IVF/ICSI Support Group

i am 17 wks preg now.
oh during 2ww i only had crinone insert, didn't take any support orally. then after bfp i took duphaston (similar to Utrogestan) orally and stopped crinone.
i know CARE gives more support then other clinics.

yes, from what I gather from here CARE does give more support.
It's very nice of sistas like you & PandaWife bfp still pop by once in a while. Thank you!
yeah... really nice of sisters who bfp still come here to give us tips! if not I'll be like a lost sotong in the sea!
Just started reading ivf mummies-to-be support thread.
You mentioned that you look slimmer during your preg. So envy you! Hope it'll be the same for me.
Thanks Miracle & Grumpus for the advise on the soup ... I didn't drink it in the end
cos it had some questionable herb looking things in the soup, so i saved the soup for my DH.

Hi Singapoh !! - Amazing that u can still log online to adv us with yr twins + toddler on hand. Pei Fu !
Now in my 2ww & BT scheduled for the 24 Aug. Not thinking too much into every detail .. in fact my brain is suprisingly blank .. haha

Thanks Pandawife .. Ya i got the menu for the whole mth so I will look thru which looks suspicious ... got 1 stated "Anti-aging chicken soup" hmmm.. will see if got any herb like ingredents inside
Evening sistas, cool n nice this evening!

Syrah, hihi! Im wif Marianne Hendricks at kkivf! Yup we r cycle buddies! Hurrah!! Im gng bk to kk for bt n scan onthe 3rd of sept.

Sistas, wanna ask, when u guys r on Lucrin, do u feel warm?or is it juz me??
Fi Hozali - Its one of the side effects. Hot flushes & feeling warm overall.
I only felt it a few times during my injection but after awhile i didn't feel it liao
Hello ladies..
Yesterday done my ET. Today feel horrible..
Morning when wake up start vomit, cannot drink much water. Once drink plain water, quickly run toilet.. Sigh !
Just have my mum cook dinner but all puke all..
Anybody face this problem ? should i go kk 24 hours ?
Mic - I think u should call the kkh-call-a-nurse
Its advisable to go 24hr if it gets worse ...

I think vomitting is quite bad ...
Mic1980, think u better go 24hrs clinic if the condition worsen...

baby33, wow, u already in 2WW liao? My AF finally report today, phew! My ET estimate on 30 or 31st Aug. I hope my last 2 precious embies will survive the thaw, finger crossed!

Funny that the weight gain is about the same as I was carrying a singleton.

This time my appetite was bad and ms was quite bad. Plus I kena gestational diabetes so I had to be on a strict diet. Was forcing myself to eat 6 meals a day. I didn't meet my target weight gain but lucky both babies gain weight steadily. I only gained 12 kgs and popped at 36 weeks 3 days via natural assisted delivery.
<font color="0077aa">mic
if you're vomitting, then you got to becareful that you dun dehydrate. Hw about try taking some gatorade? I read in those overseas forum, ladies take gatorade to help with ohss. Dun take it cold and dun take too much, try abit, see whether will you vomit. Or mayb 100plus? But not cold one hor. Cos in when i diarrhea and vomit, doc always ask me take 100plus to prevent dehydration.

If really not well, then do go kkh okie. In case your ohss worsen, then that's not very good. =)</font>

Sorry for the late reply, just came back from Dr Zou. Prof told me I can start my next attempt using Sept AF, however, I felt that I should let my body have ample rest, take supplements to boost my egg quality and at the same time take TCM to tiao my body. I was afraid to start over again w/o me being mentally and physically prepared.

As NUH will only freeze eggs that reaches the blastocyst stage and none of my eggs reached the stage, hence, I need to do a fresh one all over again.

Have you attended his seminar? Prof and the nurses at CHR are very nice. Waiting time to see Prof is rather short. At the most 15 mins.

How long have u seen Dr Tan @ Clementi. Have heard that he's pretty good in TCM too.
Hi Ladies,

Can someone help on this. I think I read before there is a ladies went for a so called Malay Massage to help to warm the womb. Can you give me the address and contact no.

You seeing Dr Zou on 26th too? Me too! Heheh ... I booked the 2.30 slot. U lei? Just now I went Dr Zou there, got one lady know Dr Huang will help her accu when Dr Zou not ard, the lady quickly say she don't want and would rather wait for Dr Zou to come back :p
sfloh reply on my amh reading of 2.54..he say normal lei.
totally different from one of the sisters information from her gynae lei...that 2.54 is low reserve..
<font color="0077aa">pinkf
i book 330pm. Haha so there are really some ladies like us, scared of dr huang poke poke. Today my af here...and dr zou af med really yucky!! I tried to put more water to dilute it...but the bitter taste still there. Must take for 5days... Argh!!!
yup .. miracle .. that af herb is the most POWDER-ful out of her 3 types ...

luckily my 2ww herb taste like water ..
miracle, yes I told u right! Very thick hor? Haaa... I'm taking the ovulation med now. She told me also yucky but I tasted and think not too bad, quite dilute de. She told me she got put sheep placenta inside - 胎盘素. I was like wah, then drink liao complexion also very good lor.. Haa...
Hi ladies, I'm just starting on my IVF Journey. Currently still in Lucrin stage with Dr SF Loh @ KKIVF. Im wondering if anyone has the same experience as me or has any advise..

