see if there is the same promotion or not.

<font color="#6AFB92">chris</font>
oh, did not know salt will affect water retention. my mum like to cook tasty food one. like to put lot of seasoning. thats' why during cl mth, I nag to ask her to reduce the seasoning, either too salty or sweet.

wow, so fast return to pre-preganncy figure after 2nd mth. did u get any wobble tummy after that? I always got bloated or wobble tummy once I wean off bf for a yr.
worry about you mah
Also wanna tell you the ensure thing lor, then you home should have more time to go online mah. Me night shift yesterday so manage to stay online in morning
K i chop your stamps
Sianz leh...coming week got exercise liao, i gotta work 12hrs shift
When you go back work? I try to meet you if possible cos exercise ends on 20th leh
