How to invite your child's classmates to a party?


Active Member
We are planning to organise a birthday party for my son who is in P2. Last year we tried to organise one but the RSVP rate was very poor even though my son's P1 form teacher tried to call the parents of the invited classmates for us. Also my son is a little shy, so it was a challenge for him to give out the invitation cards and follow up with his classmates. In the end the majority of the attendees are the ones with parents whom we personally know from his childcare, and only 1 classmate turned up.

This time round, I was hoping to contact the parents directly myself by getting their emails/hp numbers from the form teacher so that I don't need to trouble the form teacher to contact them on my behalf. But my friend said I probably won't get the info cos it's confidential. So now i'm quite lost... what's the best way to make sure the parents see the invitation card? I will be putting my personal contacts on the invitation card so it would be easy for them to RSVP me, but i'm just worried if they will even see the card.

Any experienced mummies have ideas to share?
