Hi I think some ladies swear by day 5 blasts, but also alot of success stories with day 2 or 3 transfer. 11 embryos is a very good number. If u failed 2 fresh transfers already, can consider a frozen cycle this round. Some ladies have higher success rates with frozen cycle. U can really consider this.
Govt hosp do not do transfer on Sunday and PH is a fact which cannot be changed hence no point lamenting about it. Even the pte clinic I went to doesn't do retrieval or transfer on Sunday or PH. If u die die want to do on Sunday or PH, its like few thousand dollars more.. who will want to do that?
Yah, I understand that must pay for everyone to come back to do the ET.. seems not very operations-friendly but I would think it's more on the manpower limitation plus cost more than the overheads/electricity issue since the embryo cultuivation is already ongoing. My thought is that I'm sure something could be worked out among the affected staff for the best of the patient? I'm very sure I'm not the first patient to have had to do a day 4 just cos "the hospital is closed on Sundays" haha.. sorry for the rant.
I've done a frozen tsf after my second fresh but it didn't work out sadly. Oh my, I just received the sms from KKH to go down on Saturday to do day 4 tsf.