IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi i start hving cramp and the suan suan feeling after the lucrin and puregon injection. is it normal? feel like menses coming feeling..

Soon-to-be, dr loh may be biz but if ur questions r impt he will answer. Even emails he will reply. A sister can't make the nurse push fwd her scan date to start puregon. She wrote to dr loh n intercepted n her prob was solved.

So he is really a nice doc. If it is impt, he will not ignore u... He will response quickly one.
Hope4bb, sorry to hear that. take care of your body now. then you will have a fit body to be ready for the nest of your baby..
hello all, jus back from my 8th week scan @ TPS, big difference lor, didn't wait too long also

My babies hearts beating.. what a sight!! they'r 18 and 19mm in size.. it's ultrasound scan...

hope 4 bb,

Better to cure your stomach inflamation first to maximise your chance in IVF. Doc knows what he's doing.

Are you in a lot of pain?
yea, I told him I got no morning sickness.. he said.. u dun scare me, u go lie down.. haha..

So he say it's ok i dun have morning sickness... he say my badluck ran out already... LOL
linda: ultrasound abdomen.. yah heng, i prefer jus the abdomen..haha..

he say dun wanna see me so soon.. 1 mths time lor... on my 12th week
ya i was n lots of pain for first 2 days...now is better..

congrats le....twins..finally u see light after a roller coaster ride..
oxidise , 4 dec he is ard. Next appointment is 2010 already. U only see ur gynae every 2 wks for Singleton in the last mth b4 delivery.

dun need to see him is good. If he wants to see u more often then u shld ask why. Dun worry.
hey girls, I need some more support and siggestions from you.

today i again had bleeding this time not brown but dark red and was quite a bit thought it stopped by itself by the time I reached 24hr clinic.
The dr again in 24 hr clinic say she can see 2 sacs where one sac has the big baby and the other has comparitively small one and both have heart beats. Really confused as my scan in AMC on 3rd nov they say can see only one sac. Infact I informed Dr. sad that on 2nd nov the dr in 24hr clinic said she saw 2 sacs. dr said the AMC report says 1 so only one felt sad as she really did not take effort to scan.

Next appointment also she has written to AMC for scan and Infact I asked her I wanna appointment in TPS she said not vacant on 17th nov and Also mentioned AMC machines very good.

I really want to see a good dr. A specialist I dont mind a private one and clarify whether I have 2 babys or one. And also give me good support so that i dont bleed every 4days inspite my baby heart beat is good. I really dont mind bleeding if some thing is wrong. she gave me 50ml of progestrone once a week I feel I need more. Asked the 24hr clinic to prescribe they scan cannot and ask me to come down if I bleed. not convinced at all.

please help me if some one knowns a gynea who is really good and help me save this pregnancy. Cant loose my babies wanna do all possible not to bleed.
Monica, why don't you really go to any private gynae. I don't have any one to recommend. Perhaps you can ask your girlfriends if they have one to recommend to you. At least someone not from KKH might be able to give you a better view of what is happening.
Im seeing dr lc foong at gleneagles... He is a nice dr.. But difficult to get a immediate appt as he is usually v packed.. Have to wait weeks or even a mth for an appt esp for new patient.. But if its urgent im not sure whether will the nurse slot u in..

There is also some good pte gyneas i know like Dr lc cheng... Prof sc ng...
If u need more info let me know... Meantime pls relax and bed rest yrself.. Or u can try tcm method of cooking glutinous rice with lotus.. The gals here say can stop bleeding.. But seeing a dr is still more impt..
monica, how senior was the doc at 24hrs clinic in 2 occasion.. Most times these r junior docs who may not be experienced enough. Also the scanning machine in the doc room is not as high end as those at AMC. The latter u got to pay right?

anyhow, dr sad is not a junior doc. if u wan can do another scan outside at pte clinic to confirm 1 or 2 bb. But does it matter now? in a few wks when the bbs grow bigger, u will know already.

As for ur spotting, it means u r pregnancy is not stable yet... U got to bed rest n dun stress. Ur situation now is like those who get pregnant naturally n spot in 1st trimester. The doc gave u support as n when u spot. the most impt thing is rest n more rest, think positive n dun stress anymore.

A friend of mine, pregnant naturally spot n bled the entire pregnancy. So bad until she quit her job. but still the bb was born, but early than norms.

So stop worrying! Be positive. if knowing 1 or 2 bb is impt to u now, then go get another scan outside. Wat's Urs will be Urs.
Hi Su_yana thanks, I am not local and really dont have gf having issues like me.

Hi baby, thanks will inform my hubby abt the gyneas u mentioned.

Hi hazel, yeah I am not worried to know if 2 or one. Was confused if the slower growing one is causing the bleeding or what. or its in wrong position. the 24 hr clinic dr scanned me for very long today then she said they are diff. and asked lots of question why? no much ans just give jab and seee. though i am not worried to much I have lots of things in my mind really want to stabilise this its natural I feel. I was calm when I first beed cried but this time dint cry Whats mine is mine but give ur best is what I am thinking.
monica, gynaes see many patients who spot so to her, is just another case.

Kkh has the best facilities in spores for kids n women. A friend of mine was asked to sign a consent form to transport her new born from gleneagles to Kkh coz the former dun hv the facilities to save the bb... N the form said the hospital will not be held responsible if anything happens to the bb on the way.

Yes, spotting means there is a chance u may lose the bb. But it can also be a passing cloud that other women go through. Drs like dr sad has seen many cases. So she is nonchalant abt it...
monica, scan see 1 sac can end up with 2 scac coz implantation is late. See got 2 sac also can end up with 1 sac. Means the other one not successful n it can pass out or is just disappear. That is the prob of early scans.

