IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi ladies,
I am 10dp2dt (hope I got terminology right. 10days post transfer of 2d embryo). I have some light spotting today. Praying hard embbies stick. Really worried and trying to bed rest now. Anything else I can do? Anyone else like this and BFP?? Called Kkh and nurse just said to monitor... :(
Hi @littlejas, if it's brown or pink stain, it can be implantation spottting :) As long as you are not gushing out heavy bright red blood, it should be okay.

When is your blood test scheduled?
Hi @littlejas, if it's brown or pink stain, it can be implantation spottting :) As long as you are not gushing out heavy bright red blood, it should be okay.

When is your blood test scheduled?

Hi Lufie, thanks for responding.. :) My blood test is next Fri, 8th Jan. I really do hope it is implantation bleeding.. I thought implantation is usually about 7dp2dt.. So my day 10 worries me. It's light red.. And you know the progesterone inserts making it a mess down under doesn't help! Keep freaking out when I feel any dampness down under!
Hi Lufie, thanks for responding.. :) My blood test is next Fri, 8th Jan. I really do hope it is implantation bleeding.. I thought implantation is usually about 7dp2dt.. So my day 10 worries me. It's light red.. And you know the progesterone inserts making it a mess down under doesn't help! Keep freaking out when I feel any dampness down under!
Hello. We are cycle buddies. My BT is on the 7th. Keeping finger crossed for both of us.
Hi folks I went to see doc after my 1st ivf fresh cycle was bfn. Doc said I need to work on losing weight n plus he said he spotted a polyp while doing transfer. He has prescribed some contraceptive pills n I Wil be going for a hysteroscopy to remove polyp.

Also I've asked whether consuming coq10 dhea n omega fish oil can help with egg quality. His response was that there is no proven medical records for this.

But I'm going to start some healthy diet plus light exercise. N also gona buy coq10 to improve health. Dhea has side effects so no to tat. Any recommendation to which coq10 I shd buy? I chked n they are various.
Hi folks I went to see doc after my 1st ivf fresh cycle was bfn. Doc said I need to work on losing weight n plus he said he spotted a polyp while doing transfer. He has prescribed some contraceptive pills n I Wil be going for a hysteroscopy to remove polyp.

Also I've asked whether consuming coq10 dhea n omega fish oil can help with egg quality. His response was that there is no proven medical records for this.

But I'm going to start some healthy diet plus light exercise. N also gona buy coq10 to improve health. Dhea has side effects so no to tat. Any recommendation to which coq10 I shd buy? I chked n they are various.
Do get the one in Ubiquinol form. I'm taking the one from Healthy Origins 300mg capsules ones available from iherb.
I didnt..but i think doctor inserted crinone during surgery..pretty worried coz i have to climb stairs (overhead bridge) yesterday..dunno if it will affect :confused:

Hi Lufie, thanks for responding.. :) My blood test is next Fri, 8th Jan. I really do hope it is implantation bleeding.. I thought implantation is usually about 7dp2dt.. So my day 10 worries me. It's light red.. And you know the progesterone inserts making it a mess down under doesn't help! Keep freaking out when I feel any dampness down under!

Hi @littlejas

My pregnancy blood test is also on 8 Jan! Don't worry so much and all the best to you!
Hi everyone ..

I'm on my first iui (at kkh) and I think it is going to fail. . Temp started to dip today.. planning to go of ivf..

Both me and DH are PR, there won't be any funding.. and not much of CPF too..

May I know which doc or hospital is the preferred ?

Or it will be better to stick with kkh since they have all of my records.

Thanks alot...
Hi everyone ..

I'm on my first iui (at kkh) and I think it is going to fail. . Temp started to dip today.. planning to go of ivf..

Both me and DH are PR, there won't be any funding.. and not much of CPF too..

May I know which doc or hospital is the preferred ?

Or it will be better to stick with kkh since they have all of my records.

Thanks alot...
Personally I feel if u aren't subsidized or using govt grant, it will be better to go private clinic/hospital coz the environment is better eg staff attitude, and it will be less crowded.
Dear sisters,

I have a few items to let go at below cost:

1) 11 ovulation test sticks expiry feb 2017. Selling all for $5.
2) 1 watson ovulation test stick exp sep 2017. Selling for $5 neg.
3) 3 david ovulation test strips exp jan 2017, and 12 david ovulation test strips exp oct 2016. Total 15 strips selling all for $3
4) 1 clearblue pregnancy test stick exp feb 2016 (selling cheap at $5 as close to expiry). I will throw in 2 pregnancy test strips that are also expiring in feb 2016 for free.
5) 7 david pregnancy test strips expiry June 2016. Selling all for $1.50

Or u can get all 1) to 5) for $17

Postage included.

