IVF/ICSI Support Group

Nur A > Failed my first IVF in Aug last yr, with no snow babies. Hence I have to start all over again for the coming new cycle, but of a different regime. hence my coming cycle will be long protocol. Hv been gog to TCM to tiao my body since Aug and also did a lap in Nov. Looking fwd to BFP soon and spread bb dust to all

BrChow > So agree to what you said. I keep telling myslef its ok that I did not BFP on my 1st try, cos our next try will even be BETTER!

Thanks, BrChow!

Dreambear, I'll go back for review with dr next month on day5/6 of my menses. Then we'll discuss the possibility of having a lap done. But I'm so scared of lap... How did it go for you? Why did dr propose lap for you? Does it increase chance of ivf? Sorry for so many questions.
Hi all ,
I went thru 3 Fresh cycles of IVF over a period of 4 years. Never once am I given the chance to use frozen eggs/embryo, because I don’t respond well at all. But I did get preg with the 1st IVF with only 1 egg retrieve but miscarriage at 11 weeks. Devastated especially when the nurse told me , never mind you can tried again. When I know it is so hard even get this one. During these periods I have attempted both long and short protocol. And I realized I work better with short protocol which is also my last (3rd) IVF cycle. I personally talk to DR that I want to attempt on the short protocol (they didn’t allow because of my age), I told the DR to increase my dosage to increase my chances of more eggs.

And during my 3rd cycle, I did not swell too much about it as much as I did for the first 2 cycles. And I change my mentality differently too. And it did helps. I tried all type of treatment, from TCM, brazil nuts, eggs etc, I feel every one know our own body well, hear what our body want and eat healthy. I stay away from trans fat food, and maintain a very good healthy lifestyle. Even my hubby is forced to eat cherries tomatoes which he hates the most. I feel the success rate depend on both party, we need a good swimmer too. I tried not to be too hard on myself, it is not already not easy to embark on this journey with all the jab and negative thoughts and the constant fear. I never jab myself because I am phobia of jab, and I was thinking I already provide the tummy, so some one can help me to do the jab, so it is always the DR, hubby and my neighborhood clinic.

I am blessed with a pair of twins now. But I cant go through another pregnancy unless I want to be placed in ICU and take the risk again. Everyone will be a mother just that we take a longer journey to reach, I always told that to myself.
Rest more. Don't walk too much. Best is lie down and don't sit too much too. Avoid seafood and chicken.

My af is here today. Yesterday got a bit brown and maroon so didnt take that as day 1. Today finally see more and cramp oso. Called CHR in the morning and made apptment to see them tmr @ 8am.

Scary.... My journey is starting soon.

Gals... When should I start on eggs?

I never know why I don’t respond well unless I show Dr Loh my scan on my ovarian when I did my lap. With another hospital, I have small ovarian so no matter how much dosage, I wont have OHSS. Always check with the doc why are you not responding, since you are not could it be becoz of long protocol. I tried the normal one, a super long protocol becoz doc on holiday, so prolonged my lurcin, then my short protocol which work the best for me. Sometime I feel that long protocol, too long, my ovarian sleep, cannot wake up in time to work.

Dont worries too much, try to distract urself. our mentality state helps alot too. hope this help
ximi> Thanks for sharing ur story. So happy for u to have a beautify pair of twins now

chong > Dr suggested lap for me cos failed 2 IUIs and 1 IVF. Fortunately, during lap, nothing bad was found, just abit of endo nia. My recovery was fast and good. Not much pain just hate the GA effect cos of vomitting...
dreambear, thanks for answering my questions! which doctor are you under? were you working? how many days of MC are you given? got claim insurance?
Sian sia
I still need wait till next week before kkh can confirm whether I can start my ivf cycle this month & take the lucrin on my 21st day
Hope I can start man!!

Can anyone advise me when is Dr. Zou coming back from her holidays? I would like to see her to 'tiao' my body before my upcoming FET.

Thanks thanks
to all who have succeeded in this journey-- hearty congratulations. to all who have not--- i think all deserve to be commended on being persistent with this journey--- its really very tough---- each time the setbacks, makes one just feel like screaming and crying-- no one who is not in our shoes will ever understand what we all go through.

so to all in this journey---- i applaud each and everyone of you--- for the toils and determination.

Jia you!
chongchong> aft thaw they will not freeze back. so i think yr 3 frozen will be for one FET. may nt be worth to do transfer now. for lap, if u have ins basic and extra, u will be able to claim full. HL will be 14 days under dr loh.

blackberry> egg doner and surrogate can only do overseas. JB egg doner costs abt S$15-16k, thai S$11k. if surrogate at thai got to pay another S$29k. that's wat i read from the website, but dunno if its up to date.

tingaling> me also same as u, can tahan any kind of pain except needles, esp BT. actually injections nt tt bad as bt..u can ask yr dh to help u with jabs. use ice to numb the tummy if u are scare...

nurA> wic dr are u with at kkh? will this be yr first ivf? i went to sgh, but end up doing first ivf at tfc and failed. now waiting to see dr tan at kkh. hope i can find comfort thru him too.. can u share with me yr story at nuh? u can pm me..

