Lovely JW Mommies

i luv driving! But too long no go out liao n always switch off when hubby is driving. My navi sucks! Always end up calling hubby for help. Yet i dun trust GPS heh heh.

Going out alone with pram n either of them is unnerving too!

just now i go change things with my mama at EYS already. That coconaden staff is not around. The manager already expecting us. And somemore say miscomm. Tmd.

stretching my legs at JP now. Tink i must practice to be longer than chelsi's legs. Woahhahaha

waiting for my fav ramen!

<font size="+2">Pink tonite heishow ah?</font>}
Oei... Think i not ard right?
I came back fm jp Liao lor... Bleah!! Haha...
But I think your legs longer lor. I only go jp but u go further places leh. Haha

But here u got more supporter so I better keep quiet

The ramen at the jap St at jp? Nvr eat before but just now suddenly wonder if I shld try someday . Berri nice?
I think Pink more funny leh. She so cute tell us she gg to have tonight. Hee... I shy liao...

Btw yoko,
U give Kristy drink honey ?
Wat honey u give her n why u giving her?
i loved to look @ roads and direction since young.. so even when im grown up, i tend to see ard esp those places im not familiar with..
last time frens even called me bus directory cox i knew wat bus to take to where (most of the time).. but now really weak..
with roads too. i mux think for quite awhile b4 i can react. guex im old le..
Baby Chelsi : I giving my gal to drink honey water where the honey is Manuka UFM. Currently the honey is from EYS

Candy : envy leh, always go shopping. Yesterday shop at JP not enough, still go Taka to shop today

The ppl at EYS told me not advisable to give UMF one that's y now I hesitate lor. Actually she finished one bottle already which my friend got me as a gift. So now I planning to give those w/o UMF one lor. N the guy at Fuhua told me same thing.. He say giving it to young children will lower their immunity. Give normal one can already. That's y asking u all if it's true.
Pink: u so open siah.. Post n say u want it tonite!! Hehe..
Wendy: I thot u working mah so I go shopping n praying

Snowy: I din reali shop yday lah.. Pick my boy fm enrichment so go there n service my watch at e same time.
wa lau eh!
Read that west grove got 100plus pv!
Can anyone comment about pioneer and shuqun primary? Are they single session and any student care nearby?

i tink tats y this yr got interview for PV for WG. they only select abt 4O for yr 05 babies. My fren went for interview n was selected.
So u need to ballot with the PVs group?
SQ got 2 sessions. Tink there is a student care just next to it and few others nearby. Hv not check. Hb tinking of student care for my gal too.
SQ prev yrs more than 1km need to ballot. Not sure abt this yr.
morning mummies

wat is tis UMF honey that u all talking abt?

huh? like that i no need to consider WG lor.. then i better start think of 2nd choice.
morning.. feel so sian with my life.. hav you guys experience this, just becos you are older, everyone looking at you waiting for some clever answer yet you just can't think of anything to say..
klite - dun fret. just b objective and give your experience. state it's experience, not advice.
dun get so sian la...
still dun take later yoko chong gong my otah! hehe

i hv a cheongsam top but not sure if u can wear cox im bigger size than u
serene, better think of a back up JUST IN CASE...

wendy: west grove (phase2b), pioneer/coporation (phase2c)
serene: west grove (phase 2c)
wendy thanks, suddenly you sound more positive and cheerful
, seems like you got good consultant.. isit candy or serene?
honey?? ask me la! i expert hehehe

kristy eats the honey stick in morning almost every morning also take 1. at nite eat here sell v ex and distributor here control. but now i see alot of sprees from usa merchant websites liao. i still stock 1 carton of 5lb at home since the last "fight". lol ks or not? ;p

RAW HONEY is good. i tried many brands from europe. alot got v weird like donno wat smell i don't like. end up still prefer this brand.

chelsi, manuka honey comes from manuka trees which are found only in NZ or some parts of Aussie. ACTIVE UMF is found in manuka honey which is v good healant. the higher the ACTIVE UMF, the stronger the honey is. if really wanna give kids, give +5 will be v good liao. even adults don't need to eat +10 everyday. v sick / terminally ill patients or super rich aunties who tink higher is best, go for the high values like +20/+25 which is super ex here!
i have ONE adult bird park tix to let go at $9. who wanna take over? i got it half price (which is $9). my sis bf can't go. Valid in month of July, anyday, anytime.
What a joke!!!

