IVF/ICSI Support Group

Linda.. congrates.. you must be very relieved..

Singleton easier to care. hehehehe. when you will scan again? take care. You very good can stay at home. I every day also sleepy in office.

Monica, did you bring forward your appointment? I did to 30 Oct, this Friday..

Rostrum, don't worry about the sperm quality. My hubby last SA his count for swimming forward is only 4% and Prof said it is more than enough for IVF. I made sure hubby had enough rest the day before and he takes Tribulus (Trisbestan) and Mens performance vit from Blacksmore. And during the preparation, I got him to drink the EYS chicken essence with cordycep 3 times a week. Ate red meat more too.

Berrybaby, that's very good result.. mean you will do Day 5 transfer? if your embbies can survive, high chance of success.

I also talked to my embbies during the 2ww and till now.
and hubby too.

Babygalore, how are you?

sisters, the Kkivf nurse just told me these days they dun ask patients to come down for daily progesterone jabs anymore. They prescribe inserts instead.
when i was in 2ww (07/10-22/10), i do request for the progesterone inserts but the nurse Phua said injection more effective..refuse to change for me. i email to Dr Loh also but he no reply
daily progesterone jabs make us so stressful and painful..
Sunnybaby, so that no need to come down every day to inject mah. Actually, the inserts were on trial at Kkh since last yr... Was told now trial over.

Even pregnyl jabs, also jab at home. No need to go down Kkh to do.
Sunnybaby, first time was nurse phua who brief me on the process... I asked her abt the jab then.. She said got inserts these days. Then I said inserts more ex... But she said the same.. Maybe inserts now is official... B4 tt still trial?

Babygalore is Kkh? We ask her..

Anyhow, if I really need it, I will tell her off coz I was told otherwise.. I remember the 2 nurses who told me today!
the counselor was good also. Told me if I got pregnancy complications, warded that time ask for b2 subsidy ward coz dr loh will still visit at b2 ward, n if need be, baby can be downgraded to C ward subsequently.

my colleague with twins born at 28 wks with the babies born at 800g n 1.2kg respectively n stayed at ICU for at least a mth n both did an op at birth came up with a bill of 6 digits at private rate. So this counsellor was good..
....which is why i'm gorging myself like crazy so that the twins will not be tiny/premie...sigh. I'm eating at my desk as we speak..
spiffy, my ex colleague case was b'coz her pregnancy was not good.. in fact, her eggs quality were not good, but dr loh went ahead since she has come so far.

twins usually not a problem one.. So dun worry.
Hi Ashley, my colleague who is currently pregnant and through IVF actually told me she drinks bird nest everyday for the whole stage 1, 2 and 2WW for the protein.
So I am not sure if bird nest is a no-no
Hi Hazel, looking at the chart the nurse wrote for me during counselling, she wrote down jab or insert.
Pessary i think is the insert $90, injection $1.20x17
gan, ic..

Spiffy, the babies went for hernia op. they started to use their organs before they r fully developed. So that's the cause of it
Yes, I noe at the end of the day, we oni need ONE sperm to make it happen...bt somehow I still think the quality of the sperm count will affect the success rate of IVF in some way...
Now I can oni c wat Prof will tell me...
I also tink tt u shd go for the counselling...let outsider remind yr dh the emotional stress tt we hv to go thru...If we are the one whom keep reminding dh, it will be v naggy of us...
When r u starting on yr 1st jab?

I m seeing Prof on Monday...
Tel yr dh not to drink or smoke if any and avoid showering with hot water....shower wif cold water and go for swimming will helps...please also avoid cold drinks and raw food..
Hi Rostrum, nurse says can bring from home or produce in hospital
but if i remember correctly, must reach hospital within 1 hr
Thanks Linda.

Rostrum - i bought DH a few pairs of boxer shorts too..haha. Briefs are sexy but the 'soldiers' will suffer in there!

vi4n - when is your first scan?
hi gals,

I've started my first jab yesterday. Any cycle buddies?

