Dr Lawrence Ang @ Sun Plaza

hi all...

other than his stiching is good... how abt natural birth? i m also seeing dr ang now... my edd is on 18 mar 2007...

sometime i still find him veri blur... cos before i went to thomson for detail scanning den he say was a gal.. come back it was really a gal.. but he said to mi.. " eh? i tot is a boi..." omg... i really wan to faint... cos i wanted a boi... haiz...

anymore feedbacks abt him... haha...

Hello mummies,
I seldom come to this thread thus didn't know you were asking about my experience with Dr Ang. No doubt I have bad experience with Dr Ang but it has been half year already, so don't think I should continue to post my experience coz maybe Dr Ang has changed and become more careful.

Hi Karen,
Haven't heard from SMC but I reckon nothing much will come out of it coz I heard doctors pay very high insurance, at the most receive warning.
like to check...
i got a price list from doc ang

it's states delivery charges for normal delivery is $150. does that means we pay him this amount when we about to due, and the rest deduct from medisave?
do we need to pay the deposit to hospital (TMC). if yes, when we need to do the payment and pre-admission?
hi lala

can pm your experience with Dr Ang please? Many thanks!! I'm thinking of either taking him or Dr A.L Lim
Hi Karen,
I'm with Dr Ang for my first kid by c-section. After looking at the bill, I'm still not sure what the $500 means at the 2nd row under the c-section column. Dr Ang's c-section fee is $1250 and the other Dr (doing the anethestic-not sure spelling) is $430. $1240 was deducted from medisave for Dr's fee. It works out abt $440 cash but not $500 leh...
Hi Karen,
My ger was also delivered by Dr Ang in Jan07, via natural assist wif vacuum. His doc's charges was reflected as $1300 in my hospi bill. $597.97 can be claimed from medisave and $702.03 cannot claim by medisave.

But if you intend to claim the antenatal cost $550 from medisave, then u pay the balance of $152.03 in cash from the $702.03. My hospital charges were also deducted from medisave.

Deposit was paid during admission to hospi. If u are claiming medisafe for antenatal consultn, bring along the printed invoices to hospital. Dr Ang's nusrses will prepare admission letter and pre-admi work coming near your due date. Everything is quite auto and organized, no need to fret or worry.
hi cakey and kc,
thanks for the info. ^_^
i just checked with Dr ang yesterday and he mentioned that they will do the ward booking for us.

but i forget to ask him, how do he know which ward we want?
eg, i want to book 4-bedded, will they book the 1 bedded for me instead?
Hi mummies,

can check with you issit true that Dr Ang's patients do not use epidural? I heard so much on this, and would like to give it a try without epi. The consultation for all visits is inclusive in the antenatel package of 550? what about unscheduled visits eg non-routine visits like flu etc
hi fairymoss,

Dr Ang is one who will encourage his patients not to use epidural. He said "For most gynaes, 80% of their use epidural, for me, 80% of my patients dun use epidural."

Consultation is all inclusive in the package but they will usually sign u on package when your preg is stabilised. That is for the first few months, will have to pay for each visit. But all these can be deducted back later on when u sign package.

if you go see him for things like flu or cough, consultation no need to pay once u on package but will need to pay for the medicine, cos the medicine they buy from the clinic outside.

hope this helps
Hi Fairymoss

Like what destitonia said, he prefers his patients not to use epidural. Same feedback from the nurses in the delivery ward when I checked with them during my delivery in TMC.
I just delivered baby gal in late dec(assisted delivery-Vaccum). His stiching is really good ... no ugly scars which is remarkable considering that the extensiveness of my wound due to the size of my baby 3.5kg

One thing to note though he has many patients and you must be prepare to wait for an hour or two for routine visits and especially so for unscheduled visits.
Hi fairymoss,
You must tell yourself you can do it!
I gave birth to my 2 gals w/o epidural (1st gal via assisted delivery with vaccum, 2nd gal normal delivery). Dr Ang has always been very encouraging. He will tell you ask for gas mask for jab on the thighs.

do what dr ang says, start thinking about pain NOW, think of pain EVERYDAY..haha..that's what he advised.. anyway, u just think u can do it, sure can one!

me in labour for 12 hours..he predicted my son should come out in 8 hours, but my cervix not opening even after 12 hours so i asked him to quickly take my son out, scared later my son too stress, anything happen then cry..so after 12 hours in labour, i went thru c-sect..faint..

the laughing gas make u high, so not so pain..haha..seems that it also make the bb sleep, my bb when in stomach, sleeping while contractions occuring..nurses keep trying to wake him up to come out..if laughing gas still doesnt help, ask for the painkiller, jab in the thigh (or butt, cannot remember haha) one..the nurse will tell u dun fight with the pain, cos when pain, u strain your muscle then the cervix wont open..maybe thats why my cervis not opening haha
<font color="0000ff">Hi Karen,</font>
sorry for late reply. I normal do not read this thread, u can pm me if u want to know more.

