Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye


nt a prob.

Lelong to Whoever need cereal!!


ya...... coz busy taking care of a dangerous standing baby.

hv to watch as she jump, leap n stand n crawl. the leaping of bed is a big challenge everyday.

Suika... ML can day by day... no need to clear week by week.. shiok ah.. clear CCL then ML.. then AL... must be alot.. kekeke... can r N r le..
shiok? not really ley...coz cannot take more days together....mi clearing AL first then CCL then ML....heehee coz my AL expires this June then CCL is entitlement not compulsory so must tactically use n lastly...ML if they no approve by end of the yr i'll b able to take all at the same time....heehee
wow holiday also so quiet.

what you told youe MIL ah? My dad came asking me why i tell you to switch yr son class leh. I joking if i did and she take it so serious ah?
Meow... lol... is it... I nvr said anything to her wor.. think my hb la... I was discussing with him where to put our boy next year.. and told him that you have the same thoughts as me.. and you gg to put your gal to another class ya..

So I asked him whether should we put our boy to another pcf bo??

For me, education is very impt too lor... so far.. I no see any improvement from my boy liao since he attended pcf.. not like last time when he was with the playgroup...

Of course.. I take it very serious la.. cos our kids are in the same school ma kekeke...

yah lor. My dad ask me i told your mil i'm going to switch her to another class and as if i've seen your MIL recently wor. I long time no see her least 2 months liao le. But end up you still decide on Blk 123 right? Jus hope next yr will be better lor. Well natural for parents to worry mah since education is so important here
you cham liao. Suika is still looking for giant stamps and you're offering to othere...

i got 8 on hand already. Sorry so busy still havent meet up with you
Morning Mummies

Can't access SMH til now ...

How is everyone's long wkend? I went to Expo but the New Mom Exhibition was not so exciting. Very quiet. So different from the Mother & Baby fair.
But I did get some good buys at the Metro Sale... lol
<font color="aa00aa">Sandy/Meow</font>,
ask u regards to PCF registration matter.
currently, saw banner stating open for registeration for nursery, k1 and k2 liao in coming 17-xx may. so wondering how the procedures, need to queue or thru ballot after filling up form (form only can be taken after 17/5)?


<font color="ff6000">Meow</font>,
oh, I did not know suika(suika u want the giant stamp, 1 got 1) is looking for stamps. me so busy...hardly had enu slp so will come online very rush, just post and check my mail then off to take care of bb liao.

also, my gar is starting ccc today. so busy also...

<font color="ff6000">Joo,
thks for the sample diaper, hmm how come the sample diaper no plastic bag to contain one....
anyway, it is still too big for my boy....</font>
any one know where to buy glass bottle cap for the storage of ebm (the cap I had been using turned rusty)? saw tollyjoy plastic bottle cover set at giant selling for $1.79. bought one but I prefer the pigeon bottle cap (ring and the disc) cos more secure and won't not be leaking.
u can get it from MtA....cheaper there....or u can ask chris see if she got use? coz that time i sold her abt 10...

Afcai.. hm..if you gal is already attending class at PCF... no need to go thru ballot le... In our case, the Teacher has given us the registration form if we want to continue... I have registered my booy le.. and Meow. too.. but she has registered with another block now..
I have been 'dong mian' for the past 2days...

Today finally buay tahang went to see the doc.. and has to wait for so long....till I so dizzy...
registration starts today for siblings studying in current school. From 17th May(sun) 830am till cant recall wat time will be for public liao. Then on same day from 1030am if not wrong will be another phase for others staying not in the area, for your case is Bt Gombak i think. Forms you might wanna try to go to their office. I dun mind help you take but your area not same as mine leh. Pre-Nursery will be open to children born in yr jan to jul 2007
<font color="119911">suika</font>,
MT A so far....not gg there.will go KKH pharmacy to take a look when i bring my boy for neonatal followup on 19/5.

<font color="0077aa">sandy,
no, my gar has not attending class at PCF (still not up to age last yr cos must be 30mth then can register). hmm..that's mean thru ballot type one...last time, ppls queue so early outside pcf, dunno why...wondering is it first come first serve.

hmm what happen to u.....are u feeling better?
<font color="ff6000">Meow</font>,
oic.thks for the update. yup, I saw banner along my area. there are 3 branches of PCF in my area with one head office. the nearest one is just 10-15mins away fr my hse. I will be taking the forms on 17/5 loh. thks for the help.

hmm wondering how high chance can one stay in the same area ballot it...what if cannot ballot in then got to go another area?
afcai....i go and find if i might have new ones but they are from tollyjoy...

