IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi all.
wonder if anyone could tell me, on which day did you have oocyte retrieval (usually day 12, 13 or 14, i believe)?
what day was your last scan before retrieval?
hi all.
wonder if anyone could tell me, on which day did you have oocyte retrieval (usually day 12, 13 or 14, i believe)?
what day was your last scan before retrieval?

hi, my ER is on day 14. Last scan is day 11. I think the dr would usually have planned the ivf schedule with medicine such as nor-e. the dr will also target which follicles will likely to produce matured eggs for ER
oic,any difference between hsg and hysterography? a bit confusing..its to do either 1 rite ad e purpose is to acceas blocked tube and adhesion?

Hi connie_hopeful, the hsg is to check on the tube. They inject dye through your womb and see if the dye flow through the tube. The SIS is to check the womb cavity and this they inject saline. In my opinion, hsg cramp is slightly more painful than SIS. Hope this helps!
hi jklim,which procedure is for which? block tube is hsg and adhesion is hystrography? i believed checking for polyp n fabriod is e normal tranvirginal scan ya?

Checking the lining of the womb is called SIS, ie Saline Infusion Sonohysterography. U can google online what's can the check detect. It does not just check adhesion, ie scarring. It also checks for polyps, emdometrosis, etc. Polyps can be so tiny tt may not appear clearly under normal transvagina scan.

Blocked tube check is HSG, ie hysterosalpingogram.
Hi ladies, I'm on my way to KKH for my first scan. After blood test n scan, need see review doc? Normally how many days of jab they will give? TIA!
thanks hopeful13 and jklim for e information. it helps and i understand le. i think hsg is a redundant test for ladies who confirm need to undergo icsi or ivf or conception,since ivf overcome block tube issues..
Although I was scheduled for ivf, I was still fixed with HSG. It may not seem necessary for ivf but I think it's still good to do one in case you're trying natural in between the ivfs. I mean good to know what's happening in our body.

Connie_hopeful have your started your ivf?
For ladies taking immunocol, what do u take it with? How would you dissolve the powder? It's so hard to dissolve and very foamy.
thanks hopeful13 and jklim for e information. it helps and i understand le. i think hsg is a redundant test for ladies who confirm need to undergo icsi or ivf or conception,since ivf overcome block tube issues..

Hi i understand from my gynae sometimes HSG will help to clear some impurities in the womb...
Although I was scheduled for ivf, I was still fixed with HSG. It may not seem necessary for ivf but I think it's still good to do one in case you're trying natural in between the ivfs. I mean good to know what's happening in our body.

Connie_hopeful have your started your ivf?
hello redvel, not yet but giving a 2nd icsi try soon starting all over e initial doc visiting in july. i be visiting kkh with referrel letter following week. next week go tcm to hopefully tiao e body to try for a better luck after resting for 3 cycles since e last failed :)
Hi i understand from my gynae sometimes HSG will help to clear some impurities in the womb...
tough being a woman..need to geared up to be strong to attain a little bb dream..with no garauntees on e success despite e multiple injections and various tests..but anyway, lets continue to jiayou and pray hard for miracles, esp for those without our 1st bb yet!
Although I was scheduled for ivf, I was still fixed with HSG. It may not seem necessary for ivf but I think it's still good to do one in case you're trying natural in between the ivfs. I mean good to know what's happening in our body.

Connie_hopeful have your started your ivf?
natural is not possible for my case..icsi is e only route for that little ray of hope or try of luck, according to doctor. anyway, will see wat e doc says and has in plans for us this following week :) redVel,yrs starting soon on endo scratch, all e best! :)
Hi ladies, I'm on my way to KKH for my first scan. After blood test n scan, need see review doc? Normally how many days of jab they will give? TIA!

Hi @tsf0205.. Your first scan mean you come full flow menses and go scan?
If yes, then no need to see review doc... The nurse in scanning room will tell you.. The reception will follow up to you and inform you to go take medicine for jab... If not wrong they will give ard 10days jab...
natural is not possible for my case..icsi is e only route for that little ray of hope or try of luck, according to doctor. anyway, will see wat e doc says and has in plans for us this following week :) redVel,yrs starting soon on endo scratch, all e best! :)

Busy weeks ahead of ya. Go go go Connie.

