Life of a domestic maid's employer


Are FDW's employer interest being overlooked?
Do you feel your life as a domestic maid's employer is equally bad as mine?

Are employers really paying peanuts?
How come HK employers paid lesser than us yet get experienced domestic helper? We paid lodging, 3 meals, utilities, medical, levy (which should be part of FDW's salary not end up in MOM's pocket), insurance, salary, high & non-refundable agency fee ..... etc, easily S$1500 taken from our pocket but we were only given poor quality and inexperienced FDWs who flew all the way to Spore to sponge on us. Fair?

Why MOM doesn't allow live out maids? Discourage maid loan to be pre-paid by employers, remove security bond totally and repatriation clause so that FDWs who failed to performance, did something bad (especially on weekly off days) can be kicked out at FDWs' own costs.

Where's our protection?

read <font size="+2">my blog</font>

Singapore is a modern first world country yet citizens treated like 2nd class citizens, worse than the FDWs!

2013 is the start of mandatory off days from work permit renewed/issued from 1 Jan 2013. How did your FDWs reacted to it? Job hop? bargain?

<font color="0000ff">Give more protection to maid employers</font> - 23 Jan 2013, Straits Times Forum
WHILE various regulations have been imposed on employers to protect maids, the same has not been done to help and protect the bosses ("MOM tightens rules on maid changes"; Jan 4).

The quality of maids in Singapore has deteriorated over the years.

Maids and agents provide inaccurate information in their biodata to make the maids seem more attractive to employers. Also, training by agencies is not regulated and standards are inconsistent.

Maids often do not have the skills they claim to have, and are not mentally prepared for the job.

And employers do not have an independent way of verifying the information received from maid agencies, especially when it relates to foreign embassies' requirements.

Employers are often left with little choice but to either stick with the maid, even if she is not up to standard, or go through the hassle of finding a replacement.

With more maids coming from rural and undeveloped parts of their countries, the Manpower Ministry and maid agencies have to play a bigger part to ensure the quality of maids.

Maid levies, which leave employers with less room to pay higher salaries, should be abolished. Training needs to be regulated and a proper grading system put in place.

A centralised website and database should also be set up so employers can check on the regulations implemented by foreign embassies, as well as verify the maids' biodata. Information on transfer maids should also be recorded.

Employers should be given avenues for recourse when maids misrepresent themselves, including the right to seek a full refund for amounts paid when no replacement maid is suitable.

MOM tightens rules on maid changes - 4 Jan 2013
TIGHTENED measures to <font color="0000ff">discourage employers from changing maids frequently will kick in today</font>. The Ministry of Manpower has decreased the number of helpers a household can go through in a year until interviews are held to assess the situation before any further applications are made. The changes were announced in a circular to maid agencies, in order to better understand the reasons behind the frequent changes and to identify employers who need help "maintaining a positive working relationship" with their maids.

Recent MOM figures cited in a Straits Times article last month showed that fewer than half the maids in Singapore complete a year of service before they are transferred or sent home - and the trend is worsening. Employers applying for a fifth maid within a year and whose previous four were all employed for less than three months each will now be interviewed by MOM before their work permit application is approved. New maids of such employers will also be interviewed within three months of starting work to see how they are coping with their new bosses and life in Singapore.

Previously, only employers making their sixth or greater application within a year would have to be interviewed. MOM will also talk to new maids of people changing helpers for a fourth time within a year and whose previous three domestic workers were all employed for less than three months each. Such employers must attend an orientation programme - previously only mandatory for an employer changing maids for the fifth time in a year. Advisory letters will now also be issued to employers changing maids for the third time in a year, and whose two previous maids were both not employed more than three months each.

<font color="ff0000">Agencies welcomed the move, saying it would encourage households to be patient and improve retention rates, which have been lowered by factors such as unduly strict employers and the lower quality of maids coming here</font>. Most of the 208,400 maids in Singapore are from Indonesia and the Philippines. "For a while, the rules have been in place, but we continue to have retention problems, so this can hopefully make headway," said Nation Employment managing director Gary Chin. He also added that the cause of tension between employers and maids was "very subjective" and might not necessarily be due to difficult employers. "You can have difficult maids or difficult employers, it depends on which side of the story you're listening to," he said.

Agents added that encouraging employers to stay with maids for at least three months would help new domestic workers adjust to working conditions here. "The key thing is to educate employers not to set expectations that are too high. <font color="119911">The quality of maids today is not as high as a decade ago</font>," said Comfort Employment's director Benny Liew. Less than 0.5 per cent of employers have changed maids more than four times within a year. "If they can bite the bullet for at least a few months, they can avoid making impulsive decisions and changing their maids very early on," Mr Liew added.

