IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Blue- I thought so too. How are you feeling? I guess v bloated feeling bah cos u got so many retrieved. Has the embryologist called to inform about number fertilized etc? Rest well for tmr ET and start taking ur brazil nuts Good luck!
Yap, embrologist called.
13 matured & 7 fertilized. 2 good & rest satisfactory.
Today felt better.
But the Dostinex( to prevent ohss) make me nausea.
Think tis round after er really make me feel horrible.
Hope all this pays well & I k be bfp
Oh dear, Blue, so now u feeling nauseas and bloated lor? Yes, u will be rewarded for your HARD work! Rest well and drink more water for ur ET tmr. Take care!
Su! Congratulations on being a mummy!
So happy for you! Hope to join u in 8 mths time!

Blue - Wow, good numbers u have there! Hope this time u'll strike! Jiayou!
Blue, how is your transfer?
As I'm typing I'm actually at Nuh. My baby got jaundice so had to be admiited. I can bring her back now hope her jaundice will not come back
Su- transfer done smoothly.
But tis round due to the Dostinex (prevent ohss), make me nausea. I vomitted twice since yesterday.
Hope really all these pay off & I bfp.
Did u take any ginger, if yes better not feed yr baby breast milk, as will cause jaundice to be worse
Finally found this thread again.
Wanted to post but could not retrieve the page.

Blue, how are you?

Andreannie, what about yourself?
How many weeks now?

I'm doing fine. Still learning the tricks of my girl.
Hope to be able to set some routine soon.

Take care ladies.
Su- hope everything fine with yr girl.
Enjoy yr motherhood.
Seems very quiet here.
I'm down wiith runny nose since Sun, now better without any med. But I drank like 2-3L of water.
Otherwise, kept reminding myself to have +ve thoughts & enjoying funny video series.
I wonder how is Vi & jamp
Blue, yes mine is natural but had to induce.
Firstly, my cervix had dilate 2cm n I've been telling
gynae my bb not moving actively as before.
So thats why the need to induce. Furthermore, I've almost cross my Edd. The day my bb was born was my edd.

It was a total of 14hrs of labour.
hi blue, i m still here. *wave* As promise, i will still come in to jia you for u : ) u in 2nd week of 2ww already. All the best to ur BHCG next Wednesday.

Eversince my last failed ivf af, i have not ovulated yet. been 1 mth liao. My body goes haywire. Hopefully next cycle will be bk to normal.
Su - I am staying put with Dr Stephen Chew. Seems like he didnt mention anything of asking me to change gynae or whatsoever. So i guess the changing gynae part after IVF only applies to Prof Wong perhaps. I'm gng to meet him again when I turn 14 weeks on 10 October. And when I turn 12 weeks, he asked me to go for the Down Syndrome First trimester test.
Andreannie, good for you if your dr going to follow you throughout.
I did all test around 12 weeks, so by the time I saw dr su, i don't have to take any more test.
Blue - that what the nurses at Emerald clinic told me also, they said that i will be with him for the rest of my pregnancy.

Su - can't wait for the 12 weeks scan cos its gng to be vaginal ultrasound. can see baby more clearly. saw my baby on the 9 weeks scan via abdomen but not so clear so am looking fwd to see him/her vaginally hehehe....
Andreannie, I remembered my 12weeks scan
was done at fetal care centre. Machine is better than in emerald. The sonographer will scan for you n it's abdominal scanning. They will checknon every development to ensure bb is growing accordingly.
You will see your bb soon
Blue, so far coping ok with mygirl.
Still not an expert but learning her style.
For one thing sure she will cryout loud for milk
Not just a soft cry.
She seems quite strong. Her kick and shoving me away with her hands say all.
I need some advise.
I done my transfer on 1/9, today is the 10th day, suppose to do BT on 14/9.
Just now saw pantyliner has some brown spotting. When clean below, saw more brownish residue.
Usually is whitish with some pinkish residue likely from the crinone.
I was thinking is this implantation bleeding?
I have no courage to test urine hcg.
Hi Blue... Was your brownish spotting a lot? 7 days post my 4 day transfer, I experienced a very tiny amount of what looked like brownish spotting. It only appeared at the end of the crinone stick, after application. It continued for 3 days. I also tested positive on HPT on the same day, and I passed my first 2 week wait. My beta was on Friday, 09/09, HCG was 161. I can understand your fear to use HPT, so maybe it's better that you call CHR to clarify your doubts. I was scared to test at first too... I started testing on 4dp4dt. Saw BFN for a few days and I admit that I started to lose hope. Until 7dp4dt, I saw my first BFP. After that, I was scared that it might be false positive and still kept on testing! I'm telling you, I nearly went mad. Just to share my experience.
Soul- it came out like dark brown discharge, maybe like 20cents coin.
Then later on, after I pee there was like very pinkish brown on tissue, but so far cross my fingers, there was nothing on pantyliner.
Did u test on morning urine?
I scare to see -ve, tis is my 2nd fresh ivf
Then, it was not a lot. Can be implantation bleeding. From what I read, it will happen for a couple of days or so. And yours not heavy to flow on pantyliner. Even 20 cent amount is still very little imo. Mine was 3 days. Also none on pantyliners, just on crinone stick. On 7dpt, I tested in the evening around 6.30 like that. I used the Clearblue digital one, and it says Pregnant, 1-2 weeks. If you're scared to test, I advice you not to. Later cause unnecessary worry...
Abit more than yesterday.
I testes with the clearblue & show pregnant. But Watson brand show very faint till must see it from light.
Really praying hard is good news.
Going chr tomorrow morning for the test.
Blue, really hope good news for you

I'll be at emerald clinic tomorrow at 2pm for my follow up with gynae. Should be my last visit with her.

Rest n take care
I'm not on pregnyl jab as I high risk of ohss, only on crinone gel.
I also crossing my toes & fingers.
Su- last visit now but u k see her next yr for yr 2nd baby.
If you're not on Pregnyl jabs, then you're definitely BFP! I pray that your blood test will show a favourable result later
. Looking forward to your update!
Beta hcg 52, so today got the support jab & tabs. Prof also check v, he say bleeding consider minimal.
So thurs repeat beta & jab again. If beta ok, then next thurs scan.
I k only think positive & pray hard.
When everything smoothly then I k spread babydust to yr, especially u, buddy & pink
Blue - CONGRATULATIONS!!! Hope this baby will stick thruout and then can see u at the Emerald/Ruby clinics already!

Su - I was at Emerald too just now for support jab but I reach at 3 plus. Could have missed u already!

Andreannie, were you at the carpark n going to the lift?
You looked like the one I saw at Chr the other time. You were with a lady n your husband I assume.

I was with my Hubby n daughter with a pram at the lift lobby of the basement carpark.

You were there for checkbup?