I have tried all and so far they are reliable. Do PM me for individual items or the whole package. Price is slightly negotiable within reasonable limits as i just want to clear.

Baby dusts to all!
Personally I feel if u aren't subsidized or using govt grant, it will be better to go private clinic/hospital coz the environment is better eg staff attitude, and it will be less crowded.

Hi Anneneo

Any private clinic that you will be recommending ? Thanks ..
Hi Anneneo

Any private clinic that you will be recommending ? Thanks ..
Nope...i didnt go private coz i went kkh previously as subsidized patient...super long queue..

There are quite alot of doctors being recommend here before eg Dr Roland Chieng, Dr SF loh etc..i feel it depends on who you feel most comfortable or "fated" with, coz every doctor has his success or failure cases..
Nope...i didnt go private coz i went kkh previously as subsidized patient...super long queue..

There are quite alot of doctors being recommend here before eg Dr Roland Chieng, Dr SF loh etc..i feel it depends on who you feel most comfortable or "fated" with, coz every doctor has his success or failure cases..

HI Anneneo78,

Dr SF Loh was previously from KKH which is now at TMC ?
Any idea the charges ? Or maybe later i will call the clinic :)
thanks alot ...
Dear sisters,

I have a few items to let go at below cost:

1) 11 ovulation test sticks expiry feb 2017. Selling all for $5.
2) 1 watson ovulation test stick exp sep 2017. Selling for $5 neg.
3) 3 david ovulation test strips exp jan 2017, and 12 david ovulation test strips exp oct 2016. Total 15 strips selling all for $3
4) 1 clearblue pregnancy test stick exp feb 2016 (selling cheap at $5 as close to expiry). I will throw in 2 pregnancy test strips that are also expiring in feb 2016 for free.
5) 7 david pregnancy test strips expiry June 2016. Selling all for $1.50

Or u can get all 1) to 5) for $17

Postage included.

I have tried all and so far they are reliable. Do PM me for individual items or the whole package. Price is slightly negotiable within reasonable limits as i just want to clear.

Baby dusts to all![/QUOTE

Hi, pm-ed u!
All sistas in Jan cycle or in 2ww now, may you keep the positive energy and stay well.
Believe that you can embrace the battle you are going through if you keep your mind on the objective, the prize that is to come eventually. Have faith & persevere on.
All the best! Jia you :)[/QUOTE

Thanks DawnBB! Hv a smooth pregnancy and enjoy the journey, soon u will feel the acrobat kicks..

Im on 6dp3dt, couldnt stop symptom spotting, but i think prolly the meds or just an AF symptoms..dunno y these negative vibes just wudnt go away, plus with the insomnia.
Doreamon ,jiayou. Yr icon same as mine. Doraemon is my favourate character too :)
hello Dawn, Doraemon is my favourite character too :), jia you to u too :)
Doreamon ,jiayou. Yr icon same as mine. Doraemon is my favourate character too :)
hihi Dawn, ya doraemon is my favourite character too :) jia you to u too :)
I scratched both times, both times, I BFP.
Hello Towkay, what is the procedure for endo scratch? is it painful???
I scratched both times, both times, I BFP.
hi towkay, what is the endo scratch procedure isit painful?? awake or not during the procedure?
hello Dawn, Doraemon is my favourite character too :), jia you to u too :)

hihi Dawn, ya doraemon is my favourite character too :) jia you to u too :)

Hello Towkay, what is the procedure for endo scratch? is it painful???

hi towkay, what is the endo scratch procedure isit painful?? awake or not during the procedure?
Hi Doraemon, for endo scratch, you have to do it before your menses and are awake throughout. The procedure is very fast, about 5 min. For me, it's abit painful, really depends on your pain tolerance. It's like pap smear.

http://www.cmft.nhs.uk/media/1384890/14 84 endometrial scratch.pdf
Thanks @SueAnna18. Dear, I totally emphathise the torturous ordeal of every 2ww. No matter how I psyched myself not to, I did symptom spot. The thing is there is really no standard to tell if your embies have implanted successfully. Only the BT is the final call. I have been through cycles where I felt all the positive early preggy symptoms yet gotten bfn BT. The cycle I got bfp had the least symptoms that I really thought it hasn't work. You can feel toyed really. Even if spotting happens *touchwood*, try not to panic and straight away contact your clinic for advice on additional support or BT. Still you have to hang in there with the PUPO (pregnant till proven otherwise) mentality. For me, I also make back up plans to hold myself together while hoping for the best.
Rem you may not be where you want to be yet, neither are you where you used to be. However things progress, always believe you will get to where you need to be. All the best!
hihi sis, where to buy raspberry leaf tea?