Employer Crystal Ong, 28, said the new measures offer a "fair deal". The hair salon owner said: "It's like other jobs having a probational period. When they first come, you don't really know whether the character of the maid will fit us. Three months is sufficient time to get to really know if the maid is suitable."

Source: The Straits Times
Employers' obligation
Source: MOM website

Where possible, your FDW should be given a separate room of her own. In the event that is not possible, you should ensure that sufficient space for sleep is provided. You are also expected to provide her with basic needs (e.g. food, a bed with mattress, a blanket, towels and toiletries, a fan if the sleeping area has poor ventilation etc).

Some examples of improper accommodation include making your FDW sleep in places where there is little privacy, such as on makeshift beds along the corridor or in the living room, or sharing a room with a male adult.

<font color="ff0000">Winter: rent out a common room can bring in how much income to the household? At least $500/month. Maid recommended a private room but can most Sporeans afford big houses in order to give FDW a room? Otherwise, employers sleep in living room? Based on my interview with transfer maids, seemed like FDWs don't really like to have a shared room.... MOM encouraging pampered FDWs!</font>

Medical care
As an employer, you are responsible for your FDW’s medical needs. You are required to bear the full cost of her medical care should she require medical treatment, including hospitalisation.

<font color="ff0000">Winter: one of my FDWs wanted good medical coverage including paid medical leave and visits to GP. She was very annoyed to be given paracetomol or cough syrup purchased from pharmacy or my non-expired medicine from GP or polyclinic.</font>

Medical insurance
For medical insurance policies taken up or renewed on/or after 1 January 2010, the insurance coverage must be at least $15,000 per year for each FDW’s inpatient care and day surgery during her stay in Singapore. This is in line with the employers' existing responsibility for the upkeep and well-being of their FDWs, including the provision of medical treatment.

<font color="ff0000">Winter: Physically not working (at agency or embass; having off days) for employer but MOM made employer fully responsible till FDW's name transferred out.</font>

Personal accident insurance
It is compulsory for employers to take up a Personal Accident Insurance policy for their FDWs before they can employ the FDW. The minimum sum assured should be $40,000. Any compensation payable should be made to her or her beneficiaries.

<font color="ff0000">Winter: Physically not working (at agency or embass; having off days) for employer but MOM made employer fully responsible till FDW's name transferred out. Anything due to FDW's fault - employer take the blame and costs!</font>

A FDW levy is to be paid by employers at the end of each month. Levy charges begin one day after she arrives in Singapore. For a first-time FDW, the levy will begin on the fourth day of her arrival (excluding the day of arrival).

Safe work conditions
It is your responsibility to ensure that the FDW performs her work in a safe manner. Her work practices must be in accordance with the approved work practices stipulated in MOM’s training courses (e.g. the Employers' Orientation Programme) and relevant safety and training materials.

Termination of services
When you no longer require the services of your FDW, you should ensure that all issues arising from her employment (e.g. outstanding wages, compensation claims) have been settled before cancelling the Work Permit.

Repatriation and security bond
You should give your FDW reasonable notice of her repatriation to her home country and bear the full cost of her repatriation. To ensure that employers bear full responsibility, a security bond must be executed with MOM’s Work Pass Division. Under the bond, employers are required to post a security deposit of $5,000 per FDW in the form of an insurance or banker's guarantee. This deposit may be forfeited if you breach any of the security bond conditions, including failing to repatriate your FDW upon cancellation of her Work Permit.

Salary adjustment
Where appropriate, the employer should consider giving the FDW a periodic wage adjustment to reward good performance and loyalty in service.

Apart from the monthly salary, the employer can also consider offering her a contract gratuity. This sum of money, which should be negotiated between the two parties, could be paid to the FDW upon conclusion of an agreed period of employment. Such incentives may result in a more motivated and diligent FDW.

Abuse and ill-treatment
<font color="ff0000">MOM takes a serious view of employers who ill-treat or abuse their foreign workers</font>, especially those in domestic employment.

Penalties for offenders
Employers who abuse their Foreign Workers will be severely dealt with. The Singapore Police conducts prompt and thorough investigations into all such cases. Errant employers will be charged in court and those found guilty of physical abuse or ill-treatment will be jailed, fined and/or caned.
MOM should not only interview selected employers, but investigate maid agencies that have high maid return rates. Was there a job mis-match? Were the requirements clearly indicated but agency failed to screen?

Some agencies are in the business to make money only. They do not care for the welfare of the maid or the employers. They collect the processing fees and once they hand the maid over to the employers, it becomes the employers problem.

Maid agencies have to bear some responsibility and cost of maids in between jobs. Some have lax recruitment and screening processes. Their agents in the source country get maids to lie in their biodata just to land jobs. If there was a penalty, then local agents will pressure the source agents to be honest when completing the maids biodata.

