IVF/ICSI Support Group

Although I'm not with Dr Zhao from Raffles, but I did both Ba Guan and Acupuncture on the same day. Not really a painful process but perhaps just discomfort for me because of the suction. After that, you will feel your body light and relaxing.

I think that for acupuncture is more on balancing one's Qi in the body, hence enhancing the blood circulation, while for Ba Guan, is to dispel the coldness ("Qu Feng") and stagnant blood. With both combination, personally I feel more warm and lighter especially the uterus area.

Sometime, I would added on with 'Guan Sha' to detox my body :D

I thought they have to do guan sha b4 they start ba guan?

Yes, accu the front then ba guan the back on same visit. When the glass is placed over ur skin, it creates a vacuum & sucks ur skin in, there ll b a few seconds of discomfort. Other than tat, no pain. Quite relaxing after the glasses r removed.

I hv done ba guan many times before for my other injuries.. There is nothing worrying & scary abt ba guan. & Dr Zhao is an experienced doc, so don't worry yah.. Juz close ur eyes & zz, which I always do, coz too tired after work :)

I read tt ba guan is good for clearing stagnant blood & promoting blood circulation for our Qi to flow..

Thank you for your info:D
Only at 2dp2dt... Time seems to be crawling.....

Bb pony, some sisters get AF with inserts. So I believe it doesn't stop AF. But some sisters here have AF reported later because of the inserts. Different ppl, diff reaction.
Only at 2dp2dt... Time seems to be crawling.....

Bb pony, some sisters get AF with inserts. So I believe it doesn't stop AF. But some sisters here have AF reported later because of the inserts. Different ppl, diff reaction.

Time will pass fast.... It will be BT soon. Is this your 1st fresh?
Only at 2dp2dt... Time seems to be crawling.....

Bb pony, some sisters get AF with inserts. So I believe it doesn't stop AF. But some sisters here have AF reported later because of the inserts. Different ppl, diff reaction.
Absolutely understand your feeling. Hang in there. When is your BT?
They told me E2 below 200 then can start stimulation. I am getting disheartened. 3 weeks into my injection. Wonder if I can progress further.
Hi some ppl take longer to downregulate... I took nearly a month. E2 will eventually drop. U can check with ur doctor if he wants u to continue the lucrin. My doctor told me to abandon cycle in the end and use short cycle the next time (my E2 did drop to below 200 but period didn't come).
Sisters anyone used pergovoris as stim? Hiw was response pls.
Hi mesara hope u have been well. I used pergoveris. It worked for me but I do notice everytime I use it the no. of eggs seem to be quite little... Not sure why also.
Time will pass fast.... It will be BT soon. Is this your 1st fresh?
Bb pony, I wish....

This is my 3rd fresh already.... I feel that my Ivf journey is depressing.....

1st fresh - 2 embryo
2nd fresh - 2 embryo
3rd fresh - 1 embryo (average grade, plus I'm coughing)

Haiz.... When can I succeed...
30th March..... Long way.....
It's very boring at home... Dunno wat to do. Any suggestions??
I watched TV, read books, surf net... For me time passes very fast as I hardly have time to do all these at home. And I enjoyed the days off from work. It's a luxury for me. Haha! But then on the 2nd week I did go out for meals... Like I'll go breakfast with my parents then go dinner with my hubby and sometimes go supermarket to do grocery shopping... So not that difficult to pass time.
Bb pony, I wish....

This is my 3rd fresh already.... I feel that my Ivf journey is depressing.....

1st fresh - 2 embryo
2nd fresh - 2 embryo
3rd fresh - 1 embryo (average grade, plus I'm coughing)

Haiz.... When can I succeed...

This is my 2nd fresh too. Think we need to stay positive though I know it is tough
I watched TV, read books, surf net... For me time passes very fast as I hardly have time to do all these at home. And I enjoyed the days off from work. It's a luxury for me. Haha! But then on the 2nd week I did go out for meals... Like I'll go breakfast with my parents then go dinner with my hubby and sometimes go supermarket to do grocery shopping... So not that difficult to pass time.

Same here as well! Spend more time with my parents, doing voluntary work to make life more meaningful and happy :)
I hv juz done my ET n offically on 2ww...but planning to go back ofc on nxt mon..

Can i chk if we can take any tcm med during the 2ww? And if we can take both chix essence n LGRD the same day? Thanks.
I hv juz done my ET n offically on 2ww...but planning to go back ofc on nxt mon..

