IVF/ICSI Support Group

I am thinking of gg accupuncture to tiao my body. Any ladies here has any recommendations for me? How about acupuncture at raffles hospital? Any reviews? TIA
@ twinkletot,

Hi, Someone recommended TMC. But is hard to get a booking. Anyone has reviews on that too?
Eu Yan Seng paragon has a doc that specialised in fertility. But is super expensive

I don't trust Raffles with me and my husband bad experience.

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Hey babe, im still with her and taking bbt very diligently for this cycle..lols cos all those previous cycles i dont take at all cos i keep forgetting.

For the brewing part, my FIL does the job so im still ok... lols

Im thinking to go to the Dr Tan Kian Seng at clementi for accpunture but the journey and waiting time kills...
Hi, may I check is it a must to book for Dr Tan? Never be able to call to make an appt .
@ twinkletot,

Hi, Someone recommended TMC. But is hard to get a booking. Anyone has reviews on that too?
Eu Yan Seng paragon has a doc that specialised in fertility. But is super expensive

I don't trust Raffles with me and my husband experience.
@dilemma_tired TMC a few branches. Do u know which acupuncturist n branch gd? I would like to check it out.
DawnBB, I think mindset is very important and you need to be relaxed and take it with a light heart. I failed all my 3 fresh cycles (1st cycle, m/c at 6 weeks, 2nd cycle BFN, 3rd cycle BFN). 2 frozen babies was left from the 3 cycles and Doctor advised me to go for FET before attempting 4th cycle.

Prior to FET, I went to tiao my body but only for a short period of 2-3 months (I never tiao my body for my 3 cycles). After FET, I listen to relaxation CD everyday. Diet was still the same for me but I took Multi-Vitamin and Fish Oil everyday. When I went thru the FET, I was relaxed and my mindset was completely different from the 3 cycles (where I was totally stressed up and even cried). In fact when I went for FET, I thought this would probably be another BFN and I already had my mind fixed on going for my 4th cycle. But it was totally a surprise when the nurse informed me that it was BFP.

So I would advise all ladies going thru the IVF to be relaxed and not stressed yourself up. Stress is no good for us.

Jia You!
Hi missyscoripo, my IVF journey is similar to you. Before my 3rd fresh I discuss with Dr Tan HH. Decided to use puergon+saizen. As my 1st fresh I BFP using that but m/c too. 2nd fresh another med, didn't response well. 3rd fresh I use back the med +saizen but is short cycle. I took abt 3-4mths before I start my 3rd cycles. I consider low amh n cold womb. During then I Tiao my body with tcm, accupture, royal jelly and coq10. I strike. Jia you. I did tell myself is 3rd fresh no luck. I would have give up. During cycling, I less stressful n relax. I did brisk walk too. My health condition improved with a bit of excerise n also eat health
Is TMC better than KKIVF? Especially in terms of their embryologist department?

The reason why I'm asking is because the survival rate of a Day 2 embryo to Day 5 embryo seems higher for sisters with TMC based on a general impression i get when I read through the boards....
Hi dramaqueenie, I had a mc @ 5wks and bleed 4 weeks before it stopped. and after 20 days my menses came.
It come 22 days and 1st 16 days the flow was so light that just panty-liner will do it. I understand our cycles will go haywire for 1-2 cycles after the mc.

Hi Wondersss, how are you now?
Had my ET this morning and been having cramps & bloatedness. Even sharper crampings in e last hr. Anyone experienced tis before?
Is it too early to have this cramps?
It's normal dear... I also felt cramps for the last 2 days

I didnt have this kind of cramps during my fresh cycle 3 yrs ago. Then today its like this sharp pain that comes & go, cannot tahan. Haven even rest properly since, my toddler keeps asking me to play. Finally he sleeps and im gonna crash too..

Anyway when is ur BT? Mine is 16th Oct.. Cross fingers, arms, toes that this can be my sweetest bday-cum-anni gift ever. Hahah
Hello everyone,
I had cycling again after 5 years! previously i had some embryos left in tfc during my last fresh cycle.

would like to check with anyone here who are with TFC on FET cycle.