<font color="0000ff">If recruiting agents in the source countries are honest and diligent when recruiting maids, then some of the bad apples or underage maids won't find their way to our homes.</font>

Maid agencies are like matchmakers. They need to match the needs of the employers and the work preference of the maids. Some maids prefer washing and cooking to childcare or taking care of elderly. A wrong match will lead to separation in time to come.

<font color="ff0000">Recently, I went shopping for FDW .... leisurely.

I didn't expect to be lectured by one agency. This agency is located at Coronation Plaza, level 3 near escalator. Can't remember its name, just remembered there was a mid-age man who seat in an inner partition, the outer office was handled by a mid-age local lady, a filipino woman and filipino man.

I've printed my requirments on a piece of paper. I feel that it is my duty to be honest, don't be a liar and create any misunderstanding. It will make my life even more miserable to face an unprepared FDW, doesn't know what are her roles and how to work in my house.</font> It can be quite a challenge.

That local lady used a stern tone and said I should not come up with any requirements, I should try to work with the FDW, learn to accept what she is and build a relationship (I'm just rephasing - these are not the exact words from her nasty mouth). I was shocked to be lectured. Next time, if any agency lectures me and wants me to be a liar, this will be my reply <font color="119911">"by purposely creating a job mismatch, don't tell FDWs our requirements so that employers can send FDWs back, let you recycle and earn from more us, don't you feel sinful earning such money?"</font>

I don't mind agencies turning me down or FDW who expressed my requirements are too harsh and doesn't want to accept employment. I thank FDW who is honest and rejects my offer after reading my requirements, rather than my current Indo or my ex-FDW. Both accepted but were not truly keen to work for me. Just trying their luck, I can't afford to have such irresponsible FDWs. Can you?

My blog: Life of a miserable FDW's employer
I like this post, copied from elsewhere.

MOM fail to understand and thinks that everything is the employers problem.

Failure to pay enough / salary too low = empolyer problem (levy by govt excluded)

Failure to give off day = employer problem

Failure to provide safety = employer problem

etc, etc...

It take 2 hand to clap.

If remove the lower tier $170 for those who really need a maid (e.g. children lower than
7 years old or with old grand parents (65 and above) or bedridden or etc). The remaining
tier to be half.

The saved levy charged will be paid to the maid. Of course we could get those maids that
choose to go to Hong Kong or etc country that could paid them better.

Changing of maid = $ lost in insurance + admin charge by the agent + time lose
and have to teach the new maid again.....

If got hair, who want to be a nun / monk...

My blog: Maid who denies mistakes
2013 Budget:
To help families with dependants such as children, elderly parents and family members with disabilities, the concessionary foreign domestic worker levy will also be cut from S$170 to S$120 per month from next month. The normal monthly levy to employ a foreign domestic worker is S$265.

<font size="+2">Employers not paying zero levy but at least paying $50 lesser each month, based on $170. If MOM decides to absorb full levy for families with dependants such as children, elderly parents and family members with disabilities, it is time we acknowledge our govt as caring and thinking of citizens at ground level - low/middle income group.

Our PAP still have plenty of rooms for improvment.

PAP will earn my recognition if they had absorbed levy and increased the FDW levy for foreign employers ie Expats, those holding work permits and <font color="ff0000">felt hiring FDW is something too affordable!</font></font>

AS per MOM website, foreign Levy for Service (unskilled) is S$370/month. FDW should be classified as Service personnel for foreign FDW's employer. There should be a difference between PR, Citizen and Expat FDW's employers.
Hi I agree with this,MOM should review this matter.Many PRS n expat employ more than 1 maid.If MOM can revise the levy according,eg,1st maid's levy is $300,2nd maid's levy will add 25% more.PR n expats maid's levy should be higher than singapore citizen right////////
Happened to know a few of my filipino colleagues who employed 2 maids in the same house.

This just showed how high they are being paid.
We locals felt the pinch because we're too lowly paid and our income don't justify our cost of living
I saw a chinese national staying in exe apt ,employing 2 maids just to take care of 2 todders.U see, can the do that if they are not well paid in their homeland/////////
Getting too expensive and maids attitude worsening.
I was shocked after my maid just dropped everything and packed her bag, demanding me to send her back to agent only after ONE month.

She told the agent that we didnt give her basic necessities like food and toiletries. All these after we bought her many things and even brought her for a holiday.
Hunting for a transfer maid ....
This old bird FDW sms me this when I said mobile phone can only be used on weekly off days because I need her full attention on my child and prefer she gets at least 8hrs rest.

"no thanks but Im not interested to work with a person like you.. we r FDW, we r human being too same as you, we know our rights and responsibilities as Fdw."

What sort of rights has MOM given them?
What kind of responsibilities have MOM or the accredited agencies informed them?
Cannot take care of special needs child, the way employer wants? Cannot do household chores, the way I want? FDW is the mistress of the house?

