IVF at NUH--feedback pls

No heart beat at week 10 & scan show like 7 weeks only.
Inital beta HCG was also low, I had brown spotting few days before the actual beta.
Farisah, I know how you feel.
I had m/c too at week 7. Was emotionally painful for me. Actually I had phobia of laying on the bed to get scan. Coz that was how I found out abt my m/c.
Lucky emerald clinic changed location to their current plc if not that bed is a nightmare to me.
When I got pg again thru ivf in 2010, I had that phobia again.
I know I must think positive but I was just scared. During the first trim, every time I had to see prof for scan I will feel very frightened n when he did the scanning, I will always look for the morvemnt of heartbeat

It's easy to say but we really need to think positive. So do try to be positive ok
We have to stop negative message here
It will be banned! Haaaa...

Come on gals!! Let be motivated!!! Let us bring up our spirit no matter what happen! Move on and look forward

Have faith, have hope
Hehhehehehe shld have demerit point system la. The most 'negative posts' collects the demerit points and need to blanja all with the whey protein drink!
Hopingfor1... Nah havent even start yet la.... Was just wondering wat the heck to do to keep my mind occupied?!

Farisah.... Chin up babe.... This cycle will be IT! God willing...

Anyone going for the talk this saturday,18th?
Wow Farisah, did not know abt you reading my post

Feel hoNoured anyway. Thanks for the well wishes.

Ladies, all of you can do it !!!
hi ladies,

those getting immunocal or drink immunocal, how long you start to take???

My hubby is buying for me wahahah, and i just made the order later they will send to me

just thinking is it too late for me to drink???? I am a month away from the ER and ET
Hi Andreanie, chr nurses said will still have period as per normal.

SJX, i'm also on long protocol, my menses also came ah. today had first jab of gonal f oredi.
lee-Gonal F is better hor, I meant the after jab effect.
Drink more water if U feel heaty hor.
SJX-they will ask U when U going for scan before Gonal F jab
bluenosebear, thanks. actually e gonal f after jab haf a stingy effect on me but i'm ok lah. any side effects or not? e nurse juz tell me may haf water retention n duno wad lah but i wasn't listening liao bcos i was jabbing myself liao. but i'm still on suprefact as well.

SJX-they will calculate the days for you mah. they tell me to come back on a day when my menses supposed to come when i had my suprefact jabs but my menses delayed a few days, tat's y now than i start my gonal F. :D dun worry lah. today they gave me a card to write down how much gonal f i have to jab. dun worry too much. remember, we need to be stress free. :D
so mean i dont have to call them when my period here lo haaa scare me was thinking should i call or not

by the way for suprefact, any one has side effect?
i got mild headache.... not sure is it normal
sjx, u haf to call them when ur menses come, bcos they need to calculate n arrange appt for u lah. anything u nt sure, u beta call chr n ask. :D
lee-U meant feel bloated, coz the follicles is growing mah.
Might feel like hot flash kind, as hormone jabs, so drink more water. Also with more water intake, is too prevent U to be sick, esp now is flu session.
On & off some headache, but I was ok with that.
hi bluenosebear

thanks for sharing ok ok will call

me drink A LOT water and super take care of myself now as so scare to fall sick LOL.....
and best is i only drink warm water ok
bluenosebear, now still not bloated lah, i'm ok. :D

sjx, i naughty gal, i still drink ice water haha. but cannot help it leh. i feel hotter, duno y. zzz...
ok lah, when go out dinner I have no choice so will drink lor

but it more easy to control in the office and at home...

the time pass so slow! haaa

u know ah only 5th day of injection I feel so bloated liao...

and i also got constipation, even I drink so much water
sjx, seems like good news u feel bloated leh. gt a fren she say first cycle of ivf she failed, second ivf she conceived n gave birth bcos her body 'reacted' quite strong, gain weight, bloated etc. I'm like not feeling anything leh. so i'm a bit disappointed. if can conceive, i dun mind feeling bloated lah, getting fat etc... so u shld look at e bright side.
hah?! really?

me like big reaction with the drug, like headache, and slight bloating

suprefact only leh, imagine if Gonal F then how? I scare i will get OHSS lor
Sjx, don't stress yourself like not to fall sick.

That was what I thought when I did my first cycle. I stress myself not to fall sick. Then 2 days before egg retrieval I really fell sick. Saw dr a day before ER. Was not fully recovered by ER but lucky no fever n could continue with ER
Don't be like me ok
Sjx, don't stress yourself like not to fall sick.

That was what I thought when I did my first cycle. I stress myself not to fall sick. Then 2 days before egg retrieval I really fell sick. Saw dr a day before ER. Was not fully recovered by ER but lucky no fever n could continue with ER
Don't be like me ok
SJX, I will say there is no specific cd. Usually once you start your gonalf, it can be as early as cd 10 for er which I ever did. There was one cycle I think was cd12.
lee - it depends on some people. As for me, mine did came. But I was also told by CHR nurses that some people doesnt have menses during suppression.
Good luck with your IVF journey!