Oh yes next Monday is scratchy time. My hubby asks am I sure I could drive home after that. I told him what's the procedure like but he thinks it should be painful and can feel nasty. He said he can take leave to be there but I really think not necessary. But he is scaring me lol. The scratch is really ok one right?
Hi @tsf0205.. Your first scan mean you come full flow menses and go scan?
If yes, then no need to see review doc... The nurse in scanning room will tell you.. The reception will follow up to you and inform you to go take medicine for jab... If not wrong they will give ard 10days jab...
Thanks pupni. Finished my scan and blood test. However was told to wait 2-3 hours for blood test result before gg back to see if I can start.
Busy weeks ahead of ya. Go go go Connie.

Oh yes next Monday is scratchy time. My hubby asks am I sure I could drive home after that. I told him what's the procedure like but he thinks it should be painful and can feel nasty. He said he can take leave to be there but I really think not necessary. But he is scaring me lol. The scratch is really ok one right?
It's ok for me.. I even drive myself home after that..
No. It's on second.

Has anyone here proceeded with Ivf with cyst? My scan found cyst...
How big is your cyst? Your doc will be able to advise whether to proceed or to remove cyst first. My cyst was almost 5cm so doc advise to remove before starting 1st cycle ivf bcos it's too big. After giving birth found another cyst but it's less than 2cm so she said no need remove. Do discuss with your doc. I think it depends on what type of cysts too.
Hi everyone :) I'm new to this forum. Been ttc for 2yrs with 2 failed SO-IUI, 1 Fresh cycle & 1 FET. Will be doing my 3rd round of FET early next month. Hoping to make some new friends and get some support here as it is really difficult to find friends/ family who understand what we are going through... Most of them have no problem conceiving. Oh ya, I am with SF Loh at Thomson.
Hi Littlems, welcome!! Ivf is a very tough and lonely journey. All of us here understands and will support one another. Feel free to come and chat with us.

Are u seeing any Chinese physician to tiao body first before trying again? Did you review with Dr Loh what might be the potential problem for the failed cycle?
Hi everyone :) I'm new to this forum. Been ttc for 2yrs with 2 failed SO-IUI, 1 Fresh cycle & 1 FET. Will be doing my 3rd round of FET early next month. Hoping to make some new friends and get some support here as it is really difficult to find friends/ family who understand what we are going through... Most of them have no problem conceiving. Oh ya, I am with SF Loh at Thomson.
is this yr first ivf attempt with sf loh?
I drink it with H20. I tried putting h20 a little by a little. Don't stir too hard. Use powder to fold into the water and squash. Fold and squash.
Thanks! How many packs do u take a day? I will probably mix with ensure plus. The recommendation for adults is 2 pkt/day. Thinking of drinking all at one shot. Haahaa
Hi Littlems, welcome!! Ivf is a very tough and lonely journey. All of us here understands and will support one another. Feel free to come and chat with us.

Are u seeing any Chinese physician to tiao body first before trying again? Did you review with Dr Loh what might be the potential problem for the failed cycle?

Hi pinkdoll :) yes, I'm doing acupuncture at Thomson Chinese Medicine for about 3mths before I did my 2nd round. Unfortunately didn't work... Maybe needs more time to tiao. Dr Loh said it's probably due to implantation failure as embryos looked good before ET. My big issue is PCOS... small issues are fibroid & polyps (which have been removed) and sometimes Dr Loh say my lining "not so good" but he also didn't diagnose me with endo... confused. Haha...

Hi connie_hopeful :) nope... Did all my IUI & IVF with Dr Loh. The next round will probably be my last try for awhile as IVF at Thomson is really ex w/o govt funding :( Praying very hard that the next round is successful.
Hi pinkdoll :) yes, I'm doing acupuncture at Thomson Chinese Medicine for about 3mths before I did my 2nd round. Unfortunately didn't work... Maybe needs more time to tiao. Dr Loh said it's probably due to implantation failure as embryos looked good before ET. My big issue is PCOS... small issues are fibroid & polyps (which have been removed) and sometimes Dr Loh say my lining "not so good" but he also didn't diagnose me with endo... confused. Haha...