No way to stop FDWs from behaving like they are our bosses... call the shots, anyhow accuse employers not treating them human?

MOM encouraged such FDWs to remain in Spore at high costs, with all liabilities on our shoulder?
Do you feel existing policies too pro-maid?
Have you been asking yourself why employ a maid if you are given better options?

Have you ever felt resigning and stay home than paying and paying to suffer in the hands of MOM, maids and agencies?

How am I to find a suitable FDW with such behaviour becoming a norm?
Was I wrong to be specific to avoid a job mismatch and job resentment/misunderstanding?
Some questions I would like to put out there for everyone to think through and answer in all honesty.


1) your employee is constantly late for work. Despite many reminders and firm words, everything falls on deaf ears and she continues being late. Excuses given: alarm clock never ring, cannot hear alarm, too tired. What would you do as a boss?

2) your employee refuses to take instructions and loves doing things her way and style. She thinks your ideas are stupid and that she, as an employee, knows more then you. After all, she assumes that since you r hardly around the office, she is the rightful boss. What would you do as a boss?

3) your employee has her ear piece constantly stuck to her ear whilst at work, happily chatting &amp; gossiping to whoever is on the other line. Even though you reprimand her that this is not professional and she should be focusing on her duties &amp; job responsibilities, she again turns a deaf ear and continues yakking away. What would you do as a boss?

4) your employee is not able to accomplish her basic roles and duties in a timely and productive manner. Instead, you constantly find her work peppered with mistakes. Sometimes, these mistakes are serious enough that it causes the establishment $$$ to rectify and solve the mistakes. What would you do as a boss?

5) your employee is constantly taking sick leave and the medical certs are full of reasons like headache, tummy pain, tooth ache, etc. (all minor ailments). The amount of sick leave she is taking is starting to have an impact as other people around her needs to pick up her slack in order to get the necessary jobs done. What would you do as a boss?

All these actions stated above are committed by the one and same employee in your entire company. She does all the above things not just one, not twice, not three times... But in fact over, repeatedly through out the course of her employment. What would you do as a boss?

If you come back and tell me that you will still keep such an employee in your company, knowing full well that she is more of a liability then as asset, then kudos to you.

But in the real corporate world..... Many such employees would have been given the boot.

So.... what rights do such irresponsible FDW's have to demand from their employers? They are paid to do a job. So they jolly well get it done. No one took a gun to their heads and forced them to come here to work. They all came here willingly, knowing the full extend of the job nature.

To such FDW's, if you are such slackers and cannot get the job done properly, then pls... By all means... Pack up and get out.

But for those FDW's who are here sincerely to work hard, earn a decent living, and be the real helper of our household, then hold your heads high and be proud that you r indeed a rare asset. But don't let pride get into your heads. Stay focused on your jobs and we as employers will know how to reward loyal &amp; good workers when the time comes.
Dymples, you are right. The FDW wanted to become boss. She modified arrangements in my kitchen and my wardrobe (without my permission) and wanted her own way of doing things.

She also loves to waste food, eat a bit only and throw the rest. Food is not free you know. Even if it's free, you shouldn't throw away food if it's not turned bad.
I spoke to a fili maid recently.she told me she work for a single American expat.2 room condo no cooking just washing and ironing..8-6 mon to fri and American expat rent a room for her so that she can stay with her fili hb also spore..her pay 800 n rental 800!! Y cant this money go to a local!! 1600 excluding levy!!!.. This expat spoils mkt..n she said her frd also gets to stay in a rental place paid by employeer
All the gd exp ones chose expat. We try Myanmar maids teach till vomit blood n their pay 500 this year..say no off but insist after loan to go on off..i mean I m.ok but pl dun hurt my kids take my things or hv bf in spore!! I mean I cant afford kp changing maids
My ex-fili told me her friend also live out but stay for free in the Church .... true?

I don't mind having a live out maid at her own costs + MOM must remove liabilities such as:

- repatriation clause. If maid no good, use her money buy ticket, I kick her without hesitation or worry about maid loan
- security bond. She gone missing also not my problem. Don't make me find her or be responsible.
- medical. How I know who she slept with or how she got hurt during off days. Just don't make me be responsible.
- insurance. Ask all maids to pay and maintain themselves. Should pay half yearly premium and keep me out of the picture. Maid wants to transfer, go ahead, don't make me lose money and bear any inconveniences.

All those activits shouting for human rights are the culprits of our plights! They are not interested to know what kind of harsh policies were set to make employers as FDW's nannies.... nurse FDWs well, treat them like your own children, protect and clean their backside when they are naughty outside.

I really think Expat and PR need to pay more levy, at least $500/fdw for causing the market to be so bad and the quality of maids deteriorated due to them for jerking up demands, anyhow make juicy offers.