Q1) For those ladies who did blastocysts transf with Tfc, did the tfc embryologist update u all on a daily basis on the condition of the thawed embryos ?

Q2) Any of you did a D3 transf of thawed embryos ? Does that means that once the lab thaws the embryo, the embryo transfer will take place on the same day as the thawing ?

Thanks In Advance!
Is TMC better than KKIVF? Especially in terms of their embryologist department?

The reason why I'm asking is because the survival rate of a Day 2 embryo to Day 5 embryo seems higher for sisters with TMC based on a general impression i get when I read through the boards....
Hi, wld like to know too. Just spoke to a friend wife who did a cycle with KKIVF and trf to NUH. They told me that NUH is better especially after care service. NUH is less crowded and you feel more care taken as compared to hectic KKIVF.
when I went in yesterday (was 11dp2dt for me), nurse would not test saying it's still too early. They just gave a PIO jab. Earliest they would do BT for me is tomorrow. If spotting doesn't escalate to more bleeding, there is still better chance. Perhaps it is really still too early and it isnt over till it is over.
I know nothing I say may truly comfort you at this point. Have a good cry to vent it out if you need, talk to hubby and grief together and discuss next steps, then take a breather, do whatever help to take your mind away. Easier said than done, I really know that.
It is hard to hang on to that glimmer of hope and while we still have to try, I feel it also helps to cushion any final crush by having a plan B in mind.
Please take care. Stay strong and let's jia you together.
Lots of love and tight warm hug

Jia you to you too, BBDawn! Keeping fingers crossed for you.
I didnt have this kind of cramps during my fresh cycle 3 yrs ago. Then today its like this sharp pain that comes & go, cannot tahan. Haven even rest properly since, my toddler keeps asking me to play. Finally he sleeps and im gonna crash too..

Anyway when is ur BT? Mine is 16th Oct.. Cross fingers, arms, toes that this can be my sweetest bday-cum-anni gift ever. Hahah

Mine is 12th Oct :) Yours would be Day 5 transfer too, I reckon?

My cramps were on the 1st and 2nd day after Embryo Transfer. Today I got super sharp pains and the nurse said if I couldn't bear it, to go down to the hospital...Went down in tears but turned out it was colic! :confused: Usually we would say sway to kena colic but in this case, I was like thank heaven and thank earth... that it's not due to my beanie having problems!
Hi, wld like to know too. Just spoke to a friend wife who did a cycle with KKIVF and trf to NUH. They told me that NUH is better especially after care service. NUH is less crowded and you feel more care taken as compared to hectic KKIVF.
KKH's system is not quite customer-centric. It's efficient for them because we are handled like a line production. But it's inefficient and tiresome for the end users.
I am prepared to look past that as long as the professional standards are high. I think that the doctors are good, but I don't think anyone has done a comparison regarding the lab's abilities... and that can be a very important factor to look into especially when we are talking about the survival rate of the eggs/embryos we suffered so much to produce.
I wasn't even worrying until looking at the scan.. no hearbeat (yet) they say.. haiz... may be late implantation or just a no-go .. see la ... after bfp also have something to worry .
Hi Shortcake,
May I know how is ur hcg beta level like for the BT? My beta is pretty low and I'm worried I won't be able to see what I wish to see during my first scan after BFP. Just wanna prepare myself... Sigh
@ twinkletot,

Hi, Someone recommended TMC. But is hard to get a booking. Anyone has reviews on that too?
Eu Yan Seng paragon has a doc that specialised in fertility. But is super expensive

I don't trust Raffles with me and my husband bad experience.

Hi dear, u can try thomson medical center at NUH level 4 kent ridge wing.

Less crowd. And nice docs.
Hi, wld like to know too. Just spoke to a friend wife who did a cycle with KKIVF and trf to NUH. They told me that NUH is better especially after care service. NUH is less crowded and you feel more care taken as compared to hectic KKIVF.

Yes All my 2 cycles was at kkh.. n now at NUH.. nurses r much caring, explain with patience, doc are the ones who do the scans not the nurses. So we meet the doc each time we hav a scan appt.

