IVF/ICSI Support Group

Bigbear: don't think so much. Resting too much at home. This wk can slowly go out for few hrs. Enjoy. Jia you Jia you u r there already.
Bigbear: PUPO!! Do take time to go out for a short breather even though I can understand you don't want to meet anyone as yet. Be good to yourself as you are to your embbies ok. All the best and may God's shalom peace be upon you whatever it may be. Hope this encourage you .. http://youtu.be/IwCQ7ix-Bmg
Bugbear, dun anyhow say things ok. Like many sisters said, they also hv no symptoms & bfp! We r all here to jiayou for u & u little ones
Bigbear, u are now bfp hor. Please go for a stroll in the evening, talk to them, eat healthy. Bt is only a form of telling u more details nia. In fact, once ET is one, to me u are consider bfp Liao. So please still cheerful and positive k.
U can also mix with milo powder with immunocal.

Can understand the 2ww, with or without symptons - some still bfp - so don't think too much. Stay cheerful har
Asiafighter: ya.. We all know this isn't a easy journey. It's a journey of chance, hope and faith. There are bounds to be many ups and downs for a reward yet to come. We do not know yet why but one day the answer will come so meantime dont lose heart.

I am supposed to take DHEA so will be next year. I might be going through some changes next year, but I think will just let go and let God. Someone told me this the other day.. If you do what comes naturally in face of difficulties, u may fall prey to negativism. As i thought abt it, it is quite a true statement.. May your faith may be your fortress of strength! Be strong ya.
I refuse to read the symptons during 2ww if not I sure die of anxiety attack! I dun have sore boobs, cramps due to OHSS, sleepy is becos of oral utro pills. I'm still working at home so that took away quite a far bit of my attention. but have to thank mil very very much cos she cook my lunch & dinner throughout my 2ww except for one day that I ate mac for lunch!
had my 1st injection on last fri. after injection, i had a bad headaches and vomited. isn't normal? 2nd day injection still having headache. As my injection dorsage is 300units per day. i read the note and written some ppl may experience this.

do not dare to eat painkiller. really worries.
need some advise.
Dear Bigbear, 2ww is hard but nothing can confirm the results except for a blood test so don't read anything into symptons. Remember that after ET, you are pregnant unless proven otherwise. So be positive and feed your body and mind with good food and thoughts! Take care!

Remember, everyone is different and having symptons or not means nothing. Even after BFP, some sisters have morning sickness/bloating and some don't, and their babies all grow well.

Don't think so much, okay? It's all out of our hands now. You have already done all that you can. All the best!
Asiafrighter, thanks hehe...had never try it maybe will try one of the day. Anyway, during my b journey, I had debetic issue so drinks to mix immunocal is challenging Lolz... Not even fruit juice I can drink lor. So milk is the only way accompany my whole journey. So am too use to it Liao. Haha... I believe if my next success fet, I will have the same debetic issue for sure. So trying to prepare before hand. All my diet very strict de even portion of the food also not much. Example rice can only eat 12spoons.

Just my own thought why I didn't mix milo powder with immunocal is becos I scare my baby will be dark skin so I prefer drink milk so that my baby skin is white
Lolz. This is just my own thought lah. Funny hor!
Miss J > Are you on purgeon? Why don't you give your dr or clinic a call to update them on your reaction to the injections and see what they say. There should be a 24 hours hotline for you to reach them.
Yes, I'm on puregon. Today is my 3rd day. As I'm going to visit kk tmr. Shall inform the nurse that I had these experience.

Anyone had 300unit on their 1st injection. As i know most ppl shd inject only 150unit but depend on individual. The nurse only told me that if I had headaches ask me to take normal Panadol.
Hi ladies, is the purgeon dosage equivalent to gonal-f... purgeon 100iu = gonal-f 100iu? Any difference between these two? Google online doesn't offer much info on these two med differences. It seems most here are on purgeon. Anyone here on gonal-f? I know my dr uses gonal-f.
Miss J: I was on Puregon 300 as a start. Yup, not sure why but its considered relatively high. Was there any reason why you are on 300iu? Is this your first cycle? I didn't have the reactions you are having, good to let them know tmr then. Normal panadol is fine.