My office cleaner only get paid $800/month, 7 days annual leave and she has to bear own transport, accommodation, meals, etc. Most Sg cleaners are paid only $800 to $1000 per month so if I offer live-out maids S$900, inclusive of levy, medical, transport, insurance, accommodation, meals, repatriation costs, etc sounds good?
<font color="0000ff">I think maids felt we didn't give them what they deserve.
So it became our fault for not being a rich and generous employer to give whatever FDW wants?
I have been given the impression this is how activists and maids view us. When we don't pamper them and give them a great life, it is our fault that they don't treat us or our children well. Nothing wrong for maids to do nasty things to us to get what she wants and how she wants to work with us. Is it right for maids to take advantage of employers, think we owe them a good life? </font>

This is the way FDW punishes a stingy or lousy employer. Maids were 'forced by us' to do nasty things, give attitude problem or tell white lies .... Employers cannot blame them. It is us, not giving them what they failed to enjoy in their own country. They had been brain washed to think that we are suppose to please them and make them enjoy a good holiday cum work in Spore and thus, LOVE us! This is giving them dignity and be treated as human, at our expense.
All those maid abused news were just smoke in Saudi, Dubai or Malaysia, just like Spore. Activists like to blow up news of bad employers. Not many keen to educated others we are victims, there are really bad maids in Spore.

Read this:
The pampered maids of Dubai
As more families move towards hiring househelp for their day to day lives, the necessity to treat maids with dignity is becoming more important than ever.

From flat screen TVs to satellite packages, access to the pool, in-house parties, WiFi connectivity, and designer clothes, some housemaids live the high life, while their employers speak up against reports that most maids are subject to abuse by their employers.

Suniya, a 24-year-old from Thailand, has been working for a French family for the past three years. Unlike some of her peers, Suniya earns Dh2,500 <font size="-2">(if my conversion is correct, it is S$851/month)</font> a month, plus benefits. "I get two days off each week, an annual ticket back home, all meals, and then some stuff my friends don't.

"My employers gave me a flat-screen TV with a link to their satellite channels, access to WiFi in the villa and their old laptop. Plus I get a bonus each Christmas and Easter," she says. Her room in the family's three-bedroom villa in The Springs has new furniture which she was allowed to choose.

In nearby Dubai Marina, another maid admits to living it up. Working six days a week for a British family with two young children, Indira's job is one that she best describes as a dream come true. "I wake up each morning, get the kids ready for school, and then have the entire day to do as I please. No one keeps an eye on me or monitors my goings by the minute. As long as the house is clean and dinner ready on weekdays, they are happy. Moreover, on weekends, we go to the beach as a family, and when my employers go on short holidays, they are happy to leave me home alone, with full pay, knowing that I would never abuse their privilege. My ma'am often gives me the clothes that don't fit her any longer, and most of them are really nice brands from shops like Debenhams and Zara."

While Indira may well be living out her dream, her employers have their side of the story. Requesting not to be named, they say they got lucky with someone as reliable and trustworthy as Indira. "We can leave jewellery and money wherever we want to, and never have to worry about anything. Plus, she's amazing with our children. She deserves every bit of her bonus and whatever add-ons we can afford," says the couple.

"This is the woman who looks after our children in our absence," says Kapil S., a Springs resident. "I would do whatever it takes to keep her happy. <font color="119911">If it's a BlackBerry she wants, it's a BlackBerry she'll have</font>," he says of the birthday gift he bought her two months ago.

Crimes by housemaids
According to Dubai Police statistics, about 665 crimes were committed by housemaids in Dubai in 2010, of which 305 were absconding cases.

"I'll never understand these figures," says Mirdif resident Rainn W. "My maid, if I even dared call her that, is perhaps one of the most important people in my life. She looks after my husband and me, she loves our dog to bits, she takes care of the house as though it was hers, she does the groceries out of her own pocket… A woman like that is a treasure. She's the glue that holds us together. We do what we do because she takes care of all the other stuff that would otherwise weigh us down. In exchange, what's the least I can do to show my appreciation, besides vocalising it? I see to it that she has everything she needs. She has her <font color="119911">own plasma TV with all the Filipino channels, I share my laptop with her, she has the freedom to call anyone home whenever she wants to, and I'll go out of my way to entertain her guests.</font> She never needs to ask, only inform, when she wants to use the house for a little party of her own. We'll get out of her hair for that evening. I can't afford to pay her a large salary but I make up with everything else that I can. The key is for her to realise that she's a part of our family. Personally, I would take offence at someone calling her my maid. It's her house as much as it is mine," says the lifestyle counsellor who admits to paying for her maid's flight tickets every time she wishes to travel anywhere, not just within the stipulated period.