Alternatively, u can get from Guardian at Ngee Ann City. The price stated is from iherb. Sg is selling abt $13-14 if i'm not wrong.
Ladies, i have started my stim today. But a bit weird is i started off with orgalutran(hope i spell correctly) from cd3-cd5, cd6 onwards Gonal-F then cd10 onwards both Gonal F & orgalutran. Why start off with orgalutran? Previously my so-iui, i started off with puregon then later part with orgalutran.
Ladies, i have started my stim today. But a bit weird is i started off with orgalutran(hope i spell correctly) from cd3-cd5, cd6 onwards Gonal-F then cd10 onwards both Gonal F & orgalutran. Why start off with orgalutran? Previously my so-iui, i started off with puregon then later part with orgalutran.
Hi Melody, from what I understand this is to suppress your LH at an earlier stage (but still later than a Long protocol) so that the stimulation is mostly by the FSH meds (gonal f in your case). Our body LH also influences the growth of follicles such that in some individuals it can result in uneven growth during stims, hence some eggs grow faster than others. By suppressing LH along with FSH stimulation, it is hoped to better control the stimulation and achieve more even follicles & egg growth so that by the timed hcg trigger, hopefully most if not all the eggs are almost equally large and able to mature for retrieval.
Hi Melody, from what I understand this is to suppress your LH at an earlier stage (but still later than a Long protocol) so that the stimulation is mostly by the FSH meds (gonal f in your case). Our body LH also influences the growth of follicles such that in some individuals it can result in uneven growth during stims, hence some eggs grow faster than others. By suppressing LH along with FSH stimulation, it is hoped to better control the stimulation and achieve more even follicles & egg growth so that by the timed hcg trigger, hopefully most if not all the eggs are almost equally large and able to mature for retrieval.

Icic! Thanks Dawnbb! Ur info is great..
HI Anneneo78,

Dr SF Loh was previously from KKH which is now at TMC ?
Any idea the charges ? Or maybe later i will call the clinic :)
thanks alot ...

Yup, he was in kkh many years ago, now with tmc.
No idea on charges...but as private patients shouldn't differ too much i guess :p
All sistas in Jan cycle or in 2ww now, may you keep the positive energy and stay well.
Believe that you can embrace the battle you are going through if you keep your mind on the objective, the prize that is to come eventually. Have faith & persevere on.
All the best! Jia you :)

@DawnBB and others who are more knowledgeable.. I have had light bleeding from sat morning till now (10 to 12d post 2day transfer) It's like 1 panty liner every few hours.. Sigh. Still got chance of implantation? Usually my periods come 1 day after spotting. But am wondering if it is because progesterone is helping to block AF? Anyone like this before and still BFP? Anything else I can do? Feeling really like I am on roller coaster
@DawnBB and others who are more knowledgeable.. I have had light bleeding from sat morning till now (10 to 12d post 2day transfer) It's like 1 panty liner every few hours.. Sigh. Still got chance of implantation? Usually my periods come 1 day after spotting. But am wondering if it is because progesterone is helping to block AF? Anyone like this before and still BFP? Anything else I can do? Feeling really like I am on roller coaster
Dearie, sorry that you are going thru this worrisome ordeal. When I had spotting during 2ww (if any, it happened usually in fresh cycles for me), I would call TFC immediately and they would give me a Proluton jab and ask me to continue with my support meds. There was once I was worried that I would be too afraid to continue with the Utrogestan progesterone inserts, the nurse advised that I can take orally instead if really could not insert. However TFC would not do BT earlier than 14dp2dt (equivalent to 16 day post ER) as they would want to see a certain hcg level (3-digit) to confirm pregnancy. If earlier, any hcg level will still be low and can't confirm if implantation progressed to potentially viable pregnancy. I also didn't have the courage to take hpt and my nurse also advised that taking hpt this early and in such situation is pointless as it would cause more stress since they have already given me the Proluton jab and won't be able to do more. I know kkh or others may have different practice so the best is to call them and explain your situation and follow their advice.
I would hope for the best while prepared for otherwise. Rem you still have to keep the pregnant till proven otherwise mentality - continue to eat well, hydrate and rest adequately while minimise active movements. What will be will be. Will be keeping you in prayers. All the best.
Last edited:
Dearie, sorry that you are going thru this worrisome ordeal. When I had spotting during 2ww (if any, it happened usually in fresh cycles for me), I would call TFC immediately and they would give me a Proluton jab and ask me to continue with my support meds. There was once I was worried that I would be too afraid to continue with the Utrogestan progesterone inserts, the nurse advised that I can take orally instead if really could not insert. However TFC would not do BT earlier than 14dp2dt (equivalent to 16 day post ER) as they would want to see a certain hcg level (3-digit) to confirm pregnancy. If earlier, any hcg level will still be low and can't confirm if implantation progressed to potentially viable pregnancy. I also didn't have the courage to take hpt and my nurse also advised that taking hpt this early and in such situation is pointless as it would cause more stress since they have already given me the Proluton jab and won't be able to do more. I know kkh or others may have different practice so the best is to call them and explain your situation and follow their advice.
I would hope for the best while prepared for otherwise. Rem you still have to keep the pregnant till proven otherwise mentality - continue to eat well, hydrate and rest adequately while minimise active movements. What will be will be. Will be keeping you in prayers. All the best.

