Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

hi ladies
does anyone know if dr f is on leave, cause still waiting for him to reply my email

cardiprin- after my detailed scan at camden, dr f also asked me to take this to increase blood flow to baby when i was preggie.
all turned out well.
Hi angeline, ok got it. At least I m taking cardiprin nw with no worries. How many wks r now? Must be counting down to seeing ur princess soon. I m into 14 weeks, but nausea still on n off, now even start to hv heartburn n indigestion almost after every dinner. I hope it will go away very very soon.

Hi happy hippo, thks sharing. Btw, u delivered already right?
replied u already.

i'm now into 33 weeks. yes. counting down to see my princess. very excited. don't worry, i think your morning sickness will go away soon and u will enjoy your pregnancy.
Wow how time flies pass... Lyn u alrdy in yr 2nd tri... And angeline u gg to deliver soon! Cant wait to have u gals join in motherhood!

Lyn, happyhippo aldry delivered.. She delivered around the same time as me... We are still chatting over at the ivf forum..
hi lyn
yes, delivered already, think abt 2 wks or so after baby delivered.
congrats to you!u can join us at the ivf thread to chit chat also
Yes.. Join us there! Can share and learn from mummies over there!

U can join us there too! The thread is v useful esp for first time mummy... Lots of tins to learn!
I dont thk i can survive motherhood without the girls support there...
Hi Angeline, u shld be 35 wks now!! Tats very fast, so soon to c ur pretty princess.

Ladies, some an update. Did scanning n think I m expecting a boy! Hehe, shld be 90 percent zhun la. Nw I m praying for my morning to go away. It's so strange tat it's getting not better but worse. I viomitted two nites before! Yucks! Hope it will go away completely.
happy for u. time passed fast. i'm planning for c-sect. that will be at week 38. last time i couln't wait to give birth. baby told me to enjoy my pregnancy. i think i realize now as my edd is near, i treasure every moment with my hubby, knowing that it will be difficult for two of us to spend the time alone in the future. so enjoy your pregnancy.
Yeah mann... Treasure these few weeks left with yr hb.. U gonna miss it when yr girl is out... And do rememeber those bb movements and kicks..
And one tip.. If u are drinking cold drinks now.. Drink more before u deliver cos during confinement u will crave cold drinks so much!
yes. now i'm craving for cold drinks and ice tubes. sometimes, i just put the ice cubes into my mouth and suck like a sweet. especially at night, want to suck the ice tubes. strange craving, huh.
by the way, when u delivered your girls, u stayed in single bed or two bedded?
it's about $1000+ different. so i'm thinking about staying in two bedded. spent a lot on ivf. so want to save where i can save. but also afraid it will be too crowded with the visitors and no privacy.
Cos when belly gets bigger.. Our body gets warmer thats y crave for cold drinks.. That time i need super cold aircon..

I stayed in 2 bedder.. Cos i was hospitalised till i deliver so cant stay in single bedder else the bill will be too high..
I stayed in single bedder before.. To me.. Not much diff.. The single bedder room is just as small.. If u stay in 2 bedder, the next bed is empty.. Its as good as single room...

Why not save the $$ to buy baby stuffs? Or use the $$ to buy tonics for yrself? Its more worthwhile...
Hello, how are you?? I m doing great!! Just happen to log in today! How is things with you??

Congrats!!!! Sometimes i so tempted to sms you and check on how are you doing.

Hey, yeap, baby(ies) keep us bz, that's parenthood!
Hi vinwee, I somehow lost ur contact when I changed hp. If u free pls SMS me! Thks for ur concern! I be 16 weeks pregnant tomorrow!! Hw r u doing? Hws bb?
Yo girl! Hows tins? How old is yr little one? Trying for no2?
Yeah mann.. Parenthood really keep me so busy! Esp when i have 2! Its double the tiredness but double the joy!

U aldry 4mths now.. So fast hor.. This is the best part of pregnancy.. Enjoy!
U can now slowly start to windown shop bb tins..