Kkh- i only met them 2-3 times den on OR den ET den after blood test.
Din feel good thus the change.
Hi sisters, I don't know what is going on?!?!
So I have been having weird symptoms like sore boobs, heartburn, headaches etc.
Last night, after dinner, I took a hpt (not expired ones and 25miu non sensitive types) and the double line came up really fast and strong. Tested becos wanted to find out if the hcg is out of my system. Was staring at the result in toilet for 10 mins... Then I went out to buy a clearblue digital to use next morning with my first pee.
And so this morning, I took the digital and got the below result!!! Very stunned.
My beta is tdy (1 week after I passed out the fetal tissues and hcg dropped from 73 to 29) and I'm waiting for results. I told the nurse and she also went blur.


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Is it normal protocol to take the BT weekly? My Dr did once and did not request take again. I don't know if I should insist for a BT to be done everytime. I'm quite worried.
@the_spinsterella I think if your doctor stopped BT means you are progressing ok. I am not sure if this is an IVF protocol or just SGH. Patient is required to have weekly BT once BFP to monitor progesterone, estradiol and hcg. Have to go weekly till week 8 or until doctor says stop.
Hi sisters, I don't know what is going on?!?!
So I have been having weird symptoms like sore boobs, heartburn, headaches etc.
Last night, after dinner, I took a hpt (not expired ones and 25miu non sensitive types) and the double line came up really fast and strong. Tested becos wanted to find out if the hcg is out of my system. Was staring at the result in toilet for 10 mins... Then I went out to buy a clearblue digital to use next morning with my first pee.
And so this morning, I took the digital and got the below result!!! Very stunned.
My beta is tdy (1 week after I passed out the fetal tissues and hcg dropped from 73 to 29) and I'm waiting for results. I told the nurse and she also went blur.
Wow, @dramaqueenie! Praying for you...
I did my acupuncture with Dr Jin Jin Hua at Raffles Chinese Medicine and I bfp. She is a very nice lady.
I went to Dr Jin too! But switched to another physician when Dr Jin was away during my first IVF and had been with that physician since then. Still works well for me but Dr Jin is popular for IVF treatment. My friend who BFP on first try recommended her to me.
I just got the call and was told my beta is 2049.6!!!!
The nurse said she has ran thru the results with my doc, THH and he said one possible explanation for the drop then rise of hcg could be becos both embryos implanted, one did not stick but the other did. But before I could shout for joy, was told my doc is quite concerned abt the steep rise from 29 to 2049.6 and he would like to rule out molar pregnancy. Heading back to KKH now with heavy heart...
I wasn't even worrying until looking at the scan.. no hearbeat (yet) they say.. haiz... may be late implantation or just a no-go .. see la ... after bfp also have something to worry .
@shortcake2 Maybe still cannot see yet. It happens. When are you going back for scan again?

But you are right, every step of this journey is worrying. I remember after BFP have to worry about whether got heartbeat too. And then after heartbeat detected, subsequent visits you worry if heartbeat is ok all the way till week 12-13 when you have to do the Oscar test to make sure bb is healthy. But let's take one step at a time. Jiayou!
Hi sisters, I don't know what is going on?!?!
So I have been having weird symptoms like sore boobs, heartburn, headaches etc.
Last night, after dinner, I took a hpt (not expired ones and 25miu non sensitive types) and the double line came up really fast and strong. Tested becos wanted to find out if the hcg is out of my system. Was staring at the result in toilet for 10 mins... Then I went out to buy a clearblue digital to use next morning with my first pee.
And so this morning, I took the digital and got the below result!!! Very stunned.
My beta is tdy (1 week after I passed out the fetal tissues and hcg dropped from 73 to 29) and I'm waiting for results. I told the nurse and she also went blur.
Could it be that you may be having twins and one of them xxxx, left one in your body???
I just got the call and was told my beta is 2049.6!!!!
The nurse said she has ran thru the results with my doc, THH and he said one possible explanation for the drop then rise of hcg could be becos both embryos implanted, one did not stick but the other did. But before I could shout for joy, was told my doc is quite concerned abt the steep rise from 29 to 2049.6 and he would like to rule out molar pregnancy. Heading back to KKH now with heavy heart...
Jia you! Pray that all is smooth sailing for u. Do take care & rest well!!
Is there another physician at the same clinic? I made appt but nv request for Dr Tan
There's only one doc there. It's Dr Tan's clinic. And u need to make appt to ans to another sister query. I was there for close to 2 years. But sadly no result although hubby sperm count did improve.

