Infant Care Centres


mummy wannabe

Our parents ( for various reasons) are not able to take care of our bb later on. Now contemplating if we should hunt for a baby sitter or a full day at infant care centre (i.e. 2nd mth onwards).

Anyone who's been putting their BB at infant care centre ...any problems/issue?

I am just concern if it'll affect the well-being of the bb ...

Not pregnant yet, but exploring the options now.

Please share your experience/views. Thanks.

I initially considered infant care but after a lot of discussion and serious consideration, we decided we will hire a maid instead. Not that infant care isn't good but the cost is high - even more than hiring a maid. And also, if your baby is sick, you cannot bring them there and have to make arrangements to look after the baby at home. The govt subsidies is only $150 for infant care so even after that u end up paying about $1K plus per mth - this amt excludes milk powder and diapers which u have to bring urself.Hope this helps!
Thanks Chupachup,

Is that so much to pay for infant care (full day), I thought it's around $700 or so?

Yah, maid is cheaper but it really depends on luck if you get a good one or not. Some are really great helpers I must say.
hi chupachup,

i'm considering infant care near my workplace too. cost $850 after subsidy. u said u r getting a maid. is there anyone at home looking at the maid? isnt it scary to leave the baby to the maid alone?
I'm planning to put my baby in an infant care centre when i go back to work after maternity. No doubt the cost is much higher but i definitely feel safer to put my baby in the hands of professional. I don feel safe leaving my baby with a maid. Furthermore, the infant care centre is near to my work place. I can pop by during lunch to take a look and breast feed her. Fee is oso slightly cheaper. $800 before subsidies.
All mummies/mtdb - thanks for the replies.

One concern about being on time to fetch the infant back, as we are working mothers, there's a likelihood we might not be able to make it in time, do they give some grace allowance? Maybe late for 15mins or so?

I have these questions in mind as my friends were all lucky to rely on their parents/in law while we can't.

I am working in Shenton way, don't think there's any infant care centre here?

Hi B2B3M4 - it so ideal to be able to breastfeed your child i/o of express. ~envy~
Yes i agree that it is safer to leave the baby in the hands of a professional than a maid but if you have your parents to help 'jaga' the maid, then i think it shldn't be a concern at all.

B2B3M4: As for brerastfeeding your child, most centres do not encourage mothers to breastfeed their child during lunch times as they want the babies to be independent. Cos sometimes when the mothers go down to breastfeed, the baby may not want the mother to leave or may cry when they try to bottle feed if u are unable to make it. What the centres told me is that they prefer us to express the milk and pass it to them to bottle-feed. Maybe you'd want to chk with ur particular centre.

Mummywannabe: Most centres need you to bring your child back latest by 7pm. If you are late, they will charge accordingly per hr. Better chk with the centre u are going to register ur baby.
Hi ladies,
my bb was initially cared for by my mom. However, she had to go to aust with my sis for a month, so we hv since placed our ds in infant care.

In fact, i had been considering it for a long while, even b4 the birth of our son. I had gone around to several infant care schools to check out that facilities. There's one near my work place (Babies Inc). I must say it's very good, but even with the subsidy, it comes to about $1.3K.

Fortunately, i've found one near my place now. It was really a stroke of luck, as i was nearly close to DESPERATION and DESPAIR
This place is brand-new, and begun operations only in March, when my ds joined them.

When it started, there were only two of them - my boy and one other baby. THey had all the care and attention of the caregivers. So, despite the govt's 1:5 ratio, here, they have 1:1

To date, two other baby girls hv joined them. I've noticed that although the number of babies hv increased, they hv also hired more hands to help out. So, ratio is still very low.

One other thing i like about the place is that because it's brand-new, everything is new there -- the toys, cribs, mats, utensils... it's also fully air-conditioned, which makes it comfortable. My boy dislikes the heat...

It's also very clean, and the floor is mopped twice a day, and toys are disinfected when the day ends. ALso, the change area is disinfected after each time a bb is bathed/diapered. Oh yes, there's a staff nurse on the premises too

So with all these in place, it has really given my hubby and me some peace of mind. I don't deny that it is costlier than a maid, but we are comfortable with this arrangement.