Getting the hang of it but it's still weird poking oneself.

Just wondering other than Chicken Essence, is it ok to continue taking Protein powder, Brazil nuts, Ensure, Egg white etc during Stage 1?
Hi Vi4n,
Thanks for asking, Im doing fine.. first 5 days of 2ww was bad for me. Nausea all d time, body aches and feel bloated. But i feel much better yday n today. Going for progesterone blood test tmrw.. may i know what its for? What will the result tell us?
It shouldnt b a prob, except for Essence of Chix, I took all the rest during my stage 1 too.
hazel: i dunno ah all i know is mine was the inserts 3x a day.. i asked if it's enough she say 600mg a day is more then enough..

dunno la, i just followed instructions..

I only started taking bird's nest when I was 5 months pregnant. From what my mum told me, bird's nest is "neutral". Neither cooling or heaty. Maybe next time you can double check with the medicine hall.

I also took coconut drink twice a week when I hit 9 months. Nanny told me to take after 8 months but I kiasee mah..:p

Emma, glad to hear that you are feeling much better now. No idea about the progestrone blood test.
thanks...yup i know should avoid caffine and cold drinks..i been doing tat for past 2 mths...but this past 3 wks been on lots of coffee and cold drinks cos travelling in US..even water in my bag can turn cold..hard to find hot water ard..other than coffee...i hope it wont affect too much...next wk bk to sg..gg to stop caffine and cold drinks.hope is not too late.

u already stop taking cold drinks and caffien?
Rostrum, I am defintely not starting my cycle next month. Perhaps December if everything is well with me by the time I see Prof again on 2Dec.
Went to see him yesterday and told hime about my menses which had already lasted for 2 weeks. He gave me an option to let it stopped on its own or take medication. So we had decided to take the medication. Will see him again on Dec and perhaps by then if everything is fine, will start my nxt cycle.
Rostrum, yes the progressive.

Spiffy, tomorrow.. excited and anxious too..

Linda, I hope so .. when will you go for next scan again?

Oh ya, for the producing of sperm, hubby can do it there or home. Ask him where he feels more comfortable loh. Just make sure you can bring the produce to hospital within 1hr will do.

Emma, good to know you start to feel better now. Rest more ok.. jia you..
the daily 3x inserts, is it cyclogest? what is the dosage u are using?
i am prescribed with 3x400mg every day, but most forum i read are using 2x daily.

anyone else also in 2ww now? any feelings of mild cramps on and off?
JOy: think one round "bullet"is 100 mg right? I cant remember already, i finished my course already .. so 200mg each time.. 600mg in a day.. cos insert 3x a day..
Gan2973, thks for the finding. will take note if i start the fresh one.

good luck to who going thru the 2ww and also the ET..

Thanks. I just read a few of the archives and congrats on your twins!. Hope your OHSS has subsided .. you are very brave to have gone thro all this (i know 'cos i got OHSS before too) but the main thing is that you have BFP!

I am not sure that there are 100mg ones but my 400mg prescription looks like this:

Very messy but just have to endure and hope catch all the babydust and get a BFP soon
hi ladies,

anyone can advise what i can do to avoid OHSS? had my scan today and i have about 20 over eggs the largest being 16mm....have to reduce my puregon dose to 150iu and my next scan is on saturday....what can i do at this stage so as to prevent full blown OHSS?
anyone here taking supplements, vitamins or bee pollen during their ivf treatment?
I am taking some supplement now. Not sure if I should stop to prepare for ivf this month
Joy: mine didn't look like that.. i from kkh..

think orangey box..

me ah, ohss symptons subsided..but tummy same size but not "hard"anymore.. getting softer.. can eat a full meal without feeling like i wanna POP
thanks thanks..

n baby dust to u and all..

the discomfort is not so bad..still manageable...just that i want to know if there's anything i can do to prevent OHSS as the consultant whom i met today did say that i have a risk of OHSS....