Can i chk if we can take any tcm med during the 2ww? And if we can take both chix essence n LGRD the same day? Thanks.
Welcome jas! Transferred how many? Got frozen?
I hv juz done my ET n offically on 2ww...but planning to go back ofc on nxt mon..

Can i chk if we can take any tcm med during the 2ww? And if we can take both chix essence n LGRD the same day? Thanks.
Jiayou & have a good rest. Whether to take TCM herbs depends on individual. I do take an tai Yao in my last cycle. But there are some who don't take at all. Taking LRDT & chicken essence is fine as long as your body can take it. Some pple can't take it as too heaty. & if u are taking TCM actually no need to take other tonic.
Jiayou & have a good rest. Whether to take TCM herbs depends on individual. I do take an tai Yao in my last cycle. But there are some who don't take at all. Taking LRDT & chicken essence is fine as long as your body can take it. Some pple can't take it as too heaty. & if u are taking TCM actually no need to take other tonic.
Thanks hopeful 13....I think i wl juz take chicken essence n LRDT...thanks for ur advice :)
Hi, i think i am gone case. I saw red today. Now e bleeding stop. I am at day11 past transfer
I ALWAYS start spotting 5 days before AF (be it iui/ivf/natural cycle). So I never believed in implantation bleeding...
So when I started spotting ard the same time for my recent FET, I cried like anything...then bam! Bfp during BT!
So now I BELIEVE!!
Hi mesara hope u have been well. I used pergoveris. It worked for me but I do notice everytime I use it the no. of eggs seem to be quite little... Not sure why also.
Hi gal this is what worries me. I am considered low amh after lap. Dont know what is the number. Have to do bt. I did one lap last feb and one in dec. My first cycle was short protocol gonal f for 7 eggs and second puregon and menopur got 16 eggs. Now i scared used pergovoris. Shall discuss with doc and decide. Its the quality and not the quantity i know but still number low is worrying.some sisters used pergovoris with menopur. All depends on response. Diff people different. Its all luck man.
Hi gal this is what worries me. I am considered low amh after lap. Dont know what is the number. Have to do bt. I did one lap last feb and one in dec. My first cycle was short protocol gonal f for 7 eggs and second puregon and menopur got 16 eggs. Now i scared used pergovoris. Shall discuss with doc and decide. Its the quality and not the quantity i know but still number low is worrying.some sisters used pergovoris with menopur. All depends on response. Diff people different. Its all luck man.
Ya i think it is really luck. My first try with pergoveris was bfn...
But actually i think u don't need to worry cos ur egg yield is qt good. Mine is always like 2 viable eggs...
Bb pony, I wish....

This is my 3rd fresh already.... I feel that my Ivf journey is depressing.....

1st fresh - 2 embryo
2nd fresh - 2 embryo
3rd fresh - 1 embryo (average grade, plus I'm coughing)

Haiz.... When can I succeed...
Try to stay postive... I also every fresh cycle only 1 or 2 embryos. Unforunately just means we have to do more fresh cycles but doesn't mean we cannot succeed. Just use the 2ww to rest, eat, watch tv etc ok! :)
Hi gal this is what worries me. I am considered low amh after lap. Dont know what is the number. Have to do bt. I did one lap last feb and one in dec. My first cycle was short protocol gonal f for 7 eggs and second puregon and menopur got 16 eggs. Now i scared used pergovoris. Shall discuss with doc and decide. Its the quality and not the quantity i know but still number low is worrying.some sisters used pergovoris with menopur. All depends on response. Diff people different. Its all luck man.
Mesara, how r u? It's good to know u still can have so many eggs retrieved despite low AMH. Mine is never more than 3....
Hi gal this is what worries me. I am considered low amh after lap. Dont know what is the number. Have to do bt. I did one lap last feb and one in dec. My first cycle was short protocol gonal f for 7 eggs and second puregon and menopur got 16 eggs. Now i scared used pergovoris. Shall discuss with doc and decide. Its the quality and not the quantity i know but still number low is worrying.some sisters used pergovoris with menopur. All depends on response. Diff people different. Its all luck man.
Hi mesara, i was initially on 2 vials of pergoveris but the 2nd scan result was not v gd...doctor said "eggs r not growing as expected" thus i was given 2 vials of pergoveris and 100 units of gonal f...n 3rd scan result yield more eggs wif gonal f...
Sisters, I had my first appt with TCM Dr TSB few days back and just started her med yesterday.