According to the UAE Labour Law, it is the liability of the employer to fly the maid into the country and, after two years of employment, provide a return ticket to her home country. While for some it's too much to ask, a few go over and above the requirements.

Take the case of Gloria, a Filipino maid for a Chinese family. "Every time they go on holiday, I go too. I keep the two children entertained at night when my employers want to go out for dinner or see the nightlife of the country. In the daytime, they pay for all my expenses, including some personal souvenirs. None of the other maids I know get the same privileges," she says.

The demand for Western expat employers is high among maids in the UAE. At the time of applying <font color="119911">it is often the maid who interviews the family to see if their lifestyle, salaries and social habits meet her requirements</font>
<font color="0000ff">Expats are spoiling the maids in Asia and creating an inbalance in Spore FDW market. Expats should be banned from employing FDW in Spore. To be employed by expat is every FDW's dream. Expats can afford to throw money and caused those who really need a FDW, treat them as per MOM policies but not Expat terms to suffer and absorb maids' nonsense. Maids thought that is the norm but we deliberately short-changed them</font>

"It's no surprise these maids are looking for Western expats to live with," says Rainn. "Due to their cultural background, these expats would probably have fewer children, smaller families, would not make their maid work to the bone and would probably be more generous with their wages."

In 2009, the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) had reported that "most maids in Dubai are educated to lower secondary level, speak English as a second language and receive wages ranging from Dh700 to Dh1,184 monthly [in 2009]". Fast forward to 2012, and the asking price on online websites is drastically different. Most ads which list desired compensation begin at Dh2,000, going up to Dh3,000 a month and beyond.

Rosamund, a Filipino maid who works for a Belgian family, earns Dh3,000 a month in exchange for being a 24/7 backup to the family. "I look after the kids, cook, clean, wash, iron… and in exchange, I get paid well. I get a bonus every time I go on holiday. I have an internet connection. I can have friends over in my room and we can use the swimming pool. I can go out whenever I want to, as long as I inform my ma'am a day in advance so she can make arrangements for when I'm not there."

Her employer Jaan says, "Honestly little things like a TV in her room, internet, allowing her friends over, swimming in the pool… all that is nothing compared to how easy she makes our life. When I read the horror stories about the abuse some maids suffer or the crime they inflict on their employers, I'm not surprised. What else can you expect a person to do when their employers can't even treat them with basic human dignity?"

The demand for Western expat employers is high among maids in the UAE. At the time of applying it is often the maid who interviews the family to see if their lifestyle, salaries and social habits meet her requirements.
I also think having live out maids is a good idea. they get their work done, we are happy and they get their freedom to do anything (not in our home) and they are happy. no conflict in our homes, no privacy infringement, both parties are happy !

MAID levies could be revised again, say industry players, as the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has called for a rare closed-door discussion next week on theissue.

The ministry sent an e-mail earlier this month inviting maid agents and other interested parties to a meeting to seek their views on the fee, sources told The Straits Times yesterday.

The invitation was a surprise, said agents. Such a discussion had not been called for many years, theysaid.

When the authorities revised the levy previously, agents found out only through official announcements.

Don't understand why MOM only inviting maid agents. Maid agents need not pay levy, WE, the employers are paying. Maid agents only interested to make easy profits by making employers pay higher placement fees and they continue provide us with untrained and lousy maids. Wonder what MOM trying to partner with maid agents .... never stop making my life miserable.

I feel Expats or persons holding work permits should be banned from employing FDW. If they really need to employ maid, they should pay more than citizens, eg $500/month as maid levy.

I would like to add that MOM should reward FDW who has completed 2 year contract with the same employer. Part of the levy MOM collected ought to be given to a good maid. This will encourage FDW to stay with one employer and do her job as per agreement... the best service attitude that she could offer. Let's say S$100 per month per FDW taken from MOM levy, so 24 months of good service = a bonus of at least S$2400, isn't this tempting to the maid? Won't this be good encouragement? It is indirectly telling the maid her loan has been offset by her good performance.

Maids who worked hard must be rewarded. MOM should not eat maid's money in the form of levy. Employers paid a lot but on appearance, we're only paying a miserable sum of S$500 per FDW. This cost should include levy. Hongkong and Taiwan get Sg trained experienced maids for about S$650/month. I pay a fresh filipino $500 + $170 levy = $670 but only entitled to inexperience FDW. By adding a maid's live-in cost and non refundable placement fee, we paid about S$1500/month per FDW. This seems usual or low for people in the ministerial pay scale but is very high to me.

Those employers who have hired FDWs to look after special needs persons or frailed elderly/bedridden should get their levy totally removed, based on existing per capita (the current FDW grant requirement - AIC).

