IVF/ICSI Support Group

Lian and Sparkles: Poss will monitor and possibly call KKH tmr. Now they also close. Now seeing red is like a norm for me. Now monitoring how often I need to change liner.

Babydream: Nopers, I didnt do urine test at all. I went to TCM doc on Sat. She says no preggie pulse. Was going to test on Sun morning but hubby says don't waste the stick. Just wait til blood test which is in three days, since it is more accurate.
Dots - I was on proluton jab becos my hormones not enuff.. But i did the urine test today n its negative. I guess i will need to wait till my bt which is on thurs. U better go back kkh ask them give u support since ur hormones also not enuff. JY ar!!
Ok! Will call them tmr morning.

Ask you all silly question, this is considered bfp? The nurse didnt give that impression. Seems to me like not sure yet. Cos hcg at 30+ levels. Need to test again on wednesday before we know.
rightfully considered pregnant. But if ur hcg dropped, means u miscarriaged becos not enuff female hormones to support the baby. Tts y they have to give u enuff support. Y not call the o&g 24hr see if they can give u the jab immediately? At least u dun risk till tmr. Go all out to protect since ur hcg is there.
Dots: 30+ still considered pregnant, but it is indeed on the low side. Did that check ur progesterone level too? i had a cycle bfp at 24.5 too, didnt turn out too well. Hopefully you will have a better outcome. Dun give up! See how ur blood test go on wed. Jy!
Oh, so scary! No one picks up the phone at o&g one. Called yesterday when flow was quite bad but no answer one. So I just waited til this morning to call kkivf. Nopers, they never check progesterone. Just hcg.
Dots: just pm-ed u.
Nervous babe: thanks! Will keep fighting!

My tcm doc advised to have bei qi, dang shen, huan shan, du zhong, wolfberries, red dates. Dunno if suitable for everyone or customised for me. I have a very cold body constituition. Aircon or fan blow also will have backaches
Dots just to share with you. A colleague of mine had spotting and bleeding with hcg 37. She went to Mount E a&e and they gave her support jab. She just cross over her first trimester. So be hopeful and visit private hospital a&e if u can
Fashion spree, winniepooh & Melosdis,

Wow... Time zapped pass n now u r cycling for ur no.2s & 3.
I hv no guts to try for no.2 as yet cos I m still battling with thyriod ...

Best wishes n hope that u all can pour buckets of babies dusts on me n all the rest here who needs to go through this arduous path to motherhood.
Dots: anything above 5 is a bfp.. As Sara mentioned, you have other resource open to you.. Do use them.. All the best!

Magical: sorry to hear.. Take a rest, recall and hope to see you back again soon. (Hugs)
Dots: I should have learn from u to be perseverance till the end. Now I feel I give up too early. :p hope u suceed n pls get ur support jab early.
I think kkh is lack of giving additional support for ladies who r spotting or bleeding. Seem like we have to insist to get it. Is not like we r not going to pay them rite. :S
Twinstars,magical, dot and everybody else,

I went to the hospital bright and early did the test and they told me is BFN.

Unlike my previous cycles where I had AF before the blood test then know likely gone case.

But this time no AF at all even until now... But the test result is still negative. The NUH nurse didn't tell me what is my reading. Just say negative. I have done 3 cycles Liao and I have no frozen embies.

What is heaven so unfair to me? I have no choice but to accept.

So for the ladies, no AF doesn't mean it's positive.
Judebabe, just wanna give u a pat on ur shoulder for trying ur best. No regrets, ag least u tried. *hugs*

Sometimes, good things come when u least expect it, tt's y they called surprises.

U have tried 3 times with govt hosp? Will u consider switching to private?

Whatever it is, take a break and take some time to think abt ur plans. *hugs again*
Judebabe - I feel u. This is my 3rd fresh too.. I told my hubby, for every failed cycle, I feel tt We r 1 step closer. At least We have each other's support. U too! U have ur hubby support. =)
It is indeed very heart breaking. I totally agree that it's mentally, physically n financially draining. My 3 cycles I've spent more than $40k. I've even quitted my job to try this round.

We have already come so far. Rest for a couple of mths n come back even stronger. Do u have any frozen embryos? Have u used up all the govt grant?
Thanks all for the advice. Went to a&e cos bleeding more (stained shorts) and very crampy. Basically at the stage that we cant do anything except relax and pray.

If embryo grows, hcg level will go up. If embryo weak, nature/ body will just expel it out like normal period. And hcg level falls.

No extra support will help. Actually doc explained that duphaston and utrogestan is enough. Any more does not help the embryo. Really depends on fighting spirit of embryo.

So yeah, gonna continue my fight. Say my prayers, lie in bed. Just drank my black chicken soup and have sweet dreams sisters!
Judebabe: sorry to hear.. (Hugs).. It's ok to feel sad .. For my previous cycles that failed, I didn't have AF until I stop the supports too. As you said it, this is a step forward for u now in comparison to your previous cycles! Ivf is a journey of opportunity to have a bb with unknown outcome.. This is true for all brave-heartened ones who took up this adventure .. You are a brave heart ok. same goes w Magical. Take time to recollect and gather the new knowledge learnt from this cycle and plan what's going to be ahead for you. Cheering you gals on ya!