sandy...wat diapers is ur XXL? change to which smaller size?
<font color="119911">piyobaby</font>,
I bought one blue tollyjoy (bottle cover set)cap fr giant. cost $1.79. quite ex wor. I only interested in the disc and cap. I also got a few response, some selling fr 40cents-$1. but did not state the condition. so now am pending for their reply.
if not wrong piyobaby is those bought during the sales lah. Price can remember liao, you might wanna try search thru last nov
<font color="0000ff">M</font><font color="ff0000">o</font><font color="ff6000">r</font><font color="aa00aa">n</font><font color="0077aa">i</font><font color="119911">n</font><font color="808080">g</font> <font color="0000ff">M</font><font color="ff6000">u</font><font color="ff6000">m</font><font color="ff0000">m</font><font color="aa00aa">i</font><font color="808080">e</font><font color="0077aa">s</font>
<font color="ff6000">Meow</font>
hmm u mean not all PCF have N2 (starting her for Nursery)? the banner stated registration can be done at blk 315, blk 338 and blk 31X(head office).

hmm what abt the Kingergarten at BUKIT GOMBAK branch - Blk 535? saw this list of branch registration but bt gombak area is highlighted in black where details is not available yet (dunno if they update their website).

ask u, during registration must we bring any document like BC, NRIC or just take the form go hm and fill in?

<font color="ff6000">Joo,
wow, yr Gd morning so colorful wor....</font>

<font color="aa00aa">suika</font>,
where do u buy the caps fr? is it those tolleyjoy blue and pink color cap?
<font color="aa00aa">Suika</font>, <font color="ff6000">Afcai</font>
Trying to be more cheerful upon seeing colorful thingy =)

<font color="ff6000">Afcai</font>
I know some PCF don't have Pre-nursery. Since i hv enrolled my boy in Pre-Nursery (2hrs playgroup) in March, they have given us a form for next yr enrolling to Nursery class ... Priority will be given to those who are already in PCF before the public registration.
Yes, u need to have photocopy of the child's BC, yr hb and your NRIC. Think a copy of the care-giver NRIC also required. That time, i bring the form back home to fill in since it is Pre-nursery class.
Hope it helps
Yeah not all places for N2. N1 also some place have some dun have. Best call them to verify. If have then you take the form. The form will ask you to prepare BC, health immunization records, parents IC and caregiver IC if you not fetching them
Joo..don't be so negative la.. I am sure everything will be ok..

Afcai... me down with flu.. went to see doc... and is so strong... till not still drowsy...

Piyo... mine is MP.... I think left 2pkts.. I don't mind to change to M or L... let me know ya..
<font color="119911">Sandy</font>
Thanks for comforting.
Hope so ... I am also trying my v best to more optimistic liao.
U take care and take more fruits =)
haha... think maybe the mood oso "rainy"... hehe
But cheer up mummies!! look forward to this weekend again for vesak holiday!!
wkend? i hate wkends now...means confinement time for me again....haizzz means my godmum will b going home n i'll b with alone taking care bb
then ur hubby? ask him to help out too...
well, maybe can go nearby to shop shop and relax urself, if not always coop at home oso sian
i'm staying in goodview gardens. anyone satying there and have window grills done. how much did u guys pay and anyone to recomend????

Suika... njoy the moments ya... cos for working mum.. that is the only 2full days we have with our kids...

Hi bee10... don't know wor...anyone know??
till now my place no grills. Cant help sorry. You might wanna call those in yellow pages to enquire? Else try bride forum, more pp there doing reno
<font color="ff6000">Meow</font>,
thks for the infor. saw the pcf website, is it a need to produce HDB letter too to verify the residence address (told hubby, hubby said NRIC is gd enu liao mah)? cDA statement ac too if use siblings one...

re:window grills.
hmm u did not install?won't yr kids climb? my hubby said no need leh...

<font color="0077aa">sandy,
do take care esp weather hot hot recently....</font>

<font color="aa00aa">suika</font>,
where's the sales?

<font color="ff6000">Joo,
thks for the infor. will go and take a look at the pcf across my hse to see if there is pre-nursery.

<font color="aa00aa">Joo/Meow/Sandy</font>,
ask u do yr kid cry for few days when attending class?

<font color="aa00aa">sneezymom,
do yr boy cry when attending ccc? what will u do?</font>

<font color="aa00aa">bee10</font>,
which blk u staying? got some mummies also staying there. I'm also staying at gdview gdn? dunno if I also want to get window grills done cos my gar always like to stand on the air-con ledge to look out of window but she is still not high enu, only her eyes can reach out of window.

mi staying in 394.
wanna ask anyone who have the grilles done so that i can have an idea how much does it cost.
some qoute mi 5k some say 2k. did not want to ask them to come and have to commit to it u knoe. although they say free qoutation, rubbish lor.
any mummies
