IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi luv, oic thks for ur explanations. So only TFC has to pay upfront. Funny system.

For me I hv cysts but due to TCM medicine. I was told to drink Guinness stout for 3 days aft my menses n my cyst disappear. This is taught by Angela CARE.
After I started royal jelly, I don't hv cysts from it. I ate 1 teaspoon per day from end Dec to April. Aft I started my ivf, I stopped.

Thanks asiafrighter. Just sharing my experiences.

Chris, LuvnHope, Laki gal, thanks, I'll convey the message to my DH. That will make him happy

Hi Red Velvet, thank for your explanation. Okay, I'm going to find out more on high protein diet.
Mummy on 2ww , do u have af cramp during the 1st week? It's not always cramp? Maybe 4-5 times a day. Today is 5th day after day 2 embryo transfer
Hi Sade

Thanks again.

My hubby always tell me to take it easy and not stress too much or do too many stuff. My worry was time is not favor in my case . I really hope my next cycle will be a miraculous
If not I will have to find out my next step.
Hi ladies,

Today is meant to be ET for me but sad to say none of my eggs turn into embryo. Dr told me that my eggs are not good and either immature and unable to get fertilised. 4 got fertilised but react adnormal. So my 1st cycle is unsuccessful.

Dr wanted me to rest for at least 3 months before I start the next cycle. Anyone can tell me how to improve my eggs quality. I am so disappointed, sad and desperate. I admit I did not prepare well for the first cycle.
i just get to know 2 of my colleagues are pregnant. One just got married for 2 months and the other one age 38 with a girl. How come they get pregnant so easily and why i can't get mine! sigh! reali in bad emotion now! anyone can help?
jess: what's your AMH level? i heard sisters here drink immunocal to increase egg qualities. My egg qualities also not good and my AMH level is low, hence very fewer eggs retrieved and maturation only 50%

Are you in long or short protocol?
Sorry, but pls can I ask if it's safe to take the pre-packed herbs at eu yan sang for cooking black chicken soup? I told the shop person it's for pregnant woman and was also told the herbs are safe for them. Shld be safe? Dr Zhao keeps asking me to drink black chicken soup cos my pulse weak...

Hope4baby, I think slight mild cramping shd be okay as it could be due to the meds we are taking. I also had some AF-like cramps this morning (2dp2dt). But urs is day 5, around implantation, hope the cramps mean good news!
The cramp has been there since 3rd day... Maybe is the suppository medical effect... Yesterday I just did a 100m sprint toward pull my nephew from the roadside.
Hi asiafrighter, ya not stress over it. It's important to have hubby's support. My hubby also told me off when i wen to different places to seek help. But then, he accepted it and accompanied to most of my visits.

I felt that time, fate and luck play a very important role when doing ivf.

Have faith that miracle will happen to you too.

Hi jess, sorry to hear that, btw did u do ICSI?
I had mentioned to asiafrighter with regards to royal jelly that i took to improve my egg quality. Maybe u wanna to try that? It's mentioned in my earlier posts.

Ya you should prepare at least 3 months before trying ivf. Such as having sufficient exercise, leading a healthy lifestyle, have proper sleep, a balanced diet. Ya its easy for me to say all these, but it's difficult to do it too.

Just try your best to improve your lifestyle before embarking on another cycle.
beep, if the eu yan sang told u it's safe then should be ok.

U can also try to boil black chicken soup with red dates, dang sheng and wolfberries to bu qi for at least 2 hours.
Lesser herbs.
hi hope4baby and Jkiss55, i had cramps too during my 2ww. Sometimes feel like menses coming cramps. BFP for me. So finger cross for both of you. Hopefully it's BFP for both of u too.
jess..sad to hear the bad news...3 mth is a gd time to tiao yr body...hv a chat with yr doc on what can be the possible issues.

i wld suggest tcm and acupuncture..also, can take the necessary supplement to build up yr body...

dun giv up...jiayou..
I'm not sure about my AMH level. Everything went smoothly only after ER then realised the eggs are not good. A total of 13 were retrieved and none can make it to embryo.

Yes, I did ICSI for a total of 4 mature eggs. The royal jelly is in liquid or capsule form? Which is better?