All Dr Ang patient will be booked on 4-bedded and auto upgrade to 2 bedded when TMC has room avail. most of the time, they do have room avail. I was on 4 bedded due renov work and lots of mummies gave birth. the next day, I was upgraded to 2 beded (still charge on 4 bedded) There are 6 Dr Ang's mummies scheduled on tat day. When checked in, inform TMC nurse u are on 4 beded so that computer record charges on 4 bedded px. 1st deposit when check-in, $600. Note when on schedule birth, check-in hosp aft 10.30pm so that hospital charges is considered as next day. If check -in b4 10.30pm, u might get charge for the day.

Eg: Schedule birth on 3Mar, 2night stay.
Check-in on 2Mar, after 10.30pm, then 3 days charges. B4 10.30pm, then 3 night charges.

I was on natural w/o epi but assisted wif vaccuum. There are 2 main bill from TMC:

1. is for the mummy
2. is for the baby

Mummy/bb bill will have 2 sections:
1. hosiptal charges
2. Gyn / PD charges

Mummy bill:
Hosipital charge depends on wat medi were use to faciliate birth. I was induced so there r medication cost.

Gyn charges which is Dr Ang's comes up abt 1.3K.
Total bill : abt 2.3K After medisave w/o claiming antenatal, I pay $702.05. If i claim antenatal, then I only pay $152.03.

BB bill: $657.38
BB Hospi charges : $457.38
PD charges : $200/=
After claiming medisave, paid : cash $133.60

So, i claimed all tat can claimed, I should be paying $133.60 (BB) + $152.03 (Mummy) = $285.63. I hope this breakdwn helps.

<font color="0000ff">Gas</font>
My cerix was 0 cm dilate on e day of induction. After inserting prostin, i was on 4hrs contraction and 2 hrs labour. I agreed the gas helped me 2 pull thru. I didn't go for any pre-natal course, so I naturally panick when pain come. Gas help me to forget the pain. I heard wif epi, labour is prolong 'cos u can't feel the pain and won't push.
<font color="0000ff">Karen</font>
if u are still under Dr Ang & BB is using Dumex milk powder, when EED is near, check wif Dr Ang nurses whether Dumex 4+1 milk powder promo is still on or not. Buy 4 tins get 1 tin free. All @ 900g. Tis include home delivery and it is a 1-time offer to 1 mummy.
hi kc,
thanks a million for the detail breakdown!

so, if u claim antenatal, u should be getting back around $300++ from the initial deposit which u had paid to the hospital upon check in rite?

thanks again... now i have the idea of what to expect upon checkin.

sorry, 1 more qn,
from the list i posted above, u have any idea what it means on the delivery package of $150, under normal delivery? do we pay this to Dr ang b4 delivery? and another $600 deposit upon check in?
hi kc,
i'm hoping for epi-free this time round. for my 1st, i was on epi, and the labour was 10hr...

thanks for the info on Dumex, will definitely check with the nurse.
<font color="0000ff">Karen</font>
Bingo ! on the $300+ claim qn.

the $150 is the $152.03 tat I mentioned on the mummy bill. If u add back the antenatal claim of $550 back to $150, u will get $700. tat is abt wat i paid w/o antenatal claim aft medisave deduction. Tis $150 is part o the hosp bill, not payable to Dr Ang upfront.

The $600 deposit is used to off-set this $150, so left appx $450 for your BB bill use but wldn't use up wan, u'll get back bal $$$.

Mummy bill will depend the type of delivery, so ur bill might be different from mine.

Wow! kudos to u, 10hrs labor, merely 2hrs, i can't tahan already. The mid-wife was telling my HB tat I am in great "distress" he shld calm me down. So embarassing!!!!.....kekeke! was screaming and moaning like a mad woman.
missy_dale, Dr Ang do see patient with fertility problem. I went to see him once. He prescribed clomid for me to take on my next mense, did ultra scan and gave me some advises. Before I start taking clomid, bingo! I am pregnant. So I am not sure, maybe Dr Ang advise is good or I'm just lucky...
wow ritz, you are so lucky!!

