Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Hi Angeline,

Thanks for the info, I will call to check then. Jus to check will Dr Foong help us to really dignoise the root of our issue n is he a patient doc that will hear us out n explain to us? Thanks in advance! Cos I can't afford to keep switching gynae as this journey is already mentally n financially draining.

hi divine and lil ponyo,
ohh..is $120? i can't remember exactly as my first consultation was about 2yrs +.

from my point of view, he is a very patient dr and always listened to our problems.
Dr f first visit is abt $120-$150 depending on the length of consultation... Sebsequent is abt $60 if i rem correctly.. I last saw him nearly 2 yrs old... Lol

Hope u girls will join in motherhood soon! Good luck!
dear ladies,
i was a patient of dr foong. conceived my baby girl through frozen embryo. she is now 7 mths old.
i would like to let go of Exsativa (exp 03/2013) and Natural vitamin E (ENAT 400) (exp 02/2013). both r totally unopened and i dont want to waste it. if any of your hubby taking this supplement, can take from me at sembawang mrt station. u can decide the price. if interested, pls pm me.
a lot of baby dust to u all...
Hi Angeline, my son juz turned 8 months old. Wow, u must be having lots of fun with ur lil one n it makes u want to have another so soon, hehe
hi Lyn, my daughter is almost 1yr old now. she is very active, playful and wake up a few times at night. tired....but yes. i'm having lots of fun with her.

i still have 8 frozen embryo. hope i don't have to go for another ivf.
Hi ladies, just did my embryo transfer with Dr Foong yesterday. My 2ww just started! Hoping for the best and that one day I can be like you with a family of my own!
dear all.... lots of baby dust to all of you.

I am preggy now and consider DR Foong as my gynae, can anybody share with me your experience with him if your baby is delivered by him. Is his stitching good and is he good at natural or C sec.

Thank you so much in advance
rejoy28, congrat!!
my bb was delivered by dr foong.
i went for c sect. his stitching was good.
i cant advise he is good at natural or not.
anyone has done SO IUI under Dr Foong? Can I know the estimated costs? Also what is the SA test cost for the hubby?
Sarah, rest well tonite and most important is to relax for tomorrow ET=)

Angeline, can I know you succeeded under natural FET or medicated FET?
Hi lyn
Im great! Hands v full with my two active girls... They are turning 23 mths old soon... Very soon they will be celebrating their 2nd birthday... Yr son alrdy 8mths old? How time flies pass.... I still rem those days when we chatting online here talking abt how much we yearn for us to conceive... Talking abt our failures... And here we are!
Wonder how is miraclebaby.. Didnt hear from her for so long...
Hi gals,

Did my ivf ET on 16 oct. Goin for my beta bloodtest tis sat. Im v bloated at tis moment. Like 4-6 mths preg. Is this a good sign? Bloating makes me abit breathless and i cant go in to see Dr Foong as im now in Shanghai.
Bloating may be a preggy sign.. It also can be due to all the medications u took for ivf. If u wana know.. U can take hpt.

Good luck!
Sarah, congrats on your ET and bloating is a good sign!! Dr Foong did my ET on 22 Sep and I was soooo bloated during my 2ww. Like you, I looked 5 months pregnant, could not stand out straight and was breathless. I ended up with BFP and I'm 7w4d pregnant!! Good luck!
Thanks babe79. Did a home kit yest and it's positive. Dont wan to get too excited cos we hav been disappointed so many times. Will wait for e bloodtest tomor. ;))
Hi Ladies, I'm a success case of Dr. Foong.
Conceived in 2010 & my boy is currently 18 months.

Any mummies out here trying for their 2nd or 3rd with Dr Foong?
Starting my first fresh ivf cycle on 10 May which is my Day 21 with Dr LC Foong from Glen E. May I know if there are any ladies here seeing him as well? Looking for cycle buddies too..
Hi all,
This is my first time in a forum. Your experience and comments make me feel a bit more positive with this process... We've been tying to conceive for more than 3yrs.
I was supposed to start my first fresh cycle with dr. Foong on July, but it was delayed.
@Melmel: how was your first cycle?
Good luck everyone
hi everyone,
im starting my first FET cycle with Dr Foong this coming fri. any cycle buddies? this is my 1st try. my frest cycle was cancelled in may due to severe ohss
Hi skinsolutionsg: my fet is so suppose to be tmr but it was cancelled by Dr foong
due to my progesterone too high... sigh. My fresh was canceled in may due to severe ohss and waited a mth to rest. Then finely prepared to transfer it was cancelled again cos he said the floating progesterone was remnants fr ohss.

Now stsrting nor e to induce my period and scheduled next fet shld be in aug

How abt your progress?
Hi Hazelsarah,

So sorry to hear this... Don't worry, you are in good hands. Dr fong never proceeds unless he's confident. My fresh cycle was in 2010 & everything went smoothly. Had a boy & he's coming 2 years old now.

My FET was planned in April but was cancelled due to ovulated before the procedure... Now on pills again & review tomorrow... If everything goes on well, the transfer will be next week.

Are you transferring day 3 or 5 embryo ? How many do u intend to transfer?
Hey skinsolutionsg, it's really good to hear from someone who had a success story with Dr Foong. I was at the ivf forum but most of them are in kkh. And I think Dr foong work quite differently.