Very Interesting...
> 賓拉登說:中國是全球唯一絕對不能惹的國家!
> Bin Laden said: China is the world's only country we
> absolutely cannot mess with
> 原因是這樣的:基地組織曾派出八名恐怖分子襲擊中國,結果如下:
> The reason is this: al-Qaeda terrorists had made 8 attacks
> on the Chinese with the following results:
> *一人在炸北京西直門立體交通橋時,在橋上迷了路;
> One person was to explode a bomb in Beijing Xizhimen (the
> main northwest gate of Beijing) but he lost his way in the
> three-dimensional traffic bridge;
> *一人在上海坐公車自殺炸彈時,擠了兩小時沒擠上車;
> One person in Shanghai was to take a bus to explode a
> suicide bomb in the bus, but it was so crowded he could not get into a bus for
> two hours;
> *一人在武漢炸超市時,炸彈遙控器被偷;
> One person was to bomb a supermarket in Wuhan, but found
> that the bomb remote control was stolen;
> *一人在炸成都政府大樓時,在門口被保安當作疆獨份子逮捕、狂揍、逼供;
> One person wanted to bomb government buildings in Chengdu,
> but was stopped at the door by the security staff and arrested as an East
> Turkistan separatist, and was beaten and interrogated;
> *一人成功地在河北炸礦,死傷數百人,潛回基地組織後,半年都沒見任何到有关新聞報
> 導,遂被組織以"謊報戰果罪"報處決了(這個最可憐!);
> One person succeeded in bombing a Hebei mine, with hundreds
> of people dead and wounded, and then returned to the al-Qaeda center, but
> even after six months, failed to see any news reports on the success of
> the bombing ,he was considered by the organization to claim a false victory and was executed
> (this is the most pathetic!);
> *一人曾經嘗試炸廣州,結果剛一出火車站,炸藥包就給飛車黨搶了;
> One person had tried to bomb Guangzhou, but as he came off
> the train, a motorcycle robber (flying car robber) snatched his bag
> (containing the bomb) from him;
> *一人剛到西安就失聯,後來在醫院找到人,但卻是在昏迷當中,醫生說他不但吃到
> 黑心食品,還喝到假酒,可能會成為植物人;
> One person who arrived in Xi'an lost contact, and was
> later found at the hospital in a state of coma. Doctors said it was the result of
> him eating not only "black-hearted" food products, but he also drank
> fake alcohol, and would possibly turn into a "vegetable" (vegetative state);
> *後來,賓拉登改派一名女恐怖分子去炸海南島,結果竟然被騙去賣淫!
> Later, bin Laden tried to send a female terrorist to blow up Hainan Island,
> but she was cheated into prostitution!
> 最後,賓拉登不得不說:記得!!中國是全球唯一絕對不能惹的國家!
> Finally, bin Laden have to say: Remember! ! China is the
> world's only country we absolutely cannot mess with!
klite: no worrie.. i believe all of us went thru what u went thru.. just a matter of time! sometime i suddenly feel me so old liao and what do i achieve so i will tell myself "my son, my family, friends &amp; myself"!! With healthy body, we can do many things.. So let's us compare with those worse than us and we will feel better ya.. Guess you need to go chill out with us too

Wendy: where is pioneer pri sch?
<font color="aa00aa">honeymummy,
Alamak! I thought the cheongsam is for yourself. Don't think the shop I'm referring sells kid's sizes (you can still pop by for a look). Does Kiddy Palace sell any? Or Chinatown / Bugis?</font>
ok maybe go gek poh instead. Cant rem seeing in jp. Hope the shop still got leftover stocks.

Having flu since sun.. Last nite sleep immediately after dinner. Cant take mc cos co closing period. But still surviving..

wonder if pink took leave and heishow whole day long? Keke...need "revenge"

maybe i din post my qn properly since all tot was for me.