Hi connie_hopeful :) nope... Did all my IUI & IVF with Dr Loh. The next round will probably be my last try for awhile as IVF at Thomson is really ex w/o govt funding :( Praying very hard that the next round is successful.

Dr Loh nvr introduce you to TCM Dr Tan Siew Buoy meh? You can try to get her medicine to tio your body before going for your FET?
Littlems, I also see TSB for both my IVF cycles. Below is her contact that I got from previous post in this forum. Just to let you know that her waiting queue can be quite long. But for our BFP, no matter how long I will also wait so long as it works.

Clinic 1: NTU Chinese Medicine Clinic
60 Nanyang Drive SBS-01s-68
Singapore 637551
Tel: 65921732/ 65921733 (By appointment)
Consulting hr: 8.30am to 12.30pm (Mon, Wed, Fri) & 1.30 to 4.30pm (Tue & Thurs)

Clinic 2: Health & Beauty Pte Ltd, Traditional chinese medicine centre
No. 38 upper cross st,
Singapore 058341
Tel: 65344131 (By appointment)
Consulting hr: 3pm to 8pm(Mon, wed & fri)

*Remember when making appt time, must mention Dr Tan Siew Buoy name.
No leh... He nvr.... He knows I'm doing acupuncture. Where is this Dr?

Dr TSB said sometimes Dr Loh SF will recommend patients to her... since you have not tried TCM medicine, you can try to consult her...

Not sure if you are able to secure an appointment with her...since your FET is early next month... you call them and said you are going for FET soon and would like to consult Dr TSB. Or you may want to consider postpone your FET to another month so that you can at least take the TCM for a month.
Yes littlems, I agree with ecym. Do not rush. Tiao your body first. You should also be taking folic acid already. Not sure if you took Brazilian nuts during 2ww. If not you can try. It's supposed to help with implantation.
Yes littlems, I agree with ecym. Do not rush. Tiao your body first. You should also be taking folic acid already. Not sure if you took Brazilian nuts during 2ww. If not you can try. It's supposed to help with implantation.

Thanks for all the info and advice ladies. Guess I will go ahead with the upcoming FET first as I just did hysteroscopy to remove polyps & endo scratching. If not, it will be kind of wasted since I have alr done the procedure to try to improve implantation.

If this round still don't work, will probably try...

Btw, anyone did intralipid infusion for IVF before?
Thanks! How many packs do u take a day? I will probably mix with ensure plus. The recommendation for adults is 2 pkt/day. Thinking of drinking all at one shot. Haahaa
I took 3 packs a day. morning, afternoon and night. After er, I usually have ohss so I start starting like mid way of stimulation. After er, straight away drink one pack. Brought a can of h20, cup and spoon to make on the spot. Same for et day. Once transfer then down a packet. Just psychologically trying to go what I can yo reduce bloating
Hi pinkdoll :) yes, I'm doing acupuncture at Thomson Chinese Medicine for about 3mths before I did my 2nd round. Unfortunately didn't work... Maybe needs more time to tiao. Dr Loh sd robably due to implantation failure as embryos looked good before ET. My big issue is PCOS... small issues are fibroid & polyps (which have been removed) and sometimes Dr Loh say my lining "not so good" but he also didn't diagnose me with endo... confused. Haha...

