New mummy 2020
New Member
Dear mummies,
I’m new this whole mummy thing. I’m currently at KKH after being advised to transfer to KKH due to a possible health issue with baby. While at SGH (IVF baby) I was a private patient with a reputable gyane and always felt safe. Wait times were not Long and I really felt like the Nurses and my Gynae knew me by name/face at least.
I’m currently in my third trimester and have just transferred over to KKH. With my first appt scan with the specialised team to scan baby’s heart (cardio), it cost us slightly over $600. Because I was still under SGH and had been given a referral to seek advice and see kkh’s Cardio team. At the appt, we were advised by the doctor seeing us that this could get complicated and that we shd consider delivering at KKH. He also said that baby might need surgery/need to stay in ICU. Fearing cost, we decided to go to a polyclinic the next day and got a referral to see a Gynae at a Clinic C a week later. I didn’t like the process AT ALL.
1. The staff at the counter gave me this form to sign to say that now that I’m a subsidised patient, the gyane attending to me could be a male or a female. And student Doctors could come in groups to be present for the birth. I signed it after confirming thst we could change back to being private anytime should we decide to, as we were still deciding on our birth plan (because the sudden change of hospital didn’t give me much time to find a suitable gyane at KKH).
2. The doctor seeing us at clinic C didn’t do an ultrasound. I don’t know if this is normal. She gave us more scary possibilities of our baby’s health (which we took with a pinch of salt because she isn’t from cardio), and all that was done was a quick Check on baby’s heartbeat. We didn’t get to see the baby at all.
3. We were sent off to go for genetic counselling. It was 10 mins. And we left with more possibilities of bad news but the doctor knew what she was talking about, unlike the not very confident one at clinic C we went to earlier that day.
4. All in all, our appointments cost us just $45 that day but I left feeling unsatisfied. Also, my next appointment with Cardio is set to be at week 33 and since my 28 week scan, I’ve not received any new appointment date with the general gyane side. Is this normal? To have such a big gap between appointment dates in third trimester? I would think since mine is a complicated case, we would be seen more often.
I spoke to a few friends who delivered a number of years ago and they told me they told me they also chose to be subsidised due to possible health risks for mother/child and didn’t want to be suffocated by bills. And their stories have scared me so much now I’m considering if it’s really worth it being a subsidised patient. One friend said many doctors came to check on her during labour (which I’m aware of because I signed the form). She said she felt a little violated with so many, many male and female Doctors kept putting their hands into her to check on her cervix, and she was not comfortable with the process at all as during all this there were student Doctors as audience and they used her to practice on. She endured it all because she was afraid of her hospital bills being too much to handle. She’s usually a very private, modest girl so I’m sure it must have been awful to experience. I’m fully aware that during birth your modesty goes out the door, but does this mean that because she’s a subsidised patient, she gets to be experimented on? I’m honestly nervous abt this. Having a bunch of students watching me push a baby out while I’m semi naked and possibly pooping/peeing doesn’t feel like something I would like to experience. I would like no males/student Doctors there at all. If a male doctor is on call that’s fine. But I’m not comfortable with a large group coming in for observation or to use me to practice on.
Another friend said the midwives delivered her baby and then a female doctor instructed her junior doctor to stitch her up but then he did it wrong so she had to have it undone and the female doctor (who he was being trained by) did it correctly the second time. This sounds like a nightmare honestly. She said she tried telling the doctor she was not comfortable with the student doctor stitching her up but she didn’t listen.
And then I have another friend who chose to deliver at Kkh privately and says great things abt Kkh. The only negative thing was that one of her friends from school (paediatrician at Kkh) popped in to say hi during birth (after seeing her name on the door or list or something) and she was not ready to be visited.
So basically my questions are...
A) is subsidised really what my friends have told me it is? Has anyone experienced a dignified birth at Kkh with minimal Doctors and Nurses attending to you?
B) knowing my concerns, should I just change to private? Is it worth it? Will I still have students coming in? My hubby said he will chase them away and not let them in but is this possible?
C) can I change back to subsidised after deliveriNg as private, should baby need to stay in ICU/ need surgery?
Sorry for the really Long post or if some of these questions have been answered. I’m at 29 weeks and quite paranoid as we just changed to Kkh subsidised last week. My whole birth plan is a mess and I have no gyane. So any advice on the above questions you can give me will be good. Thank you mummies.
