IVF/ICSI Support Group

<font color="aa00aa">Calzz, if u worried just go back and tell Doc you want additional support? Better than to self medicate</font>

Hi sisters
May I know how do u all feel after the nite jab at a&amp;e? Can't remember the name of the jab
I just back from the nite jab and find that the needle is thicker than those we have. And feel some pulling on the thigh. It is normal
Miracle/shoes, heh no lah won't be in time for now.. Buy in case I fail mah. Then next time got can use. Heh.

Miracle, my prog jab 2 bottles a day.
Hi miracle

Ok feel so relieve after seeing your comment. So how r u today?
As I am someone who scares of needles as normally have to poke at least twice for blood test.
Miracle, juz feeling paranoid. Feel so wet, keep going toilet coz scared af come.

Baby, yup yup. The jab before ER. It's normal dun worry.
Juz eaten, so full n tired.

Calzz, alamak no in case!!! Dun buy dun buy, anyway it's no gd to self medicate too...

Blue, hv a good rest. D jab is intramuscular so it's normal to feel aching.
you only need to poke twice for BT. If nurse not experience, I can actually get poke twice, then they will get a experience nurse to come to poke me again. Sometimes I kena poke 4 time just to get BT. haha
Everytime I told kk nurse my veins difficult to find, need one with more experience, but they still wan try to poke till cant get on both arms then give up...irritating sial...hahah

I remembered sista who bfp, they feel wet, like whole panty soak...haha..be positive....
Hi calzz

Thanks. U must be positive about your cycle? I find tat is already not easy for us to come to this stage so tat y we must stay positive. As there is a lot of pple here tat we can share our joy and pain together. Really happy to be in this forum.
Hi miracle
O so u same as me. There is one time worst the nurse poke in already and the vein disappear and she just go left right centre to find it until I am in pain and ask her to stop. Aiyo they can't understand how we feel as they are numb everyday took so many blood
Baby/miracle, 1 of kkh nurse told me, unless we are asked to fast, else eat b4 going for blood test then easier to find the veins to poke. Else keep yourself warm oso helps
I always eat and take warm drink or food before going for BT. Even Ning and Angela cant find my veins, so everytime I go there, they have to request for the lab to come take.... Jia lat hor...My veins go hiding.
On each arm, only one area can draw from each side...haha...so the lab always say she doesn't have much choice...
Shoes, oh u are now at the 2WW? good luck and the very best to you
Miracle, ic. Mine right hand oso difficult to find vein. Last time I got to take bt every alt day then my left hand poked until big bruises. Ning can find leh but sometimes she take longer time to find but not so bad as yours lah
Baby, is ok u are not alone. I also have difficult vein, is deep in kind. So always very challenging for the missy le. They day c I'm there, they also stress. Hehe. Bit I always very gd girl la, I will just tahan &amp; let them take, end up got bruise lor.
不是吧,weekend thread also run so fast today, how to finish reading all posts?? Diaoz... Hee... Must be many pp in 2ww so very free to post.. Keke... Else very bored hor... Must burn midnight old to finish... But cannot too as prior ivf must rest early neh... Now only read till 10th feb thread...zzzzzz... Still go so many pages to read.. Lol...
I oso good girl. Let them move the needles under the skin to find vein. Everytime hubby see tat he feel so painful for me.. Then he will say i very brave ;)

Oh dear, not sure issit the P jab, im feeling so bloat. Nw lying dwn and waiting for hubby make immunocal for me. Was even breathless just now tat i hv to get inhaler.....
you put heat pad at where? Your cramp so bad ah...Make sure if it is hot u got to remove hor...warm warm can..but not hot...

Just drank my immunocal. Duno issi i eat too fast just now and eat alot...so suddenly so bloated. And Past 3 days poo so many times a day...Today poo poo = 0...no wonder all bloat inside.
Miracle, put tummy. Tummy cramp cramp very irritating n frustrating. Lol mayb all d food inside so bloated but bloated is gd
we 2ww sistas are here to encourage each other to finish up the journey. But really true, I remember few sistas complain panty wet wet, and bfp leh. the last time i no wet wet so bfn lor. heee
I think the jab cause bloat. Cos previously never jab I poo and poo. Today cannot poo and tummy bloat. And bloat is good, can continue bloat for 10 days and more...lagi high chance...haha
Miracle, haha yes continue to bloat!

Aiyoh just realized the butt my dh jab tdy is abit swollen. Like got baluku on my butt. Dare not tell him wait tmr he dare not jab. Lol.
after he jab, use the alcohol swap and press down hard, then while pressing down, rotate the area 2 rounds. this is to allow the progesterone oil to disperse....
Hi sisters I'm finally home from my torturous crab party dinner... Only can eat 1dish outa 6...broccoli wif white rice nia...
Doufu I Dnt dare to eat cos rem reading frm here soy bean no Gd ah, Dnt dare take the risk, coffee ribs buay sai Jiat also, prawns n crabs Lagi no! Sigh! Gonna cook Maggie mee soon.. Torturing lah... But if can BFP then I guess it's worth it

Hi Aloha, im only 2day old in this forum.... Hehe. I same s u leh, ovul prob + left tube blocked. I'm with kkivf too. Dnt tink 2 mh la, just call KK n they'll make arrangements for u... All Swee Swee de. The ppl there very nice n helpful n of cos, the sisters in this forum too!!
All the talk about maggie mee is making me hungry... But still cannot eat leh... Stuck with porridge and rice with soup.


Wah, you 定力十足! I'll find it so hard to resist with all these good food before me. I also love crab but very long never eat liao.
Haha dawn, u Dnt knw ah... The crabs kept "whispering" to me.... "eat me lah eat me"... Wa Piang! Can die ok...n my DH happily gobbling away lor... I kept thinking since come so far Liao endure so many needles ah medication la then Cannot let this kind of temptation to destroy or decrease any chances ma

I gave up my fav ice lemon tea too!! Argh!!
Hi everyone can anyone kindly advise what to eat to make the lining thick. I just did my scanning on day 16 and bloodiest. Result for my lining is 3.5cm

Am now desperate to know any food that can thicken my lining

Actually hor, I was thinking first month after failed IVF cycle, very low chances of striking can just give myself a break and eat a bit of these "bad" stuff... Then kena this stomach flu. Sianz...
Redbeansoup, proteins , warm womb can help... Depends on body reaction n if u r on jabs, will promote faster growth.

Brazil is to help implantation so shd be taken after ET if I not wrong.
Rightfully if u r on lucrin n puregon jabs, these Shd help in d lining.. How much dose r u on?

Flowers, I thot I m early u are earlier! Did u sleep or not?

Blue, I put heat pad on my tummy n awhile on lower abdominal but think not very hot de. Really cannot tahan

got sleep la but woke very early and cant fall back to sleep ... you feeling better today? went out yesterday afternoon and came back to 2 pages of posting .... aish! cant catch up liao ... hehe