SJX - theres no specific day for ER. It really depends on your body's response to the gonal-f and once the eggs are matured enough, gynae will tell you at least 2 days before when your ER will be. I remembered mine was on a Saturday morning. So good, not much people but need to report to day surgery at 7am cos its on a weekend.
Anyway good luck new sisters on your IVF journey! As for me, its another 4 weeks before I popped! IVF babies are so precious, its been a journey but its all worth it at the end!

Keep on being positive yeah!
andreanie, thanks. tomorrow have another appt but i think my follicles is ready for OR.
for me, gonal f seems to work well for me. tomorrow e chr nurse told me to bring back all the gonal f pen. follicles sizes range from 12 to 15 and 6 on each ovary. i guess i also need all the luck i can get.

sjx, remember i told you seems to be very slow but now everything seems to happen very fast. i'm really praying hard that things will work out fine for all of us here. :D

cross my fingers.... will update all again and also looking forward to the 2WW.
Ladies morning

Just wanna check with u All, how many of you have injection bruises?
Now I have a nature bruise belt on my tummy
Thanks yana n siddhi.
tues will b ER! Hope will haf BFP. Update all e ladies again. Going to buy ensure milk to drink n also eat tonnes of egg whites!
Hi All, I have started on my Gonal F today. I am on short protocol. Just worried as I am on high risk of OHSS. Met Dr. Steven Chew today & he said that I have 10 baby follicles on my left & 14 on my right. Anyone here with this kind of experience?? Share please....

Lee, when is your OR?

SJX, Whats latest on your side?
Siddhi-what is the reason for the short protocol?
I was PCOS, on long protocol, was also high risk of OHSS, esp during my 2nd cycle.
Likely they would reduce the dosage of Gonal F.
If start Gonal F today only already has so many follicles, did Dr Chew mention what is the reason behind?
To add on, my dosage was increase on 2nd cycle, but later on was reduced as too many follicles.
To prevent OHSS, U need to take very high protein diet & alot of water.
Which I did & manage to do ER & ET.
Bluenosebear, No Dr Chew just saw my AMH test report & mentioned that I am among few patients who have such high AMH. I asked sisters there they said Prof will scan on Friday & can adjust the dosage. I have only 1 cyst and rest are baby follicles. Will try to take high protien diet & water for these days.

reason for short protocol is high AMH result. It is around 110 where as good is considered only 19 and above.

Just I am keeping my patience, wait & watch theory.
hi siddhi,
today going for blood test, then will depend can start gonal f or not.

am wondering how long do i wait for blood test.
SJX, I reached NUH around 8.30 in the morning & completed blood test, sanning and gonal F dosage Counselling by 10.30. For blood test waited around 45 mins, Dr. Appointment & scanning 20 mins & rest was in counselling. Though it was crowded in the morning but by the time I left CHR it was empty. Hardly anyone, so dont think u will have to wait much. All the best.

siddhi-OR is tomorrow 12.30pm
hi ladies, looking at what some ladies is enquiring, i have 6 follicles each on my right & left ovaries. was on long protocol and taking gonal f for around 12 days. got alittle bloated on Saturday but that was my 2nd last jab of gonal F and i ate 5 hardboiled egg whites tat day, although i really feel like puking but it really helps because i was feeling much better after that. Nipples were pretty swollen and painful though.
wondering if any ladies experienced that and I was also having giddy spells. But tat's something good, because my body was having reactions. well, that's how i console myself. :D so excited about tomorrow! by e way, dr chew didn't say if i have cysts or not. while he's scanning, he just keep nodding his head say good good good, bcos i guess having double uterus and double vagina seems to make the 'pathway' difficult for implantation and he was planning the 'map' on my OR i guess. haha...
Siddhi- IC.
Then best to eat at least 8-10 egg whites, half-boiled as easier to take, u k take separately.
Maybe u might want to try immunocal, with so many follicles, by the size of 10mm, u would be very bloated.
From my experience, need at least 2pkts on top of the eggwhites. That is what I did.
Hope this helps
Lee- if u very bloated do eat more protein. U will feel more bloated after overidel (trigger jab).
Take care, settle yr work commitments & enjoy 2ww
Bluenose bear- thanks. Nurse tell me to eat egg whites that is cooked to prevent bacteria tats y nvr eat half boiled. Wrk commitments more or less settled. Hope tat nothing will cork up.
Hi sisters,
we just have our sperm test report, with very low mobility, high tail defect., ph not right etc.. my gyneo is Dr Tan from sgh. hi advise is to try ivf. both of us are so depressed and dont know what should do now..

Hi Lee,

means egg whites are real...
officially i am taking it, but with yolks.. haa super high cholesterol

Hi Emily,
may i ask are you prepare for IVF then?
Do you mind going through IVF?