Dots: I salute you and marvel at your persistence.. Well done!!
Morning ladies. Going to work. Insomnia, been awake since 2 plus, super tired. I've got persistent cramps since ytd. So worrying. Today is 8dp5dt.

Dots, jia you! You shd really bedrest if u can.
Sleepy gal: it depends from person to person. Look at your bbt chart and you might see your trend. Usually lengthen by a few days for me and the cycle after failed cycle usually the chart don't look the usual.
Dandelion: enjoy your work today but do be careful with your movement. When is your BT? If u will want to test, tmr can do so le.
Dots: u have done well so far. Continue to pray and have 平常心吧. You have done all u could already. Continue to hang in there. *hugs*

Judebabe: sorry to hear ur bfn. Take some time off bah. Come back n fight again when u are ready? I understand the part abt financially draining. I dread to calculate how much ive spent too. This cycle is my 4th, so fully cash.
This journey, as long as we dun give up, we will reach our destination one day. *hugs*
Magical, Judebabe, dots & Bbdream is a lost battle for me too.
I knew in my heart when I hv no sympthons at all like my previous cycle. My AF also will not come aft I stop all supports. Ytdy had my cup of coffee with you tiao. I remain very calm when the hospital call. I didn't cry and tears didn't flow automatically like the last 2 rounds. My Hub just gave me a hug and luckily Hub went out with me. I only cried when I did my prayer last night. Just like everyone else, not only did we go through a more difficult route than others but y success is not with us??? I feel really at peace this round maybe immune to it le. Miracle does not seems to exist to me but I'll fight on.
Can anyone advice how can I detox my body?
To dots & Bbdream, jia you! Nv give up till the last. At least I did!
Twinstars: Sorry to hear that. Dun think so much for now. Maybe take a short break? How i got thru tough times, was when i think thank God that my hubby is with me and supporting me. Hugs....
Sunstillshines, I cont to put my faith in God and for him to lead. Is really beyond human rationale to figure things out and too weary to do so. Thxs!
Twinstars - u took ur bt today? *hugz Mayb can go for a short holiday n relax urself? This is a very tough journey so we muz hang on there n fight! U r very brave.. Do u still have any embryos left freezing?

Dandelion - enjoy ur day at work.

Dots - Have a good rest at hm
Ganie16, yes I thank God for my Hub! I knew he love me more cos he sees the way that I go all out just to hv our bb. He did mention that is fine just to have the 2 of us but i didnt want to admit defeat. Jus have to wait for God's timing. May I pray that we hv our desires fulfilled soon.
Twinstars: do take care. This road is really difficult. This is my first ivf and really wasn't prepared for all of this. I truly admire every single one of us here.

I also keep praying for strength and wisdom, whatever god plans are. Will also continue to pray for our sisters here.

Babydream, hang in there too!
Bbdream, I'm on frozen cycle this round. No more left. Hv to start new cycle le. But Hub is very against me to try cos he scared all these hormonal jabs are not good. I just tell
Him next time I die earlier loh. Definitely I'll take a 2-3 months break before embarking on the next cycle!
Twinstars: yeah, our relationship became better cos of this journey. Cos this journey only belongs to the 2 of us, so we need to support each other. And plus hubby heartpain see i go thru so much, physically and emotionally so dote on me more lo.

Glad that u can remain positive n forward looking. Theres always good in whatever happens. It makes us stronger. I refused to admit defeat too.
we will all defn get our hearts desires.
Twinstars: You are also a brave heart.. Take care!

Sunstillshines: yes I did.. Pcygenol you must stop after ER. The rest you see if you like to continue? CoQ I continue until BT but half the dose.
Twinstars, Dots- U ladies r truly admirable... Very positive n have tt kind of nv say die attitude. I'm sure u will come back better n eventually dreams come true. Jia you!!

i'm really glad that this support is available for us n have all the sistas here helping 1 another, giving encouragement. Cheers to all sistas!
To all you brave ladies

You have a great fighting spirit. I just want to tell you my story so that it can give you some hope. I had multiple rounds of IUI and nothing worked. Then I went through 4 rounds of IVF, all fresh cycles and none worked. I didn't get enough eggs for FET and so each time, there was so much of emotional and financial pain with BFN each time. I was an emotional wreck when Dr. SF Loh told me that there was nothing more that he could do in my situation and he suggested donor eggs or adoption. So I gave up on the IVF and the following month of my final failed cycle, I conceived my son naturally, Then 2 years later I had my daughter naturally. Now my son is 3 1/2 and my daughter is 1 1/2. So, to all those ladies who have had failed cycles, pls stay positive. Just because IVF fails does not mean that that is the end of the road. When one door closes another door opens. Good luck to all of you.