Dr Tan work with CARE IVF centre to run SA. I like him as he is a gentle grandpa. There are many successful cases under him so hope u will be the next lucky patient. :)
Just cried otw to KKH. Ppl in the train cabin staring at me like a mad woman. Was overwhelmed by sudden emotions and mostly guilt. Since the passing of fetal tissues, honestly I haven't been taking care of my body. Stopped all supports, drank cold drinks, eat ice cream, raw sushi, junk food etc.
Just cried otw to KKH. Ppl in the train cabin staring at me like a mad woman. Was overwhelmed by sudden emotions and mostly guilt. Since the passing of fetal tissues, honestly I haven't been taking care of my body. Stopped all supports, drank cold drinks, eat ice cream, raw sushi, junk food etc.
Dont be - if it's meant to be yours, it will always be yours. No point crying now. Get the diagnosis and work from there.
Some pregnant women also consume cold drinks, caffine, ice cream and junk food, but the kids still turn out well.
Some Japanese pregnant women still whack raw sushi, but ok...so long as there's no salmonella.
Just cried otw to KKH. Ppl in the train cabin staring at me like a mad woman. Was overwhelmed by sudden emotions and mostly guilt. Since the passing of fetal tissues, honestly I haven't been taking care of my body. Stopped all supports, drank cold drinks, eat ice cream, raw sushi, junk food etc.
Yes... I know some still eat anything and everything and baby fine too

Of course, now you can resume back the proper diet.

@dramaqueenie big hugs to you, I can imagine your roller coaster of emotions, don't feel guilty, all the ladies here have nothing to feel guilty abt, cos we tried doubly n triply n 10x harder than most women to give our precious ones life, so chin up, n I sincerely hope your tears turn into tears of joy very very soon. Just to share, for my first 2 fresh where I bed rest until my backside turn moldy, strict diet, TCM etc -> big fat nothing. The 3rd fresh where I have basically zero expectations (coping mechanism in anticipation of another failure I guess), one wk after ET, right in the middle of my 2ww, I flew to US for 3 wks, travelled cross-country, dragged luggage, ate crappy unhealthy American food -> my boy is 9 mths old now. If it's meant to be, believe me the embryo is much more resilient than u think.

Just abit abt myself, since I'm embarking on this journey again soon. I failed 2 fresh n 2 FET (one m/c at 6 wks from a FET), I succeeded on my 3rd fresh w Prof Wong at NUH. I have an appt with him later this month to discuss abt another FET in Dec with my last 2 embbies.

Jia you ladies!
Just cried otw to KKH. Ppl in the train cabin staring at me like a mad woman. Was overwhelmed by sudden emotions and mostly guilt. Since the passing of fetal tissues, honestly I haven't been taking care of my body. Stopped all supports, drank cold drinks, eat ice cream, raw sushi, junk food etc.
Stay positive & strong! Rooting very hard for you! Jia you!
Just cried otw to KKH. Ppl in the train cabin staring at me like a mad woman. Was overwhelmed by sudden emotions and mostly guilt. Since the passing of fetal tissues, honestly I haven't been taking care of my body. Stopped all supports, drank cold drinks, eat ice cream, raw sushi, junk food etc.
Praying for the best for u.
Hope u bring us good updates.
Just cried otw to KKH. Ppl in the train cabin staring at me like a mad woman. Was overwhelmed by sudden emotions and mostly guilt. Since the passing of fetal tissues, honestly I haven't been taking care of my body. Stopped all supports, drank cold drinks, eat ice cream, raw sushi, junk food etc.
Don't blame yourself k? Dr Tan hh ever say if it's meant to be yours no matter what u do it will stay. My friend took raw beef, 1 went diving.. Bb is ok. you know the US programme, I didn't know I was pregnant, those women still drink alcohol. Bb is fine too.