Well, I started Lucrin on 26th July, was told to go back for BT and scanning on 11th Aug. When I went back to them on 11th Aug, they asked me if my AF came, but it did not. So after the BT and scanning, they send me home to continue on the Lucrin and ask me to come back a week later, which is tomorrow. But up to date my AF still haven't come.

Im worried that tomorrow they will send me home again just like last week, continue on Lucrin,then when will I ever be on stage 2...Or without AF, can still proceed to Puregon stage??? I'm so confused now....

Am I not reacting well to Lucrin, or over-reacted until AF didn't come..

I have emailed Dr Loh, but sadly he have not replied....

Any advise is greatly appreciated....
Congratulation! Wow, twins!
So now with 3 kids can 'close shop? Were you the 1 that mentioned that you signed papers for your balance embbies to be discarded?

Yup we can be cycle buddies
Lucrin can get hot flushes? Hmm... I'm still currently battling the flu bug. Hopefully can recover before Friday.
Kitin is ur af normally regular? The BT and scan is to check if u r sufficiently suppress before going to puregon stage. I remember one sister who did have af during lucrin stage and she has bfp. So dun worry
good morning!
You're up so early?
With 3 kids, r u a SAHM?
Everyday must be a busy day for you right? But I'm sure you're enjoying every bit of it ; )

Thanx for your reply... My menses used to be regular, but ever since my MC in 2007, it has gone haywire.

But I have been monitoring these 3 mths, quite regular, maybe 2-3 days late, dunno y this time around its so late...

Will see what KKIVF will advise me later...

Morning. Actually waking up to bf bb in the middle of the night is no fun at all, very tiring. Too tired to enoy motherhood. Yes I m a SAHM.
can imagine how tiring it is for you.
You must think I'm crazy but I'm so looking forward to it, the waking up in the night, bf... ha3!
did you drink powder/white milk during your pregnancy?
Wonder besides yoghurt, is there any other food/drink I can take in place of milk?

When they are older, I hope I can enjoy motherhood ha..my big son is sick with a cold so he's at home whole day. Lucky my MIL now helps to babysit my twin girl since last Sunday.

I didn't drink powder milk. It's high in sugar and I dun like the taste. Btw due to GD, only Anmum is allowed (2 scoop instead of 3)

I drank 1L of low fat milk everyday and still do. U can take soybean milk too but not those freshly made ones coz no calcium is added. Buy from supermarket.
thanks for the info.
Hw old is your boy? Hope it's only a minor flu &amp; he'll recover soon.
Good that your MIL is helping if not will be very taxing on you.
Me too don't like the taste of milk. Sometimes if smell too strong will even feel like puking.
Will go supermarket &amp; check out the soybean milk later. Carton ones also can?
Hi Kitin,

I m seeing the same doc as you and on lucrin too. i had my menses midway my cycle..i felt weird at first and told the nurse whether i m ok. They said okay. So i just leave it.
i had my 2nd injection on 13th Aug and scan end of next week.

My fren on ivf too with the same Dr and positive on 2nd attempt...so lets hv confident and positive as well.
kitin 82,

I had the same prb as u. After MC in 2007, menses abit haywire. Doctor said hormones imbalance. I am with Dr Loh fm KKH too. I m embarking my IVF journey this mth but Dr Loh starts me off with Microgynon to regulate my menses first before I start Lucrin.

Since Gan2973 said got sister here BFP without AF so I think shldnt be any prb ba...dun worry k
hi sisters,

I read fm previous thread that taking cordycepts is good. If I start taking Microgynon now and start jabbing lucrin on 30 Aug can I stil take cordycepts? One of my girlfriends told me to stop taking bai fen wang and chinese herbs etc... I m abit confused.

Currently I m taking royal jelly and folic acid for supplements only...

Can sisters advise me on on it... sorry I very sotong coz is my first cycle and I wana BFP with everyone here...
in general dr will advise to avoid all chinese herbs when u start yr cycle.
if u r ok to take some chinese herbs then only pao sheng and cordyceps are ok for preggie (other than those specifically prescribed by tcm). so only these 2 can be taken when cycling.

i took black chicken with pao shen and cordyceps once a wk throughout my cycle, 2ww and after bfp.
Grumpus... thank you so much!!

Cordyceps can take the tablet form? i head fu hua got sell in tablet form.

I scare i not pu enough coz everytime see chinese sinseh, they sure said I "cold" in womb.

So if can... I faster go and buy cordyceps and eat it everyday (i mean the tablet type)
bb chloe - thanks

JJ - are you really staying at home ? i'm back in office tomrrow. now working from home too. tis morning went to eat nasi brani for brekkie. trying not to think abt it too much.
pink - u can take cordyceps in tablet form, I'm taking that every morning, just remember to take with empty tummy. I bought mine from eys

last nite my hubby so funny, I was telling him CARE start me on ocp liao. then he start asking why must eat that, so I explain cos I cannot get preggy now. then he started saying can get preggy now good mah. I keep mum cos dunno how to ans him liao
baby33 - Yup, I'm staying home all the way thru my HL. Sat &amp; Sun I did go out to compass point for short walk mainly cos my dh can drive me there ....

I try not to take public transport cos bus &amp; mrt will have pple's bag jabbing here n there.
personally think it's a good idea to go back to work 2nd week of 2ww. That is if your work not too stressful. If not, stay at home will think too much.
Must be carefully &amp; don't walk fast/too much k.