Sorry this has been rather long, but thot i'd share this with any mommies who's considering infant care. Do visit the facilities and check out the place and staff before entrusting your child with them

hope that helps

where is the infant care centre u mentioned and may i noe how much they charging.. tks for sharing!
I'd like to know if anyone knows of any good infant care centre in Clementi.

Maybe if there's none in Clementi, we can consider starting one so that we can also take care of our own kids huh?
hi August

i'm considering it too... but *sigh* it'll be a while, especially with the training and all...

btw have you checked the mcds listing to show where these infant care centres are?
Hi all,
I haven't placed my BB in infant care centre yet. But i was wondering how much of the diapers do i have to provide? N what if i'm planning to put my BB on cloth nappies?
hi b2b3m4,
hmm... cloth nappies are good. In fact had my boy on cloth diapers for the first month, and laundry was tremendous! After a while, that proved too much for us... with both of us working, it is more convenient using disposables.

usually we buy those jumbo packs and leave it at the centre. According to the daily reports, they change him at least 4 times a day. so our pack lasts for a month or so...
Hi saw the starting of infant care thingy. me keen maybe we can do it together. I'm living in Holland drive. And have two sons, one 4years old and the other 18 mths. I'm a housewife.

I think Clementi dun haveleh..

the thot of setting up came into my mind b4 leh.. but i think not easy.. But r u serious with this idea?
hi cubbiebb

it not easy cause I have the procedure to set up. U can go to MCDS website to obtain.

Have to work this out? I dun mind cause it near my place
Hi Andrea (nnchander),
Can you provide the exact address for the infant care centre?

I am staying in Bukit Batok and really interested!!!
hi chloe mom,
the place is called Just Kids
it's behind st luke's hospital. several moms hv enquired too, and are keen to go down to hv a look
just call the centre and they'd be more than happy to show you the premises.

where r u staying in bt batok? i'm staying in the area too, but will be shifting to gombak soon.
Hi, Any1 looking for a babysitter?? I don't have any problem if you would like to fetch your baby only once a week. I charge very low rates. I even have a childcare certificate. I own two beautiful kids of my own. So any1 interested, please don't be shy and call me @94233520.
Hi Chloe Mum,

Who is taking care of your baby now? Why do you intend to put her there> Just curious cos i tot of leaving my girl there too since i don;t quite like my MIL's mehod of taking care of her.
Hi Chloe Mom,
Have you gone to check out Just Kids? They have more babies now
Certainly livelier and noisier!!

The other day, one of the carers mentioned that we (parents) will be receiving good news soon. Think the subsidy will eb greater... YAY
It will be a relief (no pun intended) indeed! hahah
hi andrea n chloe,
i m staying at bt batok too. walking dist fr the mrt. tks andrea for the details. mayb i go take a look. my bb due in jul. i tot to apply unpaid leave till dec. yr 05, i havnt decided. even tot of resigning.
hi SAnrio

I'm also thinking of quiting recently... more so now actually! just wanna spend more time with bb, but not financially viable

*SIgh*... hope the govt comes up with a good package soon. My friends in childcare say that a good subsidy is due

BTW, which part of Bt Batok are you at?
hi andrea,
i'm at st 21, near the swimmimg pool. how abt u?
my hubby prefers me to quit n take care of bb full-tx for at least 1-2 yrs then can go out n work. currently i hav a gd job n boss so little dilema. i tot switching to part-tx ie. work mon -wed n leave bb w infant care. so i hav thur - sun for bb n family. i check w just kids for such a package. it'll cost abt $580 b4 subsidy ($75 for regular part-tx). will visit just kids on mon as we're on leave.
yes, certainly hope the subsidy will increase. they alwy discussing but slow in implementing hoh..
hi andrea,
how long hav ur bb been w just kids? any comments or thgs to note. is it gd 'generally'?
Hi Sanrio,
I'm currently staying opp the mosque at Bt Batok East Ave 2. However, will be shifting soon to Gomabak (opp CDANS). Looking forward to that!

My boy has been with them since they started operations in March. When it first started, it was just my boy (Jarrod) and one other baby
THey had all the attention because just two babies. They really enjoyed it.