I'm now seeing a fertility doc, but thinking of seeking Dr Ang cos read from so many ladies that his charges is one of the cheapest.
hi lala,
can u please pm me your experience with Dr Ang, me going to sign up with him next visit, i think he is ok but wanna know what happen so can at least anticipate or prevent it from happening...
Hi Karen,
Just had c-section for my 2nd bb. And this time Dr Ang's portion of bill is total $1500. i.e. increase of $250 from yr 2005 (my first bb).
For those mothers who delivered their babies under Dr Ang, do you find him "anti-epi"? I am 1st time mummy and scare I cannot tahan the labour pain w/o epi, should I insist epi to him? Anyone here with him & took epi?
hi ritz,

you are rite... he is anti-epi but this shd nt stop you from insiting on one if you are pretty sure that you need one. knew a fren from this forum who insisted on hers - oso seen by dr ang. its just his opinion but it shd be your birth plan.
I went to Dr ang for my 2nd gal. He is a gentle & honest gynae, that's wat i feel abt him. I will still go to him if i hav my 3rd child loh. I've even recommended him to my sis, my sis's frens & my frens. They too agreed he's gd.
He didnt encourage me to take epi too. Im one who's very afraid of pain, thot i cant endure the pain too. In the end i took his advise i didnt take the epi. My gal came out after 45mins!
My 2 kids are delivered by Doc Ang.Youngest 1 is already 2 yrs old.I should say Doc is good.Not only the fees are cheaper,he's also a good doc.I remembered that when i just delivered my girl, i even called him up to ask what to do as she had colic.That time i thought he should be the one i shld consult as i was a 1st time mother:p but he didn't asked me to consult a PD and yet gave me advise over the phone.
I remembered there was once when i SMS him on a fr's case for advise n despite his heavy schedule,he replied n gave advise.
My 2 deliveries were also done without epidural.
Thumbs up for this Gynae!
hi hup,
Ya I remembered calling him at his hp few months after delivery cos got heavy discharge and not sure is it period. He's contactable and willing to give advise. Not all gynae are reachable so easily.
However if the MTB has some complications or need more attention then I won't advise going to him as he might be too busy and miss out some small details. In that case I rather spend more money to go to a less crowded, more exp Dr.
hi everyone,
dr ang just delivered my 1st bb on march. he's a very experienced gynae. i went to him when i was 32 weeks. luckily he take in late pregnancy.my whole delivery was a gd experience. true enough he's anti epidural. his price was reasonable as well as to compare with other gynaes. he even refer me to clinic near my house for my bb vaccinations as thomson vaccinations are more costly.
I need to go back 1.5 months later for pap smear. If I still have luchia, can I still go ahead to do pap smear?
Hmmm..I am new to this thread. I have seen Dr Ang for close to about 7 months of my pregnancy and had such bad experience that I finally switched to another gynae.

Till today, I have never ever regretted changing gynae and wished instead that I have switched earlier.
hi JC,
Sorry to hear that... Could you PM me to share with me what bad experience? cos I used to see him too. Btw. which gynae you're with now? thanks..
Hi JC,

I'm still deciding which gynae I should choose and Dr Ang is one of them. Is it possible to PM me what bad experience you encountered? Thank you.
hi JC,
could u pm me ur experience as well? i m 7 mths pregnant now, edd probably very close to urs as well. thanks
Hi all,

I need to contact Dr Lawrence Ang on some issues at his HP directly cos' when I tried to call his clinic, the assistant was damn rude and not able to assist me.

Anyone with his HP no, can provide me at my email address [email protected].

Hi hup(kaya), read from your thread posted, u have contacted Dr Ang thru' sms before, can u provide me his HP no.

Thks in advance.
Hi Francs Tan,

I think the best way to speak to him directly is to call when the clinic is not not opened. The main clinic number will be directed to his mobile

hi all,
Dr Lawrence is gd gynae although he reali hv alot of customers. Bt so far if u book appmt few wks in advance directly at the clinic, no problem at all. His clinic assts maybe quite fierce on the phone bt face to face they r very nice ppl! So after few phone experience, i try nt 2 call clinic for no reason. If got emergency, call Tel: 63335550?
As for w/o epidural, i tink i will try 2 go for tat esp my fren kept askin me to do so. Better for health. When i heard Dr Lawrence usuali dun encourage epidural, i m soooo glad.

Hi...normally how long it'll take for oscar result to come out? Went for it last monday, Dr Ang said will take a week for it, but till now still no news...wondering if i should call up to cx or wait for the call? Anyone can advise? Thanks!