I’m new this whole mummy thing. I’m currently at KKH after being advised to transfer to KKH due to a possible health issue with baby. While at SGH (IVF baby) I was a private patient with a reputable gyane and always felt safe. Wait times were not Long and I really felt like the Nurses and my Gynae knew me by name/face at least.
I’m currently in my third trimester and have just transferred over to KKH. With my first appt scan with the specialised team to scan baby’s heart (cardio), it cost us slightly over $600. Because I was still under SGH and had been given a referral to seek advice and see kkh’s Cardio team. At the appt, we were advised by the doctor seeing us that this could get complicated and that we shd consider delivering at KKH. He also said that baby might need surgery/need to stay in ICU. Fearing cost, we decided to go to a polyclinic the next day and got a referral to see a Gynae at a Clinic C a week later. I didn’t like the process AT ALL.
1. The staff at the counter gave me this form to sign to say that now that I’m a subsidised patient, the gyane attending to me could be a male or a female. And student Doctors could come in groups to be present for the birth. I signed it after confirming thst we could change back to being private anytime should we decide to, as we were still deciding on our birth plan (because the sudden change of hospital didn’t give me much time to find a suitable gyane at KKH).
2. The doctor seeing us at clinic C didn’t do an ultrasound. I don’t know if this is normal. She gave us more scary possibilities of our baby’s health (which we took with a pinch of salt because she isn’t from cardio), and all that was done was a quick Check on baby’s heartbeat. We didn’t get to see the baby at all.
3. We were sent off to go for genetic counselling. It was 10 mins. And we left with more possibilities of bad news but the doctor knew what she was talking about, unlike the not very confident one at clinic C we went to earlier that day.
4. All in all, our appointments cost us just $45 that day but I left feeling unsatisfied. Also, my next appointment with Cardio is set to be at week 33 and since my 28 week scan, I’ve not received any new appointment date with the general gyane side. Is this normal? To have such a big gap between appointment dates in third trimester? I would think since mine is a complicated case, we would be seen more often.
I spoke to a few friends who delivered a number of years ago and they told me they told me they also chose to be subsidised due to possible health risks for mother/child and didn’t want to be suffocated by bills. And their stories have scared me so much now I’m considering if it’s really worth it being a subsidised patient. One friend said many doctors came to check on her during labour (which I’m aware of because I signed the form). She said she felt a little violated with so many, many male and female Doctors kept putting their hands into her to check on her cervix, and she was not comfortable with the process at all as during all this there were student Doctors as audience and they used her to practice on. She endured it all because she was afraid of her hospital bills being too much to handle. She’s usually a very private, modest girl so I’m sure it must have been awful to experience. I’m fully aware that during birth your modesty goes out the door, but does this mean that because she’s a subsidised patient, she gets to be experimented on? I’m honestly nervous abt this. Having a bunch of students watching me push a baby out while I’m semi naked and possibly pooping/peeing doesn’t feel like something I would like to experience. I would like no males/student Doctors there at all. If a male doctor is on call that’s fine. But I’m not comfortable with a large group coming in for observation or to use me to practice on.
Another friend said the midwives delivered her baby and then a female doctor instructed her junior doctor to stitch her up but then he did it wrong so she had to have it undone and the female doctor (who he was being trained by) did it correctly the second time. This sounds like a nightmare honestly. She said she tried telling the doctor she was not comfortable with the student doctor stitching her up but she didn’t listen.
And then I have another friend who chose to deliver at Kkh privately and says great things abt Kkh. The only negative thing was that one of her friends from school (paediatrician at Kkh) popped in to say hi during birth (after seeing her name on the door or list or something) and she was not ready to be visited.
So basically my questions are...
A) is subsidised really what my friends have told me it is? Has anyone experienced a dignified birth at Kkh with minimal Doctors and Nurses attending to you?
B) knowing my concerns, should I just change to private? Is it worth it? Will I still have students coming in? My hubby said he will chase them away and not let them in but is this possible?
C) can I change back to subsidised after deliveriNg as private, should baby need to stay in ICU/ need surgery?
Sorry for the really Long post or if some of these questions have been answered. I’m at 29 weeks and quite paranoid as we just changed to Kkh subsidised last week. My whole birth plan is a mess and I have no gyane. So any advice on the above questions you can give me will be good. Thank you mummies.