I would say that it is good. I have visited several Infant Care facilities, and this place is still one of the best I've seen (mebbe coz it's new). It's fully air-conditioned, and the carers are really nice. the baby-carer ratio is still quite low (which is good!)

Right now, there are on average 4 to five babies. But there are about 3 to 5 carers. So as you can see, the ratio is almost 1 to 1. At most, 3:1 which is still much lower than the govt recommended at 5:1.

The facilities are brand-new and very clean too. There is a lady who cleans the place twice a day.

If you place your child there, they will allow you to 'sit in' for the first couple of days, and observe the operations. They also want to take the opportunity to "observe" you and the routine y our bb has. Generally, the babies are well-taken care of.

I think that's about it. Just feel free to ask them as many questions as possible, afterall your baby will be in their care.

Hope that helps

hi andrea
tks for so much for the info

we visiting the place on mon. hubby is quite worried esp the caregiver:bb ratio.
if we really decide to put bb there, will probably b yr 05. i due in jul, af confinement, may go on leave till yr end.
will keep u posted. tks andrea
HI Sanrio,
Not a problem

What time will you be there? If after work, might probably bump into you ... or you might even meet my son first! hahah :D

Anyway, when's your EDD? Where will you be delivering?

hi andrea,
i 'met' ur son, Jarrod. he's so adorable
i was there abt 3.30pm. he was awake, doing 'gym' on those soft plastic blocks/cushions. i waved at him n he looked at me 'puzzled'.
i agreed w u, the environment is not bad, cooling n clean. i saw quite a no. of nannies n teachers too.
my EDD is 21 jul. my gynae is at kkh. i tot of putting my bb in infant care jan 05. but hubby still prefer me to look af bb till he's abt 18mths.
i oso dilema as by then my co may not need me anymore.
how many mths is Jarrod now? will u cont to leave him in just kids till further plans?
okie certainly hope to mt u 1 day
Hi Sanrio,
I didn't go down to the Centre yesterday as I worked late. My hubby was there to pick him up, and I asked him to look out for you... but you were there much earlier!

anyway, jarrod has been with them since 1st March (veteran by now, hHahah). He was about 4-and-a-half months then. He'll be turning 7 months on 11th this month.

He likes it there, and has adjusted well, so no plans to take him out. We like the place too... I think it's good value for a centre with new facilities such as theirs...

do talk with your hubby and see what comes out of it, but certainly, i think taking care of own bb is best. Is this your first baby? Unfortunately, it is not feasible for us... I do keep thinking of quiting ... heheh
hello andrea,
personally i wld prefer infant care compared to nanny (whom i do not know) or maid. the ctr wld maintain high level of standard n reputation.
i can see tat jarrod is adjusting well. he looks happy

yes, my 1st bb n mayb the only one. af discussion w hubby, i wld most likely apply 1 yr unpaid leave. i saw tat just kids has childcare facilities too. dun now whether it's in operation oreadi. anyway.. if it's gd, mayb next tx i'll put my boy (Ashrel) there.
nice chatting w u
hihi Sanrio
i agree with you. I wasn't sure how to go about selecting a nanny/maid. And when I'm not around, I can't really make checks. So I thot infant care is best, since there are other babies around, and more parents too... so there's some checks there.

Anyway, I'm glad to know that you have made your decision. It is good that you are taking leave to care for bb. I think that's the best.

Just Kids does have childcare facilities, and they are in full operation already. I think the 18-month old ones are downstairs on the first level.

Take care!

hello andrea

do u chat in other threads? i usually chat in jun/jul MTBs as i m a jul mommy.
next tx i need advice on bb stuff, bfg etc, can i ask u n learn fr ur experiences?
i suppose all new mommies will take a while to get use to the bb habits n routine. i sure 'ka lang ka bok' wen bb arrives.
btw, wat milk powder do u give to jarrod? since i not working, i plan to tbf but tot will standby 1 can jus in case.
Hi Sanrio,
No problem... but I'm a new mom also
It's good to just meet new moms online and share notes. Personally, I find that it is an important source of support!

Jarrod has recently switched to a follow-on milk, eversince he turned 6 months. I breast-fed him for a week, and then developed mastitis. So I stopped after that... Then, we put him on Nan HA and now, it's Similac Excellence.