I hope MOM can be fairer to employers and don't keep siding maid agencies or source countries. This is Spore, a place we are born and living till we are old with our children. We are not foreigners who can earn big sums and then go back home to enjoy life with a much lower living standards.
Sorry to hijack your thread. I'm not sure if I should signal my neighbour if her maid have been spilling too much beans about their family. My neighbour had recently employed a transfer maid from java ( since may) after her pinoy maid completed her 2yr contract. The pinoy maid was close to my maid since both pinoy and had complained about having not enough to eat, no own room to sleep in. Technically not my problem since its their domestic problems. So this problem persisted and the Javanese successor this time is a babble mouth. Since we understood about their lack of food, my nonya mil invite the Javanese over for dinner every time she had a chance to sneak out with her 20month charge. It doesn't bother me to share food since we normally cook surplus anyway, but recently I think I had enough of little details about my neighbour's lifestyle
1) how my neighbour is loosing hair (hair breaks)
2) entire family constipate (Javanese maid says she only gets 2 stalks of veggie, the same as her employer and charge)
3) my neighbour is flat chested, only got nipple coz she doesn't eat enough (seriously too much details!)
4) my neighbour doesn't feed her 7yo daughter enough, restrict her rice proportion
5) exactly how old are my neighbours
6) how many times my neighbour cooks meat and fish a week

Will informing my neighbour about her maid make her embarrassed? What if she fires here maid and things return to square 1 where she can't cope with 2 kids at home and everyday i hear her screaming at her kids and crying children. I tolerated for 2 months while she waited for her transfer maid.

Should I continue to give my neighbour food until she wonders why? Have been giving her fresh salmon from my freezer and cooked pots of curry etc. My neighbour does return us back with desserts and we give it to her maid who seen it but not allowed to eat, ironic..

We have had maids chauffeurs and they are told of rules, I'd never want to hear about my pending holiday trip from my neighbours, or if I'm buying a new property etc and they know we meant it with a one way ticket back. I can't stop my mil from her charitable ways of distributing food (milo instant noodles biscuits chocolates) to the estate's maids either ultimately it's her money not mine.
pantieileen - I think you shouldn't believe too much of what this maid says as she may be making up some of these "bad" things about her employers. She may also be untruthful about not having enough or not allowed to eat. I had a maid once, she lies about me not giving her coffee to drink and not having enough to eat to the neighbours such that they give her biscuits to eat and coffee to drink and she even ask them to throw the empty coffee sachets away for her so I don't know BUT ! she was the one who told me she doesn't like to drink coffee so I didn't buy for her (my family doesn't drink coffee but I asked her if she wanted) ! She eats the same portion of food as us (we divide EQUALLY and she has adult portion and what we eat, she eats and organic food and sakura chicken etc) and I baked all the time and gave her tea snacks to eat ! I even told her to eat more rice and she keeps insisting she wants to eat little because she wants to slim down ! She also went around telling the neighbours about my possessions, made up ridiculous stories about me saying bad stuff about the other maids in the neighbourhood and about my neighbours ! WHICH I DID NOT ! for example, she said I called all the maids in the neighbourhood prostitutes and she told my neighbor lady that I forbid my husband to talk to her because she wears too sexy ! (she just wears those sports sleeveless tees and shorts only, where got sexy ?!) ALAMAK ! I only knew about these when she was transferred out and my that neighbour lady told me about it. These maids can really make up stories, make themselves look pitiful and their employers super nasty cruel people. These maids have nothing to do all day and just love to imagine and dramatize everything ! Just like my that neighbor lady says she didn't dare to tell me when the maid was around because she was afraid to sour the relationship between me and my maid, but I rather she had told me and saved me all the embarrassment and made me notorious among the maids in my neighbourhood ! when she told me after the maid left, it really opened my eyes that I should NEVER be too trusting and nice to these maids. Treated her so nicely and she can do this to me ! p.s. she was the one who wanted to transfer out because another neighbor's maid told her that she can leave for another employer after I nag at her a few times ! it was lucky for me that she asked to leave else I wouldn't have known her true colours and what was going on behind my back! About your neighbor screaming at kids, I empathize with her as it is real hard to manage kids , housework and cooking single-handedly but I am sure this maid she has is better off not having. How can she not have her employers' interest at heart. I am sure you won't want such a maid and would appreciate someone telling u if your maid is this way...HOPE THIS HELPS !
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pantieileen - I agree with mokymok, just be careful with what maid said. Not that we don't want to be kind and give them the benefit of doubt but sometimes, too many had taken things for granted, unappreciative, 'cry wolf' and assumed we are rich so they deserved to be given luxuries/good food.

Just want to highlight about what my sis maid did. Her exPhil maid told neighbours my sis didn't give her food. It was found out that she was extremely choosey, only wants rice for every meal and must be good food, cannot have canned food. The porridge that my sis cooked (maid can't cook) she didn't eat, my sis was shocked to find out she poured the porridge away! So wasteful. Then cry said she having gastic problem cos nothing to eat.

