IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Thanks all for the clarification! I do hope we all will pull thru! I just cant wait to start liao! All these waiting for appts and blood tests driving me nuts!!
Sjx... Yup yup.... What we can do is.... Read n comment on forum lor! Hehehehe but i seriously nee something to occupy my mind sia! Now before start i already think the worst.... Dunno how i can survie the 2WW! Heheheh maybe take two weeks leave and sit at library read storybook
Helleberry - Just a tip, perhaps during the 2WW its better for u to have total bedrest. I did, I stayed home for the whole 2 weeks, stay in bed most of the time. Eat brazil nuts 3 pieces a day, drink Ensure milk, eat a few egg whites and rest completely.
I'm now in my 32nd weeks of pregnancy! I believe that extra precautions and less movement during the 2WW is very crucial.
If u ladies dont want to get Immunicol, just get Ensure milk. Its a high protein milk and comes in 3 flavours, vanilla strawberry and chocolate.
Not expensive either. I drank that to increase my protein intake during my ivf journey.

good luck all!
hey hellyberry
For me, i hoping my 2ww i can glue myself with dramas.. worst come to worst will sleep throughout wahaha.... we cant exercise right?

Woah! Andreanie!
u can lie and do nothing for 2 weeks? I wish i can...
and take for the recommendation.. for Ensure milk there are a few kind rights? which one should we buy?
Hi Ladies, I met Prof yesterday and my reports are all good to start my IVF process. I will be on short protocol so just waiting for my menses to start injections from Day 2. My menses will be around 28th of feb so I am trying to relax myself.

SJX, Great you started your injections. Getting a step closer to your goal. is it painful? keep yourself relaxed and do not stress yourself. Keep up the faith.
Siddhi-Gd to hear that.
For U, it would be very fast, as U don't need the suppression stage.
All the best.
Andreanie-All the baby things got ready already?
Andreanie.... Wah! Total bedrest ah? I scared total boredom sia! The more i stay in bed the more stress i might be! Hehehhe u tink i can ask prof for 14days hosp leave, just saw my schedule for the next six mths.... Looks like i may not even get to apply for leave!? Hehehe

Sjx... Hahahha if only i can sleep thru! I m actyally so excited for u to hve started liao sia! How's te injections ah?

Siddhi....wow starting already.... Heheeh envy u guys sia... I still gotta wait for blood tests first!

Hoping for1.... Yah me too! Hehehhe all the best
hi andreanie

are you referring to this:

Hi siddhi
i wont say it pain, but it is difficult to poke yourself.
I thought u also on injection before already right? correct me if i am wrong, sorry

Hi hopingfor1
yes u will succeed dont stress!

Hi hellyberry
i have said, the first time is the hardest... but second time seem ok but still scare. I will say my pain endurance is quite high
Hi SJX, take hubby's help for injection. My Hubby has agreed for it coz I cannot poke myself or else I will go to NUH as I stay very close to NUH.

No I was not any injection till now. Mine will be a short protocol & will start from Day 2 of my menses which is due on 28th feb.
HAAAA... Siddhi,
my hubby is more scare than me haaa
anyway, i have to manage myself as my hubby will be travel from tomorrow onward till april

so nice u have short protocol, so when will be your Egg Transfer?
SJX, that's really sad. Hope you can manage it yourself. Hoping for my Et around 12th March (plus minus 3 days). How about you? What have you planned for 2ww? I am calling my mom from India to take care of me around that time
hey siddhi
we so going to be cycle buddies

even u are going through short protocol..
my is around that period too

that 2 ww properly just keep myself stress free.. u will be see disappear from here for 2 weeks haaaa

Hi Lee
sjx, wow seems like everyone is progressing well.
wondering when my ET will be leh. sigh. now i'm abit confused by what is going to happen next leh but nvm. Who has started to eat nuts here huh?
True what Andreanie said abt bed rest. I guess it's the stress factor that is the one that bends to be thrown away.
Out of 3 cycles, one more bedrest than the other 2.
That cycle I did not make it. The other 2, bedrest for first week n out at times during the 2nd week prove to be better for me. I bfp one but miscarried n bfp the other and delivered last yr.
Su-check with U.
When U BFP for the 1st fresh, did u experience any spotting?
Then when U bfp on 3rd fresh any spotting at initial stage?
sjx, so troublesome ah? i juz ate up all the half boiled eggs including yolks. haha... from today onwards i will try not to eat the yolks. abit excited also bcos starting Gonal F this friday. how's your suprefact coming along? hope u're feeling beta oredi? I'm drinking omega plus milk leh. those that come in ready packet form. not really sure if it'll help my follicles. when i scan my follicles last week, i only heard dr chew say 6 on the left and 6 on the right.
seems to be too few and i'm wondering if there're eggs inside or not.
Hi bluenosebear, thanks. i guess that will be the critical period. the gynae will give 2 weeks of mc or hospitalization leave would you know?
Lee, 2ww starts from the day of embryo transfer.

Blue, both my bfp I did not have any spotting.
Even my first when I had my m/c No spotting till the day I had my dnc.
My third try, I was thankful I had major problem. Was very smooth and it helped me a lot. No spotting till the last day of check up.
lee-U would be given as hospitalisation from the start of egg retreival.
Actually 6 on right & 6 on left is quite good no.
Don't think of the quantity.
U just need a good egg & a good sperm to be BFP
thanks sjx. it sounds like ur very positive and brave! may i ask how long ur trying? is this ur first ivf?
i try to pass my 2ww by relaxing but i also work fulltime, so quite stressful ya!
ya first IVF, have to be positive else what can i do haaaa....

i have been trying for 4 years.. but sad to say i got 3 miscarriages.

ya lor best is staying singapore all prices increasing so have to work..
so sorry for your losses sjx. it is such a tough journey and we just have to keep faith and great to be positive. sending much baby dust your way.

hi lee. i did SO-IUI this month (had procedure yesterday) and doctor said no rest required but i try taking it easy - still have to work so i take breaks and keep walking to minimum...what about you?
Blue - yes all my baby stuff is ready! hehehee.... waiting for time only! ;)

Halleberry - u'll be given 2 weeks of hospitalization leave after Eggs Retrieval so dont worry abt not getting any mc or have to take leave. I spend my time at home reading, watching tv and gng into this forum. Only once nearing to bloodtest date, I went out to buy my laptop. Other than that, its bedrest at home.

