Itching nips


Hello mummies, am 9 weeks 5 days into my pregnancy now.

I understand that breast soreness is normal. However how about nipples itchiness?? My nips are super itchy till it's getting uncomfortable. Especially when im at work, can't possibly scratch in front of people right?

Any ways to make this better?

Hello mummies, am 9 weeks 5 days into my pregnancy now.

I understand that breast soreness is normal. However how about nipples itchiness?? My nips are super itchy till it's getting uncomfortable. Especially when im at work, can't possibly scratch in front of people right?

Any ways to make this better?

idk whether is it normal to feel the itchiness because back when i was at my 1st and start of 2nd trimester i do feel super itchy there too. hehe but im not working so i can 'scratch' myself lightly there. Im now at my 27weeks and i dont feel itchy anymore!

Jiayou, endure!
Apply moisturizer and it definitely helps. Can get nipple creams or just use your stretch marks cream. Enjoy your pregnancy and have a smooth delivery.
omg thank god I saw this thread. thought I was the only one experiencing this. the skin on my nips look abit like it's peeling too. is that normal?
Mine was itching like mad also. Then the area around it was like dry and peeling so my dr prescribed a cream for me. So far it helps and it's less itchy. My Dr said it's due to our changing hormones. Try asking yours for a cream.

Btw, if you are putting creams etc, pls ensure you do not massage your breast as it could stimuate your breast to produce breast milk and this can cause pre-term labour.
Mine was itching like mad also. Then the area around it was like dry and peeling so my dr prescribed a cream for me. So far it helps and it's less itchy. My Dr said it's due to our changing hormones. Try asking yours for a cream.

Btw, if you are putting creams etc, pls ensure you do not massage your breast as it could stimuate your breast to produce breast milk and this can cause pre-term labour.

Ya lo, the area around was dry and peeling and I can't help but keep scratching...Thanks for your advice! will ask my Dr about it at my appointment next week :)