That maid ran away after working 2 months, a 'kind taxi driver saved her' by driving her to HOME at no cost. She stayed quite awhile in HOME. Made up stories and excuses when HOME tried to find new employers for her. Maid eventually let the cat out but my sis had a terrible experience and from then on, she is no longer a player in this FDW pool.

As for my experience with maids, maybe you can read my blog.
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If MOM is really thinking of increasing the FDW levy and wants to encourage those who are holding work permits to employ FDWs, the ideal levy for this group of employers is S$500/mth. PRs pay $400/mth (normal rate) while qualified citizens remain as paying a concession rate of $120/mth.

In Budget 2013, it was announced that those paying concession rate of $170/mth will receive $50 discount so means some employers are paying $120/mth. I hope this will be the discounted/final amount regardless levy is increased till whatever amount. Those who qualified for FDW grant, if I read the budget correctly, it means paying zero value. I hope it remains … zero, based on per capita income.

The current (normal rate) levy to employ a foreign domestic worker is S$265/mth. If my suggestion is workable, in future, employers who want 2 maids working in the same address should pay $800-1000 for their 2nd FDW. The NPTD paper estimated Singapore will need 300,000 maids by year 2030 so I don’t think MOM wants to 见财化水,不能从中牟利.

Work permit-employers don’t need to worry that they will be weeded out. They will still be able to employ cheap maids (compared to western countries), continue to show $power and be the most desirable employers in maids’ view. By offering a private room to the FDW, shorter working hours, give extra off days (not just weekly rest day) …. these are + + +!

Our PAP still have plenty of rooms for improvement. I hope PAP/MOM is not up to some dirty tricks, one hand gives and the other hand takes back $$ in double!
There should be a great difference between Citizens, PRs and Foreigners.
The same theory for healthcare and education, foreigners are paying more. Citizens should ultimately be the ones enjoying the country's benefits and receive subsidized rate for holding pink ICs, not forgetting our male citizens went thru National Service for this land.

I have suggested banning work permit holders in my blog, namely the expats from employing maids because they offered extremes to their maids, causing the increase in maid's demand and salary (Hong Kong experience DH receives about S$650/mth, weekly off days and public holidays off. In Spore, inexperience FDW gets $450 to 500+170 = $670... higher than an experience HK domestic helper). FDWs in Spore can have unlimited chances to be transferred to other employers but HK or Taiwan DHs do not enjoy such entitlement.

One unhappy expat commented in my blog "There is a lot of hate in this thread towards 'foreigners', whether they be FDW's or 'expats'. I am a foreigner. I have lived in Singapore for 8 years. I do not have an expat package and am not a tai-tai. I work for a living like most people, I balance child care and working and the home. I own a business that employs 30 Singaporeans. I also have an FDW to help me balance children, home & work. Why am I not as worthy as you of an FDW?"
how do you feel when somebody says
"I believe that these Pinoy maids are educated enough because as posted at the MOM website, an applicant should have a secondary school diploma. Comparing to the capacity to communicate, among all the foreign maids here, Filipino maids has no problem with english communication unlike other nationalities. But most of the time, problem also lies on employers like us, or maybe from our own family. If not educated enough or even those who did not finish school, still has problem with communication. Anyway, we should be thankful enough because if not of these maids then we can not find a living for our family and our kids might end up to be maids or gardener in the end."

My view (link):
Yes, getting a FDW let me stays employable but giving me headaches, unnecessary stress and financial drainage will just push me and other full-time mummies to resign and stay home. By staying home to nurture own kids, our kids won't end up as gardener or maids. By employing FDWs, your kids won't become ministers or somebody of substance. Maids are helpers, not suppose to replace parents. You employed maid to take over your role? Are you really an employer? Can't believe there's an employer who empowered the FDW to mould their children's future.
Filipino maids are educated but are they more educated than the employers? Their English is better than other FDWs but good enough to make you think they are superb people for your household or kids? Being able to communicate in English made Filipino maids felt superior and tend not to cooperate with employers in order to deliver a good job. If their English is good or qualified to tutor or guide your children to the right track, they shouldn't be FDWs, there are so many other jobs for educated filipinos.

If I must kick my current filipino out, have the courage to employ another FDW, I will find a FDW from other source country and adjust my life having poor communication. By being able to communicate in English, filipinos should understand my house rules and work instructions but they chose to pretend or purposely do opposite ways. Filipino maid quality sucks!

What for hire egoistic filipinos who are not prepared to do their best to help me in the capacity as FDW? What for pay filipinos higher salary than other nationalities and ended up with more unreasonable demands from them?