It will be fun shopping for bb items.. Wait till u know the bb gender.. U can buy bb clothes..
glen e conducts hospital tours for maternity ward. gd to take alook, just time it when u next go see dr f so tat can save a trip.
think no point going single bed unless u want privacy and hubby stayg overnight. hubby got to pay $75 per day also, plus the sofa for hubby is quite short, if ur hubby is tall, will be quite uncomfortable :p

ya can slowly start shopping already. oh rembr no need buy too many newborn size clothings coz baby will outgrow very fast.
yah. already went for maternity tour. now hubby lodging is $83 per night. my hubby is not tall. but still it will be uncomfortable for him to sleep in sofa. anyway i'll be staying there for 3 nights only. so i did pre-registration for 2 bedder.
Hi ladies, hvnt log in for sometime....

I m into my 18th weeks of pregnancy Liao. Many frds has told me to start to do some baby shopping but I m sort of clueless of wat to buy first, hehe...

Hi happyhippo, ya true tat new born clothing dun need to buy too many coz they r growing everyday... Noted!

Baby, I m expecting a boy!

Angeline, ur c section date arranged? So excited for u!!!
Wow so fast u aldry 4 and a half mths!
So fast can know gender liao ah! So exciting hor... Can shop for bb boy clothes lo! Enjoy yr pregnancy!
yes. my bb girl is in breech position and slightly bigger than she is supposed to be. so dr foong suggested me c-sect. it will be on 1st oct, which is next week saturday. soooooo excited. i'll see dr foong this coming saturday and he will comfirm the date and time.
yah. my daughter is 9 days old today. i'm enjoying the motherhood (more than i expected). the money, the time and the stress that i went through to get my princess, it's all worth it.
Its definitely worth it... Parenthood is challenging and tiring... But its also rewarding and joyful!

Rest well and regain yr energy now... Its gonna be a long long journey ahead... Enjoy every moment!

Hows things with u? How many weeks now?
Hi baby, I m 21 weeks nw. Life is so far so gd, at times very eager to meet my prince...! Hehe. I m doing well but tummy is getting heavier n can't walk too much, I try to rest more.

Hey Angeline, big hugs n congrats to u!!!!
tks. your turn will come soon.

that's right. parenthood is challenging and tiring. i don't know how u cope with your two princesses. my hands are already full with one princess. luckly, my c-sect wound is not painful at all.
the first few mths is challenging, but it will get better!
did u go for epidural? do u recall who was your Anesthesia

enjoy enjoy the time now. once baby out, got no "me time" but of coz a different kind of enjoyment

this thread quite quiet hor
Fuyutsuki, all the best to yr fresh cycle! Dr f is one who gives all the necessary support n u will b in gd hands.. Did mine in end July n I was very assured by his care throughout the whole journey.. I didn't suffer fr much of the side effects n there was no OHSS... Overall a very gd experience.. N now I'm expecting twins...

Really grateful to Angeline for encouraging me to proceed to ivf..
tks. i went for c-sect. so definitely need epidural. my anaesthetic was dr kenneth peng. he is also a very caring dr.

tks and all the best to u.

Ena, congrats
when is ur edd? U succeed on ur 1st fresh cycle?

Thks to all for the wishes

I totally agree that dr foong is a nice and friendly doc, am glad to have change doc in time
Fuyutsuki, my edd is on 21st may.. Yup I succeeded on my first fresh cycle..but I only hv 7eggs retrieved, n 2 gd ones to b place inside n nothing left... Haha...so hv to close factory after this round..

Angeline, how r u coping?
that's just c-sect fees. have to pay separately for anaesthetic fees $750, paediatric fees $350 and hospital fees around $2900 (i stayed in 2 bedder, 3 nights). so total bill around $7800++. that's because of c-sect. dr fee and hospital fees for natural birth will be cheaper. because only have to stay in the hospital for 2 nights.
can use about $3900+ from medisave, the rest have to pay by cash.
almost no pain for me. i even joke with my hubby that i can go for another c-sect now. ha ha. i went for stitches removal 3 days ago. i'm quite please with the scare so far.

yes. quite ex. two bedder is the cheapest in gleneagles. i chose gleneagles because of dr foong.

Ya coz I rem during my first delivery with another gynae but also glen eagles, I think the total bill only $5k plus leh.. Considering tt I stayed 2 nites but single room...