I know it's hard not to blame oneself, but that's the only way I hope can cheer u up. :)
Just cried otw to KKH. Ppl in the train cabin staring at me like a mad woman. Was overwhelmed by sudden emotions and mostly guilt. Since the passing of fetal tissues, honestly I haven't been taking care of my body. Stopped all supports, drank cold drinks, eat ice cream, raw sushi, junk food etc.

Best of luck, dear. We are all rooting for you. Update us!

And DON't Blame yourself. Whatever you are feeling now, baby in you is feeling. Stay positive, stay happy!


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Thanks all, you girls rock!!
Am grateful for all the supports here.
Actually, truth be told, I'm one of those ladies who continued to have cold drinks, raw sushi and fast food etc with my natural pregnancies.
But after having to go thru ivf, the efforts, time, money spent, physical / emotional turmoil, the recent bloody episodes and passing out of fetal tissues etc etc, I think my emotions just got the better of me.
Waiting to take my detailed scan at the imaging and diagnostic centre on level 2 now.
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Thanks all, you girls rock!!
Am grateful for all the supports here.
Actually, truth be told, I'm one of those ladies who continued to have cold drinks, raw sushi and fast food etc with my natural pregnancies.
But after having to go thru ivf, the efforts, time, money spent, physical / emotional turmoil, the recent bloody episodes and passing out of fetal tissues etc etc, I think my emotions just got the better of me.
Waiting to take my detailed scan at the imaging and diagnostic centre on level 2 now.

Hi Hi

So happy for you !!! @dramaqueenie !!! Hope to get BB dust from you.
Tomorrow is my Beta Did natural FET with 2 blasties....today i tested it negative....wil be resting a few months before i try FET again...(must go see embryologist see if any survive....)
Feel disappointed but I will get over it I tell myself. It true what is your is your...what is not is not....no point forcing it....
I just got the call and was told my beta is 2049.6!!!!
The nurse said she has ran thru the results with my doc, THH and he said one possible explanation for the drop then rise of hcg could be becos both embryos implanted, one did not stick but the other did. But before I could shout for joy, was told my doc is quite concerned abt the steep rise from 29 to 2049.6 and he would like to rule out molar pregnancy. Heading back to KKH now with heavy heart...

That is wonderful news! :) Hope for the best for you!

Don't feel guilty. I think there are a lot of women out there who didn't know they were pregnant and took so many things and no harm came to the babe. In fact, my sister was cramping so much (when she BFP but she didn't know at the time) that she asked my nephew to step on her body including her stomach. But my niece came out perfectly fine! So don't worry.. if it's meant to be, no matter what, it's meant to be! Jiayou!
@the_spinsterella I think if your doctor stopped BT means you are progressing ok. I am not sure if this is an IVF protocol or just SGH. Patient is required to have weekly BT once BFP to monitor progesterone, estradiol and hcg. Have to go weekly till week 8 or until doctor says stop.

ooh then I will ask my Dr. Cos she only took during the BT and I didn't see her since then. Will only be gg tomorrow. Your scan is tomorrow too right? All the best! :)
Mine is 12th Oct :) Yours would be Day 5 transfer too, I reckon?

My cramps were on the 1st and 2nd day after Embryo Transfer. Today I got super sharp pains and the nurse said if I couldn't bear it, to go down to the hospital...Went down in tears but turned out it was colic! :confused: Usually we would say sway to kena colic but in this case, I was like thank heaven and thank earth... that it's not due to my beanie having problems!

Mine is a day 2 transfer.
Felt much better today, it could prob just be the after-effect of ET i experienced.
Hehehe yah, thank god. All the best!!

Tomorrow is my Beta Did natural FET with 2 blasties....today i tested it negative....wil be resting a few months before i try FET again...(must go see embryologist see if any survive....)
Feel disappointed but I will get over it I tell myself. It true what is your is your...what is not is not....no point forcing it....
Keep the positivity & stay strong! Jia you!

Confirmed my BT negative & seen Dr and also spoken to embryologist. Will rest this cycle & go for day 5 blasties FET in Nov.

All the best to all. Let's all jia you!