Today I'm feeling unwell including - reduced appetite, nausea (feel like vomiting but didn't ), little diarrhoea. like a milder version of what i went thru after my last ER.

My 2nd fresh in jan/feb was unsuccessful. TSB advised me not to rush into fet as theres a lot of 'chemicals ' in my body now. I wonder if this is some reaction to flushing of ivf meds from my body by the TCM meds.

Is there any sister who feel unwell after starting on TCM meds?

When i went for my Pregnyl tonight, has another scare as nurse told me i didn't take blood test in the morning. For a moment i thought my cycle will be aborted Then the nurse said is ok, she can do it for me
Sisters, I had my first appt with TCM Dr TSB few days back and just started her med yesterday.

Today I'm feeling unwell including - reduced appetite, nausea (feel like vomiting but didn't ), little diarrhoea. like a milder version of what i went thru after my last ER.

My 2nd fresh in jan/feb was unsuccessful. TSB advised me not to rush into fet as theres a lot of 'chemicals ' in my body now. I wonder if this is some reaction to flushing of ivf meds from my body by the TCM meds.

Is there any sister who feel unwell after starting on TCM meds?

Hihi, i have been seeing her since Aug 14. So far so good, i dun feel unwell. In fact, my body seems to improve after 2 to 3 mths. Jia you... probably need some time to adjust...
Sisters, I had my first appt with TCM Dr TSB few days back and just started her med yesterday.

Today I'm feeling unwell including - reduced appetite, nausea (feel like vomiting but didn't ), little diarrhoea. like a milder version of what i went thru after my last ER.

My 2nd fresh in jan/feb was unsuccessful. TSB advised me not to rush into fet as theres a lot of 'chemicals ' in my body now. I wonder if this is some reaction to flushing of ivf meds from my body by the TCM meds.

Is there any sister who feel unwell after starting on TCM meds?

@HappyPeanuts, did u take the meds on empty stomach? Try to take immediately after food. I don't see TSB but the TCM I see always advise to eat after food as those stomach no gd pple, may get gastric discomfort if take on empty stomach.
Hi girls is a natural FET better than a medicated one if I m ovulating regularly n lining is ok? My periods got messed up by the fresh ivf for several cycles and I can't track ovulation now. I m sure I ovulate every cycle but it has become 37 days instead of my usual 31 days. The doc suggests medicated but I think I m jumping into it without waiting for my cycle to b normal.
Hi mesara, i was initially on 2 vials of pergoveris but the 2nd scan result was not v gd...doctor said "eggs r not growing as expected" thus i was given 2 vials of pergoveris and 100 units of gonal f...n 3rd scan result yield more eggs wif gonal f...

Eeeeee.. I m on 2 vials of pergoveris now too.. 2nd scan is on thurs.. Now I m starting to tink if I should had insisted on gonal f (I used gonal f during fresh #1 4 years back)..

May I know how many days apart was ur 2nd & 3rd scan to see the improved results?
Good morning, ladies.
I'm on my day 6 of menapur. Tomorrow going for second U/S. I was prepared to feel bloated and heavy, but nothing happens. Literally nothing.
I only feel more tired than average, very sleepy, but maybe that's because I've got low blood pressure, it happened before stimulation too. Did anyone felt like this during stimulation?

So now I'm worried that my body is immune to stimulation since nothing happens. Hopefully will hear some good news tomorrow.
Good morning, ladies.
I'm on my day 6 of menapur. Tomorrow going for second U/S. I was prepared to feel bloated and heavy, but nothing happens. Literally nothing.
I only feel more tired than average, very sleepy, but maybe that's because I've got low blood pressure, it happened before stimulation too. Did anyone felt like this during stimulation?

So now I'm worried that my body is immune to stimulation since nothing happens. Hopefully will hear some good news tomorrow.
I also had ZERO feeling during treatment (bloating after ER that's all) & thought my body was not responding.
Guess we are one of the lucky ones with no side effects.

Eeeeee.. I m on 2 vials of pergoveris now too.. 2nd scan is on thurs.. Now I m starting to tink if I should had insisted on gonal f (I used gonal f during fresh #1 4 years back)..

May I know how many days apart was ur 2nd & 3rd scan to see the improved results?
Hi queenie, my 2nd & 3rd scan was 3 days apart. N this is my first fresh...my 2nd scan i hv 5 eggs n 3rd scan i got 9 eggs wif gonal f...
