Looking for a transfer maid


Hi everyone, I'm looking for indo/filipino transfer maid to start anytime. Someone with some experience on baby care and childcare and also housework. Please email me at [email protected]

Thanks in advance.


Sorry Jess, to use your thread.

I am also looking for indo/filipino/burmese transfer helper to start anytime. With exp on baby care and house work. Anyone has any recommendation?
Hi Jess, borrow your thread too.

I m looking for Philippino helper with experience in Singapore latest by end of Jan 2012 because my present helper wants to transfer due to no confident in taking care of infant.

We are simple family of 4 stay in 4-rooms HDB flat, 1 infant, 3-years old girl, husband and myself.

She need to take care of infant, bring my 3 years old girl back from full day child care center, cook simple dinner and do simple house work. Must be hygiene, caring, patient, honest and responsible.

Maximum alternate Sunday off.

If you have any recommendation please let me know, thanks.

I've a Filipino maid for trf. She has been with me for one and a half
yr. She is currently doing household chores, cooking, bringing my 3
year old gal who is full day childcare to and from childcare center
and taking care of her for us when both of us are not around.

She's 33 this yr and has two kids of her own. She is honest, patient,
not greedy and able to work well with clear instructions, only things
is that sometime she will be forgetful if too many tasks assign to

We r letting her go due to she has no confidence to take care of our
infant and she requested 4 days off that we are unable to give. She
has no outstanding loan.

We can release her on Saturday (29 Dec 2012) because our new maid coming on Friday.

She requested $500-$550 depends on the workload (to be discussed
during interview) and 4 sunday off per month not negotiable. She do
not wish to have Indian employer and do not want to take care of
infant however toddler is no problem for her as I have a 3yr old gal
is taking care by her since 18mths.

You may drop me an SMS/Whatsapps at 96533185 if u wish to arrange an
interview at our block at bukit panjang as I need her to help to take
care of infant currently therefore she is not allow to go out. Thanks.
I'm thinking of transferring out my maid in feb2013. As both My children is going childcare soon. im thinking to do without a maid. She been with me for 21mths. Taking care of My gal since birth, she is sleeping with her at nite too doing all the nite feed.

we gave her a monthly off and usage of hp as long as it dun hinder her work. Plus point is she healthy (nv fall sick. My ex maid almost every month). She return all the monies found in laundry. She cook porridge for both My children daily. Took initiative to do the housework. and can see that she dote on my gal alot. Negative is she do things very slow and tend to miss out detail. Have to occasionally check on her job.

See if any mummy want to take over this maid. As she got no intention in going back.

I'm just doing her a favour. Most likely will let her go Her agent if nobody intersted.
I received many emails from mummies here.i will ask my maid to call u all during her off day (3rd Sunday of January).
Basic info
she is Filipino. 31 Year old. Married with 2 kids. Current salary is 400 with 1 off per month
Her contract will end at end of apr..
I will only release her in end of Feb 13. As I need her during the first few week of My children cc as well as for cny spring cleaning.
Hi all, I need a maid urgently to take care of my 2month old baby. Kindly let me know if there's any recommendations! TIA.
Hi I have passed all your number to my maid. But really too many so I dun think she will call all. Sorry abt that if she didnt get back to u.
Think out of so many mummies she should be ablr find a new employer. So im not passing her any more new number. Thx.
Looking for a transfer maid to take care of 5 yr old twins who attends full day child care and household chores
Lovely adorable 3 year old twins looking for nice auntie who will play and care for them..with mummy..in child care ful day n occasionally half days..feel free c.all 81274036..thanks

I need Indonesian/Filipino maid require on Nov 2013. Taking care 2 kids only age 6 & 9 years old. Cook and do house work. Allow off 2 days/month.

Please text me @ 94500735 if you have transfer maid available on November 2013. Thank you.