Accupunture can helps in eggs quality?
prosepina...dun be sad...i also full of problem but still managed to make it and you are younger than me...

u starting in sept right?
I am thinking of going to Dr Zou TCM for these period before my next cycle start but wondering if she can helps me in improving my eggs.
Jess , u in Kkh also? I Also booked an appt with dr sadhana on end aug in case this cycle fails. So hopefully can start in sep or oct. I very negative hor... Always thought fail then what is the next step to do..
mc, no..postponed to Jan13. I want to make use of CNY period so that can rest more without informing office and escape from CNY gathering.

my prob is i dont know what's wrong with me. until last reviewed with Dr.Sadhana then only know i have low AMH, other than that, i found nothing..

sigh! sorry for exposing negative energy here
jess...dr zou is gd...i hv lots of problem too like low amh so will not be very responsive to stim...i think with tcm, it help to tiao my body...u need gd body to build quality eggs i felt. no harm trying...

short protocol is gd especially for us that yield little eggs.. i am on short protocol too.
what's the benefit of long protocol? how come KK know we are low amh and still want us go thru long instead of short?

Mc, where can i dhea? Dr.Sadhana didnt prescribe me with any medicine. She said although is low but still ok, is 1.8 very low?
Hi Sade

Yes, do agreed with you about fate and luck. My hubby is very supportive just that he see I am very stressful about all the treatment and yet get disappointment.

Anyway, will try to have a good health for my next cycle. Pray hard.....
long protocol they hv better control on egg size, lining etc... but for us, it may get suppress den not enfu time to response fast when we start stim..that's why short will be better without suppression.

can order online at www.dhea.com from usa. i ordered previously but subsequently managed to get dr tan to prescribe for me. i guess she is unwilling to prescribe as it is not proven and haVe side effects.. but to increase my success rate, i dun really care abt the side effect.
Sade, thanks!! The pre-packed package has so many herbs... I've never cooked such soups before so the herbs look like a lot! ;p

I also with dr sadhana. She spoke personally to me today and put me on the Oct queue. I might want to concentrate to Tiao
my body first and start my next cycle in nov.
Jess, personally I felt that liquid form is better than capsules as its nt so processed.

Accupunture helps to improve lining and blood circulation. Better to do it 3months twice weekly for better results.

Oh Ya I also took dhea for 3months. My Amh level is only 0.3.
sade, your pm is not working. Would you mind to switch it on?

Want to ask u where u got your dhea. actually now i am considering want to see dr.loh or stick with dr.sadhana. I felt in private got more support, unlike kk, after ET only go home with inserts. i saw other sisters with private got injection support...but $$ is another concern..
Hi Prosepina I had turn on my pm.

I got my dhea fr kkh during my last visit with dr loh at kkh last dec.

If I m not wrong, Dr Loh told me before that DHEA is a control drug and only KKH has it.

So if u see Dr Loh at his clinic, I don't know whether he's able to prescribe u with DHEA. Act I felt that royal jelly is a much natural product than DHEA.

As for support after, think CARE gives the most support. For me done at TFC, I was given only prognoyna, crinone and utrogestan as support during 2ww. Aft that it's only utrogestan till week 12. There is a blood test for progesterone done on day 10 if I m nt wrong and from there, dr will access if required further supports.
Hi ladies, may I know what is dhea??& AMH? Dr never mentioned this 2 things to me....

Hi Prosepina,, for TFC , after ET also go home with own insert.. No injection...

Hi Sade , u r so brave !!! Need to catch Ur good luck !!!
I just checked with kkh, my AMh level is 0.5. Consider low but don't understand Amh is to detect what?

You bought your royal jelly thru iherb? I saw the website and there is a range of royal jelly. Which is the actual one? Can u give me the exact description?
Hi snoopy same age as me? Hehe. I m not brave. My hubby injected for me. Haha. I can say I m desperate to start a family and hence with this motivation, I research thru Google and set myself some objectives to follows. Positive thinking equal positive outcomes. U can also do it.

Jia you every one.

Prosepina, only 1 teaspoon daily for me. Good that u had been using it for few months. On my bottle it's stated 2 teaspoon daily but I am afraid that it's too liang for me. So I only took 1 teaspoon.
Prosepina, mc is right! DHEA is much cheaper in US as compared to singapore.