Shi Jia Xin - nope not that one. Its this one - http://www.abbott.com.sg/family/products/adults/ensure_life.asp

Siddhi - I suggest that you have to be more brave and try to poke yourself. Cos sometimes u need to poke at odd hours of the night or morning, u cant expect to go down to NUH to get the CHR nurses to poke for u. Just stay calm and breath. Self injections are not at all painful. Trust me.
hopingfor1, i also juz started ivf first time also. on suprefact now than this fri gg dwn to take gonal F and also learn how to inject. :D
hi hopingfor1
the only thing we can do best is to be positive... so let work hard for it

Hi andreanie
noted! will buy immediately after work heeee
how many time u drink? and how many scoope?
Sjx... Omg, so sorry to hear of ur losses.... Dun worry... Wat doesnt kill us makes us stronger ok!

Andreannie... Oh really?! Phew! In that case i dun need to worry abt taking leave an all!
SJX, sure we are cycle buddies and must say you are very brave and will require your encouragement in 2ww.

Andreannie,Thanks dear for your suggestion. I will try to make it myself or else take hubby's help. its difficult to poke yaa...
Sjx... Omg, so sorry to hear of ur losses.... Dun worry... Wat doesnt kill us makes us stronger ok!

Andreannie... Oh really?! Phew! In that case i dun need to worry abt taking leave an all!
Shi Jia Xin - u just follow the instructions on how many scoops needed at the milk tin. I normally drink once a day cos if drink too much later body heaty.

Siddhi - do give it a try yah. I also last time was scared and hub said that he'll poke for me. But when I went for the first jab at CHR and nurse Munshi demostrated to me and asked who will do the poking, my hub said I'll have to do it myself so that I can feel it. So I did! Its a breeze really, not painful at all. Gonal-F pen is even better. Felt nothing at all!
morning ladies. hope you all had a good valentines day :)

hellyberry - you're in 2ww too ya? how you passing time?
how are all the ladies doing?
today is 2 days past iui for me...oh this 2ww!

Information for ordering Immunocal

It seem even pregnant also can drink.

Good morning! Thank you for your interest in our products.

We are the licensee or exclusive distributor for Immunotec-Canada (the manufacturer of Immunocal Regular/Immunocal Platinum) for the Singapore market and we sell directly to all consumers and do home/office delivery island-side. Order/s placed before 4.30 p.m. will be delivered on the next working day. Simply call us at 6281-8229 or send us an email to place your order.

Our selling price for Immunocal Regular is $106.00 nett per box of 30 pouches after 7% GST. As for Immunocal Platinum, price is $156.00 nett per box of 30 pouches after 7% GST. When you buy 10 boxes, you will get 1 box for free which translates to 10% bonus or savings. Our payment term is C.O.D. and we only accept cash or local cheque payment to be handed to our delivery staff at point of delivery.

To enjoy free delivery service, you need to place a minimum of 2 boxes; for delivery of 1 box only, there is a delivery charge of $10.00 per trip. However, when you purchase 10+1 (FOC) boxes and have no storage space at home, we offer free storage in our 24-hr air-conditioned warehouse for you to draw down on your goods over 3 free delivery trips.
Hi LAdies..

My 2nd time here. Will be starting my 2nd cycle of IVF somewhere in March. This will be my 2nd IVF with NUH.

1st IVF sucessessful pregnant with 1 baby in May'11 but unfortunately miscarriage at 20th weeks in Sept'11. Feeling freaking fobia and trauma to go through the journey all over again.

All the best to you guys..
Hi Farisah, very sorry to hear about yr loss.
Are U ready for the second round?
It would be better if U are emotionally ready to go for the fresh cycle.
Hi blue, I'm not realli emotionally ready to start all over again since the loss. Trying hard to move on but the pain and memories still linger around. But since Dr Anupriya had given me the green light to try again, I feel that I should give myself a second chance. Btw the reason for my earlier miscarriage is due to my incompetant cervix. So have to do an cervical cerlage this time round if I'm pregnant again
Hi blue, I'm not realli emotionally ready to start all over again since the loss. Trying hard to move on but the pain and memories still linger around. But since Dr Anupriya had given me the green light to try again, I feel that I should give myself a second chance. Btw the reason for my earlier miscarriage is due to my incompetant cervix. So have to do an cervical cerlage this time round if I'm pregnant again

Farisah- Giving yrself a 2nd chance is good.
But most impt part is that during fresh cycle, with all the hormones jabs, it can be quite tedious emotionally.
Are U able to take it?
Pain & memories would be there, it would take time to really lighten it.
Although Dr Anu given the green light, most impt part is that U must be ready to go through the fresh.
If U are ready, jia you.
Hope U will succeed this fresh.
I loss my during week 10 during Oct 11, after my 2nd fresh with Prof Wong.
My 1st fresh, no implantation, it took me more than 6 months to go for 2nd fresh.
I'm trying nautrally now, if not, next month be doing natural FET.
Though the memories still linger, I felt that I am ready to go for it now.