I have 10 day 5 and 6 blastocycst waiting to be transferred.

How abt u? How many embroyos are u transferring? Hope your review will go well and successfully proceed for your fet!

Btw how are you preparing for your fet?
Hi Hazelsarah,

Wow... Impressed of how technology advances within 2 yrs.

During my time, it's onli day 3 embryo. Dr foong suggests to grow my remaining eggs to day 5. And I'm really confused if I should transfer 1 or 2 eggs. (Dr has always advised me to transfer 1 egg since fresh cycle.)

As for preparation, I'm doing Accupunture. Same as previous round... Today meeting dr foong for scan again. Excited yet confused... 1 or 2
Oh my gosh! So im not the only one! !! I was having the exact same dilemma as u! My husband and I would want to put 2 to increase the chance Esp when in the other ivf forum, nobody puts in 1. But Dr foong was very adament and to the point almost very stern that we shld not even toy with the idea of putting in more than 1. I was struggling very hard cos it's my 1st ivf and I want every possible ways to increase my chances. I keep thinking what if one fails. ..

But then I decided to listen to his advice. I'm sure he knows better. And in fact I read a lot and found out that in overseas they encourage single embroyo transfer add the success rate is as high as putting in 2. And they said if u put 2 birth can take in means 1u will most likely can take in too.

I think cos of your previous success rate that's why Dr foong encourage u to put one. I know he is not very for twins or multiples. Always saying that one is the ideal.

Hope your review tdy goes well and I'm so excited for u too!
Hi Hazelsarah,

Yea... But the other time, I put 2 embryos & one stick.

Hmm... Thanks for the advice though. Cos my gut feeling is to put in 2 as per the previous round to maximize the chances. However, I would see how the lining thicken this round. If not so ideal, then I guess put 2 ba.
Hi skinsolutionsg, may I ask at what age were u when u had your first transfer? And what was the reason for infertility?

Dr foong die die also don't want to put 2 for me cos I'm really very small and petite. He kept telling me how if I were to get twins, I won't be able to carry them to term or worst still lose both. As much as I want to put 2 the worst scenario he put in my head also scares me.

But I guess if u dont mind twins and if u have a normal frame to carry twins, I don't see why cannot put 2. Honestly what are the chances of 2 being implanted? But then again we'll never know.

How many eggs have u left?
I posted in oct last yr. Dr Foong suggested only one 5-day blastocyst transfer and I told him..."u r the doc!! I listen to u!!" Hahaha

I've just delivered a healthy boy last mth. Trust him ;)
Hi sarah! Thanks! Its very encouraging to hear success stories. Yah I guess I will also do the same by trusting him.

Skimsolutionssg: so how was your appt with Dr Foong tdy?
Hi Hazelsarah, I did my fresh cycle (2 day 3 embryo) at 27 & delivered at 28. Reason for ivf was blocked tubes with ectopic pregnancy history.

Hmmm.. Today's meeting was fruitful, fet is scheduled for next sat. In my case, dr says I've a good frame in carrying twins. However, my chances of getting twins are as high as 1:3 but of cos, conceive rate is slightly lower if I put in 1 onli... Sigh.... He also added that if I fail this round, then put in two for next round. Very confused lor. Haiz...... I guess it depends on individual comfort level.
Skinsolutionsg: so will u be transferring one or two? Good to know that you'll be proceeding with ET next sat! All the best!

My reason for ivf is mild male factor infertility. And thru ivf prices Dr found out that i am a pco but not pcos. I'm not really sure what's the diff. But my period are all normal and I don't have any symptoms. Just that during the stimulation I have a lot of eggs simulated.

I guess with day 5 embryo Dr foong is more confident of its success rate.

I just started accupuncture this wk in preparation for my transfer hopefully next mth. Tried drinkg Black chicken
soup, Red dates longan drink and conceive well last mth but got too heaty and develop sore throat, bad cough etc. Hah. Mayb I was too kiasu and overdosed.

Dr foong did mention that he will also try 1 at a time if really 3rd time cannot then put 2. But my hubby was like then might as well start with 2. I also donno cos my gut is just put 2 initially. but I guess like what Sarah says, he is the dr just trust him. Anw he alr made it very clear won't put 2 for me. ...
Hi Hazelsarah, thanks for your well wishes & the informative link on IVF.

I think I'll leave to fate, I told dr Foong if the quality of the eggs aren't good by day 5. Then put 2. Lol... I told my hb to settle with dr directly. Lol...

As for now, try not to over bu your body cos the hormone pills are heaty too. ;)

Btw... Which Accupunture you go to? I'm with Zou Yu min @ amk

hihi skinsolutionsg,

thanks for the advise! i will just stick to my normal diet and continue conceive well for now and mayb just try to not take any cold stuff.

i went to yong kang tcm at amk hub. my dr is lee hui ming. hmm not popular in the forum. my hubby happ to chance upon them and had his accupunture done. he felt they are quite good. so made an appt for me last wk and i had my 1st accupunture there. i find she is like more general kind so not sure if is as good.but just go lor, accupunture shldnt be bad for the body anw, right? at least can tong some points i hope.

i left my hubby to settle with dr foong directly the last time and u know he called me up and i think he had an impression my hubby doesnt care abt me and my health that's y keep pushing him to put 2. hahaha. oops.