Apart from immunocal, I took coq10, chicken essence and brazil nuts as well. No harm taking all these. I believe for ivf, the dosage and the supplements we ate is trial and error. For me, I followed exactly what one of the sisters who conceived triplets on her diet plan on supplements, as we both have the same prob.

The after care support at CARE is 2 crinone gel inserts and 3 x utro per day. On top of that, we take folic acid and baby aspirin all the way to 1st tri.

Jiayou, will pray for you and hope your dream will be fulfilled soon. When is your next cycle?
jess, that's why i dont understand. We tested AMH level before embarked IVF procedure, since they knew our AMH so low, why dont just straight go short..sigh! scratch head..

yes, bring along all your medical reports when seeing dr.zou. Remember to make appointment oh, waiting time can be very long..
Hi Asiafrighter, dun despair. Continue your journey with faith and i am sure you will reach your destination soon!

Meanwhile, tiao your body to be conducive for embies. Try accup + tcm, it did helped me. I had a very cold womb.
Increase your protein and/or anti-oxidant (like CoQ10) intake to increase the quality of your eggs. Take folic acid.

Be zen
thanks joyfully
i will be starting only in Jan 13.

What's the prob you facing? mind to share? maybe together with the diet plan on supplements..hehe..i'm greedy..

i remember either you or Luv had HCG injections(or some other injections) during 2ww le..or maybe i dont remember correctly..haha
Hi Chevy

Thank u........I have been trying TCM + acupuncture even during my ivf cycle (before and after). My womb is very good and so do the lining, dr said likely is the egg quality but the last cycle I have beautiful good embryo but still don't work. So, now I can only keep trying and like I said hope for a small miraculous fr me
Hi prosepina, noted on your cycle date.

I have growth hormone deficiency. My GH reading is 0.1 vs 20 (ideal candidate for ivf). So it means I m not a gd candidate for ivf. My AMH level also dropped a lot from 34 plus to less than 10 in over a year. But after 2 months of taking the above supplements, my AMH reading has improved to around 12. Hope this info helps.

Think I am the one who has to inject GH jabs (Saizen then changed to scitropin) 2 months before my ivf cycle. Plus the cycle itself, all in all I had 3 months of GH jabs. The Jab is supposed to aid in my growth hormones, so that I can produce more eggs. I managed to retrieve 9 eggs for my cycle. Did ICSI and assisted hatching, so managed to have 7 embryos. Transferred 2 and freeze 5.
At CARE, I was advised to go for many tests before Angela gives the go ahead for me to embark on my cycle. So I m thankful to her for that.
Joyfully, haha..u must be thinking i've forgotten you..hehe..i'm so happy you and hope made it! wonder how's randy now..

u did assisted hatching? i remember Luv did it also..noted your supplements plan..how many pack of immunocal you took prior ivf? i remember mc said she took 6 to boost prior ER..i find immunocal not easy to dissolve le..
Can I take royal jelly and coq10 at the same time?

Prosepina: that means I must go bk to kkh and retrieve all my records? Are they willing to give?
jess: no need unless you want to change doctor. my silly DH wanted to try IUI after failed IVF so i took the records when i see Dr.Sadhana but not without IVF records (SA analysis for IVF insemination, embroys report)
Hi Jess, it's Y.S Eco bee farms, royal jelly & pollen in honey at iherb. I think one of the sister here said that qoo10 is cheaper. Maybe u want to try that.

Amh is a test of our ovarian reserve.

I don't know whether TCM can improve egg quality or not as I didn't try that. But can ask DR Zou.

Prosepina, hee.. Never thought that you have forgotten about me. Thanks, dear. Your turn very soon.

Yup, both Luv and I did assisted hatching mainly because our DH solders are not very strong. Hence, AH is recommends to improve on the chance. I took 1 to 2 packets of immunocal a day. Depends ob my mood. But thought I read somewhere that 3 packets is the max for a day.

Yeah, agree with u immunocal not easy to dissolve. But bo pian, since it has proven to help many sisters in conceiving, so i just have to try mixing it with different types of beverage to cover the taste.