Scan see 1 bb also can end up 2 bbs. Do u know embryo can split? N end up with multiples. Science is complex.

What u need to do is really bed rest. Stay positive n dun stress anymore. That can make wonder okay
I know how u feel... Its not the no of babies u are concern abt.. Its the bleeding that might affect the pregnancy that u are worried on... So i still feel its good to seek another opinion on yr bleeding.. But stay positive and calm.. This will help to stablise yr babies..

If u do need any contacts or info on the pte gyneas do let me know ya.. I know quite a few.. Thou i have no comments on kkh drs as i never see anyone at kkh.. I thk its easier to get an appt at pte sector cos fewer patients compared to kkh.. But if u already have history at kkh im sure they will give u priority esp if its urgent that warrants immediate attention...

Hope everything goes well for u..
Hi Monica, I used to see Dr Eunice Chua from TLC at Thomson Med, you may go to her to seek second opinion. She is very popular but I guess if you tell the nurses it is an urgent case, they cld try schedule you earlier.
If not Dr Paul Tseng at the same clinic i heard is good too.
TLC tele number 6254 2878
Hi Ladies,

My first IVF cycle had failed, I see blood yesterday, went down to do the BT and confirmed BFN. Menses starting already.....
No luck for me even after suffering from OHSS, God decided it is not time for me yet..

Can give me some advise on how to prepare for next cycle ? Should wait for how long ?
Totally understand how u feels now... My first ivf failed too in june... Now in my 2ww for fet... Which fails like a failed cycle too... But im still hopeful.. So do remain positive ok.

Do i have any frozen ems? If yes, u may wait for 2 normal afs to start yr fet... U with kkh dr loh?

Hows yr ohss? Recover already?
Singapoh, at least u r carrying the 2nd one now right?

Oh ya, my hubby and i decided to do the study so that we can know the results earlier than to wait till the 20th week.

Hazel, please don't get me wrong. I think Dr Loh is great which is y I seek for his help when I was TTC. It's jus that I'm pregnant and I have so many questions now. I feel bad that I have to take up more of his time when there are a lot of patients waiting for him. Tt's y I will try to restrict myself from asking, only those really critical ones lar...others, I will ask my frens, find out from website or from this Forum lor.....thus, I'm thinking whether I wan to switch or not......furthermore hor, KKH v expensive as compared to pte leh.......I heard recommendations abt TMC which is aso nearer to my place...we are still considering it....even if switch will wait till tri 1 to be over.
soon to be,

Yes this is my 2nd pregnancy. Because of breastfeeding, I had to stop first and wait for 2 cycles(but I waited 3 cycles) before I can do my FET. I am not one of those lucky ladies who get pregnant while breastfeeding.

Is KKH more expensive than private doctors? Are you comparing with the same rank? I know delivery package is about the same everywhere. The difference is in consultations, scan, tests, etc. KKH is cheaper than private.
Soon-to-be, yes, no harm switching gynae. I may go back to my gynae in Kkh also after I got pregnant. Coz dr loh is really too biz. as for Kkh more ex than pte, I beg to differ. under normal circumstances, maybe, but once there r complications, pte bills will blow up significantly. I hv seen enough to conclude. Even simple stuff like U ask for 1 towel pte charge n is ex, and restructured hospitals r more humane. My friend's bill for her twins were 6 digits coz of complication in Kkh. ICU is at least 1k per day n for her twins mean 2k n they stay in ICU for a few mths. She was not able to pay so appealed n went for mean testinG. Subsequently, she has half the bill waived at least.

Also Kkh allows us to choose the class to be warded at delivery though we r pte patients. If we know going to hv complications we can choose to admit at b2 or even c ward. End of the day, there is only one ICU, n the bb cost follows the mother's ward.
Thanks for the encouraging words, will try to think positive

Baby, yap still have frozen ems. My OHSS is ok now, have lost all the water weight and the legs are normal already. Still need some time to get the heart and body back to normal. Yes, I am with Dr Loh at KKH going to see him 2 weeks later.. will he analysis why the failure ?
monica, ask u hubby to go watson n buy a heat pad. While u rest in bed, plc the heat pad on ur abdomen to keep it warm.
No problem.. We are here to give each other support...

Im not with kkh so cant give u info on whether will dr loh review with u on the failed cycle.. But im sure he will since u will have to see him to discuss on the fet..

How many ems u have left? The grades are good? If there are good u still stand a good chance on fet.. So do look forward to it ya.. Meanwhile just take some time to disgest the whole thing and rest to prepare yrself for the fet..
trust ur dr..i m sure she knows the best... meantime pray and relax and rest

hugs on ur failed cycle...pls do pick urself up and get ready again...yes..dr loh will review ur case and will give u more advise...
Hazel, this is ur 2nd one too?

I did a comparison with my mummy gfs....and most enjoy a package during pregnancy, hospitalisation fee whether in kk or pte are abt the same.......
Soon-to-be, like wat I say. If no complication is comparable. But once there is complication then is a diff story.

Kkh dun hv package one. That is for pte. X no of scans n x no of visits throughout the whole pregnancy. Anyhow, I dun believe in package, coz is restricted by that. Kkh docs see patients as n when there is a need to.

lyn, salary mean testing. To see if the couple qualify down downgrading of wards based on their financial means. Very tedious n troublesome process, coz got to furnish, income statement, bank statements, etc.

But if u choose to be warded at a subsidize class from the start, currently no mean testing.

even my counsellor shared with us all these