He has a good appetite and loves food!
Mebbe that explains his size!

I'm available online most of the day on the Yahoo Messenger (nick: chummiez) or MSN (nick: ahoaa).

Do tell me about your pregnancy! You must be excited with the EDD fast approaching
Do you know if it's a boy or girl? Or you want to be surprised?

Well, I'll stop for now. Hope to catch you online again!

hi andrea,
i agree. i learn lots of useful n interesting thgs fr MTBs n mommies thru chatting in this forum.
i was tinking of a spare can of similac excellence or enfalac A+ cos heard gd comments abt these 2.
yahoo on-line chat u mean? i cant do yahoo chat fr office. hm pc, i havnt tried. but hm is dial-up so vy slow.
yup kind of waiting w excitement for my EDD. 1st trim was tough for me as i had bad MS n cant even work, either on leave or MC. 2nd trim much beta. now 3rd trim, i hav bad nausea n heartburn. thru'out, my appetitie not too gd so till now, my wt gain is only 6kg. but gynae told me bb growing fine.
i m having a bb boy.
how was ur pregnancy n delivery process? me now worried abt the labour process. heard it's tough..
hear fr u agn

i am staying at CCK, i also planning to send my newborn bb to infant care centre after i return to work end july. bt. batok infant care sounds good...
Hi Hi

Just want to find out if there is any infant care centre at Bishan or Toa payoh area... PLease update me many thanks...
hi joey,
u can check out Just Kids at bukit batok. i dun have the exact address, but it's somewhere near st luke hospital. i visited the place. it's very new, the environment is clean and quite conducive.
Hi aimee,

I stay in sengkang near compass point. i thinking of a babysitter or infant care centre for my child. Any advise?
HI Sanrio,
Sorry hvn't visited this site in awhile...

so did you check out Just Kids? How did you find it?

Oops.. just realised that you must have delivered! Congrats on Ashrel's arrival!!
Well, guess won't write too much then... take care and rest well... and most of all, enjoy your new bundle of joy!

If you need help, just holler... u can email me at [email protected]

take care...

yr bb still at Just Kids? heard ppl said the staff nurse in these kind of infant care is not specialised in children one.. they r just retired outpatient nurse.. anyway, how do u find their service?
Hi CubbieBB
Honestly, I haven't met the staff nurse. Will check with them again when I see the Principal next. However, if my bb is not well, I usually don't send him to school... in case the other children fall ill. I'd much rather take care of him myself...

Anyway, I really like the centre. The carers and Principal are very nice, and the carer-bb ratio is kept low despite the increase in the number of babies. It has certainly grown since it started in March. Back then, there were only 2 babies -- my boy and one other bb. Now, there are 12 babies, and at least 4 carers at any one time.

Facilites-wise, the equipment are brand new, and the centre is cleaned at least twice a day. They are also quite strict about receiving visitors -- careful not to allow visitors step into the play and sleep area.

So far I have no complaints. My bb is growing well, and socialising with other bbs. Also, he is enjoying himself with the varied activities they organise. Two thumbs up from me!

tks for yr precious info.. me also heard tt if yr bb is sick, they'll not allow the sick bb to attend the infant care ctr as they want to protect other bbs too.. tt's very strict and nice..

wow.. 4 carers is a lot.. wif regards to visitors, would u mind sharing do they allow bb's family members eg. grandparents, aunts & uncles to visit or just ltd to those whom bb's parent specified can visit also scared any tom, dick n harry come n visit..

i do agree most on the socialising part.. i like this kind of environment too.. having greater exposure rather than staying at home .. i find children grow faster in terms of communication and intellectual skills rather than being enclosed at home wif just a careperson at home too..

Hi Peace,
Sorry for replying so late hoh. There is an infant care run by NTUC (cant remember the name though) at rivervale...but quite ex leh. from now till end Dec is around $650 without subsidy, then after that will be $1k+.
i realised there are quite a few postings by nannies at the Cold Storage's notice board. So you may want to check out? i'm looking for one still, hv found one near to my place, almost closing the deal liao

Hi andrea / CubbieBB,
i've visited 2 infant care centers, and the 'rules' stated is that if your bb is sick, you'll need to bring bb to doc and stay away (if not due to injection).