Joyhope: that's something I am curious too but in medicines it probably hard to do such equivalent esp hormonal in nature and different individual response may varies. I know they are structurally different but serves the same fuction. It seems the sales for Puregon are aggressive for this season usually that's how the commercial market works.. Same for milk powder.. :S

U r funny but glad your bb is fair :p.
Yes, I also cut dwn a lot of rice n noodle, cos is a process food and not so health. So now i limit myself only 2-3days per week...difficult but Bo pian. In fact now I try to eat many organic food. Really hope I can BFP soon and my hard work is pay off Leh.
Asiafrighter, thought u very slim? Still wanna cut carbo ah? I love carbo sia...so very hard to cut down wor.
What I understand from Pro is that both Puregon and Gonal F is the same type of product but different brand. Dr Zou told me that 450iu of Gonal F is equivalent to 600iu of Puregon. That's all I know abt these 2 drugs.
sorry I did not really follow this blog regularly, sounded that you already has a kid, so is this time frozen Embryo Transfer for you? have you BTP?
Hey Bigbear, symptoms or lack thereof do not mean much during the 2ww. I didn't have any (unlike fatigue+nosebleed which i had for the failed IUI) till I was admitted to hospital for OHSS 10 days after ET. In fact I kept regretting I had gotten up immediately after they put the embryos in just cos I had to pee so bad...kept wondering if I had peed them away since day one.

Please think positive for the rest of the 2ww.
Mofmm, I am just so fearful and my faith was shaken. I am trying hard to stay on positive.

Really want to say a Big Thank You to all sisters here for the advice and encourgement! I will press on.
Sandra > Are you doing your ivf this month? I'm starting on my cycle later this month and will also be using gonal f. So far most here are on purgeon. Mind if I ask how old are you and your amh? 300iu of gonal f I read should be high dosage.

Chris > Another reason I think purgeon is more widely used here could also be due to cost. Not sure how much it cost here locally, but I read that gonal-f cost more in most countries depending on their respective agreements.

Bigbear > If based on dr zou, then gonal-f dosage is more concentrated compared with purgeon. This is interesting.
Sandra > I'm a year older than you. Amh is also within ok range. In fact dr was very pleased with my amh saying i'm above expectation for my age. This will be my first cycle. What's the highest dosage for gonal-f? I'm with mt e... which hospital or dr are you with? Did you experienced any ohss? What are the progesterone support given to you? Wow fet, how many embbies did you get? Oh 2ww, do rest well... we're all here to root for one another. Sorry for the many questions... I'm excited with my coming cycle and reading as much as I can, but nothing beats real life experiences.
Ya, 300 is not the highest......last cycle I was with 450 gonal f due to I hv low ovarian reserve. Of course the cost is ex
but result was not 2 bad.

Good luck in your 2ww, rest well. Whc dr are u with?
JoyHope, I am the same age as u and my AMH also fall under normal range. My dosage of gonal f is 450iu, I guess is cos my earlier 2 cycles with 300iu of Puregon still not responding well so Dr up my dosage to the max.
Prosepina: am ok
doing my pregnyl jab tonight and ER is on wed. Doc was joking me with me it's a gd date, 10/10.
Can i ask it is normal for yr breasts to feel swollen at this stage?

Tahope and Babysmurf : yr BT and your first scan also 10oct right? Let's hope it's really a gd day for all of us
Hi Sunniehope, all the best on your ER. Hope everything will go Perfect 10 for you!!

Bigbear, yes the utrogestan does come out as discharge when I sit up. I usually try to put them in as deep into the vagina as I can with my middle finger (sorry if too much info!). After that I will lie flat and still for at least 30 minutes but in reality it's more like 2 hours! In the morning, I'll put them in and then go back to sleep for another 2 hours and in the evening I'll insert them and lie on sofa all night watching tv. Ha ha!
Lil, does the white discharge still come out even after 2hrs of lying down? I also push in as much as I can but there is still a lot of white discharge. I hope is common. Thank
Asiafrighter / Bigbear > Wow 450iu... how many embbies did you get? Dr was saying need to balance the dosage based on my age and worried that I may get ohss. Dr said will only determine the dosage after d2 scan... is that right? D2 scan, will it be bloody and scan what, follicles? I thought only start on stimulation then can get the eggs? I'm a bit confused now.

Sandra > I was reminded repeatedly to up my protein intake, from stimulation stage. Your 2 Fet embbies will be good... stay relax and rest well.

Bigbear > Was told by dr that the white discharge is normal. The med is in the soy bean oil as carrier and will be absorbed by the body.

Sunniehope > All the best for your er! Can the dr tell how many eggs to expect?
JoyHope, during D2 scan Dr will be also to see how many follicles (usually each folliclies will contain an egg) u have though there are still small. After the stimulation injection hope that all folliciles can grow well and some small one which can't be pick up during D2 scan will also grow. By D5 scan u will roughly know how many folliclies are growing well. Say if D2 scan, many folliclies can be seen then dosage need not be too high. Eve though my AMH is normal, I still do not háve many follicles.