Hi connie_hopeful :) nope... Did all my IUI & IVF with Dr Loh. The next round will probably be my last try for awhile as IVF at Thomson is really ex w/o govt funding :( Praying very hard that the next round is successful.
agree that private is a money killer for failed cycles. if successful , then still not so heartpain. I have switch to restructured hospital from last failed from private cos of the private exorbident cost that will be rolling for new cycle. saving the $ instead to try TSB TCM to tiao for this new attempt. all e best to myself.
All the best to you littlems, been to sf loh once for advise and think he is quite experienced. actually, wanted to try him for 2nd try but was pulled back due to cost consideration :) maybe u make some adjustment to diet. some sisters here try brazil nuts etc which seems to work for them.
agree that private is a money killer for failed cycles. if successful , then still not so heartpain. I have switch to restructured hospital from last failed from private cos of the private exorbident cost that will be rolling for new cycle. saving the $ instead to try TSB TCM to tiao for this new attempt. all e best to myself.
All the best to you littlems, been to sf loh once for advise and think he is quite experienced. actually, wanted to try him for 2nd try but was pulled back due to cost consideration :) maybe u make some adjustment to diet. some sisters here try brazil nuts etc which seems to work for them.

Hi connie_hopeful, agree with u... very tough for us ladies... Try diet change, exercise, stress mgmt and pay so much $$ for treatment but yet so difficult to conceive. Thankful for this support group so that we can spur each other on. All the best to u too! Jiayou!
Hi ladies, I am also new to this forum. Aged 39 trying for our first kid. Will be going for ivf in two months time. Currently seeing a tcm to tiao my body. trying to eat healthily and exercise too but sometimes I cannot resist cold drinks :( that is my only weakness
Hi ladies, I am also new to this forum. Aged 39 trying for our first kid. Will be going for ivf in two months time. Currently seeing a tcm to tiao my body. trying to eat healthily and exercise too but sometimes I cannot resist cold drinks :( that is my only weakness
Hi @momocrv.. We're very similar.. 39 but just BFN my first fresh.. And cold drinks is my weakest link..
Elo everyone...

I am selling away my balance of Immunocal of abt 29 packets. Expiring on 02/15 @ $80.

Giving away 3 tabs of conceive well tablets but expiring in Aug 2014 though.

Self collect. Please pm me if interested.

Thanks & Take care all
Hi @momocrv.. Yup.. I'll be back for my FET soon.. I'm seeing TSB now.. Hv been seeing her since Aug 2012.. What about you?.. Who are you seeing for ur TCM?
How long do u have to wait for your next round of FET? I heard TSB q is quite long....I went to see dr zou in amk for two months but after taking her meds and accu my cycles went hay-wired so I changed to Tang Shan medical at Marine Parade. I prefer this place much better as the meds is custom based on ur body condition and best of all...no q ;)
How long do u have to wait for your next round of FET? I heard TSB q is quite long....I went to see dr zou in amk for two months but after taking her meds and accu my cycles went hay-wired so I changed to Tang Shan medical at Marine Parade. I prefer this place much better as the meds is custom based on ur body condition and best of all...no q ;)
Some ladies told me after 2-3 AF cycles.. I hvnt gone to see THH yet.. My appt with him will be on 25 Jul.. Will discuss with him when I can do my FET..

Ya.. TSB very long queue.. But our body condition stabilise after seeing her.. DH's soldiers improved.. My body used to be those cooling type and had to track BBT.. But after seeing her.. My body bcome better.. Can track BBT and also spot ovulation easier..
Thanks for all the info and advice ladies. Guess I will go ahead with the upcoming FET first as I just did hysteroscopy to remove polyps & endo scratching. If not, it will be kind of wasted since I have alr done the procedure to try to improve implantation.

If this round still don't work, will probably try...

Btw, anyone did intralipid infusion for IVF before?

Not only Brazil nut, u can try red bean soup n red date with Wolfberry tea as is good for lining too...

Some ladies told me after 2-3 AF cycles.. I hvnt gone to see THH yet.. My appt with him will be on 25 Jul.. Will discuss with him when I can do my FET..

Ya.. TSB very long queue.. But our body condition stabilise after seeing her.. DH's soldiers improved.. My body used to be those cooling type and had to track BBT.. But after seeing her.. My body bcome better.. Can track BBT and also spot ovulation easier..
That's good as long as improvement then we should continue....keep us posted after your doc appt :)
My body is heaty type so a lot of food I cannot take....not even durian ><
Are u also taking immunocal?