yvejen> hope u are better tday. when i woke up from lap also shivering and breathless, they put something on me to blow hot air in me and gave me oxygen mask.

laki gal> gd luck!

ximi> congrats. u are with dr loh with all 3 fresh cycles? what supplements u take on the 3rd cycle?

pina> i dont quite underst that, so its ok to be employed for just 90 days within the 12 mth period or must be employed for the whole of 12 mth? if u quit what's yr plan? must think carefully lor....
lin, not sure what's the formula. i interpreted it as at least work 90days within 12months preceding to the childbirth. Just that the $$ i am not sure how they calculate. I will call and ask more!

i am very pek chek with my job already. every day work till 8pm, back home still need to work. then they dont appreciate by better pay. I plan to rest for half a year in the meantime go for one IVF. If BFP, then will look for part-time job..worst come to worst, after BFP then go back malaysia then delivery my baby there..lower living expense
Chong my dermoid cyst lap was done by dr loh. Didn't feel anything adverse after lap. Recovered well. Admitted 5 days then one month mc. Insurance can cover but my company paid full.

Why don't u fet before thinking of lap. Did dr log ask u to do lap?? Is yr cyst big n is it blood cyst?? Adeno can't do anything they say.
Sara, dr loh didn't suggest lap for me. I was too anxious so I asked him. He said lap can increase chance of natural conception but didn't mention it will increase chance of ivf ( i didn't ask oso). Adeno cannot be cured but can be improved by lap. But if I get preg then adeno will also improve. I am quite torn actually.

Dr loh then asked me to go back next month for another scan. Hope he'll remain objective and not suggest sth he thinks not necessary cos I think I might have shown very eager to do lap during the review cos I want to maximise the chance of FET. Before I started my fresh cycle of ivf, dr loh scanned and told me to try ivf to get preg instead of lap.
Sistas, thks for all the well wishes. Me back hm..in the midst ofrrecuperating.

Chongchong, Dr loh will only b eager to embark on lap if u wanna try naturally n without other factors of infertility. He's not keen on lap if u r into ivf b'coz this might affect the ovarian reserve n there will b down time. Unless the cyst he's sure will hinder ur chances of pregnancy during ivf, then he will suggestrremoval. That's wat I understand fr him.
To add on chongx2, he suggested I do it b'coz I've 2 failed fresh cycles n 1 FET. Coupled with 1 fresh cycle being trf after culturing to blastocyst stage...
Don't knw why 5 days. Buy I was admitted Monday discharged Friday. But dr loh came to ward almost everyday to check almost daily. Healed fast as well.

Anyway Chong dr loh told me when my iui failed go for ivf. If can't succeed visit him. I got two small fibroids less than 2cm and one blood cyst 2 cm. Both dr loh and dr lau told me to proceed with ivf. As long as can ovulate think it's ok. With lucrin dr lau mentioned it will shrink cyst fibroids and endo so higher chance to conceive. Am just preparing myself.
Tingaling - don't know ley when I called kkh 2 inform of my af nurse called back 2 say doc ask me n hubby go down 4 ultrasound n blood test again 2 check something again. I also don't know what is it and I also blur 1 so also never ask but just go do. So now need wait till next week when report out then nurse will contact to inform whether I can still go ahead. The date 19feb is I self calculate out 1. Pray and hope can start! M glad mum n mil both very supportive.
FYI think if u have dermoid cyst high chance sox wants to remove. Bit blood Cust got chane to resolve on it's own so mite not need surgery.
Thanks Sara! I don't have any cyst, just adeno. Sigh. I'm not sure if i can ovulate well by myself. I used to use ovulation test strip when trying naturally but some months I can't detect LH surge. Maybe I'll find out more abt from dr loh.
Hi all,
Am new here.
Self intro:
I am going with Dr Sadhana at Kkh for my num 2, just fixed appt to see her for d first time in Mar. Used to b with Dr Loh before he left for pte practise.
Anyone knows FET need to do jabs? Or just do ET as in fresh cycle? Thanks!
hi Hannah , have u done the blood test during the counselling? if no, it could be that. don't worry the lucrin will be starting on d21. I tot I could hv done it end feb coz my next mense will be coming soon next week but the nurse say is too fast.
Hi, ladies...am having heavy bleeding and flash out a hand palm big clots. No worries yayy! Am doing fine. Just wanna inform you all only.
Leor, have u seen a doctor already, what did the doctor say?

keepin fingers crossed and pray hard for you, hope everything is alright.

Do keep us posted of yr devts, ok.
Thanks gals

Jelly, haha... If mine will be mine can't force leh. So let the nature take place lor. At least I see bleeding I immediately rush down to get help. That's wat I can do now. Haha just finish my food. So satisfy keke.

Now waiting my sis to come accompany me. My hp batt is running low. Think by the my hubby here, my batt will be totally flat. Sighz...

leor, u din bring charger along? ok then save the remaining batt for impt calls.

hmm..i like yr attitude, not sure if i can b like u when face with such a situation.

Nice sister u have lei.
