IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi gals,
Suyana means fibrogel, powder....
Is super safe and for preggy ladies, constipation... Helps to soften the stools....

For ginger tea, my gf recommend a powdered ginger... In a bottle form... Natural ginger and very spicy... Better than the satchet...

hi janice,
all the best... I have faith in u...

Hi leor,
Take care...

<font color="aa00aa">Hello hello...feeling better now, was told can take panadol if really bad.

Lynn - well done! journey almost over with BFP!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">I think it depends on if you are doing fresh or frozen cycle - generally, for fresh, you need to have manageable levels of OHSS (if any) and good lining. For frozen, basically good lining and no ovulation (if medicated cycle) or ovulation detected (if natural cycle). Also no cycts ...

Ladies anything else to add? </font>
Su-thanks for the inform, didn't know that U had done 3 cycles.
Have a smooth pregnancy ahead.
So kind of U to come in &amp; provide us with inform.
I very sleepy, is it normal??

I am not sure what hormone levels is needed - I guess a fair level of progesterone is required as it maintains the lining. My gynae updated the embryologist on that just before my ET.

I recall reading in the information given to me however that if hormone levels are too high and the patient has severe OHSS, the transfer may have to be postponed to the next cycle.

Hope this helps.
Shoes, dawn
Thanks.I'm doing frozen cycle..went for scan today,lining 12,as for E2,was told result is low.
Blue, I think it's normal to be tired. Having hot flushes n mood swing also is normal. Just take things easy. When is your next scan?
Hmm...ya..shld be natural.sorry..but wat's the difference bet medicated &amp; natural cycle?
Hmm...anybody also have the same experience..low E2? can share? Thanks..

How many follicles did you see on your last scan?

I remember my lower abdomen feeling bloated / tight also. Then after a while, I didn't feel that way anymore. Panicked! Thought my follicles had ceased to grow but the next scan showed they still were. Dr said it's probably cause my ovaries got used to the additional load already.
<font color="aa00aa">Dawndew - mine not many la, but maybe its the effect of so many jabs and all that.

For sure bloated, cos my pants are super duper uber tight lor hahahaahaha</font>
I had E2 on mon, but i din ask abt the result. Im gg for another scan and E2 on sat. I ask le then compared with yours. I will help you ask whats the ideal level. When is your fet? You are with which clinic?
Nadia, I don't go TCM now but b4 ET n after ET will go EYS for accup.
You doing D5 trsf? How many frozen embies you have and at what grade? I oso thinking do D5 trsf. I've 8 frozen but all grade 3. This is my last try. I want to max my chance.
Su- I be scanning on Sat.
Nadia- tcm dr say come for accupuncture tis sun again then next week twice also. He say after ET also k accupuncture, just thinking would it be safe?? Or maybe it k help in implantation due to better blood circulation?
Any sistas here continue to accupuncture after ET?
Hokkaido: must buy from pharmacy too. Kkivf itself doesnt dispense med. Opening shld be 8.30 or 9am ba. Can chk website or clinic though
Same!!! Im with care too... No wonder you are hving E2 tested. Whens your expected ET? Did you call them to chk your E2 or they called you back? When are you gg care again?

It a malay lady that comes to my place... My last fresh, lining abt 8mm after those jabs, but no massage. Now weekly massage, bruises on my tummy frm jabs went off in 1.5 days after massage and my lining was 12mm. So i believe the weekly massage realli helps blood circulate to uterus...
Seaview buddy: tank u... I will cheer u on when ur turn come...;-)

Peko: me same same 8 like u .. Only 1 grade 4 n the rest is 3.. They hv started thawing mine yesterday.. Today so far no call.. So likely my embbies has survive today's journey... So will c how tomolo... U r gg accu a day b4 ET n after ET.. Hmm maybe y dun u go for 2-3 session of accu before ur next scan.. Maybe will help..;-).. Wish u all the best...

Blue: ic.. I know that tcm in raffles do accu after ET.. Maybe its k thats y they do accu after ET.. Dr Zou dont do accu an after ET.. She prefer nature to take its course.. But we will
eat her an tai meds during 2ww..;-)
I'm feeling so excited for you. Sat will the BIG DaY!!! I'm starting my intensive accu tomorrow, and I'm actually so excited about it.... haha...

so far hws your jabs? any signs of ohss?

How much does each massage cost? Sounds like something worth trying - I've thankfully not had much issue with lining so far but I do think my blood circulation is poor. My hands and feet are often cold.
Ineedmiracle: thanks dear.. I am excited for u too...;-).. Tomolo last accu liao... Gonna miss Dr Zou... Hehe

Jabs r k... Eventhough the needle is long n thick.. So far no sore... Bloated on and off.. Today afternoon got minor gastric.. Eat spirulina n taking oats.. Feel better now...;-).. How r u so far?

I am thinking whether shld i ask them on my embbies condition tomolo when i go kk.. Scared to ask .. Hahaha
Ure fresh, lining was 10mm right??

Ladies on fresh FET..
Ask u hor, our embiess will be thawed right after we tested + ve opk huh. Once +ve, hv to call KK right?
So didn't survive, we hv to try natural right??

Paiseh for this FET, Hvnt been doing much research or d flow...
I'm having bloated tummy every night...not so bad in the day. Sometimes so bloat that i cant sit straight. And having gastric too...all at night.
If they never call you means good news mah. no harm asking. At least you know the progress...

the first scan was 8mm...oni after i drown myself with lots of proteins and red bean soup, then up to 10mm...
Whereas now, I'm veri slack with my proteins and no red bean soup, the lining improved! So i think credit to weekly massage and weekly accu.
Ineedmiracle: we same same i get bloated at nite n late afternoon at times.. Only today kena gastric... Hmm i tink i will ask tomolo n accept watever comes.. No calls means gd news.. But scary too.. Hehehe
yah...late afternoon will start the bloat. will terrible. my gastric was bad yesterday... so i took some digestion pills to help me..haha...
It is terrible when having constipation and bloat. like all stored inside, no where to release.

Ineedmiracle: hmm shld be mah.. I do.. But sometimes i take spirulina 3 times a day.. To ease the tummy discomfort.. It does help...;-)

Blue: yup I am staying strong for my embbies.. Praying for them everyday...;-).. Yup u decide when u wan to do daily accu mah... Best of luck
