IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi susan,

my left tube is partially blocked due to removal of endo in my ovary.

did IUI last month and got a bfn

Have u gone thru both IVF n IUI?
What are your thoughts about both?

Susan : duno yet... will have to see how aft the review tml....

Babylicious : you did a IUI / SO-IUI? coz there's a difference...
i will be c'ing my RE at NUH next tues....will prob bring this up then....just tot to seek advice from the sisters here who have experience in both...

hehehe........guess i more the kind who 1 to hear from 1st handers direct rather than doc....who sometimes oso quite robotic...follow guidelines kind

I dun 1 to waste time liao loh...i 35 this yr liao....lao ah mm liao......
SA for dh sperm came back ok cept for his morphology which was abt 4...RE say quite common nowadays to get that reading...but everything else ok......

Susan, r u having singleton, twins, or trips?

Paiseh hor.....i KPO heheeheh
Susan : heehehe... will see if we have fate to meet... ahahaha.... coz mine likely to be early next week.... cross fingers...

Babylicious : you can bring the issue up to your RE. Coz IVF definitely has higher % of BFP then IUI/SO-IUI. But it is both financially & emotionally more taxing so you must be prepared for it... if you decide to embark on IVF.
Tokkie, yah......i oso worry abt S11 lei...understand restructured hosp can get govt grant of $3k + $6k medi right??? but total cost will come up to how much har??? & how much does FET cost lei?

haiz.......bu zhi dao zhe me ban lah.........
Babylicious : natural IUI has the lowest %. If not when dun you try to do SO-IUI first... and see how it goes before embarking on IVF. Not as stressful as IVF but chances is higher than natural IUI. Jabs / medication wise is lower dosage compared to IVF.
jo21 - I dont know yet... next tue scan then i will know, most likely only singleton.. Im contented le...

tokkie - sure got fate one... like me and grumpus bump onto each other during my ER.
Babylicious : Not too sure how much it cost in re-structured hospitals... got to wait for the other sisters to advice...

For me I'm with Raffles Hospital. private... so each FET now costs abt 3.5K for each transfer....

Susan : heehee... will see how.. let you know tml after my review.. hopefully this time round will be my turn to grad...
Susan & tokkie,

my situation quite complicated...haiz...i got endo n have part of my right ovary removed...then now right tube blocked as got hydrosalpinx...so now right factory on strike!

can only depend on my right factory to 'kai gong' for me only.
Babylicious : I did 1 SO-IUI with a specialist in TMC, on recommendation of my gynae. After review says coz its my HB sperm not v gd n I suspected Endo so suggest we do SO-IUI. But he was very exp and we did not like his services... of coz was BFN.

So we decided to change doc. Switch to RH, my doc was much better, on 1st review immediately diagnose me as PCOS instead of the suspected endo, so was put on medication and did 1 more round of SO-IUI under her. Failed again, and immediately she ask us to do IVF so as not to waste time and $$. But my 1st cycle was very bad... only had 3 viable embryo.. failed again... took >1/2yr to tiao my body... done 1 natural IUI on reccommendation of TCM before my 2nd fresh IVF cycle...failed again... started on 2nd fresh cycle with growth hormones... managed to get 16 embryos but has to be frozen as my hormones too high cannot do transfer.. did 1 FET-transfer in Jul failed again.. so now on my 2nd FET cycle...likely to be doing transfer next week... so hopefully will bfp this time round...
Wah...tokkie, u as strong will as susan....glad i chance upon this thread...can meet u gals here to inspire n motivate me.

Like that means must be prepared to have around $30k cash loh.......

I headache liao.....
jo21 - i same as tokkie, we are from RH...
each SO IUI cost 2-3K depnd on the medicine dosage, pte hosp can only claim medisave.. not gov grant.
1st claim 6k, 2nd claim 5k and 3rd claim 4k...
All my 3 SO IUI I never used my medisave, only this time IVF I claim from medisave 6k.

For gov hospital, wait for the rest to assist you.
Yah so-iui claim medisave not worth it I also only claim for fresh cycle.... Fet I also never claim. The amount u spend really dependent on the amt of med u require.

Okok I really need to sleep alrdy my appt tml is v early. Nite all!
Susan & tokkie, think i'll decide wat my next step is gonna be when i discuss with my RE on tues...

Thks so much for ur sharing...at least now, i hv a clearer pic that natural IUI is really quite a waste of money...think i will not cont with that.

Susan......stay cheerie yah.....then ur darling/s will be sure very cute n bubbly 1.

Tokkie......i'll keep u in my prayers for BFP yah......keep me posted k?
Wah...your puregon so exp! Which hospital are you with again?