Thank you @DawnBB.. Yes mine is a fresh cycle. I called Kkh on sat morning and the only advice was just to monitor and call if there is full flow. But the nurse said they don't do progesterone jabs :( yeah so I bed rested whole of sat and sun but went back to work today after I poas and it was negative (buay tahan, had to cheat) But oh well, if blood test can only detect 14dp2dt, then maybe I still have hope!
finally i had my first appt today with Dr Jessie Phoon and done my progesterone blood test.
nxt appt will be on 8mar.

Anyone with Dr Jessie Phoon? Care to share your experience?
Hi sistas, i am doing my 3rd fresh at kkh. Wed is my ER. The Azithromycim given is suppose to be taken now or after ER? I rem last time is taken after e procedure..
Hi sistas, i am doing my 3rd fresh at kkh. Wed is my ER. The Azithromycim given is suppose to be taken now or after ER? I rem last time is taken after e procedure..
Hi Happy0341, we are cycle buddies. The medicine u mentioned I had it on Sunday noon, ER is scheduled on Tuesday.
Ladies seeing TSB, how to you take the brew meds? Is it daily take at stim stage? Now I'm not cycling but taking 2 days, break 2 days. Start another 2 days, break 3 days and so on...
Ladies seeing TSB, how to you take the brew meds? Is it daily take at stim stage? Now I'm not cycling but taking 2 days, break 2 days. Start another 2 days, break 3 days and so on...
Last time i was with her. She will ask you not to take during simulation.

Hi tsf,
Did you take saizen at your previous cycle before simulation? How long u took e jab,do u remember?
Hi sisters, want to double confirm if it is safe to continue with acupuncture when starting to stim? Will the heat lamp be too hot for the tummy area? Thanks in advance :)

Dear sisters...

I would like to vent some of my own unhappiness at work... Sorry abit long. This was an issue related to the HL I took for IVF in 2015...

It all started when I applied for leave on a day where an audit takes place (Yes, I'm involved in audits). The audit date (in Jan) was only confirmed on 30th December but I have informed my boss on my intention of leave on that Jan period (for a short holiday) on 7th December... She was not happy.

After explaining to her, suddenly she brought out my issue on absence from work... ( I had 2 fresh cycles and 1 D&C which I took the full HL leave) The reason I took full HL was because of the nature of my work, need to walk around, sometimes carry heavy things or climbing stairs...

She tells me no one takes so many HL, and when I'm away, projects happen and I cannot be around to handle them... She needs someone who can standby for work... She further explained that because she can't hand me much projects to do and thus she can't evaluate my job performance and cannot promote me... I feel so unappreciated... It feels like what I've done daily is nothing to her...

But the thing is before I start planning doing IVF, I will always ask her in advance if there are any upcoming projects which she needs me to me involved. She had no idea too. Well, I can't be sitting there waiting for the project to come and be completed then start my IVF right?

I tried to let her understand how IVF works and y it is stressful. She didn't want to listen. I'm not asking her to accommodate to my personal issue, jus wan her to understand what I'm Gg through...

But who would like to choose the IVF route? It's not by choice... It's not something we want. Each and everyone of us here have our own issues and thus embark on IVF journeys. Now I'm paying cash for my cycles and I can't quit my job...

I decided to compromise by shortening my HL. Do u all know at least how many days of HL I should take after ET?

By the way, my boss is single...