I'm running out of syringes for Lucrin. Any idea if I need to go back to KK pharmacy to buy or can I buy it from outside pharmacy? I need to jab a total of 29 days of lucrin. Think I'll need to buy another box of lucrin too. Think I'll have to call KK to ask.
lucrin syringes can be bought from outside pharmacy. is the same as insulin syringe. u can bring one sample down and show the pharmacist
Syrah, why u need another bottle of lucrin? Should be sufficient for whole process. I think u better call nurse to double confirm before u buy.
Thanks grumpus and mel-ocean.

yes, I'll definitely check with them. I'm not sure if the dosage in the bottle is enough for 29 days. Cos if need to buy another new bottle of lucrin then there's syringes inside then I won't buy extra syringe.
Syrah : if not wrong the lurcrin can last abt 28 days. U can get the addl syringe from guardian. Can check with the nurse.
yup, just checked my lucrin box. the bottle contains 2.8ml of lucrin. if yr dosage is 10units, that's 0.1ml then the bottle will last 28 days.
u need to jab 29 days of lucrin? that's just suppression stage right? does not include stimulation stage yet? cos during stimulation u will still need to continue with lucrin.
so yr 2nd bottle not lugi ah...
Syrah think u better double check w kkivf's nurses. Lucrin not cheap le.... I remember my last fresh cycle I got balance of lucrin. Everyone protocol is diff, got short and long, kkh will always practice long protocol.
I remember kkivf lucrin 28ml is about 90 plus. I got like 28 syringes (14 in box 14 loose), alcohol swipes and 28ml glass bottle.

Syrah, how come 29 days? I tot the usual is 14days to bt then they will check if u need more?
Syrah...yes confirm that Lucrin only last 28 days and cost abt $93...hehehe if my memory never fail me lah. But hor... when I went to collect Lucrin tat time, they already asked me to buy 2 extra pack of syringe. Each pack hv 10 syringe in it.
hi all,
new to this thread.

Im wondering what make all of you to go for IVF?
RE advised or thinking not to waste time n staright to IVF?

My RE also mentioned that worst worst case is to go for IVF.
So im thinking to go staright to IVF and what would I expect to happen next?

Do dh and myself need to go for further test to see if we really need IVF and also to see if there is improvement to our condition.
Or can we just tell RE we want start IVF on our next visit?
JJ: I hope u r doing fine dear...Saw the yesterday post...wow thread moving so fast neh...Rest well..and hope spotting go away fast fast...

Hmm so many new sistas here...woah...good..Hope all of u have a smooth journey in ur IVF...and BFP BFP...

me gg on leave liao tomolo till Monday...Raya Raya..heehh

Wishing all Hepi Holidays..Those celebrating raya: Selamat Hari Ray Aidilfitri..;-)

Take Care all...;-)

Syrah: I got extra syringe if u wan...but how to pass to u?

Blurlet: Lucrin injection is not only for 14 days...after ur BT and scan when u embark 2nd stage..still need to continue with the Lucrin till the day before ER..so abt 28 days of Lucrin lor..
jo21, which doctor are you with at nuh?
nuh is considered govt, so you can use medisave for up to 3 fresh cycles and susan has provided the amts for each cycle.

as for govt grants, also up to 3 fresh cycles. amounts dpds on whether you and hubby are singaporeans or PR. ranges from 3k - 2k.

based on what u describe abt your situation, mabbe u shld go straight to ivf. just my two cents worth
you did not share what is your "problem" that you are considering going for ivf.

all of us have different "problems" so it all dpds.

starting on ivf - you should discuss with your doctor and decide if that is the best option. at the end of the day, the doctor can only provide you with options and then you both gotta make the final decision.

once u decide on ivf, the clinic will arrange for an "info" session for you where you can sit down with a nurse or medical staff who will explain the step-by-step process and what to expect. they will also touch on the financial aspects then.

Paisei...i counted wrongly. It's 28 days not 29 days. I started 1st lucrin jab on 20th Aug and need to jab till 17 Sept.

I called KKIVF. They said 1 bottle of lucrin is definitely enough. In that case, I'll just go to any pharmacy and buy extra syringes.

Pinkaddict, When I collected mine, they only ask me to buy 1 extra pack.
Hi Hi! Hope u r feeling much better. Extra syringes? Hmm..if it's too troublesome, it's ok. I can just go buy them. Thanks for the offer though. Appreciate it.
Paisei again....I mean jab till 16th sept cos 17th is the day to go for scan. So it's 28 days. Sorry for the confusion.

Blurlet: Like what Nadia said, it's more than 14 days. Lucrin and Puregon will overlap in stage 2. Meaning u'll have to jab 2 jabs per day during that period.
I stay punggol/Sk area. It's really ok. My schedule is different from most as I don't work 9-5 job. I'll just pop into a pharmacy to buy. Thank you again for the offer.

Syrah... k u take care ah... I m juz 10 days behind you...kekeke... we gambateh together and BFP together ya!!

Happy holidays too...enjoy yourself to the fullest k, otherwise next year you will be very busy with your kid/kids...hahaha! me oso enjoying the public holiday coz long weekend... shiok!!
